def test_get_dst_port_alias(self, generic_rule: RuleTCPUDP): generic_rule.dst_port = -1 assert generic_rule.dst_port_alias == "any" generic_rule.dst_port = 22 assert generic_rule.dst_port_alias == "ssh" generic_rule.dst_port = 3859 assert generic_rule.dst_port_alias == "3859"
def test_dst_comparator(self, generic_rule: RuleTCPUDP): assert generic_rule.dst_comp == ServiceComparator.EQUAL generic_rule.dst_comp = ServiceComparator.LESSER assert generic_rule.dst_comp == ServiceComparator.LESSER generic_rule.dst_comp = ">" assert generic_rule.dst_comp == ServiceComparator.GREATER with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.dst_comp = None with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.dst_comp = "<<"
def test_contains_tcpudp(self, generic_rule: RuleGeneric): ruletcpudp = RuleTCPUDP() ruletcpudp.src = "" ruletcpudp.dst = "" ruletcpudp.permit = True = False ruletcpudp.objectid = 1234567 ruletcpudp.is_access_rule = True ruletcpudp.logging.interval = 60 ruletcpudp.logging.level = "Debugging" ruletcpudp.remark = "EIGRP Test Rule" ruletcpudp.position = 17 assert ruletcpudp not in generic_rule generic_rule.protocol = 0 assert ruletcpudp in generic_rule
def test_append_rules(self, asa): rules = [] for i in range(1, 351): protocol = choice(["tcp", "udp"]) if bool(getrandbits(1)): src = IPAddress(randint(0, 4294967295)) else: src = IPNetwork( f"{IPAddress(randint(0, 4294967295))}/{randint(0, 31)}" ).cidr if bool(getrandbits(1)): dst = IPAddress(randint(0, 4294967295)) else: dst = IPNetwork( f"{IPAddress(randint(0, 4294967295))}/{randint(0, 31)}" ).cidr dst_port = randint(1, 65535) src_comp = choice([comp for comp in ServiceComparator]) dst_comp = choice([comp for comp in ServiceComparator]) rule = RuleTCPUDP(protocol=protocol, src=src, dst=dst, src_port=i, dst_port=dst_port, src_comp=src_comp, dst_comp=dst_comp) rules.append(rule) asa.acl.append_rules(settings.test_acl, rules)
def test_to_dict(self, generic_rule: RuleTCPUDP): data = {'permit': True, 'sourceAddress': {'kind': 'IPv4Address', 'value': ''}, 'destinationAddress': {'kind': 'IPv4Network', 'value': ''}, 'sourceService': {'kind': 'NetworkProtocol', 'value': 'tcp'}, 'destinationService': {'kind': 'TcpUdpService', 'value': 'tcp/ssh'}, 'active': False, 'remarks': ['SSH Test Rule'], 'ruleLogging': {'logStatus': 'Debugging', 'logInterval': 60}, 'position': 17, 'isAccessRule': True, 'objectId': 1234567} assert generic_rule.to_dict() == data generic_rule.src_port = 22 generic_rule.dst_port = "any" data = {'permit': True, 'sourceAddress': {'kind': 'IPv4Address', 'value': ''}, 'destinationAddress': {'kind': 'IPv4Network', 'value': ''}, 'sourceService': {'kind': 'TcpUdpService', 'value': 'tcp/ssh'}, 'destinationService': {'kind': 'NetworkProtocol', 'value': 'tcp'}, 'active': False, 'remarks': ['SSH Test Rule'], 'ruleLogging': {'logStatus': 'Debugging', 'logInterval': 60}, 'position': 17, 'isAccessRule': True, 'objectId': 1234567} assert generic_rule.to_dict() == data
def test_parse_port_json(self): data = {"kind": "NetworkProtocol", "value": "tcp"} assert RuleTCPUDP._parse_port_json(data) == ("tcp", "any", ServiceComparator.EQUAL) data = {"kind": "TcpUdpService", "value": ">udp/3456"} assert RuleTCPUDP._parse_port_json(data) == ("udp", 3456, ServiceComparator.GREATER) with pytest.raises(ValueError): RuleTCPUDP._parse_port_json({"kind": "TcpUdpService", "value": "udp/$%f!"}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): RuleTCPUDP._parse_port_json({"kind": "TcpUdpService", "value": "<>tcp/ssh"}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): RuleTCPUDP._parse_port_json({"kind": "TcpUdpService", "value": "tcp/!=22"})
def test_append_rule(self, asa): rule = RuleTCPUDP() rule.src = IPAddress(randint(0, 4294967295)) rule.dst = IPAddress(randint(0, 4294967295)) rule.src_port = randint(1, 65535) rule.dst_port = randint(1, 65535) asa.acl.append_rule(settings.test_acl, rule)
