예제 #1
    def test_inference(self):
        # perfect annotation, check that inferred label is correct
        nclasses, nannotators, nitems = 3, 5, 50*8

        # create random model (this is our ground truth model)
        gamma = np.ones((nclasses,)) / float(nclasses)
        theta = np.ones((8,)) * 0.999
        true_model = ModelBt(nclasses, nannotators, gamma, theta)
        # create random data
        labels = true_model.generate_labels(nitems)
        annotations = true_model.generate_annotations_from_labels(labels)

        posterior = true_model.infer_labels(annotations)
        testing.assert_allclose(posterior.sum(1), 1., atol=1e-6, rtol=0.)
        inferred = posterior.argmax(1)

        testing.assert_equal(inferred, labels)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(posterior[np.arange(nitems),inferred] > 0.999))

        # at chance annotation, disagreeing annotators: get back prior
        gamma = ModelBt._random_gamma(nclasses)
        theta = np.ones((nannotators,)) / float(nclasses)
        model = ModelBt(nclasses, nannotators, gamma, theta)

        data = np.array([[MV, 0, 1, 2, MV]])
                                    model.gamma, 6)
예제 #2
    def test_inference(self):
        # perfect annotation, check that inferred label is correct
        nclasses, nannotators, nitems = 3, 5, 50 * 8

        # create random model (this is our ground truth model)
        gamma = np.ones((nclasses, )) / float(nclasses)
        theta = np.ones((8, )) * 0.999
        true_model = ModelBt(nclasses, nannotators, gamma, theta)
        # create random data
        labels = true_model.generate_labels(nitems)
        annotations = true_model.generate_annotations_from_labels(labels)

        posterior = true_model.infer_labels(annotations)
        testing.assert_allclose(posterior.sum(1), 1., atol=1e-6, rtol=0.)
        inferred = posterior.argmax(1)

        testing.assert_equal(inferred, labels)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(posterior[np.arange(nitems), inferred] > 0.999))

        # at chance annotation, disagreeing annotators: get back prior
        gamma = ModelBt._random_gamma(nclasses)
        theta = np.ones((nannotators, )) / float(nclasses)
        model = ModelBt(nclasses, nannotators, gamma, theta)

        data = np.array([[MV, 0, 1, 2, MV]])
                                    model.gamma, 6)