예제 #1
    def __init__(self,args):

        # Set logical unit number to pass between subroutines
        lubfr = 11
        luprt = 51
        # Physical file to be opened
        f = args
        print '1'
        # Open file for READING using FORTRAN open call
        # Open file for WRITING using FORTRAN open call

        print '2'
        # Connect file to BUFRLIB library via openbf

        print '3'
        # Set date length
        print '4'
        # Attempt to read a subset from the BUFR file
        ctr = 0
        while True:
            subset,jdate,iret = py_bufrlib.readns(11)
            print 'SUBSET: ', subset, ', DATE: ', jdate, ', RET: ', iret, ' :: Count: ', ctr
            if iret == -1:
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, args):

        # Set logical unit number to pass between subroutines
        lubfr = 11
        luprt = 51
        # Physical file to be opened
        f = args

        # Open file for READING using FORTRAN open call
        py_bufrlib.fortopen(lubfr, f, 'R')
        # Open file for WRITING using FORTRAN open call
        py_bufrlib.fortopen(luprt, 'dumpbufr.out', 'W')

        # Connect file to BUFRLIB library via openbf
        py_bufrlib.openbf(lubfr, 'IN', lubfr)


        # Attempt to read a subset from the BUFR file

        iret = 0
        while iret != -1:
            subset, jdate, iret = py_bufrlib.readns(lubfr)
            print ' MESSAGE TYPE ' + subset + '\n\n'
            lun, il, im = py_bufrlib.status(lubfr)

            lunidx = lun - 1
            ptag = stride_tricks.as_strided(py_bufrlib.tables.tag,\
            ptyp = stride_tricks.as_strided(py_bufrlib.tables.typ,\

            #  OK, in order to get character arrays FROM the BUFRLIB common block data
            #  we need to reorganize the arrays. Typically the N-dimensional character
            #  array returns from FORTRAN as
            #  ([dimenson length,]dimension length, character length)
            #  This, combined with FORTRAN ordering creates a messy way to get
            #  characters back into the expected string order
            #  See http://cens.ioc.ee/pipermail/f2py-users/2012-September/002320.html
            #  for an example.
            #  Fortunately, after stumbling around with Numpy strides and the help of this
            #  site: http://scipy-lectures.github.com/advanced/advanced_numpy/index.html#indexing-scheme-strides
            #  there seems to be a standardized way to reorder the array such that
            #  the resulting array is indexed as is expected when examining the FORTRAN code.
            #  So, for a "simple" character array like TYP(MAXJL) found in the BUFRLIB common
            #  block /TABLES/ where TYP is CHARACTER*3, it returns from BUFRLIB to python
            #  in the dimension (MAXJL,3).  (Refer back to the first link for the example).
            #  We can rerder the array by using the following convention (essentially feeding
            #  the shape of the N+1 D array in reverse order so that the first stride element
            #  is the length of the character length):
            #  a = stride_tricks.as_strided(py_bufrlib."COMMONBLOCK"."VARIABLE",
            #                      strides=(py_bufrlib."COMMONBLOCK"."VARIABLE".shape[N],\
            #                               ...
            #                      strides=(py_bufrlib."COMMONBLOCK"."VARIABLE".shape[1],1))
            #  We then access 'a' as we would a N-dimensional array, returning a
            #  numpy array with the characters in order. (use the .tostring() method to
            #  "string-ize" it if desired.)
            #  This has worked on a 1D character array (TAG, TYP in the above code) and a
            #  2D character array (TABB, below).  I have not tried this on anything greater
            #  than a 2D character array, though the logic is extensible, I assume.

