def main(): """Run the demo.""" # grab a test function f = SubprocessQuery("bc <<< 'scale=8; x={}; -((x-3)^2)'") bounds = [0, 8] x = np.linspace(bounds[0], bounds[1], 500) # solve the model xbest, model, info = solve_bayesopt(f, bounds, niter=30, verbose=True) mu, s2 = model.predict(x[:, None]) # plot the final model ax = figure().gca() ax.plot_banded(x, mu, 2 * np.sqrt(s2)) ax.axvline(xbest) ax.scatter(info.x.ravel(), info.y) ax.figure.canvas.draw() show()
def main(debug=False): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') unbuffered = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0) sys.stdout = unbuffered print 'Initiating hyperopt at {}'.format( global train_data, test_data, id1_train, id1_test, DEBUG, NUM_CORES, NUM_EPOCHS DEBUG = debug NUM_CORES = 48 NUM_EPOCHS = 50 train_data, test_data, id1_train, id1_test = load_data(debug=DEBUG) num_features = train_data.num_features bounds = [ [2, 4], # num_layers [10, num_features], # hidden_size [0.001, 0.01], # learning_rate [0.5, 1.0], # keep_prob [1, 1], # num_steps [0.0, 0.05], # init_scale [15, 15] # max_grad_norm ] xbest, model, info = solve_bayesopt(objective, bounds, niter=100, verbose=True) run_best_model(xbest) save_path = train_data.config[ 'OutputInSample'][:train_data.config['OutputInSample'].rfind('/')] pickle.dump(info, open(save_path + '/trials', 'wb'))
def main(): """Run the demo.""" # grab a test function f = SubprocessQuery("bc <<< 'scale=8; x={}; -((x-3)^2)'") bounds = [0, 8] x = np.linspace(bounds[0], bounds[1], 500) # solve the model xbest, model, info = solve_bayesopt(f, bounds, niter=30, verbose=True) mu, s2 = model.predict(x[:, None]) # plot the final model ax = figure().gca() ax.plot_banded(x, mu, 2*np.sqrt(s2)) ax.axvline(xbest) ax.scatter(info.x.ravel(), info.y) ax.figure.canvas.draw() show()
def main(): """Run the demo.""" # grab a test function bounds = [0, 2*np.pi] x = np.linspace(bounds[0], bounds[1], 500) # solve the model xbest, model, info = solve_bayesopt(f, bounds, niter=30, verbose=True) # make some predictions mu, s2 = model.predict(x[:, None]) # plot the final model ax = figure().gca() ax.plot_banded(x, mu, 2*np.sqrt(s2)) ax.axvline(xbest) ax.scatter(info.x.ravel(), info.y) ax.figure.canvas.draw() show()
def main(): """Run the demo.""" # initialize interactive function and 1d bounds f = InteractiveQuery() bounds = [0, 1] x = np.linspace(bounds[0], bounds[1], 100) # optimize the model and get final predictions xbest, model, info = solve_bayesopt(f, bounds, niter=10) mu, s2 = model.predict(x[:, None]) # plot the final model fig = figure() axs = fig.gca() axs.plot_banded(x, mu, 2*np.sqrt(s2)) axs.axvline(xbest) axs.scatter(info.x.ravel(), info.y) fig.canvas.draw() show()
xmax = 10 # FIXME - should this not be optional? @staticmethod def _f(x): # iris = load_iris() X, y = X, y = make_hastie_10_2(random_state=0) x = np.ravel(x) f = np.zeros(x.shape) for i in range(f.size): clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1, min_samples_leaf=int(np.round(x[i])), random_state=0) # scores = cross_val_score(clf,, scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=5) f[i] = -scores.mean() return f.ravel() if __name__ == '__main__': objective = CV_RF() info = pybo.solve_bayesopt( objective, objective.bounds, niter=25, noisefree=False, rng=0, init='uniform', callback=callback_1d) print('Finished') raw_input('Press enter to finish')
