예제 #1
    def test_custom_type(self):
        def write_as_list(list_interface_obj, encoder):
            list_interface_obj.ran = True
            self.assertEqual(id(encoder), id(self.encoder))

            return list(list_interface_obj)

        class ListWrapper(object):
            ran = False

            def __iter__(self):
                return iter([1, 2, 3])

        pyamf.add_type(ListWrapper, write_as_list)
        x = ListWrapper()

        self.assertEqual(x.ran, True)

예제 #2
파일: myadapter.py 프로젝트: 84322146/pyamf
def when_imported(mod):
    This function is called immediately after mymodule has been imported.
    It configures PyAMF to encode a list when an instance of mymodule.CustomClass
    is encountered.
    import pyamf

    pyamf.add_type(mod.CustomClass, lambda obj: list(obj))
예제 #3
    def setUp(self):

        if not hasattr(collections, 'namedtuple'):
            self.skipTest("'collections.namedtuple' not available")

        user_vo = collections.namedtuple('user_vo', 'id name age')

        pyamf.add_type(user_vo, lambda obj, encoder: obj._asdict())

        self.obj = user_vo(1, 'Hadrien', 30)
        self.orig = self.obj._asdict()
예제 #4
    def test_add_class(self):
        class A:

        class B(object):

        self.assertTrue(A in pyamf.TYPE_MAP)

        self.assertTrue(B in pyamf.TYPE_MAP)
예제 #5
    def test_add_multiple(self):
        td = pyamf.add_type((chr,))

        class A(object):

        class B(object):

        class C(object):

        td = pyamf.add_type([A, B, C])
예제 #6
    def test_add_multiple(self):
        td = pyamf.add_type((chr,))

        class A(object):

        class B(object):

        class C(object):

        td = pyamf.add_type([A, B, C])
        self.assertEqual(td, pyamf.get_type([A, B, C]))
예제 #7
    def test_remove(self):
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, pyamf.remove_type, chr)
        td = pyamf.add_type((chr,))

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, pyamf.remove_type, chr)
        td2 = pyamf.remove_type((chr,))

        self.assertEqual(td, td2)
예제 #8
    def test_custom_type(self):
        def write_as_list(list_interface_obj, encoder):
            list_interface_obj.ran = True
            self.assertEqual(id(self.encoder), id(encoder))

            return list(list_interface_obj)

        class ListWrapper(object):
            ran = False

            def __iter__(self):
                return iter([1, 2, 3])

        pyamf.add_type(ListWrapper, write_as_list)
        x = ListWrapper()

        self.assertEncoded(x, '\t\x07\x01\x04\x01\x04\x02\x04\x03')
예제 #9
    def test_custom_type(self):
        def write_as_list(list_interface_obj):
            list_interface_obj.ran = True

            return list(list_interface_obj)

        class ListWrapper(object):
            ran = False

            def __iter__(self):
                return iter([1, 2, 3])

        pyamf.add_type(ListWrapper, write_as_list)
        x = ListWrapper()

        self.assertEquals(x.ran, True)

        self.assertEquals(self.buf.getvalue(), '\t\x07\x01\x04\x01\x04\x02\x04\x03')
예제 #10
    def test_get_type(self):
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, pyamf.get_type, chr)
        td = pyamf.add_type((chr,))
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, pyamf.get_type, chr)

        td2 = pyamf.get_type((chr,))
        self.assertEqual(td, td2)

        td2 = pyamf.get_type([chr,])
        self.assertEqual(td, td2)
    C{object.__class__: {key1: object1, key2: object2, .., keyn: objectn}}. We
    use the datastore key to do the reference checking.

    @since: 0.4.1
    if not obj.is_saved():


    context = encoder.context
    kls = obj.__class__
    s = obj.key()

    gae_objects = getGAEObjects(context)

        referenced_object = gae_objects.getClassKey(kls, s)
    except KeyError:
        referenced_object = obj
        gae_objects.addClassKey(kls, s, obj)


# initialise the module here: hook into pyamf

pyamf.register_alias_type(DataStoreClassAlias, db.Model)
pyamf.add_type(db.Query, util.to_list)
pyamf.add_type(db.Model, writeGAEObject)
예제 #12
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE for details.

SQLAlchemy adapter module.

@see: U{SQLAlchemy homepage (external)<http://www.sqlalchemy.org>}

@since: 0.4

from sqlalchemy.orm import collections

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

pyamf.add_type(collections.InstrumentedList, util.to_list)
pyamf.add_type(collections.InstrumentedDict, util.to_dict)
pyamf.add_type(collections.InstrumentedSet, util.to_set)
예제 #13
# Copyright (c) The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.

