예제 #1
    def test_discrete_induced_sampling(self):
        nmasses1 = 10
        mass_locations1 = np.geomspace(1.0, 512.0, num=nmasses1)
        #mass_locations1 = np.arange(0,nmasses1)
        masses1 = np.ones(nmasses1, dtype=float) / nmasses1
        var1 = float_rv_discrete(name='float_rv_discrete',
                                 values=(mass_locations1, masses1))()
        nmasses2 = 10
        mass_locations2 = np.arange(0, nmasses2)
        # if increase from 16 unmodififed becomes ill conditioned
        masses2 = np.geomspace(1.0, 16.0, num=nmasses2)
        #masses2  = np.ones(nmasses2,dtype=float)/nmasses2
        masses2 /= masses2.sum()
        var2 = float_rv_discrete(name='float_rv_discrete',
                                 values=(mass_locations2, masses2))()
        self.help_discrete_induced_sampling(var1, var2, 30)

        num_type1, num_type2, num_trials = [10, 10, 9]
        var1 = stats.hypergeom(num_type1 + num_type2, num_type1, num_trials)
        var2 = var1
        self.help_discrete_induced_sampling(var1, var2, 300)

        num_type1, num_type2, num_trials = [10, 10, 9]
        var1 = stats.binom(10, 0.5)
        var2 = var1
        self.help_discrete_induced_sampling(var1, var2, 300)

        N = 10
        xk, pk = np.arange(N), np.ones(N) / N
        var1 = float_rv_discrete(name='discrete_chebyshev', values=(xk, pk))()
        var2 = var1
        self.help_discrete_induced_sampling(var1, var2, 30)
예제 #2
 def test_variables_equivalent(self):
     nmasses = 10
     xk = np.array(range(nmasses), dtype='float')
     pk = np.ones(nmasses)/nmasses
     xk2 = np.array(range(nmasses), dtype='float')
     # pk2 = np.ones(nmasses)/(nmasses)
     pk2 = np.geomspace(1.0, 512.0, num=nmasses)
     pk2 /= pk2.sum()
     var1 = float_rv_discrete(
         name='float_rv_discrete', values=(xk, pk))()
     var2 = float_rv_discrete(
         name='float_rv_discrete', values=(xk2, pk2))()
     assert variables_equivalent(var1, var2) == False
예제 #3
    def setUp(self):
        uniform_var1 = {'var_type': 'uniform', 'range': [-1, 1]}
        uniform_var2 = {'var_type': 'uniform', 'range': [0, 1]}
        beta_var1 = {
            'var_type': 'beta',
            'range': [-1, 1],
            'alpha_stat': 1,
            'beta_stat': 1
        beta_var2 = {
            'var_type': 'beta',
            'range': [-2, 1],
            'alpha_stat': 2,
            'beta_stat': 1
        gaussian_var = {'var_type': 'gaussian', 'mean': -1., 'variance': 4.}

        #self.continuous_variables = [
        #    uniform_var1,beta_var1,gaussian_var,uniform_var2,uniform_var1,
        #    beta_var2]
        self.continuous_variables = [
            uniform(-1, 2),
            beta(1, 1, -1, 2),
            norm(-1, 2),
            uniform(-1, 2),
            beta(2, 1, -2, 3)

        self.continuous_mean = np.array(
            [0., 0., -1, 0.5, 0.,
             beta.mean(a=2, b=1, loc=-2, scale=3)])

        nmasses1 = 10
        mass_locations1 = np.geomspace(1.0, 32.0, num=nmasses1)
        masses1 = np.ones(nmasses1, dtype=float) / nmasses1

        nmasses2 = 10
        mass_locations2 = np.arange(0, nmasses2)
        masses2 = np.geomspace(1.0, 32.0, num=nmasses2)
        masses2 /= masses2.sum()
        # second () is to freeze variable which creates var.dist member
        # variable
        var1 = float_rv_discrete(name='var1',
                                 values=(mass_locations1, masses1))()
        var2 = float_rv_discrete(name='var2',
                                 values=(mass_locations2, masses2))()
        self.discrete_variables = [var1, var2]
        self.discrete_mean = np.empty(len(self.discrete_variables))
        for ii, var in enumerate(self.discrete_variables):
            self.discrete_mean[ii] = var.moment(1)
예제 #4
    def test_get_univariate_leja_rule_float_rv_discrete(self):
        nmasses = 20
        xk = np.array(range(1, nmasses + 1), dtype='float')
        pk = np.ones(nmasses) / nmasses
        variable = float_rv_discrete(name='float_rv_discrete',
                                     values=(xk, pk))()
        growth_rule = partial(constant_increment_growth_rule, 2)
        quad_rule = get_univariate_leja_quadrature_rule(variable, growth_rule)
        level = 3
        scales, shapes = get_distribution_info(variable)[1:]

