def handle_job_update(msg, methods=['GET', 'POST']): if msg['action'] == "connect": addr = msg['addr'] res = u.Connect(timeout=5, addrss=addr) connection_lock.acquire() INFO['SERVER_CONNECTED'] = res connection_lock.release() socketio.emit('connect_resopnse', json.dumps({'response': int(res)})) elif msg['action'] == "disconnect": u.Disconnect() connection_lock.acquire() INFO['SERVER_CONNECTED'] = False connection_lock.release() socketio.emit('connect_resopnse', json.dumps({'response': int(False)})) elif msg['action'] == "ping": pass # requires server dev elif msg['action'] == "restart": pass # requires server dev
## Print some diagnostic text print(pwr_clc, ' dBm') print(N_power) ## Do a VNA run with the USRP vna_file, delay = puf2.vna_run(tx_gain=tx_gain, rx_gain=rx_gain, iter=1, rate=rate, freq=LO, front_end='A', f0=43e6, f1=48e6, lapse=20, points=1e5, ntones=N_power, delay_duration=0.1, delay_over='null', subfolder=seriesPath) ## Fit the data acquired in this noise scan fs, qs, _, _, _, _, _ = puf.vna_file_fit(vna_file + '.h5', [res], show=False) ## Extract the important parameters from fit f = fs[0] * 1e9 q = qs[0] ## Disconnect from the USRP server u.Disconnect()