예제 #1
파일: agendas.py 프로젝트: taka-yamada/arts
    def add_method(*args, **kwargs):
        Add a workspace method call to the agenda.


            ws(arts.workspace.Workspace): A (dummy) workspace object.

            m(arts.workspace.WorkspaceMethod): The method to add to the

            *args:  Positional arguments of the WSM call to add to the agenda.

            **kwargs: Key-word arguments of the WSM call to add to the agenda.
        from pyarts.workspace.variables import group_names

        if len(args) < 3:
            raise Exception("Need at least self, a workspace and the method to"
                            " add as arguments.")
        self = args[0]
        ws = args[1]
        m = args[2]
        m_id, args_out, args_in, temps = m._parse_output_input_lists(
            ws, args[3:], kwargs)
        arg_out_ptr = c.cast((c.c_long * len(args_out))(*args_out),
        arg_in_ptr = c.cast((c.c_long * len(args_in))(*args_in),
        if not m.name[-3:] == "Set" or not m.name[:-3] in group_names:

            for t in temps:
                arts_api.agenda_insert_set(ws.ptr, self.ptr, t.ws_id,

                                       m_id, len(args_out), arg_out_ptr,
                                       len(args_in), arg_in_ptr)
            from pyarts.workspace.variables import WorkspaceVariable

            name_out = WorkspaceVariable.get_variable_name(args_out[0])
            name_in = WorkspaceVariable.get_variable_name(args_in[0])
            wsv_out = getattr(ws, name_out)
            wsv_in = getattr(ws, name_in)

            ws.Copy(wsv_out, wsv_in)

            group_id = arts_api.get_variable(args_out[0]).group
            arts_api.agenda_insert_set(ws.ptr, self.ptr, args_out[0], group_id)
예제 #2
    def get_wsm_kwargs(self, wsm):
        Generate a list of arguments to the given ARTS workspace method
        :code:`wsm` for which the sensor related input parameters are
        replace by the ones of this sensor. This is done by checking
        whether the input argument name is in the sensors :code:`_wsv`
        dictionary and if so replacing the argument.


           wsm(pyarts.workspace.methods.WorkspaceMethod): The ARTS
               workspace method object for which to generate the input
               argument list.


            The list of input arguments with sensor specific input arguments
            replaced by the corresponding WSVs of the sensor.

        kwargs = {}
        for i in wsm.ins:
            name = WorkspaceVariable.get_variable_name(i)
            if name in self._wsvs:
                kwargs[name] = self._wsvs[name]
                kwargs[name] = wsv[name]
        return kwargs
예제 #3
    def call_wsm(self, ws, wsm):
        Call workspace method on the given workspace.

        This method replaces inputs of the workspace variable with the private
        WSMs of the object. After execution of the method the results are
        copied to the private WSMs of the object.


            ws(pyarts.workspace.Workspace): The workspace on which to
            execute the method.

            wsm(pyarts.workspace.WorkspaceMethod): The workspace method
            to execute.

        args = self.get_wsm_kwargs(wsm)
        wsm.call(ws, **args)

        # Copy output
        for i in wsm.outs:
            name = WorkspaceVariable.get_variable_name(i)
            if name in self._wsvs and not i in wsm.ins:
                ws.Copy(self._wsvs[name], wsv[name])
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, name, args, kwargs):

        if not name in workspace_methods:
            raise Exception("{} is not a known workspace method.".format(name))

        self.wsm = workspace_methods[name]

        self.wsm_outs = [
            WorkspaceVariable.get_variable_name(m) for m in self.wsm.outs
        self.wsm_gouts = self.wsm.g_out
        self.wsm_ins = [WorkspaceVariable.get_variable_name(m) for m in self.wsm.ins \
                        if not m in self.wsm.outs]
        self.wsm_gins = self.wsm.g_in
        self.arg_names = self.wsm_outs + self.wsm_gouts + self.wsm_ins + self.wsm_gins

        self.name = name
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        if not kwargs is None:
            if "in" in kwargs:
예제 #5
    def _parse_output_input_lists(self, ws, args, kwargs):

        ins = [i for i in self.ins if not i in self.outs]
        outs = self.outs[:]
        temps = []

        # Can call function using only positional or named arguments
        if len(args) and len(kwargs.keys()):
            raise SyntaxError("ARTS WSMs can only be called using either " +
                              " positional or named arguments.")

