예제 #1

def pyaPoint__truediv__(self, dividend):
    """ This implements P / dividend """
    return self.__class__(self.x / dividend, self.y / dividend)

def pyaPoint_norm(self):
    """ This implements the L2 norm """
    return sqrt(self.x ** 2 + self.y ** 2)

def angle_vector(self):
    """ Find the angle of a vector """
    from math import atan2, pi
    return (atan2(self.y, self.x)) / pi * 180

Point.angle_vector = angle_vector
DPoint.angle_vector = angle_vector

for klass in PointLike:
    klass.__rmul__ = pyaPoint__rmul__
    klass.__mul__ = pyaPoint__mul__
    klass.__truediv__ = pyaPoint__truediv__
    klass.norm = pyaPoint_norm

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] > 2: # python 2 vs python 3 compatibility fixes
    assert DPoint(1, 2) / 1.0 == DPoint(1, 2)
    assert 0.5 * DPoint(1, 2) == DPoint(0.5, 1)
예제 #2
#Transmon parameters

xmon_cpw_params = CPWParameters(20e3, 10e3)

arms_vert_len = 144.3e3
arms_hor_len = 200e3
JJ_site_span = 8e3
h_JJ = 228
w_JJ = 200
asymmetry = 0.5


startpoints = [
    DPoint(-(CHIP.dx + 100e3) / 2, -3 * (CHIP.dy + 100e3) / 2),
    DPoint((CHIP.dx + 100e3) / 2, -3 * (CHIP.dy + 100e3) / 2),
    DPoint(-(CHIP.dx + 100e3) / 2, -(CHIP.dy + 100e3) / 2),
    DPoint((CHIP.dx + 100e3) / 2, -(CHIP.dy + 100e3) / 2),
    DPoint(-(CHIP.dx + 100e3) / 2, (CHIP.dy + 100e3) / 2),
    DPoint((CHIP.dx + 100e3) / 2, (CHIP.dy + 100e3) / 2),
    DPoint(-(CHIP.dx + 100e3) / 2, 3 * (CHIP.dy + 100e3) / 2),
    DPoint((CHIP.dx + 100e3) / 2, 3 * (CHIP.dy + 100e3) / 2)

i = 0

for start in startpoints:

    i += 1
예제 #3
    def init_primitives(self):
        origin = DPoint(0, 0)

        # drawing chip
        self.chip = Rectangle(origin, self.chip_x, self.chip_y)
        self.primitives["chip"] = self.chip

        # contact pads
        self.contact_pad_left = Contact_Pad(
            origin + DPoint(0, self.chip_y / 2), {
                "w": self.Z_params[0].width,
                "g": self.Z_params[0].gap
        self.primitives["cp_left"] = self.contact_pad_left

        self.contact_pad_right = Contact_Pad(
            origin + DPoint(self.chip_x, self.chip_y / 2), {
                "w": self.Z_params[1].width,
                "g": self.Z_params[1].gap
        self.primitives["cp_right"] = self.contact_pad_right

        # top and bottom pads
        N_pads = 3
        self.connections = [
            self.contact_pad_left.end, self.contact_pad_right.end
        self.angle_connections = [

        self.contact_pads_top = [
            Contact_Pad(origin + DPoint(self.chip_x / (N_pads + 1) *
                                        (i + 1), self.chip_y), {
                                            "w": self.Z_params[2 + i].width,
                                            "g": self.Z_params[2 + i].gap
                        trans_in=Trans.R270) for i in range(0, N_pads)
        for i in range(0, N_pads):
            self.primitives["cp_top_" + str(i)] = self.contact_pads_top[i]

        self.contact_pads_bottom = [
            Contact_Pad(origin + DPoint(self.chip_x / (N_pads + 1) *
                                        (i + 1), 0), {
                                            "w": self.Z_params[5 + i].width,
                                            "g": self.Z_params[5 + i].gap
                        trans_in=Trans.R90) for i in range(0, N_pads)
        for i in range(0, N_pads):
            self.primitives["cp_bot_" + str(i)] = self.contact_pads_bottom[i]

