from py.page_maker.chunks import chunks from py.page_maker.Settings import Settings from py.lib.bottle.bottle import template from py.getAsteroid import byName CHUNKS = chunks() def asteroidTrackResponder(asteroidName, user, webSock, OOIs): # responds to asteroid track requests by sending html for a tile to be added to the content section message = '{"cmd":"addToContent","data":"' if user.purchase('asteroidTrack'): print 'request to track '+asteroidName+' accepted.' OOIs.addObject(byName(asteroidName), # write the new js file(s) OOIs.write2JSON(Settings('default').asteroidDB,Settings('default').ownersDB) print 'object '+asteroidName+' added to OOIs' message+= template('tpl/content/tiles/asteroidAdd', objectName=asteroidName, chunks=CHUNKS, config=Settings('default'), pageTitle='Asteroid Add Request Approved', user=user) else: print 'request to track '+asteroidName+' denied. insufficient funds.' message+= template('tpl/content/tiles/insufficientFunds', objectName=asteroidName, chunks=CHUNKS, config=Settings('default'), pageTitle='Asteroid Add Request Denied',
from py.query_parsers.DemoUsers import getDemoProfile, demoIDs # game logic: from py.game_logic.user.User import User from py.game_logic.GameList import GameList from py.game_logic.UserList import UserList # server setup settings: import config #=====================================# # GLOBALS # #=====================================# app = Bottle() CHUNKS = chunks() # static chunks or strings for the site DOMAIN = config.DOMAIN # domain name GAMES = GameList() # list of ongoing games on server GAMES.unpickle() # restores any games that were saved last time server shut down USERS = UserList() # list of users on the server TODO: replace use of this w/ real db. MASTER_CONFIG = 'default' # config keyword for non-test pages. (see for more info) loginTokens = [] #=====================================# # Static Routing # #=====================================# @app.route('/css/<filename:path>') def css_static(filename): return static_file(filename, root='./css/')
import json from ast import literal_eval from bottle import template from py.game_logic.user.User import User from py.generate_traj import gen_traj from py.page_maker.chunks import chunks from py.page_maker.Settings import Settings from asteroid_tracker import asteroid_track_request_responder CHUNKS = chunks() class SetEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, set): return list(obj) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def registerUserConnection(user, ws): # saves user websocket connetion so that updates to the user object can push to the client user.websocket = ws user.disconnected = False def researchResponder(user, researchType): message = '{"cmd":"addToContent","data":"' if user.purchase('research_' + researchType):