            for nv in range(0, py_bufrlib.usrint.nval[lunidx]):
                node = py_bufrlib.usrint.inv[nv, lunidx] - 1
                nemo = ptag[node].tostring()
                ityp = py_bufrlib.tables.itp[node]
                type = ptyp[node].tostring()
                numb = ''
                desc = ''
                unit = ''
                rval = ''
                #                print '\tNODE: ', node
                #                print '\tNEMO: ' + nemo
                #                print '\tITYP: ', ityp
                #                print '\tTYPE: ', type

                if ityp >= 1 and ityp <= 3:
                    idn, tab, nemtab_iret = py_bufrlib.nemtab(lun, nemo)
                    #                    print '\t\tIDN: ', idn
                    #                    print '\t\tTAB: >>' + tab + '<<'
                    #                    print '\t\tN: ', nemtab_iret

                    tabb = stride_tricks.as_strided(py_bufrlib.tababd.tabb,\

                    numb = tabb[nemtab_iret - 1, lunidx][0:6].tostring()
                    desc = tabb[nemtab_iret - 1,
                    unit = tabb[nemtab_iret - 1,
                    rval = py_bufrlib.usrint.val[nv, lunidx]
#                print '\t\tNUMB: ', numb
#                print '\t\tDESC: ', desc
#                print '\t\tUNIT: ', unit
#                print '\t\tRVAL: >>>', rval, '<<<'

                if ityp == 0 or ityp == 1:
                    continue  #print 'SKIPPING DUE TO TYPE: ', type
                elif ityp == 2:
                    if py_bufrlib.ibfms(float(rval)) != 0:
                        rval = 'MISSING'
                        print '{0:6s}  {1:10s}  {2:>20s}  {3:24s}      {4:48s}'.format(\
                        #                        if isinstance(rval, basestring):
                        print '{0:6s}  {1:10s}  {2:>20s}  {3:24s}      {4:48s}'.format(\

#                        else:
#                            print '{0:6s}  {1:10s}  {2:20.2f}  {3:24s}      {4:48s}'.format(\
#                                                                numb,nemo,rval,unit,desc)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self,args):

        # Set logical unit number to pass between subroutines
        lubfr = 11
        luprt = 51
        # Physical file to be opened
        f = args
        print '1'
        # Open file for READING using FORTRAN open call
        # Open file for WRITING using FORTRAN open call

        print '2'
        # Connect file to BUFRLIB library via openbf

        print '3'
        # Set date length
        print '4'
        # Attempt to read a subset from the BUFR file
        ctr = 0

        tableas = py_bufrlib.mytableas(11)
        tableds = py_bufrlib.mytableds(11)
        tablebs = py_bufrlib.mytablebs(11)

        #jtab,tab = py_bufrlib.getabdb(11)
        tabs = py_bufrlib.mygetabdb(11)
        for i in range(len(tabs)):
            myline = tabs[i].tostring().replace('\0','')
            if len(myline) > 0:
                print myline.strip()

        tab = py_bufrlib.mytabledict(11)
        tbldict = {}
        for i in range(len(tab)):
            myline = tab[i].tostring().replace('\0','')
            if len(myline) > 0:
                #print myline.strip()
                k,v = myline.strip().split('::')
                tbldict[k.strip()] = v

        print tbldict

        print tabs.tolist()
        print tabs[:].tostring()

        for s in tabs[:]:
            print s.tostring()
            print '------'

        vals = [tabs[x].tostring().replace('\0','').strip() for x in range(len(tabs)) if len(tabs[x].tostring().replace('\0','')) > 0]

        ta = [tableas[x].tostring().replace('\0','').strip() for x in range(len(tableas)) if len(tableas[x].tostring().replace('\0','')) > 0]
        td = [tableds[x].tostring().replace('\0','').strip() for x in range(len(tableds)) if len(tableds[x].tostring().replace('\0','')) > 0]
        tb = [tablebs[x].tostring().replace('\0','').strip() for x in range(len(tablebs)) if len(tablebs[x].tostring().replace('\0','')) > 0]
        print '=== Ds =====', td
        print '=== Bs =====', tb
        print '=== As =====', ta

        self.ta_dict = self.makedict(ta)
        self.td_dict = self.makedict(td)
        self.tb_dict = self.makedict(tb)

#        print '=== td_dict =====', self.td_dict
#        for x in self.ta_dict['NC000002']:
#            if x in self.td_dict:
#              print x + ' Children: ' , self.td_dict[x]
#            elif x in self.tb_dict:
#              print x + ' Bs: ' , self.tb_dict[x]
#            else:
#              print 'Error: ' + x + ' not found in Table D or B'
        print '+++++++++++++++++++++'
        for a in sorted(self.ta_dict):
            print a + ':'
            for tln in self.ta_dict[a]:
                bs = self.getbs(tln,[])
                print '\t' + tln + ': ', bs
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, args):