        self.connections.append(DPoint(self.chip_x / 2, self.chip_y / 2))
예제 #4
    if (layout.has_cell("testScript")):
        cell = layout.create_cell("testScript")

    layer_info_photo = pya.LayerInfo(10, 0)
    layer_info_el = pya.LayerInfo(1, 0)
    layer_photo = layout.layer(layer_info_photo)
    layer_el = layout.layer(layer_info_el)

    # setting layout view
    lv.select_cell(cell.cell_index(), 0)

    origin = DPoint(0, 0)

    cross_widths = [1e3 * x for x in range(60, 61, 20)]
    cross_lens = [1e3 * x for x in range(125, 126, 10)]
    cross_gnd_gaps = [1e3 * x for x in range(20, 21, 1)]

    # clear this cell and layer

    from itertools import product

    pars = product(cross_widths, cross_lens, cross_gnd_gaps)
    for cross_width, cross_len, cross_gnd_gap in pars:
        xmon_dX = 2 * cross_len + cross_width + 2 * cross_gnd_gap
        CHIP.dx = 5 * xmon_dX
        CHIP.dy = 5 * xmon_dX
예제 #5
        cell = layout.create_cell("testScript")

    info = pya.LayerInfo(1, 0)
    info2 = pya.LayerInfo(2, 0)
    layer_ph = layout.layer(info)
    layer_el = layout.layer(info2)

    # clear this cell and layer

    # setting layout view
    lv.select_cell(cell.cell_index(), 0)

    origin = DPoint(0, 0)

    # Chip drwaing START #
    chip = pya.DBox(origin, DPoint(CHIP.dx, CHIP.dy))
    # Chip drawing END #

    # CWave capacitor drawing START #
    r_out = 200e3
    r_gap = 25e3
    r_curve = 2e4
    s = 5e3
    alpha = pi / 2
    circle_center = DPoint(CHIP.dx / 2, CHIP.dy / 2)

    crc = CWave(circle_center, r_out, r_gap, 8, s, alpha, r_curve, L0=r_curve)
예제 #6
    def init_primitives(self):
        origin = DPoint(0, 0)
        #erased line params
        Z = CPWParameters(0, self.s / 2)

        # placing circle r_out with dr clearance from ground polygon
        self.empt_circle = Circle(origin,
                                  self.r_out + self.dr,
        self.in_circle = Circle(origin,
        self.empt_circle.empty_region -= self.in_circle.metal_region
        self.primitives["empt_circle"] = self.empt_circle
        self.primitives["in_circle"] = self.in_circle

        # pads on left and right sides
        left = DPoint(-self.r_out, 0)
        self.pad_left = CPW(Z.width, Z.gap, left, left + DPoint(self.delta, 0))
        self.primitives["pad_left"] = self.pad_left

        right = DPoint(self.r_out, 0)
        self.pad_right = CPW(Z.width, Z.gap, right,
                             right + DPoint(-self.delta, 0))
        self.primitives["pad_right"] = self.pad_right

        # starting RLR
        self.RL_start = origin + DPoint(-self.in_circle.r + self.delta, 0)
        rl_path_start = CPWRLPath(self.RL_start, "RLR", Z, self.r_curve,
                                  [self.L0], [self.alpha, -self.alpha])
        self.primitives["rl_start"] = rl_path_start

        # ending RLR
        if (self.n_semiwaves % 2 == 0):
            m_x = False
            m_x = True
        self.RL_end = origin + DPoint(self.in_circle.r - self.delta, 0)
        rl_path_end = CPWRLPath(self.RL_end,
                                self.r_curve, [self.L0],
                                [self.alpha, -self.alpha],
                                trans_in=DCplxTrans(1, 180, m_x, 0, 0))