U{array<http://docs.python.org/library/array.html>} adapter module.

Will convert all array.array instances to a python list before encoding. All
type information is lost (but degrades nicely).

@since: 0.5

import array

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

if hasattr(array, 'ArrayType'):
    pyamf.add_type(array.ArrayType, util.to_list)
# Copyright (c) The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.

Django query adapter module.

Sets up basic type mapping and class mappings for a
Django models.

@see: U{Django Project<http://www.djangoproject.com>}
@since: 0.1b

from django.db.models import query

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

pyamf.add_type(query.QuerySet, util.to_list)
예제 #15
# Copyright (c) The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.

U{collections<http://docs.python.org/library/collections.html>} adapter module.

@since: 0.5

import collections

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

if hasattr(collections, 'deque'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.deque, util.to_list)

if hasattr(collections, 'defaultdict'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.defaultdict, util.to_dict)
예제 #16
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE for details.
C{django.db.models.fields} adapter module.

@see: U{Django Project<http://www.djangoproject.com>}
@since: 0.4

from django.db.models import fields

import pyamf

def convert_NOT_PROVIDED(x, encoder):
    @rtype: L{Undefined<pyamf.Undefined>}
    return pyamf.Undefined

pyamf.add_type(lambda x: x is fields.NOT_PROVIDED, convert_NOT_PROVIDED)
예제 #17
        referenced_object = gae_objects.getClassKey(kls, s)
    except KeyError:
        gae_objects.addClassKey(kls, s, object)
        self.writeNonGAEObject(object, *args, **kwargs)


    self.writeNonGAEObject(referenced_object, *args, **kwargs)

def install_gae_reference_model_hook(mod):
    Called when L{pyamf.amf0} or L{pyamf.amf3} are imported. Attaches the
    L{writeGAEObject} method to the C{Encoder} class in that module.

    @param mod: The module imported.
    @since: 0.4.1
    if not hasattr(mod.Encoder, 'writeNonGAEObject'):
        mod.Encoder.writeNonGAEObject = mod.Encoder.writeObject
        mod.Encoder.writeObject = writeGAEObject

# initialise the module here: hook into pyamf

pyamf.add_type(db.Query, util.to_list)
pyamf.register_alias_type(DataStoreClassAlias, db.Model, db.Expando)

# hook the L{writeGAEObject} method to the Encoder class on import
imports.whenImported('pyamf.amf0', install_gae_reference_model_hook)
imports.whenImported('pyamf.amf3', install_gae_reference_model_hook)
예제 #18
파일: test_basic.py 프로젝트: ruwix/TVWeb
    def test_add_callable(self):
        td = pyamf.add_type(ord)

        self.assertTrue(ord in pyamf.TYPE_MAP)
        self.assertTrue(td in pyamf.TYPE_MAP.values())
예제 #19
파일: test_basic.py 프로젝트: ruwix/TVWeb
 def test_add_same(self):
     self.assertRaises(KeyError, pyamf.add_type, chr)
예제 #20
# Copyright (c) The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.
Adapter for the stdlib C{sets} module.

@since: 0.4

import sets

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

if hasattr(sets, 'ImmutableSet'):
    pyamf.add_type(sets.ImmutableSet, util.to_tuple)

if hasattr(sets, 'Set'):
    pyamf.add_type(sets.Set, util.to_tuple)
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.
Django query adapter module.

Sets up basic type mapping and class mappings for a
Django models.

@see: U{Django Project<http://www.djangoproject.com>}
@since: 0.1b

from django.db.models import query

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

pyamf.add_type(query.QuerySet, util.to_list)
예제 #22
 def test_add_same(self):
     self.assertRaises(KeyError, pyamf.add_type, chr)
예제 #23
    def test_add_callable(self):
        td = pyamf.add_type(ord)

        self.assertTrue(ord in pyamf.TYPE_MAP)
        self.assertTrue(td in pyamf.TYPE_MAP.values())
    given object graph.

    We create a new map on the encoder context object which contains a dict of
    C{object.__class__: {key1: object1, key2: object2, .., keyn: objectn}}. We
    use the primary key to do the reference checking.

