def control(ball, paddle): if ball in range(paddle[0], paddle[1]): pyKey.releaseKey("UP") pyKey.releaseKey("DOWN") elif ball > paddle[1]: pyKey.releaseKey("UP") pyKey.pressKey("DOWN") elif ball < paddle[0]: pyKey.releaseKey("DOWN") pyKey.pressKey("UP")
def walk_loop(): while True: pressKey('D') sleep(10) releaseKey('D') sleep(0.5) pressKey('A') sleep(10) releaseKey('A') sleep(0.5)
def leer_mensaje_nuevo(client, userdata, msg): mensaje = msg.payload.decode('UTF-8') # print(msg.topic + " " + str(msg.payload)) print(msg.topic + " " + mensaje) comando = CMD.get(mensaje, 'nanai de la china') print('tecla -> {}'.format(comando)) # Pulsacion de teclado #press(comando, 1) pressKey(comando) sleep(0.125) releaseKey(comando)
def main(): graph, sess = load_graph(pre_trained_model_path) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) mp = _mp.get_context("spawn") v = mp.Value('i', 0) lock = mp.Lock() while True: key = cv2.waitKey(10) if key == ord("q"): break _, frame = frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) boxes, scores, classes = detect_hands(frame, graph, sess) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) results = predict(boxes, scores, classes, threshold, width, height) if len(results) == 1: x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, category = results[0] x = int((x_min + x_max) / 2) y = int((y_min + y_max) / 2), (x, y), 5, RED, -1) if category == "Closed": action = 0 # Do nothing text = "Run" elif category == "Open" and y < height / 2: action = 1 # Jump pressKey('UP') text = "Jump" elif category == "Open" and y > height / 2: action = 2 pressKey('DOWN') text = "Duck" with lock: v.value = action cv2.putText(frame, "{}".format(text), (x_min, y_min - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, GREEN, 2) overlay = frame.copy() cv2.rectangle(overlay, (0, 0), (width, int(height / 2)), ORANGE, -1) cv2.addWeighted(overlay, alpha, frame, 1 - alpha, 0, frame) cv2.imshow('Detection', frame) cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def start_capturing(white_pixels, wait_interval, wait_frames, opencv_wait_ms): frame_counter = 0 with mss.mss() as sct: monitor = {"top": 0, "left": 0, "width": 200, "height": 50} while True: img = numpy.array(sct.grab(monitor)) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # print(img[40][184], img[40][177], img[40][172], img[45][177], img[45][172], img[45][165]) # print(img[40]) for pixel in white_pixels: x, y = pixel[0], pixel[1] if(img[x][y] < 250): frame_counter = 0 break else: frame_counter += 1 if(frame_counter > wait_frames): print("trigger") time.sleep(wait_interval) print("keypress") pressKey(key="s") releaseKey(key="s") sys.exit() # print pixels for pixel in white_pixels: x, y = pixel[0], pixel[1] print(img[x][y], end="-") print("") # Display the picture if(opencv_wait_ms): cv2.imshow("OpenCV/Numpy normal", img) # Press "q" to quit cv2.waitKey(opencv_wait_ms)
from pyKey import pressKey, releaseKey, press, sendSequence, showKeys from time import * sleep(4) #if True: while True: pressKey("UP") sleep(1) pressKey("DEL") sleep(3) releaseKey("DEL") sleep(2) pressKey("RIGHT") sleep(0.4) releaseKey("RIGHT") sleep(1) pressKey("LEFT") sleep(0.1) releaseKey("LEFT") sleep(1) pressKey("LEFT") sleep(0.9) releaseKey("LEFT") sleep(1.5) pressKey("RIGHT") sleep(0.5) releaseKey("RIGHT") sleep(3) sleep(1.1) pressKey("LEFT") sleep(2)
def main(): graph, sess = load_graph(pre_trained_model_path) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) mp = _mp.get_context("spawn") v = mp.Value('i', 0) lock = mp.Lock() while True: key = cv2.waitKey(10) if key == ord("q"): break _, frame = frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) boxes, scores, classes = detect_hands(frame, graph, sess) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) results = predict(boxes, scores, classes, threshold, width, height) if len(results) == 1: x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, category = results[0] x = int((x_min + x_max) / 2) y = int((y_min + y_max) / 2), (x, y), 5, RED, -1) if category == "Open" and x <= width / 3: action = 7 # Left move text = "Left move" releaseKey("LEFT") press('LEFT', 0.15) pressKey("UP") elif category == "Open" and width / 3 < x <= 2 * width / 3: action = 5 # Straight releaseKey('LEFT') releaseKey("RIGHT") pressKey("UP") text = "Straight" elif category == "Open" and x > 2 * width / 3: action = 2 # Right move text = "Right move" releaseKey("RIGHT") press("RIGHT", 0.15) pressKey('UP') else: action = 0 text = "Go" with lock: v.value = action cv2.putText(frame, "{}".format(text), (x_min, y_min - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, GREEN, 2) overlay = frame.copy() cv2.rectangle(overlay, (0, 0), (int(width / 3), height), ORANGE, -1) cv2.rectangle(overlay, (int(2 * width / 3), 0), (width, height), ORANGE, -1) cv2.addWeighted(overlay, alpha, frame, 1 - alpha, 0, frame) cv2.imshow('Detection', frame) cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()