def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): batch = WriteBatch(graph_db) node = self.get_node() for rel in node.get_relationships(): batch.delete_relationship(rel) batch.delete_node(node) super(Campaign, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
def set_contacts(self, profiles): """ *profiles* -- registration.models.Userprofile objects. """ me = self.get_node() batch = WriteBatch(graph_db) for profile in profiles: batch.get_or_create_relationship(me, self.contact_relationship, profile.__node__) r = batch.submit() logger.warn(r)
def set_is_client(self, is_client): if not is_client: self.is_client = False return batch = WriteBatch(neomodel.core.connection()) for rel in self.known.all(): batch.delete(rel) batch.set_node_property(self.__node__, 'is_client', True) self.get_set_client_lock().acquire() try: batch.submit() finally: self.get_set_client_lock().release()
create_business_query = ''' // MERGE ON categories CREATE (b:Business {id: {business_id}, name: {name}, lat:{latitude}, lon:{longitude}, stars: {stars}, review_count: {review_count}}) ''' merge_category_query = ''' MATCH (b:Business {id: {business_id}}) MERGE (c:Category {name: {category}}) CREATE UNIQUE (c)<-[:IS_IN]-(b) ''' print "Beginning business batch" with open('data/yelp_academic_dataset_business.json', 'r') as f: business_batch = WriteBatch(db) count = 0 for b in (json.loads(l) for l in f): business_batch.append_cypher(create_business_query, b) count += 1 if count >= 10000: business_batch.clear() count = 0 if count > 0: print "Beginning category batch" with open('data/yelp_academic_dataset_business.json', 'r') as f: category_batch = WriteBatch(db) count = 0