예제 #1
    def __init__(self, mat_file='', filter=None):
        Loads in mat-file, extracts given variables in filter (time always included)
        and converts lists of values into numpy arrays.

        These are stored in result as:

        {{name1: array([values1])}, ..., {nameN: array([valuesN])}}

        self.result = {}
        fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(mat_file)
        if fileExtension.lower() == '.mat':
            # MatLab result format Dymola or OpenModelica
            mat_converter = MatFile2Dict(mat_file, filter, False)
            result_lists = mat_converter.get_results()
            # convert lists into numpy arrays
            for item in result_lists.iteritems():
                self.result.update({item[0]: np.array(item[1])})
        elif fileExtension.lower() == '.txt':
            # Text result format JModelica
            # TODO: this is a temporary solution
            #set PYTHONPATH=C:\JModelica.org-1.12\install\Python
            #set JMODELICA_HOME=C:\JModelica.org-1.12\install
            #set IPOPT_HOME=C:\JModelica.org-1.12\Ipopt-MUMPS
            #set MINGW_HOME=C:\JModelica.org-1.12\MinGW
            #set CPPAD_HOME=%JMODELICA_HOME%\ThirdParty\CppAD
            #set JAVA_HOME=C:\JModelica.org-1.12\Java\jre7
            #set SEPARATE_PROCESS_JVM=C:\JModelica.org-1.12\Java\jre7
            #set JPYPE_JVM=C:\JModelica.org-1.12\Java\jre7-i586\bin\client\jvm.dll
            #set SUNDIALS_HOME=C:\JModelica.org-1.12\install\ThirdParty\Sundials
            #set PATH=%PATH%;C:\JModelica.org-1.12\MinGW\bin;C:\JModelica.org-1.12\Java\jre7\bin
            os.environ['JMODELICA_HOME'] = r'C:\JModelica.org-1.12\install'
            os.environ['MINGW_HOME'] = r'C:\JModelica.org-1.12\MinGW'
            os.environ['JPYPE_JVM'] = r'C:\JModelica.org-1.12\Java\jre7-i586\bin\client\jvm.dll'
            import pyjmi.jmi
            print mat_file
            res = pyjmi.jmi.ResultDymolaTextual(mat_file)
            for name in res.name:
                #print name
                self.result.update({str(name):  res.get_variable_data(name).x})
        self.time = self.result['time']
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, mat_file='', variable_filter=None):
        Loads in mat-file, extracts given variables in variable_filter (time always included)
        and converts lists of values into numpy arrays.

        These are stored in result as:

        {{name1: array([values1])}, ..., {nameN: array([valuesN])}}


        mat_converter = MatFile2Dict(mat_file, variable_filter, False)
        result_lists = mat_converter.get_results()

        # convert lists into numpy arrays
        self.result = {}
        for item in result_lists.iteritems():
            self.result.update({item[0]: np.array(item[1])})

        self.time = self.result['time']
예제 #3
    def run_simulation(self, variable_filter=None, gather_desc=False):
        Simulates the model and returns with the two dictionaries;
        first one with parameters(constants) and second one with variables .

        Filter should be a list of strings with names of variables/parameters
        to include. If None all are returned.

        if self.tool.simulate_model():
            result_file = self.tool.result_mat
            mat_converter = MatFile2Dict(result_file, variable_filter,
            result = mat_converter.get_results()

            desc = None
            if gather_desc:
                desc = mat_converter.get_descriptions()

            return result, desc
            return None, None