Simplest demo performing Bayesian optimization on a one-dimensional test function. This script also demonstrates user-defined visualization via a callback function that is imported from the advanced demo. The `pybo.solve_bayesopt()` function returns a numpy structured array, called `info` below, which includes the observed input and output data, `info['x']` and `info['y']`, respectively; and the recommendations made along the way in `info['xbest']`. The `callback` function plots the posterior with uncertainty bands, overlaid onto the true function; below it we plot the acquisition function, and to the right, the evolution of the recommendation over time. """ import pybo # import callback from advanced demo import os import sys sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) from advanced import callback if __name__ == '__main__': objective = pybo.functions.Sinusoidal() info = pybo.solve_bayesopt(objective, objective.bounds, noisefree=True, rng=0, callback=callback)
bounds = objective.bounds # bounds of search space dim = bounds.shape[0] # dimension of space # prescribe initial hyperparameters sn = noise # likelihood std dev sf = 1.0 # kernel amplitude ell = 0.25 * (bounds[:, 1] - bounds[:, 0]) # kernel length scale mu = 0.0 # prior mean # define model kernel = 'matern3' # kernel family gp = pygp.BasicGP(sn, sf, ell, mu, kernel=kernel) # initialize base GP prior = { # hyperparameter priors 'sn': pygp.priors.Horseshoe(0.1, min=1e-5), 'sf': pygp.priors.LogNormal(np.log(sf), sigma=1., min=1e-6), 'ell': pygp.priors.Uniform(ell / 100, ell * 2), 'mu': pygp.priors.Gaussian(mu, sf)} model = pygp.meta.MCMC(gp, prior, n=10, rng=rng) # meta-model for MCMC # marginalization info = pybo.solve_bayesopt( objective, bounds, niter=30*dim, init='sobol', # initialization policy policy='ei', # exploration policy recommender='incumbent', # recommendation policy model=model, # surrogate model rng=rng, callback=callback)
if __name__ == '__main__': N = 200 D = 2 Z = np.random.randn(N, D) m = N num_folds = 5 num_repetitions = 10 lmbda = 0.0001 sigma = 0.92 objective = generator_sigma_lmbda_objective() info = pybo.solve_bayesopt(objective, bounds=np.array([[-5, 5], [-20, 1]]), noisefree=False, callback=callback_sigma_lmbda, niter=15) print("x") print(info['x']) print("y") print(info['y']) print("xbest") print(info['xbest']) pl.figure() pl.plot(info['x'], info['y'], 'o')
@staticmethod def _f(x): # iris = load_iris() X, y = X, y = make_hastie_10_2(random_state=0) x = np.ravel(x) f = np.zeros(x.shape) for i in range(f.size): clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1, min_samples_leaf=int(np.round(x[i])), random_state=0) # scores = cross_val_score(clf,, scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=5) f[i] = -scores.mean() return f.ravel() if __name__ == '__main__': objective = CV_RF() info = pybo.solve_bayesopt(objective, objective.bounds, niter=25, noisefree=False, rng=0, init='uniform', callback=callback_1d) print('Finished') raw_input('Press enter to finish')
import pybo # import callback from advanced demo import os import sys sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) from advanced import callback if __name__ == '__main__': rng = 0 # random seed bounds = np.array([3, 5]) # bounds of search space dim = bounds.shape[0] # dimension of space # define a GP which we will sample an objective from. likelihood = pygp.likelihoods.Gaussian(sigma=1e-6) kernel = pygp.kernels.Periodic(1, 1, 0.5) + pygp.kernels.SE(1, 1) gp = pygp.inference.ExactGP(likelihood, kernel, mean=0.0) objective = pybo.functions.GPModel(bounds, gp, rng=rng) info = pybo.solve_bayesopt( objective, bounds, niter=30*dim, init='latin', # initialization policy policy='thompson', # exploration policy recommender='observed', # recommendation policy noisefree=True, rng=rng, callback=callback)