예제 #1
def _significant_features(radar,
                          size_limits=(0, 300),

    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse field names
    if size_field is None:
        size_field = '{}_feature_size'.format(field)

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Parse binary structuring element
    if structure is None:
        structure = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)

    # Initialize echo feature size array
    size_data = np.zeros_like(radar.fields[field]['data'],

    # Loop over all sweeps
    feature_sizes = []
    for sweep in radar.iter_slice():

        # Parse radar sweep data and define only valid gates
        is_valid_gate = ~radar.fields[field]['data'][sweep].mask

        # Label the connected features in radar sweep data and create index
        # array which defines each unique label (feature)
        labels, nlabels = ndimage.label(is_valid_gate,
        index = np.arange(1, nlabels + 1, 1)

        if debug:
            print 'Number of unique features for {}: {}'.format(sweep, nlabels)

        # Compute the size (in radar gates) of each echo feature
        # Check for case where no echo features are found, e.g., no data in
        # sweep
        if nlabels > 0:
            sweep_sizes = ndimage.labeled_comprehension(
                is_valid_gate, labels, index, np.count_nonzero, np.int32, 0)

            # Set each label (feature) to its total size (in radar gates)
            for label, size in zip(index, sweep_sizes):
                size_data[sweep][labels == label] = size

    # Stack sweep echo feature sizes
    feature_sizes = np.hstack(feature_sizes)

    # Compute histogram of echo feature sizes, bin centers and bin
    # width
    counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(feature_sizes,
    bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + np.diff(bin_edges) / 2.0
    bin_width = np.diff(bin_edges).mean()

    if debug:
        print 'Bin width: {} gate(s)'.format(bin_width)

    # Compute the peak of the echo feature size distribution
    # We expect the peak of the echo feature size distribution to be close to 1
    # radar gate
    peak_size = bin_centers[counts.argmax()] - bin_width / 2.0

    if debug:
        print 'Feature size at peak: {} gate(s)'.format(peak_size)

    # Determine the first instance when the count (sample size) for an echo
    # feature size bin reaches 0 after the distribution peak
    # This will define the minimum echo feature size
    is_zero_size = np.logical_and(bin_centers > peak_size,
                                  np.isclose(counts, 0, atol=1.0e-5))
    min_size = bin_centers[is_zero_size].min() - bin_width / 2.0

    if debug:
        _range = [0.0, min_size]
        print 'Insignificant feature size range: {} gates'.format(_range)

    # Mask invalid feature sizes, e.g., zero-size features
    size_data = np.ma.masked_equal(size_data, 0, copy=False)

    # Add echo feature size field to radar
    size_dict = {
        'data': size_data.astype(np.int32),
        'standard_name': size_field,
        'long_name': '',
        '_FillValue': size_data.fill_value,
        'units': 'unitless',
    radar.add_field(size_field, size_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_above(size_field, min_size, op='and', inclusive=False)

    # Remove eacho feature size field
    if remove_size_field:
        radar.fields.pop(size_field, None)

    return gatefilter
예제 #2
def velocity_phasor_coherency(radar,
                              text_limits=(0, 20),
                              texture_window=(3, 3),
                              size_limits=(0, 300),

    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse field names
    if vdop_field is None:
        vdop_field = get_field_name('velocity')
    if phasor_field is None:
        phasor_field = '{}_phasor_real'.format(vdop_field)
    if text_field is None:
        text_field = '{}_texture'.format(phasor_field)
    if coherent_field is None:
        coherent_field = '{}_coherency_mask'.format(phasor_field)

    if verbose:
        print 'Computing Doppler velocity phasor coherency mask'

    # Parse Nyquist velocity
    if nyquist is None:
        nyquist = radar.get_nyquist_vel(0, check_uniform=True)

    if debug:
        print 'Radar Nyquist velocity: {:.3f} m/s'.format(nyquist)

    # Compute the real part of Doppler velocity phasor
    # Normalize real part of phasor to the Nyquist interval
    vdop = radar.fields[vdop_field]['data']
    phasor_real = nyquist * np.cos(np.radians(360.0 * vdop / nyquist))

    # Mask invalid values
    phasor_real = np.ma.masked_invalid(phasor_real)

    # Create Doppler velocity phasor field dictionary
    phasor_dict = {
        'Real part of Doppler velocity phasor',
        'comment': ('Real part of Doppler velocity phasor normalized to the '
                    'Nyquist interval'),
    radar.add_field(phasor_field, phasor_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Compute Doppler velocity phasor texture field
    ray_window, gate_window = texture_window

    # Automatically bracket coherent part of Doppler velocity phasor texture
    # distribution
    if max_texture is None:

        # Bin Doppler velocity phasor texture data and count occurrences
        # Compute bin centers and bin width
        counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(
        bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + np.diff(bin_edges) / 2.0
        bin_width = np.diff(bin_edges).mean()

        if debug:
            print 'Bin width: {:.3f} m/s'.format(bin_width)

        # Determine positions of the extrema in the Doppler velocity phasor
        # texture distribution
        kmin = argrelextrema(counts, np.less, order=1, mode='clip')[0]
        kmax = argrelextrema(counts, np.greater, order=1, mode='clip')[0]

        if debug:
            print 'Minima located at: {} m/s'.format(bin_centers[kmin])
            print 'Maxima located at: {} m/s'.format(bin_centers[kmax])

        # Compute the theoretical noise peak location from Guassian noise
        # statistics
        noise_peak_theory = 2.0 * nyquist / np.sqrt(12.0)

        if debug:
            print 'Theoretical noise peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(

        # Find the closest Doppler velocity phasor texture distribution peak to
        # the computed theoretical location
        # Here we assume that the Doppler velocity phasor texture distribution
        # has at least one primary mode which correspondes to the incoherent
        # (noisy) part of the Doppler velocity phasor texture distribution
        # Depending on the radar volume and the bin width used to define the
        # distribution, the distribution may be bimodal, with the new peak
        # corresponding to the coherent part of the Doppler velocity phasor
        # texture distribution
        idx = np.abs(bin_centers[kmax] - noise_peak_theory).argmin()
        noise_peak = bin_centers[kmax][idx]

        if debug:
            print 'Computed noise peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(noise_peak)

        # Determine primary and secondary peak locations for debugging
        # purposes
        if kmax.size > 1:
            counts_max = np.sort(counts[kmax], kind='mergesort')[::-1]
            prm_peak = bin_centers[np.abs(counts - counts_max[0]).argmin()]
            sec_peak = bin_centers[np.abs(counts - counts_max[1]).argmin()]

            if debug:
                print 'Primary peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(prm_peak)
                print 'Secondary peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(sec_peak)

