def processImage(self, imgdata): stackedname = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], imgdata['filename']+"power.jpg") if os.path.isfile(stackedname) and apFile.fileSize(stackedname) > 100: return ### make the power spectra powerspectra = imagefun.power(imgdata['image'], mask_radius=1.0, thresh=4) binpowerspectra = imagefun.bin2(powerspectra, self.params['bin']) del powerspectra if self.params['hp'] is True: binpowerspectra = apImage.fermiHighPassFilter(binpowerspectra, apix=4.0, radius=2000.0) binpowerspectra = apImage.normStdevMed(binpowerspectra, size=5) binpowerspectra = apImage.pixelLimitFilter(binpowerspectra, pixlimit=4) binpowerspectra = apImage.normRange(binpowerspectra) ### filter the image imagedata = imagefun.bin2(imgdata['image'], self.params['bin']) del imgdata['image'] imagedata = apImage.normStdevMed(imagedata, size=5) imagedata = apImage.pixelLimitFilter(imagedata, pixlimit=2) imagedata = apImage.normRange(imagedata) ### write to file stacked = numpy.hstack([imagedata, binpowerspectra]) del imagedata, binpowerspectra apImage.arrayToJpeg(stacked, stackedname)
def processImage(self, imgdata): stackedname = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], imgdata['filename'] + "power.jpg") if os.path.isfile(stackedname) and apFile.fileSize(stackedname) > 100: return ### make the power spectra powerspectra = imagefun.power(imgdata['image'], mask_radius=1.0, thresh=4) binpowerspectra = imagefun.bin2(powerspectra, self.params['bin']) del powerspectra if self.params['hp'] is True: binpowerspectra = apImage.fermiHighPassFilter(binpowerspectra, apix=4.0, radius=2000.0) binpowerspectra = apImage.normStdevMed(binpowerspectra, size=5) binpowerspectra = apImage.pixelLimitFilter(binpowerspectra, pixlimit=4) binpowerspectra = apImage.normRange(binpowerspectra) ### filter the image imagedata = imagefun.bin2(imgdata['image'], self.params['bin']) del imgdata['image'] imagedata = apImage.normStdevMed(imagedata, size=5) imagedata = apImage.pixelLimitFilter(imagedata, pixlimit=2) imagedata = apImage.normRange(imagedata) ### write to file stacked = numpy.hstack([imagedata, binpowerspectra]) del imagedata, binpowerspectra apImage.arrayToJpeg(stacked, stackedname)
def numpyToWxImage(self, array): clip = self.contrasttool.getRange() normarray = array.astype(numpy.float32) if normarray.shape[0] == normarray.shape[ 1] and normarray.shape[0] >= 4096: normarray = imagefun.bin2(normarray, 4) wximage = wx.EmptyImage(normarray.shape[1], normarray.shape[0]) normarray = normarray.clip(min=clip[0], max=clip[1]) normarray = (normarray - clip[0]) / (clip[1] - clip[0]) * 255.0 if self.colormap is None: normarray = normarray.astype(numpy.uint8) h, w = normarray.shape[:2] imagedata = Image.fromstring("L", (w, h), normarray.tostring()) else: valarray = normarray * 6.0 valarray = valarray.astype(numpy.uint16) remapColor = numpy.array(self.colormap) rgbarray = remapColor[valarray].astype(numpy.uint8) print rgbarray[:, :, 0] h, w = normarray.shape[:2] r = Image.fromstring("L", (w, h), rgbarray[:, :, 0].tostring()) g = Image.fromstring("L", (w, h), rgbarray[:, :, 1].tostring()) b = Image.fromstring("L", (w, h), rgbarray[:, :, 2].tostring()) imagedata = Image.merge("RGB", (r, g, b)) wximage.SetData(imagedata.convert('RGB').tostring()) return wximage
def numpyToWxImage(self, array): clip = self.contrasttool.getRange() normarray = array.astype(numpy.float32) if normarray.shape[0] == normarray.shape[1] and normarray.shape[0] >= 4096: normarray = imagefun.bin2(normarray, 4) wximage = wx.EmptyImage(normarray.shape[1], normarray.shape[0]) normarray = normarray.clip(min=clip[0], max=clip[1]) normarray = (normarray - clip[0]) / (clip[1] - clip[0]) * 255.0 if self.colormap is None: normarray = normarray.astype(numpy.uint8) h, w = normarray.shape[:2] imagedata = Image.fromstring("L", (w, h), normarray.tostring()) else: valarray = normarray*6.0 valarray = valarray.astype(numpy.uint16) remapColor = numpy.array(self.colormap) rgbarray = remapColor[valarray].astype(numpy.uint8) print rgbarray[:,:,0] h, w = normarray.shape[:2] r = Image.fromstring("L", (w, h), rgbarray[:,:,0].tostring()) g = Image.fromstring("L", (w, h), rgbarray[:,:,1].tostring()) b = Image.fromstring("L", (w, h), rgbarray[:,:,2].tostring()) imagedata = Image.merge("RGB", (r,g,b)) wximage.SetData(imagedata.convert('RGB').tostring()) return wximage