        # Use dict to store named arguments. Generic in- and outputs
        # will be added to this.
        named_args = dict(**kwargs)

        # Parse positional arguments

        for j in range(len(args)):
            # Parse output arguments
            if j < self.n_out:
                if not type(args[j]) == WorkspaceVariable:
                    out_name = WorkspaceVariable.get_variable_name(outs[j])
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Positional argument for output {} is not of type "

                outs[j] = args[j].ws_id
            # Parse generic output arguments and to list of named
            # args.
            elif j < self.n_out + self.n_g_out:
                k = j - self.n_out
                name = self.g_out[k]
                named_args[name] = args[j]

            # Parse input arguments
            elif j < self.n_out + self.n_g_out + len(ins):
                k = j - self.n_g_out - self.n_out
                if type(args[j]) == WorkspaceVariable:
                    ins[k] = args[j].ws_id
                    ins[k] = temps[-1].ws_id
            # Parse generic input arguments
            elif j < self.n_out + self.n_g_out + len(ins) + self.n_g_in:
                k = j - self.n_g_out - self.n_out - len(ins)
                name = self.g_in[k]
                named_args[name] = args[j]
                raise Exception(
                    " {} positional arguments given, but this WSM takes at "
                    "most {}.".format(len(args), j))

        # Parse named arguments
        ins_names = [WorkspaceVariable.get_variable_name(i) for i in ins]
        outs_names = [WorkspaceVariable.get_variable_name(i) for i in outs]

        # Raise exception if named argument does not match method arguments.
        for k in kwargs:
            if not (k in ins_names or k in outs_names or k in self.g_in
                    or k in self.g_out):
                raise Exception(
                    "The provided named argument '{0}' does not match "
                    " any of the arguments of WSM {1}.".format(k, self.name))

            if k in ins_names:
                i = ins_names.index(k)
                arg = kwargs[k]
                if type(arg) == WorkspaceVariable:
                    ins[i] = arg.ws_id
                    ins[i] = temps[-1].ws_id

            if k in outs_names:
                i = outs_names.index(k)
                arg = kwargs[k]
                if type(arg) == WorkspaceVariable:
                    outs[i] = arg.ws_id
                    raise Exception(
                        ("Output argument {} must be a workspace " +

        # Check output argument names
        g_output_args = dict()
        for k in self.g_out:
            if not k in named_args:
                raise Exception("WSM " + self.name + " needs generic output " +
                g_output_args[k] = named_args[k]

        # Check input argument names
        g_input_args = dict()
        for k in self.g_in:
            if not k in named_args:
                if k in self.g_in_default:
                    g_input_args[k] = self.g_in_default[k]
                    raise Exception("WSM " + self.name +
                                    " needs generic input " + k)
                g_input_args[k] = named_args[k]

        m_id = self.m_ids[0]
        sg_index = 0

        if (len(self.m_ids) > 1):

            # First, try resolving solely based on WSV input since we can
            # easily identify their type.

            candidates = []
            for i, m_id in enumerate(self.m_ids):
                g_in_types = self.g_in_types[i]
                g_out_types = self.g_out_types[i]

                convertable = True

                for k in g_in_types:
                    in_type = group_names[g_in_types[k]]
                    in_arg = g_input_args[k]
                    if isinstance(in_arg, WorkspaceVariable):
                        if not in_arg.group == in_type:
                            convertable = False

                for k in g_out_types:
                    out_type = group_names[g_out_types[k]]
                    out_arg = g_output_args[k]
                    if isinstance(out_arg, WorkspaceVariable):
                        if not out_arg.group == out_type:
                            convertable = False

                if convertable:
                    candidates.append((m_id, i))

            if len(candidates) == 1:
                m_id, sg_index = candidates[0]
                # Resolve overload (if necessary).
                g_out_types = dict([
                    (k, WorkspaceVariable.get_group_id(g_output_args[k]))
                    for k in self.g_out
                g_in_types = dict([
                    (k, WorkspaceVariable.get_group_id(g_input_args[k]))
                    for k in self.g_in

                out_indices = [
                    i for i, ts in enumerate(self.g_out_types)
                    if ts == g_out_types
                in_indices = [
                    i for i, ts in enumerate(self.g_in_types)
                    if ts == g_in_types
                sg_indices = set(out_indices) & set(in_indices)

                if len(sg_indices) > 1:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Could not uniquely resolve super-generic overload.")

                if len(sg_indices) == 0:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Could not find super-generic overload matching" +
                        " the given groups.")

                sg_index = sg_indices.pop()
                m_id = self.m_ids[sg_index]

        # Combine input and output arguments into lists.
        arts_args_out = []
        for out in outs:

        for name in self.g_out:
            arg = g_output_args[name]
            if not type(arg) == WorkspaceVariable:
                raise ValueError("Generic Output " + name +
                                 " must be an ARTS WSV.")
            group_id = arg.group_id
            expected = self.g_out_types[sg_index][name]
            if not group_id == expected:
                raise Exception("Generic output " + name +
                                " expected to be of type " +

        arts_args_in = []
        for i in ins:
            if not i in outs:

        for name in self.g_in:
            arg = g_input_args[name]
            if type(arg) == WorkspaceVariable:
                gid = self.g_in_types[sg_index][name]
                arg_converted = WorkspaceVariable.convert(
                    group_names[gid], arg)
                if arg_converted is None:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Could not convert input {} to expected group {}".
                        format(arg, group_names[gid]))
                temps.append(ws.add_variable(arg_converted, gid))
        return (m_id, arts_args_out, arts_args_in, temps)