예제 #1
    def _read_mathp(self, data, n):
        """MATHP(4506,45,374) - Record 11"""
        nmaterials = 0
        s1 = Struct(b(self._endian + 'i7f3i23fi'))
        s2 = Struct(b(self._endian + '8i'))
        n2 = n
        while n2 < n:
            edata = data[n:n+140]
            n += 140
            out1 = s1.unpack(edata)
            (mid, a10, a01, d1, rho, alpha, tref, ge, sf, na, nd, kp,
             a20, a11, a02, d2,
             a30, a21, a12, a03, d3,
             a40, a31, a22, a13, a04, d4,
             a50, a41, a32, a23, a14, a05, d5,
             continue_flag) = out1
            data_in = [out1]

            if continue_flag:
                edata = data[n:n+32]  # 7*4
                n += 32
                out2 = s2.unpack(edata)
                (tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, x1, x2, x3, tab5) = out2
                mat = MATHP.add_op2_data(data_in)
            nmaterials += 1
        self.card_count['MATHP'] = nmaterials
        return n
예제 #2
파일: mpt.py 프로젝트: murmlgrmpf/pyNastran
    def _read_mathp(self, data, n):
        """MATHP(4506,45,374) - Record 11"""
        nmaterials = 0
        s1 = Struct(b(self._endian + 'i7f3i23fi'))
        s2 = Struct(b(self._endian + '8i'))
        n2 = n
        while n2 < n:
            edata = data[n:n+140]
            n += 140
            out1 = s1.unpack(edata)
            (mid, a10, a01, d1, rho, alpha, tref, ge, sf, na, nd, kp,
             a20, a11, a02, d2,
             a30, a21, a12, a03, d3,
             a40, a31, a22, a13, a04, d4,
             a50, a41, a32, a23, a14, a05, d5,
             continue_flag) = out1
            data_in = [out1]

            if continue_flag:
                edata = data[n:n+32]  # 7*4
                n += 32
                out2 = s2.unpack(edata)
                (tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, x1, x2, x3, tab5) = out2
                mat = MATHP.add_op2_data(data_in)
            nmaterials += 1
        self.card_count['MATHP'] = nmaterials
        return n
예제 #3
    def _read_mathp(self, data, n):
        """MATHP(4506,45,374) - Record 11"""
        nmaterials = 0
        s1 = Struct(self._endian + b'i7f3i23fi')
        s2 = Struct(self._endian + b'8i')
        n2 = len(data)
        while n < n2:
            edata = data[n:n + 140]
            n += 140
            out1 = s1.unpack(edata)

            (mid, a10, a01, d1, rho, alpha, tref, ge, sf, na, nd, kp, a20, a11,
             a02, d2, a30, a21, a12, a03, d3, a40, a31, a22, a13, a04, d4, a50,
             a41, a32, a23, a14, a05, d5, continue_flag) = out1
            data_in = [out1]

            if continue_flag:
                edata = data[n:n + 32]  # 7*4
                n += 32
                out2 = s2.unpack(edata)
                (tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, x1, x2, x3, tab5) = out2
            mat = MATHP.add_op2_data(data_in)
            if self.is_debug_file:
                self.binary_debug.write('  MATHP=%s\n' % str(out1))
            nmaterials += 1
        assert nmaterials > 0, 'MATP nmaterials=%s' % nmaterials
        self.card_count['MATHP'] = nmaterials
        return n
예제 #4
파일: mpt.py 프로젝트: mtnakayama/pyNastran
    def _read_mathp(self, data, n):
        MATHP(4506,45,374) - Record 11

        1 MID       I Material identification number
        2 A10      RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        3 A01      RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        4 D1       RS Material constant related to volumetric deformation
        5 RHO      RS Mass density
        6 ALPHA    RS Coefficient of volumetric thermal expansion
        7 TREF     RS Reference temperature
        8 GE       RS Structural damping element coefficient
        9 SF        I ???
        10 NA       I Order of the distortional strain energy polynomial function
        11 ND       I Order of the volumetric strain energy polynomial function
        12 KP      RS ???
        13 A20     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        14 A11     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        15 A02     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        16 D2      RS Material constant related to volumetric deformation
        17 A30     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        18 A21     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        19 A12     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        20 A03     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        21 D3      RS Material constant related to volumetric deformation
        22 A40     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        23 A31     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        24 A22     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        25 A13     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        26 A04     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        27 D4      RS Material constant related to volumetric deformation
        28 A50     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        29 A41     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        30 A32     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        31 A23     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        32 A14     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        33 A05     RS Material constant related to distortional deformation
        34 D5      RS Material constant related to volumetric deformation
        35 CONTFLG  I Continuation flag
        CONTFLG =1 With continuation
        36 TAB1 I TABLES1 identification number which defines tension/compression
        37 TAB2 I TABLES1 identification number which defines equibiaxial tension
        38 TAB3 I TABLES1 identification number which defines simple shear
        39 TAB4 I TABLES1 identification number which defines pure shear
        40 UNDEF(3) None
        43 TAB5 I TABLES1 identification number which defines volumetric compression
        CONTFLG =0 Without continuation
        End CONTFLG
        nmaterials = 0
        s1 = Struct(self._endian + b'i7f3i23fi')
        s2 = Struct(self._endian + b'8i')
        n2 = len(data)
        while n < n2:
            edata = data[n:n + 140]
            out1 = s1.unpack(edata)
            n += 140
            (mid, a10, a01, d1, rho, alpha, tref, ge, sf, na, nd, kp, a20, a11,
             a02, d2, a30, a21, a12, a03, d3, a40, a31, a22, a13, a04, d4, a50,
             a41, a32, a23, a14, a05, d5, continue_flag) = out1

            if n == n2:
                # we have to hack the continue_flag because it's wrong...
                # C:\Users\sdoyle\Dropbox\move_tpl\ehq45.op2
                continue_flag = 0
                out1 = (mid, a10, a01, d1, rho, alpha, tref, ge, sf, na, nd,
                        kp, a20, a11, a02, d2, a30, a21, a12, a03, d3, a40,
                        a31, a22, a13, a04, d4, a50, a41, a32, a23, a14, a05,
                        d5, continue_flag)
            data_in = [out1]

            if continue_flag:
                edata = data[n:n + 32]  # 7*4
                out2 = s2.unpack(edata)
                n += 32
                (tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, x1, x2, x3, tab5) = out2
            mat = MATHP.add_op2_data(data_in)

            if self.is_debug_file:
                self.binary_debug.write('  MATHP=%s\n' % str(out1))
            nmaterials += 1
        assert nmaterials > 0, 'MATP nmaterials=%s' % nmaterials
        self.card_count['MATHP'] = nmaterials
        return n