예제 #1
class AESDecompressor(ISevenZipDecompressor):
    def __init__(self, aes_properties: bytes, password: str) -> None:
        firstbyte = aes_properties[0]
        numcyclespower = firstbyte & 0x3f
        if firstbyte & 0xc0 != 0:
            saltsize = (firstbyte >> 7) & 1
            ivsize = (firstbyte >> 6) & 1
            secondbyte = aes_properties[1]
            saltsize += (secondbyte >> 4)
            ivsize += (secondbyte & 0x0f)
            assert len(aes_properties) == 2 + saltsize + ivsize
            salt = aes_properties[2:2 + saltsize]
            iv = aes_properties[2 + saltsize:2 + saltsize + ivsize]
            assert len(salt) == saltsize
            assert len(iv) == ivsize
            assert numcyclespower <= 24
            if ivsize < 16:
                iv += bytes('\x00' * (16 - ivsize), 'ascii')
            key = calculate_key(password.encode('utf-16LE'), numcyclespower,
                                salt, 'sha256')
            self.cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
            self.buf = Buffer(size=READ_BLOCKSIZE + 16)
            raise UnsupportedCompressionMethodError

    def decompress(self,
                   data: Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
                   max_length: int = -1) -> bytes:
        currentlen = len(self.buf) + len(data)
        # when aligned to 16 bytes(expected)
        if len(data) > 0 and (currentlen & 0x0f) == 0:
            temp = self.cipher.decrypt(self.buf.view)
            return temp
        elif len(data) > 0:  # pragma: no-cover
            # nextpos = (currentlen // 16) * 16
            nextpos = currentlen & ~0x0f
            buflen = len(self.buf)
            temp2 = data[nextpos - buflen:]
            self.buf.add(data[:nextpos - buflen])
            temp = self.cipher.decrypt(self.buf.view)
            return temp
        elif len(self.buf) == 0:  # pragma: no-cover  # action flush
            return b''
        else:  # pragma: no-cover  # action padding
            # align = 16
            # padlen = (align - offset % align) % align
            #       = (align - (offset & (align - 1))) & (align - 1)
            #       = -offset & (align -1)
            #       = -offset & (16 - 1) = -offset & 15
            padlen = -len(self.buf) & 15
            temp3 = self.cipher.decrypt(self.buf.view)  # type: bytes
            return temp3
예제 #2
class AESCompressor(ISevenZipCompressor):
    '''AES Compression(Encryption) class.
    It accept pre-processing filter which may be a LZMA compression.'''


    def __init__(self, password: str) -> None:
        self.cycles = 19  # FIXME
        self.iv = get_random_bytes(16)
        self.salt = b''
        self.method = CompressionMethod.CRYPT_AES256_SHA256
        key = calculate_key(password.encode('utf-16LE'), self.cycles,
                            self.salt, 'sha256')
        self.iv += bytes(
            self.AES_CBC_BLOCKSIZE -
            len(self.iv))  # zero padding if iv < AES_CBC_BLOCKSIZE
        self.cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, self.iv)
        self.flushed = False
        self.buf = Buffer(size=READ_BLOCKSIZE + self.AES_CBC_BLOCKSIZE * 2)

    def encode_filter_properties(self):
        # cycles = secrets.SystemRandom().randint(1, 23)
        saltsize = len(self.salt)
        ivsize = len(self.iv)
        ivfirst = 1  # FIXME: it should always 1
        saltfirst = 1 if len(self.salt) > 0 else 0
        firstbyte = (self.cycles + (ivfirst << 6) + (saltfirst << 7)).to_bytes(
            1, 'little')
        secondbyte = (((ivsize - 1) & 0x0f) +
                      (((saltsize - saltfirst) << 4) & 0xf0)).to_bytes(
                          1, 'little')
        properties = firstbyte + secondbyte + self.salt + self.iv
        return properties