        # Determine the left edge of the noise distribution
        # Where this distribution becomes a minimum will define the separation
        # between coherent and incoherent Doppler velocity phasor values
        is_left_side = bin_centers[kmin] < noise_peak
        max_texture = bin_centers[kmin][is_left_side].max() + bin_width / 2.0

        if debug:
            _range = [0.0, round(max_texture, 3)]
            print 'Doppler velocity phasor coherency mode: {} m/s'.format(

    # Create Doppler velocity phasor coherency mask
    is_coherent = np.logical_and(
        radar.fields[text_field]['data'] >= 0.0,
        radar.fields[text_field]['data'] <= max_texture)
    is_coherent = np.ma.filled(is_coherent, False)

    # Create Doppler velocity phasor coherency mask dictionary
    coherent_dict = {
        'data': is_coherent.astype(np.int8),
        'long_name': 'Doppler velocity phasor coherency',
        'standard_name': coherent_field,
        'valid_min': 0,
        'valid_max': 1,
        '_FillValue': None,
        'units': 'unitless',
        'comment': '0 = incoherent value, 1 = coherent value',
    radar.add_field(coherent_field, coherent_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Remove insignificant features from Doppler velocity phasor coherency mask
    if remove_small_features:

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_equal(coherent_field, 1, op='and')

    return gatefilter
예제 #3
def _spectrum_width_coherency(radar,
                              texture_window=(3, 3),
                              salt_window=(5, 5),

    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse field names
    if width_field is None:
        width_field = get_field_name('spectrum_width')
    if width_text_field is None:
        width_text_field = '{}_texture'.format(width_field)
    if cohere_field is None:
        cohere_field = '{}_coherency_mask'.format(width_field)

    # Compute spectrum width texture field
    ray_window, gate_window = texture_window

    # Automatically bracket noise distribution
    if min_sigma is None and max_sigma is None:

        # Compute spectrum width texture frequency counts
        # Normalize frequency counts and compute bin centers and bin width
        width_sigma = radar.fields[width_text_field]['data']
        hist, edges = np.histogram(width_sigma.compressed(),
        hist = hist.astype(np.float64) / hist.max()
        width = np.diff(edges).mean()
        half_width = width / 2.0
        bins = edges[:-1] + half_width

        if verbose:
            print 'Bin width = %.2f m/s' % width

        # Determine distribution extrema locations
        k_min = argrelextrema(hist, np.less, axis=0, order=1, mode='clip')[0]
        k_max = argrelextrema(hist, np.greater, axis=0, order=1,

        if verbose:
            print 'Minima located at %s m/s' % bins[k_min]
            print 'Maxima located at %s m/s' % bins[k_max]

        #  Potentially a clear air volume
        if k_min.size <= 1 or k_max.size <= 1:

            # Bracket noise distribution
            # Add (left side) or subtract (right side) the half bin width to
            # account for the bin width
            max_sigma = bins.max() + half_width

            # Account for the no coherent signal case
            if k_min.size == 0:
                min_sigma = bins.min() - half_width
                min_sigma = bins[k_min][0] + half_width

            if verbose:
                print 'Computed min_sigma = %.2f m/s' % min_sigma
                print 'Computed max_sigma = %.2f m/s' % max_sigma
                print 'Radar volume is likely a clear air volume'

        # Typical volume containing sufficient scatterers (e.g., hydrometeors,
        # insects, etc.)

            # Compute primary and secondary peak locations
            hist_max = np.sort(hist[k_max], kind='mergesort')[::-1]
            prm_peak = bins[np.abs(hist - hist_max[0]).argmin()]
            sec_peak = bins[np.abs(hist - hist_max[1]).argmin()]

            if verbose:
                print 'Primary peak located at %.2f m/s' % prm_peak
                print 'Secondary peak located at %.2f m/s' % sec_peak

            # If the primary (secondary) peak velocity texture is greater than
            # the secondary (primary) peak velocity texture, than the primary
            # (secondary) peak defines the noise distribution
            noise_peak = np.max([prm_peak, sec_peak])

            if verbose:
                print 'Noise peak located at %.2f m/s' % noise_peak

            # Determine left/right sides of noise distribution
            left_side = bins[k_min] < noise_peak
            right_side = bins[k_min] > noise_peak

            # Bracket noise distribution
            # Add (left side) or subtract (right side) the half bin width to
            # account for the bin width
            min_sigma = bins[k_min][left_side].max() + half_width
            max_sigma = bins.max() + half_width

            if verbose:
                print 'Computed min_sigma = %.2f m/s' % min_sigma
                print 'Computed max_sigma = %.2f m/s' % max_sigma

    # Create the spectrum width texture coherency mask
    mask = np.logical_or(radar.fields[width_text_field]['data'] <= min_sigma,
                         radar.fields[width_text_field]['data'] >= max_sigma)
    mask = np.ma.filled(mask, False)

    mask_dict = {
        'Spectrum width coherency mask',
        'comment': ('0 = incoherent spectrum width, '
                    '1 = coherent spectrum width'),
    radar.add_field(cohere_field, mask_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Remove salt and pepper noise from mask
    if remove_salt:

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_equal(cohere_field, 1, op='and')

    return gatefilter
예제 #4
def significant_detection(radar,
                          size_limits=(0, 300),
    Determine the significant detection of a radar. Note that significant
    detection can still include other non-meteorological echoes that the user
    may still have to remove further down the processing chain.

    radar : Radar
        Radar object used to determine the appropriate GateFilter.
    gatefilter : GateFilter, optional
        If None, all radar gates will initially be assumed valid.
    remove_small_features : bool, optional
        True to remove insignificant echo features (e.g., salt and pepper
        noise) from significant detection mask.
    size_bins : int, optional
        Number of bins used to bin echo feature sizes and thus define its
    size_limits : list or tuple, optional
        Limits of the echo feature size distribution. The upper limit needs to
        be large enough to include the minimum feature size.
    fill_holes : bool, optional
        Fill any holes in the significant detection mask. For most radar
        volumes this should not be used since the default structuring element
        will automatically fill any sized hole.
    dilate : bool, optional
        Use binary dilation to fill in edges of the significant detection mask.
    structure : array_like, optional
        The binary structuring element used for all morphology routines. See
        SciPy's ndimage documentation for more information.
    iterations : int, optional
        The number of iterations to repeat binary dilation. If iterations is
        less than 1, binary dilation is repeated until the result does not
        change anymore.
    rays_wrap_around : bool, optional
        Whether the rays at the beginning and end of a sweep are connected
        (e.g., PPI VCP).
    min_ncp : float, optional
        Minimum normalized coherent power (signal quality) value used to
        indicate a significant echo.
    ncp_field : str, optional
        Minimum normalized coherent power (signal quality) field name. The
        default uses the Py-ART configuation file.
    detect_field : str, optional
        Radar significant detection mask field name.
    debug : bool, optional
        True to print debugging information, False to suppress.
    verbose : bool, optional
        True to print progress information, False to suppress.

