예제 #1
def fitplane(afile1, afile2, xfile1, xfile2, options):

    xy, alpha1, sx, sy = readalpha(afile1)
    xy, alpha2, sx, sy = readalpha(afile2)
    alpha2 -= alpha1

    alpha2 *= options.gain

    if options.removespikes:
        for m in range(ch):
            # that's what you would like, but medfilt2d returns bad data
            # for the edge (i.e., zero or random).  Use a wrapper
            # alpha2[:,:,m]= medfilt2d(alpha2[:,:,m], kernel_size=ks)
            alpha2[:, :, m] = median_2D(alpha2[:, :, m],

    clip = options.clip

    xd, yd, ch = shape(alpha2)
    nr = (xd - 2 * clip) * (yd - 2 * clip)
    x = xy[clip:xd - clip, clip:yd - clip, 0].reshape(nr)
    y = xy[clip:xd - clip, clip:yd - clip, 1].reshape(nr)
    shx = alpha2[clip:xd - clip, clip:yd - clip, 0].reshape(nr)
    shy = alpha2[clip:xd - clip, clip:yd - clip, 1].reshape(nr)
    if ch == 3:
        defoc = alpha2[clip:xd - clip, clip:yd - clip, 2].mean()
        defoc = 0.0

    ut = zeros((4, nr), float64)
    k = 0
    #for i in range(2):
    #    for j in range(2):
    #        ut[k,:] = x**i * y**j
    #        k += 1
    ut[0, :] = ones(nr)
    ut[1, :] = y
    ut[2, :] = x
    ut[3, :] = x * y

    kk = inner(linalg.inv(inner(ut, ut)), ut.transpose())
    kxx = inner(kk, shx)
    kxy = inner(kk, shy)

    X, Y = mgrid[0:sy, 0:sx]
    fitx = int16(
        (100 * (kxx[1] * X + kxx[2] * Y + kxx[3] * Y * X + kxx[0])).round())
    fity = int16(
        (100 * (kxy[1] * X + kxy[2] * Y + kxy[3] * Y * X + kxy[0])).round())
    mm = max(abs(array([fitx.min(), fitx.max(), fity.min(), fity.max()])))

    pyana.writeto(xfile1, pyana.getdata(xfile1) + fitx)
    pyana.writeto(xfile2, pyana.getdata(xfile2) + fity)
    #    pyana.writeto(xfile1, pyana.getdata(xfile1)+fitx, comments=' ')
    #    pyana.writeto(xfile2, pyana.getdata(xfile2)+fity, comments=' ')

    return mm, defoc
예제 #2
def _anaload(path):
	Load ana file using pyana.
	@param path File to load
	@return Data if successful, False otherwise.
	import pyana
	try: data = pyana.getdata(path)
	except: return False
	return data
예제 #3
def interpolate_fringe(stacked,
                       edge=[0, -1]):
    Interpolate fringe from wing points onto entire line. 

         stacked : stacked cube from stack_cube()
         imean   : a 3d pol cube. Probably output of stack_cube()
         wav     : name of wav file

    wav = pa.getdata(wav_path)
    we = (1.0 - wav / wav.max()) / 2

    if pca[-1] <> 0:
        #pick 2 first and last frames and do PCA on them.
        stacked_shape = stacked.shape
        print('Using PCA to interpolate fringes...')
        p0, p1, p2, p3 = pca

        if pca[-1] == 99:  #use last frame
            #we only apply this to S2 and S3
            s2 = np.stack([
                PCA(stacked[1, p0:p1], PCA_N=1),
                PCA(stacked[1, p2:], PCA_N=1)
            s3 = np.stack([
                PCA(stacked[2, p0:p1], PCA_N=1),
                PCA(stacked[2, p2:], PCA_N=1)
            s0 = np.zeros_like(s2)

            stot = np.stack([s0, s2, s3, s0], axis=0)

            s1 = np.stack(
                [PCA(stacked[0, p0:p1], 0),
                 PCA(stacked[0, p2:p3], 0)], axis=0)
            s2 = np.stack(
                [PCA(stacked[1, p0:p1], 0),
                 PCA(stacked[1, p2:p3], 0)], axis=0)
            s3 = np.stack(
                [PCA(stacked[2, p0:p1], 0),
                 PCA(stacked[2, p2:p3], 0)], axis=0)
            s4 = np.stack(
                [PCA(stacked[3, p0:p1], 0),
                 PCA(stacked[3, p2:p3], 0)], axis=0)
            stot = np.stack([s1, s2, s3, s4], axis=0)

        fringe = np.zeros(stacked.shape)
        for ii in range(wav.size):
            fringe[1, ii, :, :] = (
                stot[1, edge[0], :, :] * we[ii] / imean[0, edge[0]] +
                (1.0 - we[ii]) * stot[1, edge[1], :, :] /
                imean[0, edge[1]]) * imean[0, ii]
            fringe[2, ii, :, :] = (
                stot[2, edge[0], :, :] * we[ii] / imean[0, edge[0]] +
                (1.0 - we[ii]) * stot[2, edge[1], :, :] /
                imean[0, edge[1]]) * imean[0, ii]
            #Take outer two frames (asssume to be flat save for fringes.) and then make a interpolated mean fringe as function of the wavelength.

        fringe = stacked * 0
        for ii in range(wav.size):
            fringe[1, ii, :, :] = (
                stacked[1, edge[0], :, :] * we[ii] / imean[0, edge[0]] +
                (1.0 - we[ii]) * stacked[1, edge[1], :, :] /
                imean[0, edge[1]]) * imean[0, ii]
            fringe[2, ii, :, :] = (
                stacked[2, edge[0], :, :] * we[ii] / imean[0, edge[0]] +
                (1.0 - we[ii]) * stacked[2, edge[1], :, :] /
                imean[0, edge[1]]) * imean[0, ii]

    if do:
        stacked[1:3] = stacked[1:3] - fringe[1:3]
    result = stacked
    result_shape = result.shape
    result_shape = np.append(1, result_shape)
    result = result.reshape(result_shape)
    return result