debounce_delay = 1.0 # min. time between triggers allowed busy_indicator_pin = 21 # this pin will be low while the logger is working, ie for a "busy" status LED. busy_indicator_inv = 1 # is the busy indicator high or low while working # Device setup special initialization settings special_args={'debugMode':False, 'init_tc08_config':['K','K','K','T','T','T','X','X'], 'quiet':True,\ 'init_tc08_chnames':['Cold Junction','K1','K2','K3','T4','T5','T6','420mA_P1','420mA_P2']} # Loop counter can be set from the command line, otherwise zero if len(sys.argv) < 2: loop_counter = 0 else: loop_counter = int(sys.argv[1]) ##################################################################################################################### # Detect USB devices for datalogging. usbDevicesFound = usbDevice.search_for_usb_devices(debugMode=False) devices = usbDevice.load_usb_devices(usbDevicesFound, **special_args) # Detect I2C devices for datalogging. i2CDevicesFound = i2cDevice.scan_for_devices() if len(i2CDevicesFound) > 0: devices.extend(i2cDevice.load_i2c_devices(i2CDevicesFound, **special_args)) # detect TCPIP VISA devides for datalogging. (Delay Generator) devices.extend([ pyvisaDevice.pyvisaDevice({ 'resource': 'TCPIP0::', 'driver': 'pyvisa/dg1000z' }) ]) # Store the delay settings above into the logfile for posterity.
if __name__ == '__main__': globalFunctions.banner() devices = [] # I2C setup found = i2cDevice.scan_for_devices(bus=1) devices = i2cDevice.load_i2c_devices(found) if len(devices) == 0: cprint("No I2C devices found.", 'red', attrs=['bold']) # USB setup usbDevicesFound = usbDevice.search_for_usb_devices(debugMode=True) special_args = {'debugMode': True, 'live_preview': True, 'quiet': False} devices.extend(usbDevice.load_usb_devices(usbDevicesFound, **special_args)) # Serial device on the Pi's UART from pyLabDataLogger.device import serialDevice devices.append( serialDevice.serialDevice({ 'driver': 'serial/hpma', 'port': '/dev/serial0' })) try: while True: for d in devices: cprint(, 'magenta', attrs=['bold']) d.query() d.pprint()