    gatefilter : GateFilter
        Py-ART GateFilter object indicating which radar gates are valid and

    # Parse field names
    if ncp_field is None:
        ncp_field = get_field_name('normalized_coherent_power')
    if detect_field is None:
        detect_field = 'significant_detection_mask'

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Exclude gates with poor signal quality
    if min_ncp is not None and ncp_field in radar.fields:
        gatefilter.include_above(ncp_field, min_ncp, op='and', inclusive=True)

    detect_dict = {
        'data': gatefilter.gate_included.astype(np.int8),
        'long_name': 'Radar significant detection mask',
        'standard_name': 'significant_detection_mask',
        'valid_min': 0,
        'valid_max': 1,
        '_FillValue': None,
        'units': 'unitless',
        'comment': '0 = no significant detection, 1 = significant detection',
    radar.add_field(detect_field, detect_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Remove insignificant features from significant detection mask
    if remove_small_features:

    # Fill holes in significant detection mask
    if fill_holes:
        basic_fixes._binary_fill(radar, detect_field, structure=structure)

    # Dilate significant detection mask
    if dilate:

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_equal(detect_field, 1, op='new')

    return gatefilter
예제 #5
def echo_boundaries(radar,
                    texture_window=(3, 3),
                    size_limits=(0, 300),
    Objectively determine the location of significant echo boundaries through
    analysis of signal quality index (SQI) texture. The a priori assumption is
    that at echo boundaries (e.g., cloud boundaries), the SQI field decreases
    substantially and therefore the SQI texture field is large near echo

    radar : Radar
        Radar object containing the SQI field used to derive significant echo

    gatefilter : GateFilter


    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse field names
    if sqi_field is None:
        sqi_field = get_field_name('normalized_coherent_power')
    if text_field is None:
        text_field = '{}_texture'.format(sqi_field)
    if bounds_field is None:
        bounds_field = 'echo_boundaries_mask'

    if verbose:
        print 'Computing significant echo boundaries mask'

    # Compute signal quality index texture field
    ray_window, gate_window = texture_window

    if min_texture is None:

        # The specified boundary percentile defines the minimum SQI texture
        # value for significant echo boundaries
        min_texture = np.percentile(

        if debug:
            max_texture = radar.fields[text_field]['data'].max()
            _range = [round(min_texture, 3), round(max_texture, 3)]
            print 'Echo boundary SQI texture range: {}'.format(_range)

        # Compute percentiles for debugging purposes
        percentiles = [5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 99, 100]
        textures = np.percentile(radar.fields[text_field]['data'].compressed(),

        if debug:
            for p, texture in zip(percentiles, textures):
                print '{}% SQI texture = {:.5f}'.format(p, texture)

    # Determine radar gates which meet minimum normalized coherent power
    # texture
    is_boundary = radar.fields[text_field]['data'] >= min_texture
    is_boundary = np.ma.filled(is_boundary, False)

    # Create significant echo boundaries field dictionary
    bounds_dict = {
        'data': is_boundary.astype(np.int8),
        'standard_name': bounds_field,
        'long_name': 'Significant echo boundaries mask',
        '_FillValue': None,
        'units': 'unitless',
        'comment': '0 = not an echo boundary, 1 = echo boundary',
    radar.add_field(bounds_field, bounds_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Remove insignificant features from significant echo boundaries mask
    if remove_small_features:

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_equal(bounds_field, 1, op='and')

    return gatefilter
예제 #6
def _significant_features(
        radar, field, gatefilter=None, min_size=None, size_bins=75,
        size_limits=(0, 300), structure=None, remove_size_field=True,
        fill_value=None, size_field=None, debug=False, verbose=False):

    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse field names
    if size_field is None:
        size_field = '{}_feature_size'.format(field)

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Parse binary structuring element
    if structure is None:
        structure = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)

    # Initialize echo feature size array
    size_data = np.zeros_like(
        radar.fields[field]['data'], subok=False, dtype=np.int32)

    # Loop over all sweeps
    feature_sizes = []
    for sweep in radar.iter_slice():

        # Parse radar sweep data and define only valid gates
        is_valid_gate = ~radar.fields[field]['data'][sweep].mask

        # Label the connected features in radar sweep data and create index
        # array which defines each unique label (feature)
        labels, nlabels = ndimage.label(
            is_valid_gate, structure=structure, output=None)
        index = np.arange(1, nlabels + 1, 1)

        if debug:
            print 'Number of unique features for {}: {}'.format(sweep, nlabels)

        # Compute the size (in radar gates) of each echo feature
        # Check for case where no echo features are found, e.g., no data in
        # sweep
        if nlabels > 0:
            sweep_sizes = ndimage.labeled_comprehension(
                is_valid_gate, labels, index, np.count_nonzero, np.int32, 0)

            # Set each label (feature) to its total size (in radar gates)
            for label, size in zip(index, sweep_sizes):
                size_data[sweep][labels == label] = size

    # Stack sweep echo feature sizes
    feature_sizes = np.hstack(feature_sizes)

    # Compute histogram of echo feature sizes, bin centers and bin
    # width
    counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(
        feature_sizes, bins=size_bins, range=size_limits, normed=False,
        weights=None, density=False)
    bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + np.diff(bin_edges) / 2.0
    bin_width = np.diff(bin_edges).mean()

    if debug:
        print 'Bin width: {} gate(s)'.format(bin_width)

    # Compute the peak of the echo feature size distribution
    # We expect the peak of the echo feature size distribution to be close to 1
    # radar gate
    peak_size = bin_centers[counts.argmax()] - bin_width / 2.0

    if debug:
        print 'Feature size at peak: {} gate(s)'.format(peak_size)

    # Determine the first instance when the count (sample size) for an echo
    # feature size bin reaches 0 after the distribution peak
    # This will define the minimum echo feature size
    is_zero_size = np.logical_and(
        bin_centers > peak_size, np.isclose(counts, 0, atol=1.0e-5))
    min_size = bin_centers[is_zero_size].min() - bin_width / 2.0

    if debug:
        _range = [0.0, min_size]
        print 'Insignificant feature size range: {} gates'.format(_range)

    # Mask invalid feature sizes, e.g., zero-size features
    size_data = np.ma.masked_equal(size_data, 0, copy=False)

    # Add echo feature size field to radar
    size_dict = {
        'data': size_data.astype(np.int32),
        'standard_name': size_field,
        'long_name': '',
        '_FillValue': size_data.fill_value,
        'units': 'unitless',
    radar.add_field(size_field, size_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_above(size_field, min_size, op='and', inclusive=False)