        # intermidiate RLRs
        for i in range(self.n_semiwaves - 1):
            if (i % 2 == 0):
                m_x = False
                m_x = True

            prev_path = list(self.primitives.values())[-1]
            rl_path_p = CPWRLPath(prev_path.end,
                                  "RLR", [Z], [self.r_curve], [self.L1],
                                  [-self.alpha, self.alpha],
                                  trans_in=DCplxTrans(1, 0, m_x, 0, 0))
            self.primitives["rl_path_" + str(i)] = rl_path_p

        self.primitives["rl_path_end"] = rl_path_end
class ResonatorSimulator(ChipDesign):

    origin = DPoint(0, 0)
    Z = CPWParameters(20e3, 10e3) # normal CPW
    Z_res = Z
    Z_narrow = CPWParameters(10e3,7e3) # narrow CPW
    cpw_curve = 200e3 # Curvature of CPW angles
    chip_x = 1.5e6
    chip_y = 1.5e6
    ncells_x = 400
    ncells_y = 400
    cpw = None

    # Call other methods drawing parts of the design from here
    def draw(self):
        self.cpw = self.draw_line(vert=True)
    def draw_chip(self):
        origin = DPoint(0, 0)
        chip = Rectangle(origin, self.chip_x, self.chip_y)
        chip.place(self.cell, self.layer_ph)
    def draw_line(self, vert=False):
        if vert:
          start = DPoint(self.chip_x * 0.2, 0)
          end = DPoint(self.chip_x * 0.2, self.chip_y)
          start = DPoint(0, self.chip_y * 0.8)
          end = DPoint(self.chip_y, self.chip_y * 0.8)
        cpw = CPW(self.Z.width, self.Z.gap, start, end)
        cpw.place(self.cell, self.layer_ph)
        return cpw
    def draw_top_left_resonator(self, coupling_length=350e3):
        # frequency from Sonnet = 6.8166 GHz
        # Qc = 5190
        coupling_length = 350e3
        pars = self.get_sps_params()
        pars_squid = self.get_dc_squid_params()
        res_to_line = 5e3 # distance between a resonator and a line

        worm_pos = DPoint(self.chip_x / 2, self.cpw.start.y - res_to_line - 2 * (self.Z.width/2 + self.Z.gap))
        worm1 = self.draw_one_resonator(worm_pos, 6.8, coupling_length, extra_neck_length=pars['r_out'], trans_in=Trans.R180)
        q_pos = worm1.end + DPoint(0, pars['r_out'] - worm1.Z.b) # qubit position
        mq1 = SFS_Csh_emb(q_pos, pars, pars_squid)
        mq1.place(self.cell, self.layer_ph, self.layer_el)

    def draw_top_right_resonator(self, coupling_length=350e3):
        # frequency from Sonnet = 7.0251 GHz
        # Qc = 4860
        coupling_length = 350e3
        pars = self.get_sps_params()
        pars_squid = self.get_dc_squid_params()
        res_to_line = 5e3 # distance between a resonator and a line

        worm_pos = DPoint(self.chip_x / 2, self.cpw.start.y - res_to_line - 2 * (self.Z.width/2 + self.Z.gap))
        worm2 = self.draw_one_resonator(worm_pos, 7, coupling_length, extra_neck_length=pars['r_out'], trans_in=Trans.R180)
        q_pos = worm2.end + DPoint(0, pars['r_out'] - worm2.Z.b) # qubit position
        mq2 = SFS_Csh_emb(q_pos, pars, pars_squid)
        mq2.place(self.cell, self.layer_ph, self.layer_el)

