def get_positions_count(userids): dtt = form.getvalue("dt","-1"); dttt = [] dttt = dtt.split("mm") dtt = "between '"+py_db.sh_to_mil(dttt[0])+" "+dttt[1]+":00' and '"+py_db.sh_to_mil(dttt[2])+" "+dttt[3]+":00' " sqlst = "select count(*) from `tbl_gps_positions` WHERE g_sat_count > 5 and g_user_id in ({1}) and g_date {0} ".format(dtt,userids) print 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' print "" print py_db.executeAndReturnRows(sqlst)[0][0].__str__()
def get_pos(sel2): dtt = form.getvalue("dt2","-1"); ttl = form.getvalue("totalrows","-1") dttt = [] dttt = dtt.split("mm") dtt = "between '"+py_db.sh_to_mil(dttt[0])+" "+dttt[1]+":00' and '"+py_db.sh_to_mil(dttt[2])+" "+dttt[3]+":00' " sqlst ="""SELECT w.* FROM (SELECT @row := @row + 1 AS _ROW, t.* FROM `tbl_gps_positions` t,(SELECT @row:=0) r WHERE g_sat_count > 5 and g_user_id IN ({0}) AND g_date {1} ORDER BY g_date DESC ) w WHERE MOD(_ROW,{2})=0 """.format(sel2,dtt,ttl) rows = py_db.executeAndReturnRows(sqlst) str = "" i=0 for row in rows : if i==0: str = "{0}!{1}!{2}!{3}!{4}".format(row[2].__str__(),row[3].__str__(),row[4].__str__(), py_db.mil_to_sh_with_time(row[6].__str__()),row[7].__str__()) else: str = str+"cz{0}!{1}!{2}!{3}!{4}".format(row[2].__str__(),row[3].__str__(),row[4].__str__(),py_db.mil_to_sh_with_time(row[6].__str__()),row[7].__str__()) i+=1 print 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' print "" print str
rows = dta.split("sazw") for row in rows: r = row.split("zzz") if r[0]=="_obj_chk_unread": if r[1]=="true": sds =sds+ " i_position = 1 " if r[0]=="_obj_chk_read": if r[1]=="true": sds =sds+ " or i_position = 2 " if r[0]=="_obj_chk_sent": if r[1]=="true": sds =sds+ " or i_position = 3 " if r[0]=="_obj_chk_baygani": if r[1]=="true": sds =sds+ " or i_active_user_link = 43160 " baygani=1 if r[0]=="_obj_from": sds =sds+ "and i_date_of_create between '"+py_db.sh_to_mil(r[1])+"' and " if r[0]=="_obj_to": sds =sds+ " '"+py_db.sh_to_mil(r[1])+"' " if r[0]=="_obj_search": sds=sds+ """ ) AND ( ((i_order LIKE '%{0}%') OR (l_subject LIKE '%{0}%') OR (l_letter_number LIKE '%{0}%') OR (((SELECT tbl_secretrait_letters.sl_secretariat_no FROM tbl_secretrait_letters WHERE sl_letter_link=i_letter_link LIMIT 1)) LIKE '%{0}%') OR ((SELECT u_complete_name FROM tbl_users WHERE u_name='{1}' ) LIKE '%{0}%') OR ((SELECT u_complete_name FROM tbl_users WHERE u_id=i_prev_active_user_link ) LIKE '%{0}%')) )""".format(r[1],py_db.username) if sds[0:3]==" or": sds=sds[4:len(sds)] if sds[0:4]==" and": sds=sds[5:len(sds)] # print sds