    # Remove eacho feature size field
    if remove_size_field:
        radar.fields.pop(size_field, None)

    return gatefilter
예제 #7
def hildebrand_noise(radar,
                     size_limits=(0, 300),

    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse field names
    if power_field is None:
        power_field = get_field_name('signal_to_noise_ratio')
    if noise_field is None:
        noise_field = 'radar_noise_floor'
    if mask_field is None:
        mask_field = 'radar_noise_floor_mask'

    # Parse radar power data
    power = radar.fields[power_field]['data']

    # Prepare data for ingest into Fortran wrapper
    power = np.ma.filled(power, fill_value)
    power = np.asfortranarray(power, dtype=np.float64)

    # Convert power units to linear and sort in descending order
    # TODO: check if units are already linear
    power = np.where(power != fill_value, 10.0**(power / 10.0), power)
    power = np.sort(power, axis=0, kind='mergesort')[::-1]

    # Fortran wrapper to Hildebrand and Sekhon (1974) algorithm
    P, Q, R2, N = sweeps.hildebrand(power, fill_value=fill_value)

    # Mask invalid data
    P = np.ma.masked_equal(P, fill_value)
    Q = np.ma.masked_equal(Q, fill_value)
    R2 = np.ma.masked_equal(R2, fill_value)
    N = np.ma.masked_equal(N, fill_value)

    # Estimate noise floor in decibels and tile to proper dimensions
    noise = 10.0 * np.ma.log10(P + scale * np.ma.sqrt(Q))
    noise = np.tile(noise, (radar.nrays, 1))

    # Add Hildebrand noise floor field to radar
    noise_dict = {
        'Radar noise floor estimate',
        'comment': ('Noise floor is estimated using Hildebrand and '
                    'Sekhon (1974) algorithm'),
    radar.add_field(noise_field, noise_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Compute noise floor mask
    power = radar.fields[power_field]['data']
    noise = radar.fields[noise_field]['data']
    is_noise = np.ma.filled(power >= noise, False)

    # Create radar noise floor mask dictionary
    mask_dict = {
        'data': is_noise.astype(np.int8),
        'long_name': 'Noise floor mask',
        'standard_name': mask_field,
        'valid_min': 0,
        'valid_max': 1,
        'units': 'unitless',
        '_FillValue': None,
        'comment': '0 = below noise floor, 1 = at or above noise floor',
    radar.add_field(mask_field, mask_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Remove insignificant features from noise floor mask
    if remove_small_features:

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_equal(mask_field, 1, op='and')

    return gatefilter
예제 #8
def velocity_phasor_coherency(
        radar, gatefilter=None, text_bins=40, text_limits=(0, 20),
        nyquist=None, texture_window=(3, 3), texture_sample=5,
        max_texture=None, rays_wrap_around=False, remove_small_features=False,
        size_bins=75, size_limits=(0, 300), fill_value=None, vdop_field=None,
        phasor_field=None, text_field=None, coherent_field=None, debug=False,

    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse field names
    if vdop_field is None:
        vdop_field = get_field_name('velocity')
    if phasor_field is None:
        phasor_field = '{}_phasor_real'.format(vdop_field)
    if text_field is None:
        text_field = '{}_texture'.format(phasor_field)
    if coherent_field is None:
        coherent_field = '{}_coherency_mask'.format(phasor_field)

    if verbose:
        print 'Computing Doppler velocity phasor coherency mask'

    # Parse Nyquist velocity
    if nyquist is None:
        nyquist = radar.get_nyquist_vel(0, check_uniform=True)

    if debug:
        print 'Radar Nyquist velocity: {:.3f} m/s'.format(nyquist)

    # Compute the real part of Doppler velocity phasor
    # Normalize real part of phasor to the Nyquist interval
    vdop = radar.fields[vdop_field]['data']
    phasor_real = nyquist * np.cos(np.radians(360.0 * vdop / nyquist))

    # Mask invalid values
    phasor_real = np.ma.masked_invalid(phasor_real)

    # Create Doppler velocity phasor field dictionary
    phasor_dict = {
        'data': phasor_real.astype(np.float32),
        'long_name': 'Real part of Doppler velocity phasor',
        'standard_name': phasor_field,
        'valid_min': -nyquist,
        'valid_max': nyquist,
        '_FillValue': phasor_real.fill_value,
        'units': 'meters_per_second',
        'comment': ('Real part of Doppler velocity phasor normalized to the '
                    'Nyquist interval'),
    radar.add_field(phasor_field, phasor_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Compute Doppler velocity phasor texture field
    ray_window, gate_window = texture_window
        radar, phasor_field, ray_window=ray_window, gate_window=gate_window,
        min_sample=texture_sample, min_ncp=None, min_sweep=None,
        max_sweep=None, fill_value=fill_value, ncp_field=None)

    # Automatically bracket coherent part of Doppler velocity phasor texture
    # distribution
    if max_texture is None:

        # Bin Doppler velocity phasor texture data and count occurrences
        # Compute bin centers and bin width
        counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(
            radar.fields[text_field]['data'].compressed(), bins=text_bins,
            range=text_limits, normed=False, weights=None, density=False)
        bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + np.diff(bin_edges) / 2.0
        bin_width = np.diff(bin_edges).mean()

        if debug:
            print 'Bin width: {:.3f} m/s'.format(bin_width)

        # Determine positions of the extrema in the Doppler velocity phasor
        # texture distribution
        kmin = argrelextrema(counts, np.less, order=1, mode='clip')[0]
        kmax = argrelextrema(counts, np.greater, order=1, mode='clip')[0]

        if debug:
            print 'Minima located at: {} m/s'.format(bin_centers[kmin])
            print 'Maxima located at: {} m/s'.format(bin_centers[kmax])

        # Compute the theoretical noise peak location from Guassian noise
        # statistics
        noise_peak_theory = 2.0 * nyquist / np.sqrt(12.0)

        if debug:
            print 'Theoretical noise peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(

        # Find the closest Doppler velocity phasor texture distribution peak to
        # the computed theoretical location
        # Here we assume that the Doppler velocity phasor texture distribution
        # has at least one primary mode which correspondes to the incoherent
        # (noisy) part of the Doppler velocity phasor texture distribution
        # Depending on the radar volume and the bin width used to define the
        # distribution, the distribution may be bimodal, with the new peak
        # corresponding to the coherent part of the Doppler velocity phasor
        # texture distribution
        idx = np.abs(bin_centers[kmax] - noise_peak_theory).argmin()
        noise_peak = bin_centers[kmax][idx]

        if debug:
            print 'Computed noise peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(noise_peak)