    def draw_bottom_left_resonator(self, coupling_length=330e3):
        # frequency from Sonnet = 7.2103 GHz
        # Qc = 5160
        coupling_length = 330e3
        pars = self.get_sps_params()
        pars_squid = self.get_dc_squid_params()
        res_to_line = 5e3 # distance between a resonator and a line
        # Moving a capacitive coupling to the top of a qubit
        pars['Z1'],       pars['Z2']       = pars['Z2'],       pars['Z1']
        pars['d_alpha1'], pars['d_alpha2'] = pars['d_alpha2'], pars['d_alpha1']
        pars['width1'],   pars['width2']   = pars['width2'],   pars['width1']
        pars['gap1'],     pars['gap2']     = pars['gap2'],     pars['gap1']

        worm_pos = DPoint(self.cpw.start.x + res_to_line + 2 * (self.Z.width/2 + self.Z.gap), self.chip_y / 2)
        worm3 = self.draw_one_resonator(worm_pos, 7.4, coupling_length, no_neck=True, vert=False, trans_in=Trans.R270)
        q_pos = worm3.end - DPoint(0, pars['r_out'] - worm3.Z.b)
        mq3 = SFS_Csh_emb(q_pos, pars, pars_squid)
        mq3.place(self.cell, self.layer_ph, self.layer_el)
    def simulate(self):
        SL = SonnetLab()

        SL.set_boxProps(self.chip_x, self.chip_y,
                        self.ncells_x, self.ncells_y)
        SL.set_ABS_sweep(7.2, 7.22)
        SL.set_ports(self.cpw.connections, [0, 0])
        SL.send_polygons(self.cell, self.layer_ph)

    def draw_one_resonator(self, pos, freq, coupling_length, no_neck=False, extra_neck_length=0, vert=True, trans_in=None):
        turn_radius = 50e3
        eps = 11.45
        wavelength_fraction = 1/4
        meander_periods = 3
        neck_length = 200e3
        if vert:
            pos = pos + DPoint((coupling_length + extra_neck_length)/2 + 2 * turn_radius, 0)
            pos = pos + DPoint(0, (coupling_length + extra_neck_length)/2 + 2 * turn_radius)
        worm = CPWResonator2(pos, self.Z, turn_radius, freq, eps, wavelength_fraction, coupling_length, meander_periods, neck_length,
                            no_neck=no_neck, extra_neck_length=extra_neck_length, trans_in=trans_in)
        worm.place(self.cell, self.layer_ph)
        return worm

    def get_sps_params(self):
        pars = {'r_out'	:	175e3, # Radius of an outer ring including the empty region
                'dr'	:	25e3, # Gap in the outer ring
                'n_semiwaves'	:	2,
                's'	:	10e3, # Gap between two pads of a central capacitor
                'alpha'	:	pi/4, # period of a gap zigzag
                'r_curve'	:	30e3, # curvature of the roundings at the edges of a zigzag
                'n_pts_cwave'	:	200, # number of points for drawing a wave gap between to conductors
                'Z1'	:	self.Z_narrow, # Parameters of a top CPW
                'd_alpha1'	:	0, # width of a tip  of a central conductor of the top CPW
                'width1'	:	0, # width of a conductor in the top semiring
                'gap1'	:	25e3 - 1.33e3, # gap between the top semiring and the central capacitor
                'Z2'	:	self.Z, # Parameters of a bottom CPW
                'd_alpha2'	:	2 / 9 * pi, # length of a circumference covered by the bottom semiring
                'width2'	:	25e3/3, # width of a conductor in the bottom semiring
                'gap2'	:	25e3/3, # gap between the bottom semiring and the central capacitor
                'n_pts_arcs'	:	 50, # number of points for drawing a circle
        return pars