        x, w = quad_rule(level)
        # x in [-1,1], scales for x in [0,1]
        loc, scale = scales['loc'], scales['scale']
        scale /= 2
        loc = loc + scale
        x = x * scale + loc

        true_moment = (xk**(x.shape[0] - 1)).dot(pk)
        moment = (x**(x.shape[0] - 1)).dot(w[-1])

        assert np.allclose(moment, true_moment)
예제 #5
    def test_get_univariate_leja_rule_bounded_discrete(self):
        from scipy import stats
        growth_rule = partial(constant_increment_growth_rule, 2)
        level = 3

        nmasses = 20
        xk = np.array(range(0, nmasses), dtype='float')
        pk = np.ones(nmasses) / nmasses
        var_cheb = float_rv_discrete(name='discrete_chebyshev',
                                     values=(xk, pk))()

        for variable in [
                stats.binom(20, 0.5),
                stats.hypergeom(10 + 10, 10, 9)
            quad_rule = get_univariate_leja_quadrature_rule(
                variable, growth_rule)

            # polys of binom, hypergeometric have no canonical domain [-1,1]
            x, w = quad_rule(level)

            from pyapprox.variables import get_probability_masses
            xk, pk = get_probability_masses(variable)
            true_moment = (xk**(x.shape[0] - 1)).dot(pk)
            moment = (x**(x.shape[0] - 1)).dot(w[-1])

            assert np.allclose(moment, true_moment)
예제 #6
    def test_float_discrete_variable(self):
        nmasses1 = 10
        mass_locations1 = np.geomspace(1.0, 32.0, num=nmasses1)
        masses1 = np.ones(nmasses1, dtype=float)/nmasses1
        var1 = float_rv_discrete(
            name='var1', values=(mass_locations1, masses1))()

        for power in [1, 2, 3]:
            assert np.allclose(
                var1.moment(power), (mass_locations1**power).dot(masses1))

        num_samples = int(1e6)
        samples = var1.rvs(size=(1, num_samples))
        assert np.allclose(samples.mean(), var1.moment(1), atol=1e-2)

        # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # xx = np.linspace(0,33,301)
        # plt.plot(mass_locations1,np.cumsum(masses1),'rss')
        # plt.plot(xx,var1.cdf(xx),'-'); plt.show()
        assert np.allclose(np.cumsum(masses1), var1.cdf(mass_locations1))

        # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # yy = np.linspace(0,1,51)
        # plt.plot(mass_locations1,np.cumsum(masses1),'rs')
        # plt.plot(var1.ppf(yy),yy,'-o',ms=2); plt.show()
        xx = mass_locations1
        assert np.allclose(xx, var1.ppf(var1.cdf(xx)))

        xx = mass_locations1
        assert np.allclose(xx, var1.ppf(var1.cdf(xx+1e-1)))
예제 #7
    def test_get_univariate_leja_rule_bounded_discrete(self):
        growth_rule = partial(constant_increment_growth_rule, 2)
        level = 3

        nmasses = 20
        xk = np.array(range(0, nmasses), dtype='float')
        pk = np.ones(nmasses) / nmasses
        var_cheb = float_rv_discrete(name='discrete_chebyshev',
                                     values=(xk, pk))()

        for variable in [
                stats.binom(17, 0.5),
                stats.hypergeom(10 + 10, 10, 9)
            quad_rule = get_univariate_leja_quadrature_rule(
                variable, growth_rule)

            x, w = quad_rule(level)
            loc, scale = transform_scale_parameters(variable)
            x = x * scale + loc

            xk, pk = get_probability_masses(variable)
            print(x, xk, loc, scale)

            degree = (x.shape[0] - 1)
            true_moment = (xk**degree).dot(pk)
            moment = (x**degree).dot(w[-1])