        # Determine primary and secondary peak locations for debugging
        # purposes
        if kmax.size > 1:
            counts_max = np.sort(counts[kmax], kind='mergesort')[::-1]
            prm_peak = bin_centers[np.abs(counts - counts_max[0]).argmin()]
            sec_peak = bin_centers[np.abs(counts - counts_max[1]).argmin()]

            if debug:
                    print 'Primary peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(prm_peak)
                    print 'Secondary peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(sec_peak)

        # Determine the left edge of the noise distribution
        # Where this distribution becomes a minimum will define the separation
        # between coherent and incoherent Doppler velocity phasor values
        is_left_side = bin_centers[kmin] < noise_peak
        max_texture = bin_centers[kmin][is_left_side].max() + bin_width / 2.0

        if debug:
            _range = [0.0, round(max_texture, 3)]
            print 'Doppler velocity phasor coherency mode: {} m/s'.format(

    # Create Doppler velocity phasor coherency mask
    is_coherent = np.logical_and(
        radar.fields[text_field]['data'] >= 0.0,
        radar.fields[text_field]['data'] <= max_texture)
    is_coherent = np.ma.filled(is_coherent, False)

    # Create Doppler velocity phasor coherency mask dictionary
    coherent_dict = {
        'data': is_coherent.astype(np.int8),
        'long_name': 'Doppler velocity phasor coherency',
        'standard_name': coherent_field,
        'valid_min': 0,
        'valid_max': 1,
        '_FillValue': None,
        'units': 'unitless',
        'comment': '0 = incoherent value, 1 = coherent value',
    radar.add_field(coherent_field, coherent_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Remove insignificant features from Doppler velocity phasor coherency mask
    if remove_small_features:
            radar, coherent_field, size_bins=size_bins,
            size_limits=size_limits, structure=structure, debug=debug,

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_equal(coherent_field, 1, op='and')

    return gatefilter
예제 #9
def _spectrum_width_coherency(
        radar, gatefilter=None, num_bins=10, limits=None,
        texture_window=(3, 3), texture_sample=5, min_sigma=None,
        max_sigma=None, rays_wrap_around=False, remove_salt=False,
        salt_window=(5, 5), salt_sample=10, fill_value=None, width_field=None,
        width_text_field=None, cohere_field=None, verbose=False):

    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse field names
    if width_field is None:
        width_field = get_field_name('spectrum_width')
    if width_text_field is None:
        width_text_field = '{}_texture'.format(width_field)
    if cohere_field is None:
        cohere_field = '{}_coherency_mask'.format(width_field)

    # Compute spectrum width texture field
    ray_window, gate_window = texture_window
        radar, width_field, ray_window=ray_window, gate_window=gate_window,
        min_sample=texture_sample, min_ncp=None, min_sweep=None,
        max_sweep=None, fill_value=fill_value, ncp_field=None)

    # Automatically bracket noise distribution
    if min_sigma is None and max_sigma is None:

        # Compute spectrum width texture frequency counts
        # Normalize frequency counts and compute bin centers and bin width
        width_sigma = radar.fields[width_text_field]['data']
        hist, edges = np.histogram(
            width_sigma.compressed(), bins=num_bins, range=limits,
            normed=False, weights=None, density=False)
        hist = hist.astype(np.float64) / hist.max()
        width = np.diff(edges).mean()
        half_width = width / 2.0
        bins = edges[:-1] + half_width

        if verbose:
            print 'Bin width = %.2f m/s' % width

        # Determine distribution extrema locations
        k_min = argrelextrema(
            hist, np.less, axis=0, order=1, mode='clip')[0]
        k_max = argrelextrema(
            hist, np.greater, axis=0, order=1, mode='clip')[0]

        if verbose:
            print 'Minima located at %s m/s' % bins[k_min]
            print 'Maxima located at %s m/s' % bins[k_max]

        #  Potentially a clear air volume
        if k_min.size <= 1 or k_max.size <= 1:

            # Bracket noise distribution
            # Add (left side) or subtract (right side) the half bin width to
            # account for the bin width
            max_sigma = bins.max() + half_width

            # Account for the no coherent signal case
            if k_min.size == 0:
                min_sigma = bins.min() - half_width
                min_sigma = bins[k_min][0] + half_width

            if verbose:
                print 'Computed min_sigma = %.2f m/s' % min_sigma
                print 'Computed max_sigma = %.2f m/s' % max_sigma
                print 'Radar volume is likely a clear air volume'

        # Typical volume containing sufficient scatterers (e.g., hydrometeors,
        # insects, etc.)

            # Compute primary and secondary peak locations
            hist_max = np.sort(hist[k_max], kind='mergesort')[::-1]
            prm_peak = bins[np.abs(hist - hist_max[0]).argmin()]
            sec_peak = bins[np.abs(hist - hist_max[1]).argmin()]

            if verbose:
                print 'Primary peak located at %.2f m/s' % prm_peak
                print 'Secondary peak located at %.2f m/s' % sec_peak

            # If the primary (secondary) peak velocity texture is greater than
            # the secondary (primary) peak velocity texture, than the primary
            # (secondary) peak defines the noise distribution
            noise_peak = np.max([prm_peak, sec_peak])

            if verbose:
                print 'Noise peak located at %.2f m/s' % noise_peak

            # Determine left/right sides of noise distribution
            left_side = bins[k_min] < noise_peak
            right_side = bins[k_min] > noise_peak

            # Bracket noise distribution
            # Add (left side) or subtract (right side) the half bin width to
            # account for the bin width
            min_sigma = bins[k_min][left_side].max() + half_width
            max_sigma = bins.max() + half_width

            if verbose:
                print 'Computed min_sigma = %.2f m/s' % min_sigma
                print 'Computed max_sigma = %.2f m/s' % max_sigma

    # Create the spectrum width texture coherency mask
    mask = np.logical_or(
        radar.fields[width_text_field]['data'] <= min_sigma,
        radar.fields[width_text_field]['data'] >= max_sigma)
    mask = np.ma.filled(mask, False)

    mask_dict = {
        'data': mask.astype(np.int8),
        'long_name': 'Spectrum width coherency mask',
        'standard_name': cohere_field,
        'valid_min': 0,
        'valid_max': 1,
        '_FillValue': None,
        'units': 'unitless',
        'comment': ('0 = incoherent spectrum width, '
                    '1 = coherent spectrum width'),
    radar.add_field(cohere_field, mask_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Remove salt and pepper noise from mask
    if remove_salt:
            radar, fields=[cohere_field], salt_window=salt_window,
            salt_sample=salt_sample, rays_wrap_around=rays_wrap_around,
            fill_value=0, mask_data=False, verbose=verbose)