    def get_dc_squid_params(self):
        pad_side = 5e3 # A length of the side of triangle pad
        pad_r = 1e3 # The outer_r of round angle of the contact pad
        pads_distance = 30e3 # The distance between triangle contact pads
        p_ext_width = 3e3 # The width of curved rectangle leads which connect triangle contact pads and junctions
        p_ext_r = 0.5e3 # The angle outer_r of the pad extension
        sq_len = 7e3 # The length of the squid, along leads
        sq_area = 15e6 # The total area of the squid
        j_width = 0.2e3 # The width of the upper small leads (straight) and also a width of the junction
        intermediate_width = 0.5e3 # The width g the lower small bended leads before bending
        b_ext =   0.9e3 # The extension of bended leads after bending
        j_length =  0.1e3 # The length of the jj and the width of bended parts of the lower leads
        n = 7 # The number of angle in regular polygon which serves as a large contact pad
        bridge = 0.2e3 # The value of the gap between two parts of junction in the design
        return [pad_side, pad_r, pads_distance, p_ext_width,
                p_ext_r, sq_len, sq_area, j_width, intermediate_width,
                b_ext, j_length, n,bridge]
예제 #8
    cell = layout.create_cell("testScript")

info = pya.LayerInfo(1, 0)
info2 = pya.LayerInfo(2, 0)
layer_ph = layout.layer(info)
layer_el = layout.layer(info2)

# clear this cell and layer

# setting layout view
lv.select_cell(cell.cell_index(), 0)

box = pya.Box(0, 0, CHIP.dx, CHIP.dy)

cpw_params = [10e3, 20e3]
c1 = Capacitor_small(DPoint(0, CHIP.dy / 2), cpw_params, 200e3, 20e3,
                     5e3)  #116.144e3)

c1.place(cell, layer_ph)

ports = [
    SonnetPort(c1.start, PORT_TYPES.BOX_WALL),
    SonnetPort(feedline1.end, PORT_TYPES.BOX_WALL)

예제 #9
    layer_info_photo = pya.LayerInfo(10, 0)
    layer_info_el = pya.LayerInfo(1, 0)
    layer_photo = layout.layer(layer_info_photo)
    layer_el = layout.layer(layer_info_el)

    # clear this cell and layer

    # setting layout view
    lv.select_cell(cell.cell_index(), 0)

        pya.Box(Point(0, 0), Point(CHIP.dx, CHIP.dy)))
    origin = DPoint(0, 0)

    contact_L = 1e6

    # main drive line coplanar
    width = 24.1e3
    gap = 12.95e3
    x = 0.25 * CHIP.dx
    y = 0.9 * CHIP.dy
    p1 = DPoint(0, y)
    p2 = DPoint(CHIP.dx, y)
    Z0 = CPW(width, gap, p1, p2)
    Z0.place(cell, layer_photo)

    # resonator
    L_coupling = 300e3
예제 #10
        cv = lv.active_cellview()

# find or create the desired by programmer cell and layer
    layout = cv.layout()
    layout.dbu = 0.001
    if (layout.has_cell("testScript")):
        cell = layout.create_cell("testScript")

    info = pya.LayerInfo(1, 0)
    info2 = pya.LayerInfo(2, 0)
    layer_ph = layout.layer(info)
    layer_el = layout.layer(info2)

    # clear this cell and layer

    # setting layout view
    lv.select_cell(cell.cell_index(), 0)

    origin = DPoint(0, 0)
    cros = Mark1(origin)
    cros.place(cell, layer_ph)

    ### DRAW SECTION END ###
예제 #11
파일: JJ.py 프로젝트: vdrhtc/KLayout-python
    def init_primitives(self):

        bottom_left_w_JJ = self._bottom_left_w_JJ + self._correction
        bottom_right_w_JJ = self._bottom_right_w_JJ + self._correction
        top_left_h_JJ = self._top_left_h_JJ + self._correction
        top_right_h_JJ = self._top_right_h_JJ + self._correction

