class ProcessingManager(RegularIntervalWorker): lock = Lock() queue = OrderedDict() progress_manager: ProgressManager latest_event_time = None def __init__(self, deduplicator): self.config = DeduplicatorConfig() timeout = self.config.DAEMON_PROCESSING_TIMEOUT.value interval = timeout.total_seconds() super().__init__(interval) self.progress_manager = ProgressManager() self.deduplicator = deduplicator self.event_handler = EventHandler(self) self.observers = [] def start(self): observer_type = self.config.DAEMON_FILE_OBSERVER_TYPE.value directories = self.config.SOURCE_DIRECTORIES.value self.observers = self._setup_file_observers(observer_type, directories) super().start() def stop(self): for observer in self.observers: observer.stop() observer.join() self.observers.clear() def _setup_file_observers(self, observer_type: str, source_directories: List[Path]): observers = [] for directory in source_directories: if observer_type == FILE_OBSERVER_TYPE_INOTIFY: observer = InotifyObserver() elif observer_type == FILE_OBSERVER_TYPE_POLLING: observer = PollingObserver() else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected file observer type {observer_type}") observer.schedule(self.event_handler, str(directory), recursive=True) observer.start() observers.append(observer) return observers def add(self, path: Path): with self.lock: self.latest_event_time = if path not in self.queue: self.queue[path] = path def remove(self, path: Path): if path in self.queue: self.queue.pop(path) self.deduplicator._persistence.remove(str(path)) def _should_process(self): return len(self.queue) > 0 and ( self.latest_event_time is None or ( - timedelta(seconds=self._interval) > self.latest_event_time) ) def _run(self): with self.lock: self.process_queue() def process_queue(self): if not self._should_process(): return self.progress_manager.start("Processing", len(self.queue), "Files", False) while True: try: path, value = self.queue.popitem() self._process_queue_item(path, value) except KeyError: break self.progress_manager.clear() def _process_queue_item(self, path, value): self.deduplicator.reset_result() # TODO: only a workaround until files can be processed too if path.is_file(): path = path.parent if path.is_dir(): files_count = get_files_count( path, self.config.RECURSIVE.value, self.config.FILE_EXTENSION_FILTER.value ) directory_map = { path: files_count } self.deduplicator.analyze_directories(directory_map) self.deduplicator.find_duplicates_in_directories(directory_map) # TODO: allow processing individual files # if path.is_file(): # self.deduplicator.analyze_file(path) # root_dir = Path(os.path.commonpath([path] + self.config.SOURCE_DIRECTORIES.value)) # self.deduplicator.find_duplicates_of_file(self.config.SOURCE_DIRECTORIES.value, root_dir, path) self.deduplicator.process_duplicates() # TODO: this needs rethinking # remove items that have been (re-)moved already from the event queue removed_items = self.deduplicator._deduplication_result.get_file_with_action(ActionEnum.DELETE) moved_items = self.deduplicator._deduplication_result.get_file_with_action(ActionEnum.MOVE) for item in set(removed_items + moved_items): if item in self.queue: self.queue.pop(item)
class ImageMatchDeduplicator: EXECUTOR = ThreadPoolExecutor() _config: DeduplicatorConfig _progress_manager: ProgressManager _processed_files: dict = {} _deduplication_result: DeduplicationResult = None def __init__(self, interactive: bool): """ :param interactive: whether cli output should be interactive or not """ self.interactive = interactive self._progress_manager = ProgressManager() self._config = DeduplicatorConfig() self._persistence: ImageSignatureStore = ElasticSearchStoreBackend( host=self._config.ELASTICSEARCH_HOST.value, port=self._config.ELASTICSEARCH_PORT.value, el_index=self._config.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX.value, use_exif_data=self._config.ANALYSIS_USE_EXIF_DATA.value, max_dist=self._config.ELASTICSEARCH_MAX_DISTANCE.value, setup_database=self._config.ELASTICSEARCH_AUTO_CREATE_INDEX.value ) def reset_result(self): self._deduplication_result = DeduplicationResult() self._processed_files = {} def analyse_all(self): """ Runs the analysis phase independently. """ directories = self._config.SOURCE_DIRECTORIES.value echo("Phase 1/2: Counting files ...", color='cyan') directory_map = self._count_files(directories) echo("Phase 2/2: Analyzing files ...", color='cyan') self.analyze_directories(directory_map) def deduplicate_all(self, skip_analyze_phase: bool = False) -> DeduplicationResult: """ Runs the full 6 deduplication phases. :param skip_analyze_phase: useful if you already did a dry run and want to do a real run afterwards :return: result of the operation """ # see: # and: import numpy numpy.