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_equal(cohere_field, 1, op='and')

    return gatefilter
예제 #10
def echo_boundaries(
        radar, gatefilter=None, texture_window=(3, 3), texture_sample=5,
        min_texture=None, bounds_percentile=95.0, remove_small_features=False,
        size_bins=75, size_limits=(0, 300), rays_wrap_around=False,
        fill_value=None, sqi_field=None, text_field=None, bounds_field=None,
        debug=False, verbose=False):
    Objectively determine the location of significant echo boundaries through
    analysis of signal quality index (SQI) texture. The a priori assumption is
    that at echo boundaries (e.g., cloud boundaries), the SQI field decreases
    substantially and therefore the SQI texture field is large near echo

    radar : Radar
        Radar object containing the SQI field used to derive significant echo

    gatefilter : GateFilter


    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse field names
    if sqi_field is None:
        sqi_field = get_field_name('normalized_coherent_power')
    if text_field is None:
        text_field = '{}_texture'.format(sqi_field)
    if bounds_field is None:
        bounds_field = 'echo_boundaries_mask'

    if verbose:
        print 'Computing significant echo boundaries mask'

    # Compute signal quality index texture field
    ray_window, gate_window = texture_window
        radar, sqi_field, ray_window=ray_window, gate_window=gate_window,
        min_sample=texture_sample, min_ncp=None, min_sweep=None,
        max_sweep=None, rays_wrap_around=rays_wrap_around,
        fill_value=fill_value, text_field=text_field, ncp_field=None)

    if min_texture is None:

        # The specified boundary percentile defines the minimum SQI texture
        # value for significant echo boundaries
        min_texture = np.percentile(
            radar.fields[text_field]['data'].compressed(), bounds_percentile,
            overwrite_input=False, interpolation='linear')

        if debug:
            max_texture = radar.fields[text_field]['data'].max()
            _range = [round(min_texture, 3), round(max_texture, 3)]
            print 'Echo boundary SQI texture range: {}'.format(_range)

        # Compute percentiles for debugging purposes
        percentiles = [5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 99, 100]
        textures = np.percentile(
            radar.fields[text_field]['data'].compressed(), percentiles,
            overwrite_input=False, interpolation='linear')

        if debug:
            for p, texture in zip(percentiles, textures):
                print '{}% SQI texture = {:.5f}'.format(p, texture)

    # Determine radar gates which meet minimum normalized coherent power
    # texture
    is_boundary = radar.fields[text_field]['data'] >= min_texture
    is_boundary = np.ma.filled(is_boundary, False)

    # Create significant echo boundaries field dictionary
    bounds_dict = {
        'data': is_boundary.astype(np.int8),
        'standard_name': bounds_field,
        'long_name': 'Significant echo boundaries mask',
        '_FillValue': None,
        'units': 'unitless',
        'comment': '0 = not an echo boundary, 1 = echo boundary',
    radar.add_field(bounds_field, bounds_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Remove insignificant features from significant echo boundaries mask
    if remove_small_features:
            radar, bounds_field, size_bins=size_bins, size_limits=size_limits,
            structure=structure, debug=debug, verbose=verbose)

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_equal(bounds_field, 1, op='and')

    return gatefilter
예제 #11
def significant_detection(
        radar, gatefilter=None, remove_small_features=True, size_bins=75,
        size_limits=(0, 300), fill_holes=False, dilate=False, structure=None,
        iterations=1, rays_wrap_around=False, min_ncp=None, ncp_field=None,
        detect_field=None, debug=False, verbose=False):
    Determine the significant detection of a radar. Note that significant
    detection can still include other non-meteorological echoes that the user
    may still have to remove further down the processing chain.

    radar : Radar
        Radar object used to determine the appropriate GateFilter.
    gatefilter : GateFilter, optional
        If None, all radar gates will initially be assumed valid.
    remove_small_features : bool, optional
        True to remove insignificant echo features (e.g., salt and pepper
        noise) from significant detection mask.
    size_bins : int, optional
        Number of bins used to bin echo feature sizes and thus define its
    size_limits : list or tuple, optional
        Limits of the echo feature size distribution. The upper limit needs to
        be large enough to include the minimum feature size.
    fill_holes : bool, optional
        Fill any holes in the significant detection mask. For most radar
        volumes this should not be used since the default structuring element
        will automatically fill any sized hole.
    dilate : bool, optional
        Use binary dilation to fill in edges of the significant detection mask.
    structure : array_like, optional
        The binary structuring element used for all morphology routines. See
        SciPy's ndimage documentation for more information.
    iterations : int, optional
        The number of iterations to repeat binary dilation. If iterations is
        less than 1, binary dilation is repeated until the result does not
        change anymore.
    rays_wrap_around : bool, optional
        Whether the rays at the beginning and end of a sweep are connected
        (e.g., PPI VCP).
    min_ncp : float, optional
        Minimum normalized coherent power (signal quality) value used to
        indicate a significant echo.
    ncp_field : str, optional
        Minimum normalized coherent power (signal quality) field name. The
        default uses the Py-ART configuation file.
    detect_field : str, optional
        Radar significant detection mask field name.
    debug : bool, optional
        True to print debugging information, False to suppress.
    verbose : bool, optional
        True to print progress information, False to suppress.

    gatefilter : GateFilter
        Py-ART GateFilter object indicating which radar gates are valid and

    # Parse field names
    if ncp_field is None:
        ncp_field = get_field_name('normalized_coherent_power')
    if detect_field is None:
        detect_field = 'significant_detection_mask'

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Exclude gates with poor signal quality
    if min_ncp is not None and ncp_field in radar.fields:
        gatefilter.include_above(ncp_field, min_ncp, op='and', inclusive=True)

    detect_dict = {
        'data': gatefilter.gate_included.astype(np.int8),
        'long_name': 'Radar significant detection mask',
        'standard_name': 'significant_detection_mask',
        'valid_min': 0,
        'valid_max': 1,
        '_FillValue': None,
        'units': 'unitless',
        'comment': '0 = no significant detection, 1 = significant detection',
    radar.add_field(detect_field, detect_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Remove insignificant features from significant detection mask
    if remove_small_features:
            radar, detect_field, size_bins=size_bins, size_limits=size_limits,
            structure=structure, debug=debug, verbose=verbose)

    # Fill holes in significant detection mask
    if fill_holes:
        basic_fixes._binary_fill(radar, detect_field, structure=structure)