            print(moment, true_moment, variable.dist.name)
            assert np.allclose(moment, true_moment)
예제 #8
    def test_get_univariate_leja_rule_float_rv_discrete(self):
        nmasses = 20
        xk = np.array(range(1, nmasses + 1), dtype='float')
        pk = np.ones(nmasses) / nmasses
        variable = float_rv_discrete(name='float_rv_discrete',
                                     values=(xk, pk))()

        growth_rule = partial(constant_increment_growth_rule, 2)
        quad_rule = get_univariate_leja_quadrature_rule(
        level = 3

        x, w = quad_rule(level)
        loc, scale = transform_scale_parameters(variable)
        x = x * scale + loc

        degree = x.shape[0] - 1
        true_moment = (xk**degree).dot(pk)
        moment = (x**degree).dot(w)

        # print(moment, true_moment)
        assert np.allclose(moment, true_moment)
예제 #9
def preconditioned_barycentric_weights():
    nmasses = 20
    xk = np.array(range(nmasses), dtype='float')
    pk = np.ones(nmasses) / nmasses
    var1 = float_rv_discrete(name='float_rv_discrete', values=(xk, pk))()
    univariate_variables = [var1]
    variable = IndependentMultivariateRandomVariable(univariate_variables)
    var_trans = AffineRandomVariableTransformation(variable)
    growth_rule = partial(constant_increment_growth_rule, 2)
    quad_rule = get_univariate_leja_quadrature_rule(var1, growth_rule)
    samples = quad_rule(3)[0]
    num_samples = samples.shape[0]
    poly = PolynomialChaosExpansion()
    poly_opts = define_poly_options_from_variable_transformation(var_trans)
    poly_opts['numerically_generated_poly_accuracy_tolerance'] = 1e-5

    # precond_weights = np.sqrt(
    #    (poly.basis_matrix(samples[np.newaxis,:])**2).mean(axis=1))
    precond_weights = np.ones(num_samples)

    bary_weights = compute_barycentric_weights_1d(
        samples, interval_length=samples.max() - samples.min())

    def barysum(x, y, w, f):
        x = x[:, np.newaxis]
        y = y[np.newaxis, :]
        temp = w * f / (x - y)
        return np.sum(temp, axis=1)

    def function(x):
        return np.cos(2 * np.pi * x)

    y = samples
    w = precond_weights * bary_weights
    # x = np.linspace(-3,3,301)
    x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 301)
    f = function(y) / precond_weights

    # cannot interpolate on data
    II = []
    for ii, xx in enumerate(x):
        if xx in samples:
    x = np.delete(x, II)