def padpower(image, pixelsize, fieldsize=None, mask_radius=0.5): """ computes power spectra of image using padding """ t0 = time.time() if fieldsize is None: fieldsize = getFieldSize(image.shape) maxDim = max(image.shape) powerTwo = math.ceil(math.log(maxDim)/math.log(2.0)) powerTwoDim = int(2**(powerTwo)) squareImage = imagefilter.frame_constant(image, (powerTwoDim,powerTwoDim)) envelop = twodHann(powerTwoDim) poweravg = imagefun.power(squareImage*envelop, mask_radius) binning = int(powerTwoDim/fieldsize) imagefun.bin2(poweravg, binning) freq = 1.0/(poweravg.shape[0]*pixelsize) apDisplay.printMsg("Fast compute PSD with size %d -> %d complete in %s" %(powerTwoDim, fieldsize, apDisplay.timeString(time.time()-t0))) return poweravg, freq
def mergeImageStackIntoBigStack(self, imgstackfile, imgdata): t0 = time.time() apDisplay.printMsg("filtering particles and adding to stack") # if applying a boxmask, write to a temporary file before adding to main stack bigimgstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['single']) if self.params['boxmask'] is not None: bigimgstack = os.path.splitext(imgstackfile)[0]+"-premask.hed" ### here is the craziness ### step 1: read imgstackfile into memory imgstackmemmap = ### when only particle is read it defaults to a 2D array instead of 3D array if len(imgstackmemmap.shape) < 3: imgstackmemmap = imgstackmemmap.reshape(1, imgstackmemmap.shape[0], imgstackmemmap.shape[1]) if self.params['debug'] is True: print "imgstackmemmap.shape", imgstackmemmap.shape apix = self.params['apix'] #apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata) boxshape = (self.boxsize, self.boxsize) processedParticles = [] for particle in imgstackmemmap: ### step 2: filter particles ### high / low pass filtering #if self.params['pixlimit']: # particle = imagefilter.pixelLimitFilter(particle, self.params['pixlimit']) if self.params['lowpass']: particle = imagefilter.lowPassFilter(particle, apix=apix, radius=self.params['lowpass']) if self.params['highpass']: particle = imagefilter.highPassFilter2(particle, self.params['highpass'], apix=apix) ### unless specified, invert the images if self.params['inverted'] is True: particle = -1.0 * particle if particle.shape != boxshape: if self.boxsize <= particle.shape[0] and self.boxsize <= particle.shape[1]: particle = imagefilter.frame_cut(particle, boxshape) else: apDisplay.printError("particle shape (%dx%d) is smaller than boxsize (%d)" %(particle.shape[0], particle.shape[1], self.boxsize)) ### step 3: normalize particles #self.normoptions = ('none', 'boxnorm', 'edgenorm', 'rampnorm', 'parabolic') #normalizemethod if self.params['normalizemethod'] == 'boxnorm': particle = imagenorm.normStdev(particle) elif self.params['normalizemethod'] == 'edgenorm': particle = imagenorm.edgeNorm(particle) elif self.params['normalizemethod'] == 'rampnorm': particle = imagenorm.rampNorm(particle) elif self.params['normalizemethod'] == 'parabolic': particle = imagenorm.parabolicNorm(particle) ### step 4: decimate/bin particles if specified ### binning is last, so we maintain most detail and do not have to deal with binned apix if self.params['bin'] > 1: particle = imagefun.bin2(particle, self.params['bin']) #from scipy.misc import toimage #toimage(particle).show() processedParticles.append(particle) ### step 5: merge particle list with larger stack apImagicFile.appendParticleListToStackFile(processedParticles, bigimgstack, msg=self.params['debug']) #remove original image stack from memory del imgstackmemmap del processedParticles t0 = time.time() # if applying boxmask, now mask the particles & append to stack if self.params['boxmask'] is not None: # normalize particles before boxing, since zeros in mask # can