        # Top
        cursor = DPoint(0, self._structure_length / 2)
        self.primitives["top_pad"] =\
            CPW(self._pad_width, 0, cursor,
                cursor+DPoint(0, -self._structure_length/4))
        cursor = self.primitives["top_pad"].end

        cursor_l = cursor + DPoint(
            -self._squid_width_top / 2 - self._small_lead_width / 2, 0)
        self.primitives["top_left_small_lead"] =\
            CPW(self._small_lead_width, 0, cursor_l,
                    cursor_l+DPoint(0, -self._structure_length/4+top_left_h_JJ/2))
        cursor_l = self.primitives["top_left_small_lead"].end

        cursor_l += DPoint(-self._small_lead_width / 2, -top_left_h_JJ / 2)
        self.primitives["top_left_tiny_lead"] =\
            CPW(top_left_h_JJ, 0, cursor_l,
                    cursor_l+DPoint(self._top_tiny_lead_length+self._tiny_lead_outshoot, 0))

        cursor_r = cursor + DPoint(
            self._squid_width_top / 2 + self._small_lead_width / 2, 0)
        self.primitives["top_right_small_lead"] =\
            CPW(self._small_lead_width, 0, cursor_r,
                cursor_r+DPoint(0, -self._structure_length/4+top_right_h_JJ/2))
        cursor_r = self.primitives["top_right_small_lead"].end

        cursor_r += DPoint(self._small_lead_width / 2, -top_right_h_JJ / 2)
        self.primitives["top_right_tiny_lead"] =\
            CPW(top_right_h_JJ, 0, cursor_r,
                    cursor_r+DPoint(-self._top_tiny_lead_length-self._tiny_lead_outshoot, 0))

        # Bottom

        cursor = DPoint(0, -self._structure_length / 2)
        self.primitives["bottom_pad"] =\
            CPW(self._pad_width, 0, cursor,
                cursor+DPoint(0, self._structure_length/4))
        cursor = self.primitives["bottom_pad"].end

        cursor_l = cursor +\
            DPoint(-self._squid_width_bottom/2 \
                    - self._small_lead_width/2 \
                    , 0)
        self.primitives["bottom_left_small_lead"] =\
            CPW(self._small_lead_width, 0, cursor_l,
                cursor_l+DPoint(0, self._structure_length/4\
        cursor_l = self.primitives["bottom_left_small_lead"].end

        cursor_l += DPoint(0, 0)
        self.primitives["bottom_left_tiny_lead"] =\
            CPW(bottom_left_w_JJ, 0, cursor_l,
                cursor_l+DPoint(0, self._bottom_tiny_lead_length\
                    - top_left_h_JJ/2 - self._bridge_width))

        cursor_r = cursor +\
            DPoint(self._squid_width_bottom/2 \
                    + self._small_lead_width/2, 0)
        self.primitives["bottom_right_small_lead"] =\
            CPW(self._small_lead_width, 0, cursor_r,
                cursor_r+DPoint(0, self._structure_length/4\
        cursor_r = self.primitives["bottom_right_small_lead"].end

        cursor_r += DPoint(0, 0)
        self.primitives["bottom_right_tiny_lead"] =\
            CPW(bottom_right_w_JJ, 0, cursor_r,
                cursor_r+DPoint(0, self._bottom_tiny_lead_length\
                    - top_right_h_JJ/2 - self._bridge_width))
    layer_info_el = pya.LayerInfo(1, 0)
    layer_photo = layout.layer(layer_info_photo)
    layer_el = layout.layer(layer_info_el)

    # clear this cell and layer

    # setting layout view
    if lv:
        lv.select_cell(cell.cell_index(), 0)

        pya.Box(Point(0, 0), Point(CHIP.dx, CHIP.dy)))
    origin = DPoint(0, 0)

    contact_L = 1e6

    # main drive line coplanar
    width = 24.1e3
    gap = 12.95e3
    x = 0.25 * CHIP.dx
    y = 0.9 * CHIP.dy
    p1 = DPoint(0, y)
    p2 = DPoint(CHIP.dx, y)
    Z0 = CPW(width, gap, p1, p2)
    Z0.place(cell, layer_photo)