    def compress(self, data):
        '''Compression + AES encryption with 16byte alignment.'''
        # The size is < 16 which should be only last chunk.
        # From p7zip/CPP/7zip/common/FilterCoder.cpp
        # /*
        # AES filters need 16-bytes alignment for HARDWARE-AES instructions.
        # So we call IFilter::Filter(, size), where (size != 16 * N) only for last data block.
        # AES-CBC filters need data size aligned for 16-bytes.
        # So the encoder can add zeros to the end of original stream.
        # Some filters (BCJ and others) don't process data at the end of stream in some cases.
        # So the encoder and decoder write such last bytes without change.
        # */
        currentlen = len(self.buf) + len(data)
        # hopefully aligned and larger than block size.
        if currentlen >= 16 and (currentlen & 0x0f) == 0:
            res = self.cipher.encrypt(self.buf.view)
        elif currentlen > 16:  # when not aligned
            # nextpos = (currentlen // self.AES_CBC_BLOCKSIZE) * self.AES_CBC_BLOCKSIZE
            nextpos = currentlen & ~0x0f
            buflen = len(self.buf)
            self.buf.add(data[:nextpos - buflen])
            res = self.cipher.encrypt(self.buf.view)
            self.buf.set(data[nextpos - buflen:])
        else:  # pragma: no-cover # smaller than block size, it will processed when flush()
            res = b''
        return res

    def flush(self):
        if len(self.buf) > 0:
            padlen = -len(
            ) & 15  # padlen = 16 - currentlen % 16 if currentlen % 16 > 0 else 0
            res = self.cipher.encrypt(self.buf.view)
            res = b''
        return res
예제 #3
파일: compressor.py 프로젝트: miurahr/py7zr
class AESDecompressor(ISevenZipDecompressor):
    """Decrypt data"""
    def __init__(self,
                 aes_properties: bytes,
                 password: str,
                 blocksize: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        firstbyte = aes_properties[0]
        numcyclespower = firstbyte & 0x3F
        if firstbyte & 0xC0 != 0:
            saltsize = (firstbyte >> 7) & 1
            ivsize = (firstbyte >> 6) & 1
            secondbyte = aes_properties[1]
            saltsize += secondbyte >> 4
            ivsize += secondbyte & 0x0F
            assert len(aes_properties) == 2 + saltsize + ivsize
            salt = aes_properties[2:2 + saltsize]
            iv = aes_properties[2 + saltsize:2 + saltsize + ivsize]
            assert len(salt) == saltsize
            assert len(iv) == ivsize
            assert numcyclespower <= 24
            if ivsize < 16:
                iv += bytes("\x00" * (16 - ivsize), "ascii")
            key = calculate_key(password.encode("utf-16LE"), numcyclespower,
                                salt, "sha256")
            self.cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
            if blocksize:
                self.buf = Buffer(size=blocksize + 16)
                self.buf = Buffer(size=get_default_blocksize() + 16)
            raise UnsupportedCompressionMethodError(firstbyte,
                                                    "Wrong 7zAES properties")

    def decompress(self,
                   data: Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
                   max_length: int = -1) -> bytes:
        currentlen = len(self.buf) + len(data)
        # when aligned to 16 bytes(expected)
        if len(data) > 0 and (currentlen & 0x0F) == 0:
            temp = self.cipher.decrypt(self.buf.view)
            return temp
        elif len(data) > 0:  # pragma: no-cover
            # nextpos = (currentlen // 16) * 16
            nextpos = currentlen & ~0x0F
            buflen = len(self.buf)
            temp2 = data[nextpos - buflen:]
            self.buf.add(data[:nextpos - buflen])
            temp = self.cipher.decrypt(self.buf.view)
            return temp
        elif len(self.buf) == 0:  # pragma: no-cover  # action flush
            return b""
        else:  # pragma: no-cover  # action padding
            # align = 16
            # padlen = (align - offset % align) % align
            #       = (align - (offset & (align - 1))) & (align - 1)
            #       = -offset & (align -1)
            #       = -offset & (16 - 1) = -offset & 15
            padlen = -len(self.buf) & 15
            temp3 = self.cipher.decrypt(self.buf.view)  # type: bytes
            return temp3
예제 #4
class AESDecompressor:

    lzma_methods_map = {
        CompressionMethod.LZMA: lzma.FILTER_LZMA1,
        CompressionMethod.LZMA2: lzma.FILTER_LZMA2,
        CompressionMethod.DELTA: lzma.FILTER_DELTA,
        CompressionMethod.P7Z_BCJ: lzma.FILTER_X86,
        CompressionMethod.BCJ_ARM: lzma.FILTER_ARM,
        CompressionMethod.BCJ_ARMT: lzma.FILTER_ARMTHUMB,
        CompressionMethod.BCJ_IA64: lzma.FILTER_IA64,
        CompressionMethod.BCJ_PPC: lzma.FILTER_POWERPC,
        CompressionMethod.BCJ_SPARC: lzma.FILTER_SPARC,

    def __init__(self, aes_properties: bytes, password: str,
                 coders: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
        byte_password = password.encode('utf-16LE')
        firstbyte = aes_properties[0]
        numcyclespower = firstbyte & 0x3f
        if firstbyte & 0xc0 != 0:
            saltsize = (firstbyte >> 7) & 1
            ivsize = (firstbyte >> 6) & 1
            secondbyte = aes_properties[1]
            saltsize += (secondbyte >> 4)
            ivsize += (secondbyte & 0x0f)
            assert len(aes_properties) == 2 + saltsize + ivsize
            salt = aes_properties[2:2 + saltsize]
            iv = aes_properties[2 + saltsize:2 + saltsize + ivsize]
            assert len(salt) == saltsize
            assert len(iv) == ivsize
            assert numcyclespower <= 24
            if ivsize < 16:
                iv += bytes('\x00' * (16 - ivsize), 'ascii')
            key = calculate_key(byte_password, numcyclespower, salt, 'sha256')
            self.lzma_decompressor = self._set_lzma_decompressor(
                coders)  # type: lzma.LZMADecompressor
            self.cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
            self.buf = Buffer(size=READ_BLOCKSIZE + 16)
            self.flushed = False
            raise UnsupportedCompressionMethodError

    # set pipeline decompressor
    def _set_lzma_decompressor(
            self, coders: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> lzma.LZMADecompressor:
        filters = []  # type: List[Dict[str, Any]]
        for coder in coders:
            filter = self.lzma_methods_map.get(coder['method'], None)
            if filter is not None:
                properties = coder.get('properties', None)
                if properties is not None:
                    filters[:0] = [
                        lzma._decode_filter_properties(filter, properties)
                    ]  # type: ignore
                    filters[:0] = [{'id': filter}]
                raise UnsupportedCompressionMethodError
        return lzma.LZMADecompressor(format=lzma.FORMAT_RAW, filters=filters)

    def decompress(self,
                   data: Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview],
                   max_length: int = -1) -> bytes:
        if len(data) == 0 and len(self.buf) == 0:  # action flush
            return self.lzma_decompressor.decompress(b'', max_length)
        elif len(data) == 0:  # action padding
            self.flushded = True
            # align = 16
            # padlen = (align - offset % align) % align
            #       = (align - (offset & (align - 1))) & (align - 1)
            #       = -offset & (align -1)
            #       = -offset & (16 - 1) = -offset & 15
            padlen = -len(self.buf) & 15
            temp = self.cipher.decrypt(self.buf.view)  # type: bytes
            return self.lzma_decompressor.decompress(temp, max_length)
            currentlen = len(self.buf) + len(data)
            nextpos = (currentlen // 16) * 16
            if currentlen == nextpos:
                temp = self.cipher.decrypt(self.buf.view)
                return self.lzma_decompressor.decompress(temp, max_length)
                buflen = len(self.buf)
                temp2 = data[nextpos - buflen:]
                self.buf.add(data[:nextpos - buflen])
                temp = self.cipher.decrypt(self.buf.view)
                return self.lzma_decompressor.decompress(temp, max_length)