    @since: 0.5
    s = obj.pk

    if s is None:


    django_objects = getDjangoObjects(encoder.context)
    kls = obj.__class__

        referenced_object = django_objects.getClassKey(kls, s)
    except KeyError:
        referenced_object = obj
        django_objects.addClassKey(kls, s, obj)


# initialise the module here: hook into pyamf
pyamf.register_alias_type(DjangoClassAlias, Model)
pyamf.add_type(Model, writeDjangoObject)
예제 #25
    C{object.__class__: {key1: object1, key2: object2, .., keyn: objectn}}. We
    use the datastore key to do the reference checking.

    @since: 0.4.1
    if not obj.is_saved():


    context = encoder.context
    kls = obj.__class__
    s = obj.key()

    gae_objects = getGAEObjects(context)

        referenced_object = gae_objects.getClassKey(kls, s)
    except KeyError:
        referenced_object = obj
        gae_objects.addClassKey(kls, s, obj)


# initialise the module here: hook into pyamf

pyamf.register_alias_type(DataStoreClassAlias, db.Model)
pyamf.add_type(db.Query, util.to_list)
pyamf.add_type(db.Model, writeGAEObject)
예제 #26
Adapter for the U{decimal<http://docs.python.org/library/decimal.html>} module.

@since: 0.4

import decimal

import pyamf

def convert_Decimal(x, encoder):
    Called when an instance of U{decimal.Decimal<http://
    docs.python.org/library/decimal.html#decimal-objects>} is about to be
    encoded to an AMF stream.

    @return: If the encoder is in 'strict' mode then C{x} will be converted to
        a float. Otherwise an L{pyamf.EncodeError} with a friendly message is
    if encoder.strict is False:
        return float(x)

    raise pyamf.EncodeError('Unable to encode decimal.Decimal instances as '
        'there is no way to guarantee exact conversion. Use strict=False to '
        'convert to a float.')

if hasattr(decimal, 'Decimal'):
    pyamf.add_type(decimal.Decimal, convert_Decimal)
예제 #27
# Copyright (c) The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.

U{collections<http://docs.python.org/library/collections.html>} adapter module.

@since: 0.5

import collections

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

if hasattr(collections, 'deque'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.deque, util.to_list)

if hasattr(collections, 'defaultdict'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.defaultdict, util.to_dict)

if hasattr(collections, 'Counter'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.Counter, util.to_dict)

if hasattr(collections, 'OrderedDict'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.OrderedDict, util.to_dict)
예제 #28
        fields = obj._fields
        for key, value in attrs.items():
            if key not in fields.keys():
                print "Got unknown key '%s' for %r" % (key, obj)
                del attrs[key]
        return attrs

def map_mongoengine_document(klass):
    if not isinstance(klass, type):
        klass = type(klass)
    if issubclass(klass, BaseDocument):
        return True
    return False

def objectIDHack(obj, encoder=None):
    For some reason ObjectIDs f**k everything up. I dont know why and when I try to find
    out I end up smashing things. So here a little hack!

    @param obj:
    @param encoder:

pyamf.register_alias_type(MongoEngineDocumentAlias, map_mongoengine_document)
pyamf.add_type(ObjectId, objectIDHack)
예제 #29
@since: 0.4

import decimal

import pyamf

def convert_Decimal(x, encoder):
    Called when an instance of L{decimal.Decimal} is about to be encoded to
    an AMF stream.

    @param x: The L{decimal.Decimal} instance to encode.
    @param encoder: The L{pyamf.BaseEncoder} instance about to perform the
    @return: If the encoder is in 'strict' mode then C{x} will be converted to
        a float. Otherwise an L{pyamf.EncodeError} with a friendly message is
    if encoder is not None and isinstance(encoder, pyamf.BaseEncoder):
        if encoder.strict is False:
            return float(x)

    raise pyamf.EncodeError('Unable to encode decimal.Decimal instances as '
        'there is no way to guarantee exact conversion. Use strict=False to '
        'convert to a float.')

if hasattr(decimal, 'Decimal'):
    pyamf.add_type(decimal.Decimal, convert_Decimal)
예제 #30
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE for details.

Django adapter module.

Sets up basic type mapping and class mappings for a
Django project.