    # Dilate significant detection mask
    if dilate:
            radar, detect_field, structure=structure, iterations=iterations,
            debug=debug, verbose=verbose)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_equal(detect_field, 1, op='new')

    return gatefilter
예제 #12
def hildebrand_noise(
        radar, gatefilter=None, scale=1.0, remove_small_features=False,
        size_bins=75, size_limits=(0, 300), rays_wrap_around=False,
        fill_value=None, power_field=None, noise_field=None, mask_field=None,

    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse field names
    if power_field is None:
        power_field = get_field_name('signal_to_noise_ratio')
    if noise_field is None:
        noise_field = 'radar_noise_floor'
    if mask_field is None:
        mask_field = 'radar_noise_floor_mask'

    # Parse radar power data
    power = radar.fields[power_field]['data']

    # Prepare data for ingest into Fortran wrapper
    power = np.ma.filled(power, fill_value)
    power = np.asfortranarray(power, dtype=np.float64)

    # Convert power units to linear and sort in descending order
    # TODO: check if units are already linear
    power = np.where(power != fill_value, 10.0**(power / 10.0), power)
    power = np.sort(power, axis=0, kind='mergesort')[::-1]

    # Fortran wrapper to Hildebrand and Sekhon (1974) algorithm
    P, Q, R2, N = sweeps.hildebrand(power, fill_value=fill_value)

    # Mask invalid data
    P = np.ma.masked_equal(P, fill_value)
    Q = np.ma.masked_equal(Q, fill_value)
    R2 = np.ma.masked_equal(R2, fill_value)
    N = np.ma.masked_equal(N, fill_value)

    # Estimate noise floor in decibels and tile to proper dimensions
    noise = 10.0 * np.ma.log10(P + scale * np.ma.sqrt(Q))
    noise = np.tile(noise, (radar.nrays, 1))

    # Add Hildebrand noise floor field to radar
    noise_dict = {
        'data': noise.astype(np.float32),
        'long_name': 'Radar noise floor estimate',
        'standard_name': noise_field,
        'units': 'dB',
        '_FillValue': noise.fill_value,
        'comment': ('Noise floor is estimated using Hildebrand and '
                    'Sekhon (1974) algorithm'),
    radar.add_field(noise_field, noise_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Compute noise floor mask
    power = radar.fields[power_field]['data']
    noise = radar.fields[noise_field]['data']
    is_noise = np.ma.filled(power >= noise, False)

    # Create radar noise floor mask dictionary
    mask_dict = {
        'data': is_noise.astype(np.int8),
        'long_name': 'Noise floor mask',
        'standard_name': mask_field,
        'valid_min': 0,
        'valid_max': 1,
        'units': 'unitless',
        '_FillValue': None,
        'comment': '0 = below noise floor, 1 = at or above noise floor',
    radar.add_field(mask_field, mask_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Remove insignificant features from noise floor mask
    if remove_small_features:
            radar, mask_field, size_bins=size_bins, size_limits=size_limits,
            structure=structure, debug=debug, verbose=verbose)

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_equal(mask_field, 1, op='and')

    return gatefilter
예제 #13
파일: noise.py 프로젝트: okrasnov/pyrect
def velocity_coherency(
        radar, gatefilter=None, text_bins=40, text_limits=(0, 20),
        nyquist_vel=None, texture_window=(3, 3), texture_sample=5,
        max_texture=None, min_sweep=None, rays_wrap_around=False,
        remove_small_features=False, size_bins=100, size_limits=(0, 400),
        fill_value=None, vdop_field=None, text_field=None, coherent_field=None,
        debug=False, verbose=False):

    radar : Radar
        Py-ART Radar containing Doppler velocity data.
    gatefilter : GateFilter, optional
        Py-ART GateFilter instance. If None, all radar gates will initially be
        assumed valid.

    gf : GateFilter
        Py-ART GateFilter.

    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse field names
    if vdop_field is None:
        vdop_field = get_field_name('velocity')
    if text_field is None:
        text_field = '{}_texture'.format(vdop_field)
    if coherent_field is None:
        coherent_field = '{}_coherency_mask'.format(vdop_field)

    if verbose:
        print 'Computing Doppler velocity coherency mask'

    # Parse Nyquist velocity
    if nyquist_vel is None:
        nyquist = radar.get_nyquist_vel(0, check_uniform=True)

    if debug:
        print 'Radar Nyquist velocity: {:.3f} m/s'.format(nyquist)

    # Compute Doppler velocity texture field
    ray_window, gate_window = texture_window
        radar, vdop_field, ray_window=ray_window, gate_window=gate_window,
        min_sample=texture_sample, min_sqi=None, min_sweep=min_sweep,
        max_sweep=None, fill_value=fill_value, sqi_field=None,

    # Automatically determine the maximum Doppler velocity texture value which
    # brackets the coherent part of the Doppler velocity texture distribution
    if max_texture is None:

        # Bin and count Doppler velocity texture field
        counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(
            radar.fields[text_field]['data'].compressed(), bins=text_bins,
            range=text_limits, normed=False, weights=None, density=False)

        # Compute bin centers and bin width
        bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + np.diff(bin_edges) / 2.0
        bin_width = np.diff(bin_edges).mean()

        if debug:
            print 'Bin width: {:.3f} m/s'.format(bin_width)

        # Determine the location of extrema in the Doppler velocity texture
        # distribution
        kmin = argrelextrema(counts, np.less, order=1, mode='clip')[0]
        kmax = argrelextrema(counts, np.greater, order=1, mode='clip')[0]

        if debug:
            print 'Minima located at: {} m/s'.format(bin_centers[kmin])
            print 'Maxima located at: {} m/s'.format(bin_centers[kmax])

        # Compute the theoretical noise peak location from Guassian noise
        # statistics
        noise_peak_theory = 2.0 * nyquist / np.sqrt(12.0)

        if debug:
            print 'Theoretical noise peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(

        # Find the closest Doppler velocity texture distribution peak to the
        # computed theoretical location. Here we assume that the Doppler
        # velocity texture distribution has at least one primary mode which
        # corresponds to the incoherent (noisy) part of the Doppler velocity
        # texture distribution. Depending on the radar volume and the bin width
        # used to define the distribution, the distribution may be bimodal,
        # with the additional peak corresponding to the coherent part of the
        # Doppler velocity texture distribution
        idx = np.abs(bin_centers[kmax] - noise_peak_theory).argmin()
        noise_peak = bin_centers[kmax][idx]

        if debug:
            print 'Computed noise peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(noise_peak)

        # Determine primary and secondary peak locations for debugging
        # purposes
        if kmax.size > 1:
            counts_max = np.sort(counts[kmax], kind='mergesort')[::-1]
            prm_peak = bin_centers[np.abs(counts - counts_max[0]).argmin()]
            sec_peak = bin_centers[np.abs(counts - counts_max[1]).argmin()]

            if debug:
                print 'Primary peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(prm_peak)
                print 'Secondary peak: {:.3f} m/s'.format(sec_peak)