    r1 = barysum(x, y, w, f)
    r2 = barysum(x, y, w, 1 / precond_weights)
    interp_vals = r1 / r2
    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # plt.plot(x, interp_vals, 'k')
    # plt.plot(samples, function(samples), 'ro')
    # plt.plot(x, function(x), 'r--')
    # plt.plot(samples,function(samples),'ro')
    # print(num_samples)
    # print(precond_weights)
    print(np.linalg.norm(interp_vals - function(x)))
 def test_discrete_chebyshev(self):
     N, degree = 100, 5
     xk, pk = np.arange(N), np.ones(N) / N
     rv = float_rv_discrete(name='discrete_chebyshev', values=(xk, pk))
     ab = discrete_chebyshev_recurrence(degree + 1, N)
     p = evaluate_orthonormal_polynomial_1d(xk, degree, ab)
     w = rv.pmf(xk)
     assert np.allclose(np.dot(p.T * w, p), np.eye(degree + 1))
 def test_continuous_rv_sample(self):
     N, degree = int(1e6), 5
     xk, pk = np.random.normal(0, 1, N), np.ones(N) / N
     rv = float_rv_discrete(name='continuous_rv_sample', values=(xk, pk))
     ab = modified_chebyshev_orthonormal(degree + 1, [xk, pk])
     hermite_ab = hermite_recurrence(degree + 1, 0, True)
     x, w = gauss_quadrature(hermite_ab, degree + 1)
     p = evaluate_orthonormal_polynomial_1d(x, degree, ab)
     gaussian_moments = np.zeros(degree + 1)
     gaussian_moments[0] = 1
     assert np.allclose(p.T.dot(w), gaussian_moments, atol=1e-2)
     assert np.allclose(np.dot(p.T * w, p), np.eye(degree + 1), atol=7e-2)
예제 #12
 def test_float_rv_discrete_chebyshev(self):
     N, degree = 10, 5
     xk, pk = np.geomspace(1.0, 512.0, num=N), np.ones(N) / N
     rv = float_rv_discrete(name='float_rv_discrete', values=(xk, pk))()
     var_trans = AffineRandomVariableTransformation([rv])
     poly = PolynomialChaosExpansion()
     poly_opts = define_poly_options_from_variable_transformation(var_trans)
     poly_opts['numerically_generated_poly_accuracy_tolerance'] = 1e-9
     poly.set_indices(np.arange(degree + 1)[np.newaxis, :])
     p = poly.basis_matrix(xk[np.newaxis, :])
     w = pk
     assert np.allclose(np.dot(p.T * w, p), np.eye(degree + 1))
예제 #13
 def test_discrete_chebyshev(self):
     N, degree = 10, 5
     xk, pk = np.arange(N), np.ones(N) / N
     rv = float_rv_discrete(name='discrete_chebyshev', values=(xk, pk))()
     var_trans = AffineRandomVariableTransformation([rv])
     poly = PolynomialChaosExpansion()
     poly_opts = define_poly_options_from_variable_transformation(var_trans)
     poly.set_indices(np.arange(degree + 1)[np.newaxis, :])
     p = poly.basis_matrix(xk[np.newaxis, :])
     w = pk
     # print((np.dot(p.T*w,p),np.eye(degree+1)))
     assert np.allclose(np.dot(p.T * w, p), np.eye(degree + 1))
예제 #14
 def test_rv_discrete_large_moments(self):
     When Modified_chebyshev_orthonormal is used when the moments of discrete
     variable are very large it will fail. To avoid this rescale the 
     variables to [-1,1] like is done for continuous random variables
     N, degree = 100, 5
     xk, pk = np.arange(N), np.ones(N) / N
     rv = float_rv_discrete(name='float_rv_discrete', values=(xk, pk))
     xk_canonical = xk / (N - 1) * 2 - 1
     ab = modified_chebyshev_orthonormal(degree + 1, [xk_canonical, pk])
     p = evaluate_orthonormal_polynomial_1d(xk_canonical, degree, ab)
     w = rv.pmf(xk)
     assert np.allclose(np.dot(p.T * w, p), np.eye(degree + 1))
예제 #15
    def test_float_rv_discrete_pdf(self):
        nmasses1 = 10
        mass_locations1 = np.geomspace(1.0, 32.0, num=nmasses1)
        masses1 = np.ones(nmasses1, dtype=float)/nmasses1
        var1 = float_rv_discrete(
            name='var1', values=(mass_locations1, masses1))()

        xk = var1.dist.xk.copy()
        II = np.random.permutation(xk.shape[0])[:3]
        xk[II] = -1
        pdf_vals = var1.pdf(xk)
        assert np.allclose(pdf_vals[II], np.zeros_like(II, dtype=float))
        assert np.allclose(
            np.delete(pdf_vals, II), np.delete(var1.dist.pk, II))
예제 #16
    def test_sampled_based_christoffel_leja_quadrature_rule(self):
        nsamples = int(1e6)
        samples = np.random.normal(0, 1, (1, nsamples))
        variable = float_rv_discrete(name='continuous_rv_sample',
                                     values=(samples[0, :],
                                             np.ones(nsamples) / nsamples))()
        growth_rule = partial(constant_increment_growth_rule, 2)
        quad_rule = get_univariate_leja_quadrature_rule(
        level = 5
        quad_samples, weights = quad_rule(level)
        # print(quad_samples)
        # print((quad_samples**2).dot(weights[-1]))
        # print((samples**2).mean())

        assert np.allclose((quad_samples**2).dot(weights[-1]),
예제 #17
    def test_get_univariate_leja_rule_discrete_chebyshev(self):

        nmasses = 20
        xk = np.array(range(0, nmasses), dtype='float')
        pk = np.ones(nmasses) / nmasses
        variable = float_rv_discrete(name='discrete_chebyshev',
                                     values=(xk, pk))()
        growth_rule = partial(constant_increment_growth_rule, 2)
        quad_rule = get_univariate_leja_quadrature_rule(variable, growth_rule)
        level = 3
        scales, shapes = get_distribution_info(variable)[1:]