        # Set logical unit number to pass between subroutines
        lubfr = 11
        luprt = 51
        # Physical file to be opened
        f = args

        # Open file for READING using FORTRAN open call
        py_bufrlib.fortopen(lubfr, f, "R")
        # Open file for WRITING using FORTRAN open call
        py_bufrlib.fortopen(luprt, "dumpbufr.out", "W")

        # Connect file to BUFRLIB library via openbf
        py_bufrlib.openbf(lubfr, "IN", lubfr)


        # Attempt to read a subset from the BUFR file

        iret = 0
        while iret != -1:
            subset, jdate, iret = py_bufrlib.readns(lubfr)
            print " MESSAGE TYPE " + subset + "\n\n"
            lun, il, im = py_bufrlib.status(lubfr)

            lunidx = lun - 1
            ptag = stride_tricks.as_strided(py_bufrlib.tables.tag, strides=(py_bufrlib.tables.tag.shape[1], 1))
            ptyp = stride_tricks.as_strided(py_bufrlib.tables.typ, strides=(py_bufrlib.tables.typ.shape[1], 1))

            #  OK, in order to get character arrays FROM the BUFRLIB common block data
            #  we need to reorganize the arrays. Typically the N-dimensional character
            #  array returns from FORTRAN as
            #  ([dimenson length,]dimension length, character length)
            #  This, combined with FORTRAN ordering creates a messy way to get
            #  characters back into the expected string order
            #  See http://cens.ioc.ee/pipermail/f2py-users/2012-September/002320.html
            #  for an example.
            #  Fortunately, after stumbling around with Numpy strides and the help of this
            #  site: http://scipy-lectures.github.com/advanced/advanced_numpy/index.html#indexing-scheme-strides
            #  there seems to be a standardized way to reorder the array such that
            #  the resulting array is indexed as is expected when examining the FORTRAN code.
            #  So, for a "simple" character array like TYP(MAXJL) found in the BUFRLIB common
            #  block /TABLES/ where TYP is CHARACTER*3, it returns from BUFRLIB to python
            #  in the dimension (MAXJL,3).  (Refer back to the first link for the example).
            #  We can rerder the array by using the following convention (essentially feeding
            #  the shape of the N+1 D array in reverse order so that the first stride element
            #  is the length of the character length):
            #  a = stride_tricks.as_strided(py_bufrlib."COMMONBLOCK"."VARIABLE",
            #                      strides=(py_bufrlib."COMMONBLOCK"."VARIABLE".shape[N],\
            #                               ...
            #                      strides=(py_bufrlib."COMMONBLOCK"."VARIABLE".shape[1],1))
            #  We then access 'a' as we would a N-dimensional array, returning a
            #  numpy array with the characters in order. (use the .tostring() method to
            #  "string-ize" it if desired.)
            #  This has worked on a 1D character array (TAG, TYP in the above code) and a
            #  2D character array (TABB, below).  I have not tried this on anything greater
            #  than a 2D character array, though the logic is extensible, I assume.

            for nv in range(0, py_bufrlib.usrint.nval[lunidx]):
                node = py_bufrlib.usrint.inv[nv, lunidx] - 1
                nemo = ptag[node].tostring()
                ityp = py_bufrlib.tables.itp[node]
                type = ptyp[node].tostring()
                numb = ""
                desc = ""
                unit = ""
                rval = ""
                #                print '\tNODE: ', node
                #                print '\tNEMO: ' + nemo
                #                print '\tITYP: ', ityp
                #                print '\tTYPE: ', type

                if ityp >= 1 and ityp <= 3:
                    idn, tab, nemtab_iret = py_bufrlib.nemtab(lun, nemo)
                    #                    print '\t\tIDN: ', idn
                    #                    print '\t\tTAB: >>' + tab + '<<'
                    #                    print '\t\tN: ', nemtab_iret

                    tabb = stride_tricks.as_strided(
                        strides=(py_bufrlib.tababd.tabb.shape[2], py_bufrlib.tababd.tabb.shape[1], 1),