affect subsequent processing if not properly normalized apEMAN.executeEmanCmd("proc2d %s %s edgenorm inplace"%(bigimgstack,bigimgstack),showcmd=False) imgstack = apImagicFile.readImagic(bigimgstack, msg=False) maskstack = apImagicFile.readImagic(self.params['boxmaskf'],msg=False) for i in range(len(imgstack['images'])): imgstack['images'][i]*=maskstack['images'][i] maskedpartstack = os.path.splitext(imgstackfile)[0]+"-aftermask.hed" apImagicFile.writeImagic(imgstack['images'], maskedpartstack) bigimgstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['single']) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd("proc2d %s %s flip"%(maskedpartstack,bigimgstack)) ### count particles bigcount = apFile.numImagesInStack(bigimgstack, self.boxsize/self.params['bin']) imgcount = apFile.numImagesInStack(imgstackfile, self.boxsize) ### append to particle log file partlogfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+"") f = open(partlogfile, 'a') for i in range(imgcount): partnum = self.particleNumber + i + 1 line = str(partnum)+'\t'+os.path.join(imgdata['session']['image path'], imgdata['filename']+".mrc") f.write(line+"\n") f.close() self.mergestacktimes.append(time.time()-t0) return bigcount
print image.dtype print abs(image.mean()), image.std() print image.min(), image.max() print "=============" # =========== if __name__ == "__main__": bin = 1 ### read image 1 # a ="/home/vossman/appion/lib/test01.mrc") # a ="/home/vossman/appion/lib/waylon2.mrc") # a ="/home/vossman/leginon/holetemplate.mrc") a ="/ami/data00/appion/09mar04b/align/kerden11/09apr13q11.7.mrc") a = normImage(a) a = imagefun.bin2(a, bin) # printImageInfo(a) ### read image 2 b ="/ami/data00/appion/09mar04b/align/kerden11/09apr13q11.8.mrc") # b ="/home/vossman/appion/lib/test02.mrc") # b ="/home/vossman/leginon/holetemplate2.mrc") # b ="/home/vossman/appion/lib/pickwei2.mrc") b = normImage(b) b = imagefun.bin2(b, bin) # spectralSNR([a, b]) # fourierRingCorrelation(a, b) # sys.exit(1)
print image.shape print image.dtype print abs(image.mean()), image.std() print image.min(), image.max() print "=============" #=========== if __name__ == "__main__": bin = 1 ### read image 1 #a ="/home/vossman/appion/lib/test01.mrc") #a ="/home/vossman/appion/lib/waylon2.mrc") #a ="/home/vossman/leginon/holetemplate.mrc") a ="/ami/data00/appion/09mar04b/align/kerden11/09apr13q11.7.mrc") a = normImage(a) a = imagefun.bin2(a, bin) #printImageInfo(a) ### read image 2 b ="/ami/data00/appion/09mar04b/align/kerden11/09apr13q11.8.mrc") #b ="/home/vossman/appion/lib/test02.mrc") #b ="/home/vossman/leginon/holetemplate2.mrc") #b ="/home/vossman/appion/lib/pickwei2.mrc") b = normImage(b) b = imagefun.bin2(b, bin) #spectralSNR([a, b]) #fourierRingCorrelation(a, b) #sys.exit(1)
def start(self): ### Works # read from MRC image/stack # read from HED/IMG stack # write to MRC image # write to MRC stack # write to HED/IMG stack # append to MRC stack # append to HED/IMG stack # filter images # implement binning # implement normalization ### needs more testing # write pixelsize to new MRC file # get apix from MRC header # implement proc2d --average # implement proc2d --list feature ### TODO # read from SPIDER stack # read from SPIDER image # read from EMAN2/HDF stack # write to SPIDER image # write to SPIDER stack # write to EMAN2/HDF stack # get apix from HED/IMG header # implement proc2d --rotavg # implement proc2d --clip # determine numParticles to add if self.params['last'] is None: self.params['last'] = self.inputNumParticles - 1 #stacks start at 0 elif self.params['last'] > self.inputNumParticles: apDisplay.printWarning("Last particle requested (%d) is larger than available particles (%d)" %(self.params['last'], self.inputNumParticles)) self.params['last'] = self.inputNumParticles - 1 #stacks start at 0 addNumParticles = self.params['last'] - self.params['first'] + 1 ### prepare for an existing file existNumParticles = self.outFileStatus() self.totalParticles = existNumParticles + addNumParticles indata = self.readFileData(self.params['infile']) #it