    # resonator
    L_coupling = 300e3
예제 #13
    width2 = 74e3
    gap2 = 13e3
    gndWidth = 20  #not used
    L1 = 1e6
    L2 = 0.46538e6
    L3 = 1e6
    L4 = 0.108427e6
    L5 = 1e6
    R1 = 0.3e6
    R2 = 0.3e6
    R3 = 0.3e6
    R4 = 0.3e6
    gamma1 = pi / 4
    gamma2 = 2.35619

    origin = DPoint(1e6, 0)
    #cell.shapes( layer_i ).insert( pya.Box( Point(0,0), Point( CHIP_10x10_12pads.dx, CHIP_10x10_12pads.dy ) ) )
    Z0 = CPW(width1, gap1, origin, origin)
    Z1 = CPW(width2, gap2, origin, origin)
    '''Z1 = CPW( width1, gap1, origin, origin + DPoint( 1e6,0 ), trans_in=DCplxTrans( 1,90,False,1e6,0 ) )
	Z1.place( cell, layer_i )
	for val in Z1.connections:
		print( val )
	print( Z0.origin )'''
    '''Z1 = CPW_arc( Z0, origin + DPoint(1e6,0), R1, gamma1, trans_in=DCplxTrans( 1,90,False,1e6,0 ) )
	Z1.place( cell, layer_i )
	for val in Z1.connections:
		print( val )
	print( Z0.origin )'''
    '''Z1 = CPW( width2,gap2, DPoint(0,0), DPoint(0,0) )
	tj = TJunction_112( Z0,Z1, origin + DPoint(1e6,1e6), DCplxTrans( 1,30,False,1e6,1e6 ) )
예제 #14
        cell = layout.create_cell("testScript")

    info = pya.LayerInfo(10, 0)
    layer_i = layout.layer(info)

    # clear this cell and layer

    # setting layout view
    lv.select_cell(cell.cell_index(), 0)

    origin = DPoint(1e6, 0)
    a = 4.6e3
    b = 4.6e3
    jos1_b = 0.32e3
    jos1_a = 0.1e3
    f1 = 0.13e3
    d1 = 0.05e3
    jos2_b = 0.8e3
    jos2_a = 0.09e3
    f2 = 0.25e3
    d2 = d1
    w = 0.2e3
    B1_width = 2.405e3
    B1_height = 7.325e3
    B2_height = 0.6e3
    B5_height = 0.4e3
 def draw_chip(self):
     origin = DPoint(0, 0)
     chip = Rectangle(origin, self.chip_x, self.chip_y)
     chip.place(self.cell, self.layer_ph)
예제 #16
 def __init__(self, origin, inner_square_a, outer_square_a, trans_in=None):
     self.in_a = inner_square_a
     self.out_a = outer_square_a
     self.center = origin + DPoint(self.out_a / 2, self.out_a / 2)
     super(Cross, self).__init__(origin, trans_in)
     self.center = self.connections[0]
	layer_info_photo = pya.LayerInfo(10,0)
	layer_info_el = pya.LayerInfo(1,0)
	layer_photo = layout.layer( layer_info_photo )
	layer_el = layout.layer( layer_info_el )

	# clear this cell and layer

	# setting layout view
	if lv:
		lv.select_cell(cell.cell_index(), 0)

	cell.shapes( layer_photo ).insert( pya.Box( Point(0,0), Point( CHIP.dx, CHIP.dy ) ) )
	origin = DPoint( 0,0 )

	contact_L = 1e6

	# main drive line coplanar
	width = 24.1e3
	gap = 12.95e3
	p1 = DPoint( 0 + contact_L, CHIP.dy/2 )
	p2 = DPoint( CHIP.dx - contact_L, CHIP.dy/2 )
	Z0 = CPW( width, gap, p1, p2 )
	Z0.place( cell, layer_photo )

	# left contact pad
	width1 = CHIP.width*2
	gap1 = CHIP.gap*2
	p3 = DPoint( 0, CHIP.dy/2 )