                    numb = tabb[nemtab_iret - 1, lunidx][0:6].tostring()
                    desc = tabb[nemtab_iret - 1, lunidx][15:69].tostring().rstrip()
                    unit = tabb[nemtab_iret - 1, lunidx][70:93].tostring().rstrip()
                    rval = py_bufrlib.usrint.val[nv, lunidx]
                #                print '\t\tNUMB: ', numb
                #                print '\t\tDESC: ', desc
                #                print '\t\tUNIT: ', unit
                #                print '\t\tRVAL: >>>', rval, '<<<'

                if ityp == 0 or ityp == 1:
                    continue  # print 'SKIPPING DUE TO TYPE: ', type
                elif ityp == 2:
                    if py_bufrlib.ibfms(float(rval)) != 0:
                        rval = "MISSING"
                        print "{0:6s}  {1:10s}  {2:>20s}  {3:24s}      {4:48s}".format(numb, nemo, rval, unit, desc)
                        #                        if isinstance(rval, basestring):
                        print "{0:6s}  {1:10s}  {2:>20s}  {3:24s}      {4:48s}".format(
                            numb, nemo, str(rval), unit, desc
                #                        else:
                #                            print '{0:6s}  {1:10s}  {2:20.2f}  {3:24s}      {4:48s}'.format(\
                #                                                                numb,nemo,rval,unit,desc)
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, args):

        # Set logical unit number to pass between subroutines
        lubfr = 11
        luprt = 51
        # Physical file to be opened
        f = args

        print '1'
        # Open file for READING using FORTRAN open call
        py_bufrlib.fortopen(lubfr, f, 'R')
        # Open file for WRITING using FORTRAN open call

        print '2'
        # Connect file to BUFRLIB library via openbf
        py_bufrlib.openbf(11, 'IN', 11)

        print '3'
        # Set date length

        print '4'
        # Attempt to read a subset from the BUFR file
        ctr = 0

        tableas = py_bufrlib.mytableas(11)
        tableds = py_bufrlib.mytableds(11)
        tablebs = py_bufrlib.mytablebs(11)

        #jtab,tab = py_bufrlib.getabdb(11)
        tabs = py_bufrlib.mygetabdb(11)
        for i in range(len(tabs)):
            myline = tabs[i].tostring().replace('\0', '')
            if len(myline) > 0:
                print myline.strip()

        tab = py_bufrlib.mytabledict(11)
        tbldict = {}
        for i in range(len(tab)):
            myline = tab[i].tostring().replace('\0', '')
            if len(myline) > 0:
                #print myline.strip()
                k, v = myline.strip().split('::')
                tbldict[k.strip()] = v

        print tbldict

        print tabs.tolist()
        print tabs[:].tostring()

        for s in tabs[:]:
            print s.tostring()
            print '------'

        vals = [
            tabs[x].tostring().replace('\0', '').strip()
            for x in range(len(tabs))
            if len(tabs[x].tostring().replace('\0', '')) > 0

        ta = [
            tableas[x].tostring().replace('\0', '').strip()
            for x in range(len(tableas))
            if len(tableas[x].tostring().replace('\0', '')) > 0
        td = [
            tableds[x].tostring().replace('\0', '').strip()
            for x in range(len(tableds))
            if len(tableds[x].tostring().replace('\0', '')) > 0
        tb = [
            tablebs[x].tostring().replace('\0', '').strip()
            for x in range(len(tablebs))
            if len(tablebs[x].tostring().replace('\0', '')) > 0
        print '=== Ds =====', td
        print '=== Bs =====', tb
        print '=== As =====', ta

        self.ta_dict = self.makedict(ta)
        self.td_dict = self.makedict(td)
        self.tb_dict = self.makedict(tb)

        #        print '=== td_dict =====', self.td_dict
        #        for x in self.ta_dict['NC000002']:
        #            if x in self.td_dict:
        #              print x + ' Children: ' , self.td_dict[x]
        #            elif x in self.tb_dict:
        #              print x + ' Bs: ' , self.tb_dict[x]
        #            else:
        #              print 'Error: ' + x + ' not found in Table D or B'

        print '+++++++++++++++++++++'

        for a in sorted(self.ta_dict):
            print a + ':'
            for tln in self.ta_dict[a]:
                bs = self.getbs(tln, [])
                print '\t' + tln + ': ', bs