예제 #1
 def __init__(self,dId,destination,linkType,source,baud,synchronous):
     #Device specific
     brand = 'Nonin'
     model = 'WristOx2'
     modelNo = '3150'
     #Medical Oximeter specific
     #Command List, used only for easy parsing reference
     self.commands = {
         'setBluetoothTimeout':'SBT=!minutes!',      #minutes=[0-255]
     self.responses = {
     #Initialise every parent class
     Device.__init__(self, dId, brand, model, modelNo, source, destination, linkType, True, baud, synchronous)
예제 #2
 def __init__(self,dId,destination,linkType,source,baud,synchronous):
     #Device specific
     brand = 'New Brunswick'
     model = 'Innova'
     modelNo = '44', '44R'
     #Shaker specific
     maxSpeed = 400
     #Temperature Specific
     minTemp = 4
     maxTemp = 80
     #Command List, used only for easy parsing reference
     self.commands = {
         'setRPM':'CS !rpm!',
         'setTemp':'CT !temp!',
         'setGrowLamp':'CL !mode!',      #mode = [0,1]
         'setUVLamp':'CU !mode!',
         'setDateTime':'=D !hours! !minutes! !seconds! !year! !month! !date! !day!',     #year=[00:99] day=[1:7]
     self.responses = {
         'setRPM':'CS !rpm!',
     #Initialise every parent class
     Device.__init__(self, dId, brand, model, modelNo, source, destination, linkType, True, baud, synchronous)
     Shaker.__init__(self, maxSpeed)
     Temperature.__init__(self, minTemp, maxTemp)
예제 #3
 def __init__(self,dId,destination,linkType,source,baud,synchronous):
     #Device specific
     brand = 'New Era'
     model = 'NE'
     modelNo = '500', '501', '1000'
     notes='Call them to get the ZIP archives passwords'
     #Syringe Pump specific
     maxDiameter = 0.1       #mm
     minDiameter = 50        #mm
     #Command List
     self.commands = {
         'setDiameter':'DIA !diameter!',       #as float
         'setRate':'RAT !rate! !units!',
         'setVolume':'VOL !volume! !units!',
         'clearVolume':'CLD !direction!',
         'setDirection':'DIR !direction!',
         'setPhaseNumber':'PHN !phaseData!',
         'setAlarmMode':'AL !mode!',
         'setPowerFailMode':'PF !mode!',
         'setTTLTrigger':'TRG !mode!',
         'setTTLDirectionControl':'DIN !mode!',
         'setPumpMotorOperatingTTLOutput':'ROM !mode!',
         'setKeypadLockout':'LOC !mode!',
         'getProgramEntryModeKeypadLockout':'LOC P',
         'setProgramEntryModeKeypadLockout':'LOC P !mode!',
         'setBeepMode':'BP !mode!',
         'getTTLOutput':'OUT !pin!',
         'setTTLOutput':'OUT !pin! !mode!',
         'getTTLInput':'IN !pin!',
         'setBuzzer':'BUZ !mode! !times!',
         'setPumpNetworkAddress':'*ADR !address! !baudMode! !baud! !pumpMode!', #Address=[0:99], baudMode=['','B'], baudRate=[19200,9600,2400,1200,300], pumpMode=['DUAL','RECP'] ()
         'setSafeMode':'SAF !timeout!', #timeout=[0:255]
     #Device Warnings
     #Initialise every parent class
     Device.__init__(self, dId, brand, model, modelNo, source, destination, linkType, True, baud, synchronous)
     SyringePump.__init__(self, minDiameter, maxDiameter)
예제 #4
 def __init__(self,dId,destination,linkType,source,baud,synchronous):
     #Device specific
     brand = 'Harvard Apparatus'
     model = 'PHD Ultra'
     modelNo = ''
     #Syringe Pump specific
     maxDiameter = 0.1       #mm
     minDiameter = 50        #mm
     #Command List
     self.commands = {
         'setAddress':'address !address!',       #address = [0:99]
         'setBaud':'baud !baud!',
         'displayStoredMethod':'cat !baud!',     #baud = ['9600','19200','38400','57600','115200']
         'setDisplayBrightness':'dim !percent!',     #percent = [0:100]
         'getEchoState':'echo !percent!',
         'setEchoState':'echo !mode!',       #mode = ['on','off']
         'setInfusionForce':'force !percent!',
         'getPromptModeState':'poll !mode!',
         'getDateTime':'time !month!/!day!/!year! !hours!:!minutes!:!seconds!',
         'setValveState':'valve !mode!',
         'setValveDutyCycle':'vduty !percent!',
         #Run commands
         #Rate commands
         'setDiameter':'diameter !diameter!',
         'setRampInfusionRate':'iramp !startRate! !startRateUnits! !endRate! !endRateUnits! !rampTime!',     #rampTime in seconds
         'setInfusionRate':'irate !rate! !rateUnits!',
         'setRampWithdrawRate':'wramp !startRate! !startRateUnits! !endRate! !endRateUnits! !rampTime!',     #rampTime in seconds
         'setWithdrawRate':'wrate !rate! !rateUnits!',
         #Volume commands
         'setTargetVolume':'tvolume !volume! !volumeUnits!',
         #Time commands
         'setTargetTime':'ttime !time! !timeUnits!',
         #Digital I/O commands
         'setOutputPortLevel':'output !port! !level!',       #port=[1,2] level=['high','low']
         'setSyncPortLevel':'sync !level!',
     #Device Warnings
     #Initialise every parent class
     Device.__init__(self, dId, brand, model, modelNo, source, destination, linkType, True, baud, synchronous)
     SyringePump.__init__(self, minDiameter, maxDiameter)