@see: U{Django Project<http://www.djangoproject.com>}

@author: U{Nick Joyce<mailto:[email protected]>}

@since: 0.1b

import pyamf

    from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
except ImportError:
    QuerySet = None

if QuerySet is not None:
    def _write_queryset(qs):
        return list(qs)

    pyamf.add_type(QuerySet, _write_queryset)
예제 #31
        return value

    # TimeProperty fields expect specific types of data
    # whereas PyAMF only decodes into datetime.datetime
    # objects.
    return value.time()

def transform_xdb_stubs(payload, context):
    Called when a successful decode has been performed. Transform the stubs
    within the payload to proper db.Model instances.
    stubs = context.get(XDB_STUB_NAME, None)

    if not stubs:
        return payload


    return payload

# initialise the module here: hook into pyamf
pyamf.register_alias_type(DataStoreClassAlias, db.Model)
pyamf.add_type(db.Query, util.to_list)
pyamf.add_type(db.Key, encode_xdb_key)
pyamf.add_type(db.Model, encode_xdb_entity)

예제 #32
        referenced_object = gae_objects.getClassKey(kls, s)
    except KeyError:
        gae_objects.addClassKey(kls, s, object)
        self.writeNonGAEObject(object, *args, **kwargs)


    self.writeNonGAEObject(referenced_object, *args, **kwargs)

def install_gae_reference_model_hook(mod):
    Called when L{pyamf.amf0} or L{pyamf.amf3} are imported. Attaches the
    L{writeGAEObject} method to the C{Encoder} class in that module.

    @param mod: The module imported.
    @since: 0.4.1
    if not hasattr(mod.Encoder, 'writeNonGAEObject'):
        mod.Encoder.writeNonGAEObject = mod.Encoder.writeObject
        mod.Encoder.writeObject = writeGAEObject

# initialise the module here: hook into pyamf

pyamf.add_type(db.Query, util.to_list)
pyamf.register_alias_type(DataStoreClassAlias, db.Model, db.Expando)

# hook the L{writeGAEObject} method to the Encoder class on import
imports.whenImported('pyamf.amf0', install_gae_reference_model_hook)
imports.whenImported('pyamf.amf3', install_gae_reference_model_hook)
예제 #33
@since: 0.6.2

import weakref

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

class Foo(object):

weakref_type = type(weakref.ref(Foo()))

def get_referent(reference, **kwargs):
    return reference()

pyamf.add_type(weakref_type, get_referent)

if hasattr(weakref, 'WeakValueDictionary'):
    pyamf.add_type(weakref.WeakValueDictionary, util.to_dict)

if hasattr(weakref, 'WeakSet'):
    pyamf.add_type(weakref.WeakSet, util.to_list)
예제 #34
        return value

    # TimeProperty fields expect specific types of data
    # whereas PyAMF only decodes into datetime.datetime
    # objects.
    return value.time()

def transform_xdb_stubs(payload, context):
    Called when a successful decode has been performed. Transform the stubs
    within the payload to proper db.Model instances.
    stubs = context.get(XDB_STUB_NAME, None)

    if not stubs:
        return payload


    return payload

# initialise the module here: hook into pyamf
pyamf.register_alias_type(DataStoreClassAlias, db.Model)
pyamf.add_type(db.Query, util.to_list)
pyamf.add_type(db.Key, encode_xdb_key)
pyamf.add_type(db.Model, encode_xdb_entity)

예제 #35
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.

collections adapter module.

@since: 0.5

import collections

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

if hasattr(collections, 'deque'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.deque, util.to_list)

if hasattr(collections, 'defaultdict'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.defaultdict, util.to_dict)
예제 #36
# Copyright (c) The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.

C{django.utils.translation} adapter module.

@see: U{Django Project<http://www.djangoproject.com>}
@since: 0.4.2

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy

import pyamf

def convert_lazy(l, encoder=None):
    if l.__class__._delegate_unicode:
        return unicode(l)

    if l.__class__._delegate_str:
        return str(l)

    raise ValueError('Don\'t know how to convert lazy value %s' % (repr(l),))

pyamf.add_type(type(ugettext_lazy('foo')), convert_lazy)
예제 #37
파일: _sets.py 프로젝트: notnola/pinychat
# Copyright (c) The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE for details.

Adapter for the stdlib C{sets} module.