more efficient to process X particles and write them to disk rather than # write each particle to disk each time. #particles are read using a memory map (numpy.memmap), so we can pretend to # continuously read all into memory particlesPerCycle = self.getParticlesPerCycle(self.params['infile']) if self.params['average'] is True: summedPartice = numpy.zeros((self.boxsize,self.boxsize)) processedParticles = [] if self.params['list']: partlist = self.readKeepList() else: partlist = range(self.params['first'], self.params['first']+addNumParticles) count = 0 for partnum in partlist: count += 1 particle = indata[partnum] if self.params['debug'] is True: print "---------" print "Particle Number: %d of %d"%(partnum, addNumParticles) if self.params['pixlimit']: self.message("pixlimit: %s"%(self.params['pixlimit'])) particle = imagefilter.pixelLimitFilter(particle, self.params['pixlimit']) if self.params['lowpass']: self.message("lowpass: %s"%(self.params['lowpass'])) particle = imagefilter.lowPassFilter(particle, apix=self.params['apix'], radius=self.params['lowpass']) if self.params['highpass']: self.message("highpass: %s"%(self.params['highpass'])) particle = imagefilter.highPassFilter2(particle, self.params['highpass'], apix=self.params['apix']) ### unless specified, invert the images if self.params['inverted'] is True: self.message("inverted: %s"%(self.params['inverted'])) particle = -1.0 * particle ### clipping """ if particle.shape != boxshape: if boxsize <= particle.shape[0] and boxsize <= particle.shape[1]: particle = imagefilter.frame_cut(particle, boxshape) else: apDisplay.printError("particle shape (%dx%d) is smaller than boxsize (%d)" %(particle.shape[0], particle.shape[1], boxsize)) """ ### step 3: normalize particles #self.normoptions = ('none', 'boxnorm', 'edgenorm', 'rampnorm', 'parabolic') #normalizemethod self.message("normalize method: %s"%(self.params['normalizemethod'])) if self.params['normalizemethod'] == 'boxnorm': particle = imagenorm.normStdev(particle) elif self.params['normalizemethod'] == 'edgenorm': particle = imagenorm.edgeNorm(particle) elif self.params['normalizemethod'] == 'rampnorm': particle = imagenorm.rampNorm(particle) elif self.params['normalizemethod'] == 'parabolic': particle = imagenorm.parabolicNorm(particle) ### step 4: decimate/bin particles if specified ### binning is last, so we maintain most detail and do not have to deal with binned apix if self.params['bin'] > 1: particle = imagefun.bin2(particle, self.params['bin']) ### working above this line if self.params['average'] is True: summedPartice += particle else: processedParticles.append(particle) if len(processedParticles) == particlesPerCycle: ### step 5: merge particle list with larger stack self.appendParticleListToStackFile(processedParticles, self.params['outfile']) sys.stderr.write("%d of %d"%(count, len(partlist))) processedParticles = [] if len(processedParticles) > 0: self.appendParticleListToStackFile(processedParticles, self.params['outfile']) if self.params['average'] is True: avgParticle = summedPartice/count self.appendParticleListToStackFile([avgParticle,], self.params['outfile']) print "Wrote %d particles to file "%(self.particlesWritten)
%(fieldsize, count, apDisplay.timeString(time.time()-t0))) return poweravg, freq #=================== #=================== #=================== if __name__ == "__main__": a ="/home/vosslab/test.mrc") a = imagefilter.planeRegression(a) fullpower = imagefun.power(a) #imagestat.printImageInfo(a) t0 = time.time() x = numpy.arange(6, 13) N = 2**x print N for n in N: print "=====================================" b = power(a, n) b = imagefilter.frame_cut(b, numpy.array(b.shape)/2) imagefile.arrayToPng(b, "%04d-field.png"%(n)) imagestat.printImageInfo(b) bin = int(round(2**12/n)) b = imagefun.bin2(fullpower, bin) b = imagefilter.frame_cut(b, numpy.array(b.shape)/2) imagefile.arrayToPng(b, "%04d-binned.png"%(n)) imagestat.printImageInfo(b) print "complete in %s"%(apDisplay.timeString(time.time()-t0)) #imagestat.printImageInfo(b)