        x, w = quad_rule(level)

        true_moment = (xk**(x.shape[0] - 1)).dot(pk)
        moment = (x**(x.shape[0] - 1)).dot(w[-1])

        assert np.allclose(moment, true_moment)
예제 #18
    def test_map_rv_discrete(self):
        nvars = 2

        mass_locs = np.arange(5, 501, step=50)
        nmasses = mass_locs.shape[0]
        mass_probs = np.ones(nmasses, dtype=float) / float(nmasses)
        univariate_variables = [
                              values=(mass_locs, mass_probs))()
        ] * nvars

        variables = IndependentMultivariateRandomVariable(univariate_variables)
        var_trans = AffineRandomVariableTransformation(variables)

        samples = np.vstack(
            [mass_locs[np.newaxis, :], mass_locs[0] * np.ones((1, nmasses))])
        canonical_samples = var_trans.map_to_canonical_space(samples)

        assert (canonical_samples[0].min() == -1)
        assert (canonical_samples[0].max() == 1)

        recovered_samples = var_trans.map_from_canonical_space(
        assert np.allclose(recovered_samples, samples)
예제 #19
    def test_get_recursion_coefficients_from_variable_discrete(self):
        degree = 4
        N = 10
        scipy_discrete_var_names = [
            n for n in stats._discrete_distns._distn_names
        discrete_var_names = [
            "binom", "bernoulli", "nbinom", "geom", "hypergeom", "logser",
            "poisson", "planck", "boltzmann", "randint", "zipf", "dlaplace",
            "skellam", "yulesimon"
        # valid shape parameters for each distribution in names
        # there is a one to one correspondence between entries
        discrete_var_shapes = [{
            "n": 10,
            "p": 0.5
        }, {
            "p": 0.5
        }, {
            "n": 10,
            "p": 0.5
        }, {
            "p": 0.5
        }, {
            "M": 20,
            "n": 7,
            "N": 12
        }, {
            "p": 0.5
        }, {
            "mu": 1
        }, {
            "lambda_": 1
        }, {
            "lambda_": 2,
            "N": 10
        }, {
            "low": 0,
            "high": 10
        }, {
            "a": 2
        }, {
            "a": 1
        }, {
            "mu1": 1,
            "mu2": 3
        }, {
            "alpha": 1

        for name in scipy_discrete_var_names:
            assert name in discrete_var_names

        # do not support :
        #    yulesimon as there is a bug when interval is called
        #       from a frozen variable
        #    bernoulli which only has two masses
        #    zipf unusual distribution and difficult to compute basis
        #    crystallball is discontinuous and requires special integrator
        #        this can be developed if needed
        unsupported_discrete_var_names = ["bernoulli", "yulesimon", "zipf"]
        for name in unsupported_discrete_var_names:
            ii = discrete_var_names.index(name)
            del discrete_var_names[ii]
            del discrete_var_shapes[ii]

        for name, shapes in zip(discrete_var_names, discrete_var_shapes):
            # print(name)
            var = getattr(stats, name)(**shapes)
            xk, pk = get_probability_masses(var, 1e-15)
            loc, scale = transform_scale_parameters(var)
            xk = (xk - loc) / scale
            ab = get_recursion_coefficients_from_variable(
                var, degree + 1, {
                    "orthonormality_tol": 3e-14,
                    "truncated_probability_tol": 1e-15,
                    "numeric": False
            basis_mat = evaluate_orthonormal_polynomial_1d(xk, degree, ab)
            gram_mat = (basis_mat * pk[:, None]).T.dot(basis_mat)
            assert np.allclose(gram_mat, np.eye(basis_mat.shape[1]), atol=2e-8)