def test_set_dst_port(self, generic_rule: RuleTCPUDP): generic_rule.dst_port = "any" assert generic_rule.dst_port == -1 generic_rule.dst_port = 53 assert generic_rule.dst_port == 53 generic_rule.dst_port = "any" assert generic_rule.dst_port == -1 generic_rule.dst_port = "17" assert generic_rule.dst_port == 17 with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.dst_port = "wrong" with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.dst_port = 0 with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.dst_port = -2 with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.dst_port = 65536 with pytest.raises(TypeError): generic_rule.dst_port = None
def test_contains_other(self, generic_rule: RuleICMP): rule = RuleGeneric() rule.src = "" rule.dst = "" rule.permit = True = False assert rule not in generic_rule rule = RuleTCPUDP() rule.src = "" rule.dst = "" rule.permit = True = False assert rule not in generic_rule rule.icmp_type = "echo" rule.icmp_code = 5 assert rule not in generic_rule
def test_contains(self, generic_rule: RuleTCPUDP): rule = generic_rule.clone() assert rule in generic_rule generic_rule.src = "any" assert rule in generic_rule rule.dst = "" assert rule in generic_rule generic_rule.dst = "any4" assert rule in generic_rule rule.src_port = "80" assert rule in generic_rule rule.src_comp = ServiceComparator.NOT_EQUAL assert rule in generic_rule generic_rule.dst_port = 21 assert rule not in generic_rule generic_rule.dst_comp = ServiceComparator.GREATER assert rule in generic_rule rule.dst_comp = ServiceComparator.LESSER assert rule not in generic_rule rule.dst_port = -1 assert rule not in generic_rule rule.dst_port = 80 assert rule not in generic_rule generic_rule.dst_port = "any" assert rule in generic_rule rule.dst_comp = ServiceComparator.NOT_EQUAL rule.dst_port = 17 assert rule in generic_rule generic_rule.dst_comp = ServiceComparator.LESSER generic_rule.dst_port = 36 assert rule not in generic_rule rule.dst_comp = ServiceComparator.EQUAL assert rule in generic_rule rule.objectid = 7654321 rule.is_access_rule = False rule.logging.interval = 120 rule.logging.level = LogLevel.ALERTS rule.remark = "other Test Rule" rule.position = 99 assert rule in generic_rule rule.protocol = "udp" assert rule not in generic_rule
def test_to_cli(self, generic_rule: RuleTCPUDP): assert generic_rule.to_cli() == "extended permit tcp host eq ssh log debugging interval 60 inactive" assert generic_rule.to_cli("TEST") == "access-list TEST extended permit tcp host eq ssh log debugging interval 60 inactive"
def test_set_protocol(self, generic_rule: RuleTCPUDP): generic_rule.protocol = "17" assert generic_rule.protocol == 17 with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.protocol = "icmp" with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.protocol = "icmp6" with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.protocol = "eigrp" with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.protocol = "ospf" with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.protocol = "something wrong" with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.protocol = 0 with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.protocol = 9 with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.protocol = 1 with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.protocol = 58 with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.protocol = -37 with pytest.raises(ValueError): generic_rule.protocol = None
def generic_rule(self): rule = RuleTCPUDP() rule.src = "" rule.dst = "" rule.src_port = "any" rule.dst_port = "ssh" rule.permit = True = False rule.objectid = 1234567 rule.is_access_rule = True rule.logging.interval = 60 rule.logging.level = "Debugging" rule.protocol = "tcp" rule.remark = "SSH Test Rule" rule.position = 17 return rule