        # Determine the left edge of the noise mode
        # Where this mode becomes a minimum defines the separation between
        # coherent and incoherent Doppler velocity texture values
        # TODO: if the chosen bin width is very small than multiple extrema can
        # exist such that the first minimum to the left of the noise peak is
        # not the appropriate minimum and the left edge detection breaks down
        is_left_side = bin_centers[kmin] < noise_peak
        max_texture = bin_centers[kmin][is_left_side].min() + bin_width / 2.0

        if debug:
            _range = [0.0, round(max_texture, 3)]
            print 'Doppler velocity coherent mode: {} m/s'.format(_range)

    # Create the Doppler velocity texture coherency mask
    is_coherent = np.logical_and(
            radar.fields[text_field]['data'] >= 0.0,
            radar.fields[text_field]['data'] <= max_texture)
    is_coherent = np.ma.filled(is_coherent, False)

    # Conditional sampling checks
    for sweep, sweep_slice in enumerate(radar.iter_slice()):
        if sweep < min_sweep:
            is_coherent[sweep_slice] = False

    coherent_dict = {
        'data': is_coherent.astype(np.int8),
        'long_name': 'Doppler velocity coherency mask',
        'standard_name': coherent_field,
        'valid_min': 0,
        'valid_max': 1,
        '_FillValue': None,
        'units': 'unitless',
        'comment': '0 = incoherent velocity, 1 = coherent velocity',
    radar.add_field(coherent_field, coherent_dict, replace_existing=True)

    # Remove insignificant features from Doppler velocity coherency mask
    if remove_small_features:
            radar, coherent_field, size_bins=size_bins,
            size_limits=size_limits, structure=structure, debug=debug,

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gatefilter = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Update gate filter
    gatefilter.include_equal(coherent_field, 1, op='and')

    return gatefilter
예제 #14
파일: noise.py 프로젝트: okrasnov/pyrect
def significant_features(
        radar, fields, gatefilter=None, size_bins=100, size_limits=(0, 400),
        structure=None, save_size_field=False, fill_value=None, debug=False,
    Determine significant radar echo features on a sweep by sweep basis by
    computing the size each echo feature. Here an echo feature is defined as
    multiple connected radar gates with valid data, where the connection
    structure is defined by the user.

    radar : Radar
        Py-ART Radar containing
    fields : str or list or tuple
        Radar fields to be used to identify significant echo featues.
    gatefilter : GateFilter
        Py-ART GateFilter instance.
    size_bins : int, optional
        Number of size bins used to bin feature size distribution.
    size_limits : list or tuple, optional
        Lower and upper limits of the feature size distribution. This together
        with size_bins defines the bin width of the feature size distribution.
    structure : array_like, optional
        Binary structuring element used to define connected radar gates. The
        default defines a structuring element in which diagonal radar gates are
        not considered connected.
    save_size_field : bool, optional
        True to save size fields in the radar object, False to discard.
    debug : bool, optional
        True to print debugging information, False to suppress.

    gf : GateFilter
        Py-ART GateFilter.


    # Parse fill value
    if fill_value is None:
        fill_value = get_fillvalue()

    # Parse radar fields
    if isinstance(fields, str):
        fields = [fields]

    # Parse gate filter
    if gatefilter is None:
        gf = GateFilter(radar, exclude_based=False)

    # Parse binary structuring element
    if structure is None:
        structure = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)

    for field in fields:

        if verbose:
            print 'Processing echo features: {}'.format(field)

        # Initialize echo feature size array
        size_data = np.zeros_like(
            radar.fields[field]['data'], subok=False, dtype=np.int32)

        feature_sizes = []
        for sweep, _slice in enumerate(radar.iter_slice()):

            # Parse radar sweep data and define only valid gates
            data = radar.get_field(sweep, field, copy=False)
            is_valid_gate = ~np.ma.getmaskarray(data)

            # Label the connected features in the radar sweep data and create
            # index array which defines each unique label (feature)
            labels, nlabels = ndimage.label(
                is_valid_gate, structure=structure, output=None)
            index = np.arange(1, nlabels + 1, 1)

            if debug:
                print 'Unique features in sweep {}: {}'.format(sweep, nlabels)

            # Compute the size (in radar gates) of each echo feature
            # Check for case where no echo features are found, e.g., no data in
            # sweep
            if nlabels > 0:
                sweep_sizes = ndimage.labeled_comprehension(
                    is_valid_gate, labels, index, np.count_nonzero,
                    np.int32, 0)

                # Set each label (feature) to its total size (in radar gates)
                for label, size in zip(index, sweep_sizes):
                    size_data[_slice][labels == label] = size

        # Stack sweep echo feature sizes
        feature_sizes = np.hstack(feature_sizes)

        # Bin and compute feature size occurrences
        counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(
            feature_sizes, bins=size_bins, range=size_limits, normed=False,
            weights=None, density=False)
        bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + np.diff(bin_edges) / 2.0
        bin_width = np.diff(bin_edges).mean()

        if debug:
            print 'Bin width: {} gate(s)'.format(bin_width)

        # Compute the peak of the echo feature size distribution. We expect the
        # peak of the echo feature size distribution to be close to 1 radar
        # gate
        peak_size = bin_centers[counts.argmax()] - bin_width / 2.0

        if debug:
            print 'Feature size at peak: {} gate(s)'.format(peak_size)

        # Determine the first instance when the count (sample size) for an echo
        # feature size bin reaches 0 after the distribution peak. This will
        # define the minimum echo feature size
        is_zero_size = np.logical_and(
            bin_centers > peak_size, np.isclose(counts, 0, atol=1.0e-1))
        min_size = bin_centers[is_zero_size].min() - bin_width / 2.0

        if debug:
            _range = [0.0, min_size]
            print 'Insignificant feature size range: {} gates'.format(_range)

        # Mask invalid feature sizes, e.g., zero-size features
        size_data = np.ma.masked_equal(size_data, 0, copy=False)

        # Parse echo feature size field name
        size_field = '{}_feature_size'.format(field)

        # Add echo feature size field to radar
        size_dict = {
            'data': size_data.astype(np.int32),
            'long_name': 'Echo feature size in number of radar gates',
            '_FillValue': size_data.fill_value,
            'units': 'unitless',
            'comment': None,
        radar.add_field(size_field, size_dict, replace_existing=True)

        # Update gate filter
        gf.include_above(size_field, min_size, op='and', inclusive=False)

        # Remove eacho feature size field if specified
        if not save_size_field:
            radar.fields.pop(size_field, None)

    return gf