예제 #1
    def refresh(self, args=None):
        NormalTUISpoke.refresh(self, args)

        if self._have_eula:
            log.debug("license found")
            # make the options aligned to the same column (the checkbox has the
            # '[ ]' prepended)
            self._window += [TextWidget("    1) %s" % _("Read the License Agreement")), ""]
            self._window += [CheckboxWidget(title="2) %s" % _("I accept the license agreement."),
                                            completed=self.data.eula.agreed), ""]
            log.debug("license not found")
            self._window += [TextWidget(_("No license found. Please report this "
                                          "at http://bugs.centos.org")), ""]
예제 #2
    def refresh(self, args=None):
        UIScreen.refresh(self, args)

        # read the license file and make it one long string so that it can be
        # processed by the TextWidget to fit in the screen in a best possible
        # way
        log.debug("reading the license file")
        buf = u""
        with codecs.open(self._license_file, "r", "utf-8", "ignore") as fobj:
            for line in fobj:
                buf += line

        self._window += [TextWidget(buf), ""]
예제 #3
    def refresh(self, args=None):
        NormalTUISpoke.refresh(self, args)

        self._window += [TextWidget(_("Exit the shell to continue")), ""]