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') directories = self._config.SOURCE_DIRECTORIES.value if len(directories) <= 0: raise ValueError("No root directories to scan") if self._config.DRY_RUN.value: echo("==> DRY RUN! No files or folders will actually be deleted! <==", color='yellow') echo("Phase 1/6: Cleaning up database ...", color='cyan') self.cleanup_database(directories) echo("Phase 2/6: Counting files ...", color='cyan') directory_map = self._count_files(directories) phase_3_text = "Phase 3/6: Analyzing files" if skip_analyze_phase: echo(phase_3_text + " - Skipping", color='yellow') else: echo(phase_3_text, color='cyan') self.analyze_directories(directory_map) echo("Phase 4/6: Finding duplicate files ...", color='cyan') self.find_duplicates_in_directories(directory_map) # Phase 5/6: Move or Delete duplicate files self.process_duplicates() self.remove_empty_folders() return self._deduplication_result def analyze_directories(self, directory_map: dict): """ Analyzes all files, generates identifiers (if necessary) and stores them for later access """ threads = self._config.ANALYSIS_THREADS.value # load truncated images too # TODO: this causes an infinite loop on some (truncated) images # ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True for directory, file_count in directory_map.items(): self._progress_manager.start(f"Analyzing files in '{directory}'", file_count, "Files", self.interactive) self.__walk_directory_files( root_directory=directory, threads=threads, command=lambda root_dir, file_dir, file_path: self.analyze_file(file_path)) self._progress_manager.clear() def find_duplicates_in_directories(self, directory_map: dict): """ Finds duplicates in the given directories :param directory_map: map of directory path -> file count """ self.reset_result() for directory, file_count in directory_map.items(): self._progress_manager.start(f"Finding duplicates in '{directory}' ...", file_count, "Files", self.interactive) self.__walk_directory_files( root_directory=directory, threads=1, # there seems to be no performance advantage in using multiple threads here command=lambda root_dir, _, file_path: self.find_duplicates_of_file( self._config.SOURCE_DIRECTORIES.value, root_dir, file_path)) self._progress_manager.clear() def cleanup_database(self, directories: List[Path]): """ Removes database entries of files that don't exist on disk. Note that this cleanup will only consider files within one of the root directories specified in constructor, as other file paths might have been added on other machines. :param directories: directories in this run """ # TODO: This iterates through all db entries - even the ones we are ignoring. # The db query should be improved to speed this up count, entries = self._persistence.get_all() if count <= 0: return self._progress_manager.start(f"Cleanup database", count, "entries", self.interactive) for entry in entries: try: image_entry = entry['_source'] metadata = image_entry[MetadataKey.METADATA.value] file_path = Path(image_entry[MetadataKey.PATH.value]) self._progress_manager.set_postfix(self._truncate_middle(str(file_path))) if MetadataKey.DATAMODEL_VERSION.value not in metadata: echo(f"Removing db entry with missing db model version number: {file_path}") self._persistence.remove(str(file_path)) continue data_version = metadata[MetadataKey.DATAMODEL_VERSION.value] if data_version != self._persistence.DATAMODEL_VERSION: echo(f"Removing db entry with old db model version: {file_path}") self._persistence.remove(str(file_path)) continue # filter by files in at least one of the specified root directories # this is necessary because the database might hold items for other paths already # and those are not interesting to us if not any(root_dir in file_path.parents for root_dir in directories): continue if not file_path.exists(): echo(f"Removing db entry for missing file: {file_path}") self._persistence.remove(str(file_path)) finally: self._progress_manager.clear() def _remove_empty_folders(self, directories: List[Path], recursive: bool): """ Searches for empty folders and removes them :param directories: directories to scan """ dry_run = self._config.DRY_RUN.value # remove empty folders for directory in directories: empty_folders = self._find_empty_folders(directory, recursive, dry_run) self._remove_folders(directory, empty_folders, dry_run) def _count_files(self, directories: List[Path]) -> dict: """ Counts the amount of files to analyze (used in progress) and stores them in a map :return map "directory path" -> "directory file count" """ directory_map = {} self._progress_manager.start(f"Counting files", len(directories), "Dirs", self.interactive) for directory in directories: self._progress_manager.set_postfix(self._truncate_middle(directory)) file_count = get_files_count( directory, self._config.RECURSIVE.value, self._config.FILE_EXTENSION_FILTER.value, self._config.EXCLUSIONS.value ) directory_map[directory] = file_count self._progress_manager.clear() return directory_map def __walk_directory_files(self, root_directory: Path, command, threads: int): """ Walks through the files of the given directory :param root_directory: the directory to start with :param command: the method to execute for every file found :return: file_path -> identifier """ with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads, thread_name_prefix="py-image-dedup-walker") as self.EXECUTOR: for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(str(root_directory)): # root is the place you're listing # dirs is a list of directories directly under root # files is a list of files directly under root root = Path(root) for file in files: file_path = Path(root, file) # skip file in exclusion if any(list(map(lambda x:, self._config.EXCLUSIONS.value))): continue # skip file with unwanted file extension if not file_has_extension(file_path, self._config.FILE_EXTENSION_FILTER.value): continue # skip if not existent (probably already deleted) if not file_path.exists(): continue try: self.EXECUTOR.submit(util.reraise_with_stack(command), root_directory, root, file_path) except Exception as e: click.echo(e, err=True) sys.exit(1) if not self._config.RECURSIVE.value: return @ANALYSIS_TIME.time() def analyze_file(self, file_path: Path): """ Analyzes a single file :param file_path: the file path """ self._progress_manager.set_postfix(self._truncate_middle(file_path)) try: self._persistence.add(str(file_path)) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) echo(f"Error analyzing file '{file_path}': {e}") finally: @FIND_DUPLICATES_TIME.time() def find_duplicates_of_file(self, root_directories: List[Path], root_directory: Path, reference_file_path: Path): """ Finds duplicates and marks all but the best copy as "to-be-deleted". :param root_directories: valid root directories :param root_directory: root directory of reference_file_path :param reference_file_path: the file to check for duplicates """ self._progress_manager.set_postfix(self._truncate_middle(reference_file_path)) # remember processed files to prevent processing files in multiple directions if reference_file_path in self._processed_files: # already found a better candidate for this file return duplicate_candidates = self._persistence.find_similar(str(reference_file_path)) if self._config.SEARCH_ACROSS_ROOT_DIRS.value: # filter by files in at least one of the specified root directories # this is necessary because the database might hold items for other paths already # and those are not interesting to us duplicate_candidates = [ candidate for candidate in duplicate_candidates if any(root_dir in Path(candidate[MetadataKey.PATH.value]).parents for root_dir in root_directories) ] else: # filter by files in the same root directory duplicate_candidates = [ candidate for candidate in duplicate_candidates if root_directory in Path(candidate[MetadataKey.PATH.value]).parents ] if len(duplicate_candidates) <= 0: echo(f"No duplication candidates found in database for '{reference_file_path}'. " "This is an indication that the file has not been analysed yet or " "there was an issue analysing it.", color='yellow') if len(duplicate_candidates) <= 1: for candidate in duplicate_candidates: candidate_path = Path(candidate[MetadataKey.PATH.value]) if candidate_path != reference_file_path: echo(f"Unexpected unique duplication candidate '{candidate_path}' for " f"reference file '{reference_file_path}'", color='yellow') self._processed_files[candidate_path] = True # nothing to do here since the result is unique return # sort by quality criteria and redo the search to use the best candidate as the reference image sorted_duplicate_candidates = self._sort_by_quality_descending(duplicate_candidates) new_reference_file_path = sorted_duplicate_candidates[0][MetadataKey.PATH.value] duplicate_candidates = self._persistence.find_similar(new_reference_file_path) candidates_to_keep, candidates_to_delete = self._select_images_to_delete(duplicate_candidates) self._save_duplicates_for_result(candidates_to_keep, candidates_to_delete) def _save_duplicates_for_result(self, files_to_keep: List[dict], duplicates: List[dict]) -> None: """ Saves the comparison result for the final summary :param files_to_keep: list of image that shall be