@since: 0.4

import sets

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

if hasattr(sets, 'ImmutableSet'):
    pyamf.add_type(sets.ImmutableSet, util.to_tuple)

if hasattr(sets, 'Set'):
    pyamf.add_type(sets.Set, util.to_tuple)
예제 #38
@since: 0.6.2

import weakref

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

class Foo(object):

weakref_type = type(weakref.ref(Foo()))

def get_referent(reference, **kwargs):
    return reference()

pyamf.add_type(weakref_type, get_referent)

if hasattr(weakref, 'WeakValueDictionary'):
    pyamf.add_type(weakref.WeakValueDictionary, util.to_dict)

if hasattr(weakref, 'WeakSet'):
    pyamf.add_type(weakref.WeakSet, util.to_list)
예제 #39
        if self.KEY_ATTR in attrs:
            del attrs[self.KEY_ATTR]

        for key, prop in self.klass.__dict__.iteritems():
            if isinstance(prop, property) and key in attrs.keys():
                if prop.fset is None:
                    del attrs[key]

        pyamf.util.set_attrs(obj, attrs)

def is_class_sa_mapped(klass):
    @rtype: C{bool}
    if not isinstance(klass, type):
        klass = type(klass)

    except UnmappedInstanceError:
        return False

    return True

pyamf.register_alias_type(SaMappedClassAlias, is_class_sa_mapped)

pyamf.add_type(collections.InstrumentedList, util.to_list)
pyamf.add_type(collections.InstrumentedDict, util.to_dict)
pyamf.add_type(collections.InstrumentedSet, util.to_set)
        datetime.time(0, 0, 0)

def post_ndb_process(payload, context):
    stubs = context.get(NDB_STUB_NAME, None)

    if not stubs:
        return payload


    return payload

# small optimisation to compile the ndb.Model base class
if hasattr(ndb.model, '_NotEqualMixin'):
    not_equal_mixin = pyamf.register_class(ndb.model._NotEqualMixin)

    del not_equal_mixin

# initialise the module here: hook into pyamf
pyamf.register_alias_type(NDBClassAlias, ndb.Model, ndb.Expando)
pyamf.add_type(ndb.Query, util.to_list)
pyamf.add_type(ndb.Model, encode_ndb_instance)
pyamf.add_type(ndb.Key, encode_ndb_key)
예제 #41
# Copyright (c) The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.
U{array<http://docs.python.org/library/array.html>} adapter module.

Will convert all array.array instances to a python list before encoding. All
type information is lost (but degrades nicely).

@since: 0.5

import array

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

if hasattr(array, 'ArrayType'):
    pyamf.add_type(array.ArrayType, util.to_list)
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE for details.

C{django.db.models.fields} adapter module.

@see: U{Django Project<http://www.djangoproject.com>}
@since: 0.3.2

from django.db.models import fields

import pyamf

def convert_NOT_PROVIDED(x):
    return pyamf.Undefined

pyamf.add_type(lambda x: x == fields.NOT_PROVIDED, convert_NOT_PROVIDED)
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE for details.

Django model adapter module.

Sets up basic type mapping and class mappings for a
Django models.

@see: U{Django Project<http://www.djangoproject.com>}
@author: U{Nick Joyce<mailto:[email protected]>}
@since: 0.1b

from django.db.models import query

import pyamf

def write_queryset(qs):
    return list(qs)

pyamf.add_type(query.QuerySet, write_queryset)
예제 #44
# Copyright (c) The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.

U{collections<http://docs.python.org/library/collections.html>} adapter module.

@since: 0.5

import collections

import pyamf
from pyamf.adapters import util

if hasattr(collections, 'deque'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.deque, util.to_list)

if hasattr(collections, 'defaultdict'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.defaultdict, util.to_dict)

if hasattr(collections, 'Counter'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.Counter, util.to_dict)

if hasattr(collections, 'OrderedDict'):
    pyamf.add_type(collections.OrderedDict, util.to_dict)
예제 #45
    given object graph.

    We create a new map on the encoder context object which contains a dict of
    C{object.__class__: {key1: object1, key2: object2, .., keyn: objectn}}. We
    use the primary key to do the reference checking.

    @since: 0.5
    s = obj.pk

    if s is None:


    django_objects = getDjangoObjects(encoder.context)
    kls = obj.__class__

        referenced_object = django_objects.getClassKey(kls, s)
    except KeyError:
        referenced_object = obj
        django_objects.addClassKey(kls, s, obj)


# initialise the module here: hook into pyamf
pyamf.register_alias_type(DjangoClassAlias, Model)
pyamf.add_type(Model, writeDjangoObject)
예제 #46
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 The PyAMF Project.
# See LICENSE for details.

Django model adapter module.

Sets up basic type mapping and class mappings for a
Django models.

@see: U{Django Project<http://www.djangoproject.com>}
@since: 0.1b

from django.db.models import query

import pyamf

def write_queryset(qs, encoder):
    return list(qs)

pyamf.add_type(query.QuerySet, write_queryset)