        # custom discrete variables
        xk1, pk1 = np.arange(N), np.ones(N) / N
        xk2, pk2 = np.arange(N)**2, np.ones(N) / N
        custom_vars = [
            float_rv_discrete(name="discrete_chebyshev", values=(xk1, pk1))(),
            float_rv_discrete(name="float_rv_discrete", values=(xk2, pk2))()
        for var in custom_vars:
            xk, pk = get_probability_masses(var, 1e-15)
            loc, scale = transform_scale_parameters(var)
            xk = (xk - loc) / scale
            ab = get_recursion_coefficients_from_variable(
                var, degree + 1, {
                    "orthonormality_tol": 1e-14,
                    "truncated_probability_tol": 1e-15
            basis_mat = evaluate_orthonormal_polynomial_1d(xk, degree, ab)
            gram_mat = (basis_mat * pk[:, None]).T.dot(basis_mat)
            assert np.allclose(gram_mat, np.eye(basis_mat.shape[1]), atol=2e-8)
예제 #20
    def test_discrete_induced_sampling(self):
        degree = 3

        nmasses1 = 10
        mass_locations1 = np.geomspace(1.0, 512.0, num=nmasses1)
        #mass_locations1 = np.arange(0,nmasses1)
        masses1 = np.ones(nmasses1, dtype=float) / nmasses1
        var1 = float_rv_discrete(name='float_rv_discrete',
                                 values=(mass_locations1, masses1))()

        nmasses2 = 10
        mass_locations2 = np.arange(0, nmasses2)
        # if increase from 16 unmodififed becomes ill conditioned
        masses2 = np.geomspace(1.0, 16.0, num=nmasses2)
        #masses2  = np.ones(nmasses2,dtype=float)/nmasses2

        masses2 /= masses2.sum()
        var2 = float_rv_discrete(name='float_rv_discrete',
                                 values=(mass_locations2, masses2))()

        var_trans = AffineRandomVariableTransformation([var1, var2])
        pce_opts = define_poly_options_from_variable_transformation(var_trans)

        pce = PolynomialChaosExpansion()
        indices = compute_hyperbolic_indices(pce.num_vars(), degree, 1.0)

        num_samples = int(1e4)
        canonical_samples = generate_induced_samples(pce, num_samples)
        samples = var_trans.map_from_canonical_space(canonical_samples)

        canonical_xk = [
            2 * get_distribution_info(var1)[2]['xk'] - 1,
            2 * get_distribution_info(var2)[2]['xk'] - 1
        basis_matrix_generator = partial(basis_matrix_generator_1d, pce,
        canonical_samples1 = discrete_induced_sampling(
            basis_matrix_generator, pce.indices, canonical_xk,
            [var1.dist.pk, var2.dist.pk], num_samples)
        samples1 = var_trans.map_from_canonical_space(canonical_samples1)

        def density(x):
            return var1.pdf(x[0, :]) * var2.pdf(x[1, :])

        envelope_factor = 30

        def generate_proposal_samples(n):
            samples = np.vstack([var1.rvs(n), var2.rvs(n)])
            return samples

        proposal_density = density

        # unlike fekete and leja sampling can and should use
        # pce.basis_matrix here. If use canonical_basis_matrix then
        # densities must be mapped to this space also which can be difficult
        samples2 = random_induced_measure_sampling(num_samples, pce.num_vars(),
                                                   pce.basis_matrix, density,

        def induced_density(x):
            vals = density(x) * christoffel_function(x, pce.basis_matrix, True)
            return vals

        from pyapprox.utilities import cartesian_product, outer_product
        from pyapprox.polynomial_sampling import christoffel_function
        quad_samples = cartesian_product([var1.dist.xk, var2.dist.xk])
        quad_weights = outer_product([var1.dist.pk, var2.dist.pk])

        # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # plt.plot(quad_samples[0,:],quad_samples[1,:],'s')
        # plt.plot(samples[0,:],samples[1,:],'o')
        # plt.plot(samples1[0,:],samples1[1,:],'*')
        # plt.show()

        rtol = 1e-2
        assert np.allclose(quad_weights, density(quad_samples))
        assert np.allclose(density(quad_samples).sum(), 1)
        assert np.allclose(
            christoffel_function(quad_samples, pce.basis_matrix,
                                 True).dot(quad_weights), 1.0)
        true_induced_mean = quad_samples.dot(induced_density(quad_samples))
            samples1.mean(axis=1) - true_induced_mean,
            true_induced_mean * rtol)
        assert np.allclose(samples.mean(axis=1), true_induced_mean, rtol=rtol)
        assert np.allclose(samples1.mean(axis=1), true_induced_mean, rtol=rtol)
        assert np.allclose(samples2.mean(axis=1), true_induced_mean, rtol=rtol)