kept :param duplicates: less good duplicates """ self._deduplication_result.set_file_duplicates(files_to_keep, duplicates) for file_to_keep in files_to_keep: file_path = Path(file_to_keep[MetadataKey.PATH.value]) self._deduplication_result.add_file_action(file_path, ActionEnum.NONE) if self._config.DEDUPLICATOR_DUPLICATES_TARGET_DIRECTORY.value is None: action = ActionEnum.DELETE else: action = ActionEnum.MOVE for duplicate in duplicates: file_path = Path(duplicate[MetadataKey.PATH.value]) self._deduplication_result.add_file_action(file_path, action) def _select_images_to_delete(self, duplicate_candidates: [{}]) -> tuple: """ Selects which image to keep and wich to remove :return: tuple (image to keep, list of images to remove) """ duplicate_candidates = self._sort_by_quality_descending(duplicate_candidates) # keep first and mark others for removal keep = [duplicate_candidates[0]] dont_keep = duplicate_candidates[1:] # move files that don't fit criteria to "keep" list max_mod_time_diff = self._config.MAX_FILE_MODIFICATION_TIME_DELTA.value if max_mod_time_diff is not None: # filter files that don't match max mod time diff criteria best_candidate = keep[0] best_match_mod_timestamp = best_candidate[MetadataKey.METADATA.value][ MetadataKey.FILE_MODIFICATION_DATE.value] for c in dont_keep: c_timestamp = c[MetadataKey.METADATA.value][MetadataKey.FILE_MODIFICATION_DATE.value] timestamp_diff = abs(c_timestamp - best_match_mod_timestamp) difference = datetime.timedelta(seconds=timestamp_diff) if difference > max_mod_time_diff: keep.append(c) dont_keep = list(filter(lambda x: x not in keep, dont_keep)) # remember that we have processed these files for candidate in duplicate_candidates: self._processed_files[candidate[MetadataKey.PATH.value]] = True return keep, dont_keep @staticmethod def _sort_by_quality_descending(duplicate_candidates) -> []: """ Sorts images according to the desired priorities. The first item in the list will be the most preferred one of all found duplicates. :param duplicate_candidates: the images to analyze :return: duplicate candidates sorted by given criteria """ def sort_criteria(candidate: dict) -> (): criteria = [] # higher pixel count is better criteria.append(candidate[MetadataKey.METADATA.value][MetadataKey.PIXELCOUNT.value] * -1) if MetadataKey.EXIF_DATA.value in candidate[MetadataKey.METADATA.value]: # more exif data is better criteria.append(len(candidate[MetadataKey.METADATA.value][MetadataKey.EXIF_DATA.value]) * -1) # reverse, bigger is better criteria.append(candidate[MetadataKey.METADATA.value][MetadataKey.FILE_SIZE.value] * -1) # reverse, bigger (later time) is better criteria.append(candidate[MetadataKey.METADATA.value][MetadataKey.FILE_MODIFICATION_DATE.value] * -1) # smaller distance is better criteria.append(candidate[MetadataKey.DISTANCE.value]) # if the filename contains "copy" it is less good criteria.append("copy" in file.get_file_name(candidate[MetadataKey.PATH.value]).lower()) # longer filename is better (for "edited" versions) criteria.append(len(file.get_file_name(candidate[MetadataKey.PATH.value])) * -1) # shorter folder path is better criteria.append(len(file.get_containing_folder(candidate[MetadataKey.PATH.value]))) # reverse, bigger is better criteria.append(candidate[MetadataKey.SCORE.value] * -1) # just to assure the order in the result is the same # if all other criteria (above) are equal # and recurring runs will result in the same order # (although they shouldn't be compared twice to begin with) criteria.append(candidate[MetadataKey.PATH.value]) return tuple(criteria) duplicate_candidates = sorted(duplicate_candidates, key=sort_criteria) return duplicate_candidates def process_duplicates(self): """ Moves or removes duplicates based on the configuration """ dry_run = self._config.DRY_RUN.value duplicate_target_directory = self._config.DEDUPLICATOR_DUPLICATES_TARGET_DIRECTORY.value if duplicate_target_directory: echo("Phase 5/6: Moving duplicates ...", color='cyan') self._move_files_marked_as_delete(duplicate_target_directory, dry_run) else: echo("Phase 5/6: Removing duplicates ...", color='cyan') self._remove_files_marked_as_delete(dry_run) def _find_empty_folders(self, root_path: Path, recursive: bool, dry_run: bool) -> [str]: """ Finds empty folders within the given root_path :param root_path: folder to search in """ result = OrderedSet() # traverse bottom-up to remove folders that are empty due to file removal for root, directories, files in os.walk(str(root_path), topdown=False): # get absolute paths of all files and folders in the current root directory abs_file_paths = list(map(lambda x: os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, x)), files)) abs_folder_paths = list(map(lambda x: os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, x)), directories)) # find out which of those files were deleted by the deduplication process files_deleted = list( map(lambda x: Path(x), filter( lambda x: Path(x) in self._deduplication_result.get_removed_or_moved_files(), abs_file_paths))) files_deleted = list(set(files_deleted + list( filter(lambda x: x.parent == Path(root), self._deduplication_result.get_removed_or_moved_files())))) folders_deleted = list(filter(lambda x: x in result, abs_folder_paths)) filtered_directories = list(filter(lambda x: x not in folders_deleted, abs_folder_paths)) if dry_run: if len(files_deleted) > 0 and len(files_deleted) == len(files) and len(folders_deleted) == len( directories): result.append(root) else: if len(files_deleted) > 0 and len(files) <= 0 and len(directories) <= 0: result.append(root) if not recursive: break return result def _remove_folders(self, root_path: Path, folders: [str], dry_run: bool): """ Function to remove empty folders :param root_path: """ echo(f"Removing empty folders ({len(folders)}) in: '{root_path}' ...") if len(folders) == 0: return self._progress_manager.start("Removing empty folders", len(folders), "Folder", self.interactive) for folder in folders: self._progress_manager.set_postfix(self._truncate_middle(folder)) if not dry_run: os.rmdir(folder) self._deduplication_result.add_removed_empty_folder(folder) self._progress_manager.clear() def _remove_files_marked_as_delete(self, dry_run: bool): """ Removes files that were marked to be deleted in previous deduplication step :param dry_run: set to true to simulate this action """ items_to_remove = self._deduplication_result.get_file_with_action(ActionEnum.DELETE) marked_files_count = len(items_to_remove) if marked_files_count == 0: return self._progress_manager.start("Removing files", marked_files_count, "File", self.interactive) self._delete_files(items_to_remove, dry_run) self._progress_manager.clear() def _move_files_marked_as_delete(self, target_dir: Path, dry_run: bool): """ Moves files that were marked to be deleted in previous deduplication step to the target directory :param target_dir: the directory to move duplicates to :param dry_run: set to true to simulate this action """ items_to_move = self._deduplication_result.get_file_with_action(ActionEnum.MOVE) marked_files_count = len(items_to_move) if marked_files_count == 0: return self._progress_manager.start("Moving files", marked_files_count, "File", self.interactive) self._move_files(items_to_move, target_dir, dry_run) self._progress_manager.clear() def _delete_files(self, files_to_delete: [str], dry_run: bool): """ Deletes files on disk :param files_to_delete: list of absolute file paths :param dry_run: set to true to simulate this action """ for file_path in files_to_delete: self._progress_manager.set_postfix(self._truncate_middle(file_path)) if dry_run: pass else: # remove from file system if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) # remove from persistence self._persistence.remove(file_path) def _move_files(self, files_to_move: List[Path], target_dir: Path, dry_run: bool): """ Moves files on disk :param files_to_move: list of absolute file paths :param target_dir: directory to move files to """ for file_path in files_to_move: self._progress_manager.set_postfix(self._truncate_middle(file_path)) try: if dry_run: continue # move file if not file_path.exists(): continue target_file = Path(str(target_dir), *[1:]) if target_file.exists(): if filecmp.cmp(file_path, target_file, shallow=False): os.remove(file_path) else: raise ValueError(f"Cant move duplicate file because the target already exists: {target_file}") else: target_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.move(file_path, target_file) # remove from persistence self._persistence.remove(str(file_path)) except Exception as ex: logging.exception(ex) # LOGGER.log(ex) finally: @staticmethod def _truncate_middle(text: any, max_length: int = 50): text = str(text) if len(text) <= max_length: # string is already short-enough, fill up with spaces return text + ((max_length - len(text)) * " ") # half of the size, minus the 3 .'s n_2 = int(max_length / 2) - 3 # whatever's left n_1 = max_length - n_2 - 3 return '{0}...{1}'.format(text[:n_1], text[-n_2:]) def remove_empty_folders(self): phase_6_text = "Phase 6/6: Removing empty folders" if not self._config.REMOVE_EMPTY_FOLDERS.value: echo(phase_6_text + " - Skipping", color='yellow') else: echo(phase_6_text, color='cyan') self._remove_empty_folders(self._config.SOURCE_DIRECTORIES.value, self._config.RECURSIVE.value)