def test_info_public_keys(self): """Test DomainObject to_public_json method works.""" user = User() = 'daniel' = dict(container='3', avatar='img.png', token='secret') user_dict = user.dictize() json = user.to_public_json() err_msg = "Wrong value" assert json['name'] ==, err_msg err_msg = "Missing fields" assert json.keys().sort() == user.public_attributes().sort(), err_msg err_msg = "There should be info keys" assert json['info']['container'] == '3', err_msg assert json['info']['avatar'] == 'img.png', err_msg err_msg = "This key should be missing" assert json['info'].get('token') is None, err_msg json = user.to_public_json(data=user_dict) err_msg = "Wrong value" assert json['name'] ==, err_msg err_msg = "Missing fields" assert json.keys().sort() == user.public_attributes().sort(), err_msg err_msg = "There should be info keys" assert json['info']['container'] == '3', err_msg assert json['info']['avatar'] == 'img.png', err_msg err_msg = "This key should be missing" assert json['info'].get('token') is None, err_msg
def get_users_page(page, per_page=24): """Return users with a paginator.""" offset = (page - 1) * per_page sql = text('''SELECT "user".id, "user".name, "user".fullname, "user".email_addr, "user".created, "user".info, COUNT( AS task_runs FROM task_run, "user" WHERE "user".id=task_run.user_id GROUP BY "user".id ORDER BY "user".created DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset''') results = session.execute(sql, dict(limit=per_page, offset=offset)) accounts = [] u = User() for row in results: user = dict(,, fullname=row.fullname, email_addr=row.email_addr, created=row.created, task_runs=row.task_runs,, registered_ago=pretty_date(row.created)) tmp = u.to_public_json(data=user) accounts.append(tmp) return accounts
def test_user_public_attributes(self): """Test public attributes works.""" user = User(email_addr="*****@*****.**", name="johndoe", pro=1, fullname="John Doe", locale="en") public_attributes = [ 'created', 'name', 'fullname', 'locale', 'info', 'n_answers', 'registered_ago', 'rank', 'score' ] user.set_password("juandiso") print(sorted(public_attributes)) print(sorted(user.public_attributes())) assert sorted(public_attributes) == sorted(user.public_attributes()) data = user.to_public_json() err_msg = "There are some keys that should not be public" assert sorted(list(data.keys())) == sorted(public_attributes), err_msg all_attributes = list(user.dictize().keys()) s = set(public_attributes) private_attributes = [x for x in all_attributes if x not in s] for attr in private_attributes: err_msg = "This attribute should be private %s" % attr assert data.get(attr) is None, err_msg
def test_to_public_json(self): """Test DomainObject to_public_json method works.""" user = User() = 'daniel' user_dict = user.dictize() json = user.to_public_json() err_msg = "Wrong value" assert json['name'] ==, err_msg err_msg = "Missing fields" assert json.keys().sort() == user.public_attributes().sort(), err_msg json = user.to_public_json(data=user_dict) err_msg = "Wrong value" assert json['name'] ==, err_msg err_msg = "Missing fields" assert json.keys().sort() == user.public_attributes().sort(), err_msg
def public_get_user_summary(name): """Sanitize user summary for public usage""" private_user = get_user_summary(name) public_user = None if private_user is not None: u = User() public_user = u.to_public_json(data=private_user) return public_user
def test_info_public_keys(self): """Test DomainObject to_public_json method works.""" user = User() = 'daniel' = dict(container='3', avatar='img.png', token='secret', badges=['awesome.png', 'incredible.png'], hidden=True) user_dict = user.dictize() json = user.to_public_json() err_msg = "Wrong value" assert json['name'] ==, err_msg err_msg = "Missing fields" assert list( json.keys()).sort() == user.public_attributes().sort(), err_msg err_msg = "There should be info keys" assert json['info']['container'] == '3', err_msg assert json['info']['avatar'] == 'img.png', err_msg err_msg = "This key should be missing" assert json['info'].get('token') is None, err_msg json = user.to_public_json(data=user_dict) err_msg = "Wrong value" assert json['name'] ==, err_msg err_msg = "Missing fields" assert list( json.keys()).sort() == user.public_attributes().sort(), err_msg err_msg = "There should be info keys" assert json['info']['container'] == '3', err_msg assert json['info']['avatar'] == 'img.png', err_msg err_msg = "This key should be missing" assert json['info'].get('token') is None, err_msg with patch.dict(self.flask_app.config, {'USER_INFO_PUBLIC_FIELDS': ['badges']}): json = user.to_public_json() assert list(json['info'].keys()).sort() == User().public_info_keys( ).sort(), err_msg assert 'badges' in list(json['info'].keys()) assert 'hidden' not in list(json['info'].keys())
def test_user_public_info_keys(self): """Test public info keys works.""" user = User( email_addr="*****@*****.**", name="johndoe", fullname="John Doe", info=dict(avatar='image.png', container='foldr3', token='security'), locale="en") public_info_keys = ['avatar', 'container'] user.set_password("juandiso") assert public_info_keys.sort() == user.public_info_keys().sort() data = user.to_public_json() err_msg = "There are some keys that should not be public" assert data.get('info').keys().sort() == public_info_keys.sort(), err_msg
def test_user_public_info_keys(self): """Test public info keys works.""" user = User(email_addr="*****@*****.**", name="johndoe", fullname="John Doe", info=dict(avatar='image.png', container='foldr3', token='security'), locale="en") public_info_keys = ['avatar', 'container'] user.set_password("juandiso") assert public_info_keys.sort() == user.public_info_keys().sort() data = user.to_public_json() err_msg = "There are some keys that should not be public" assert list( data.get('info').keys()).sort() == public_info_keys.sort(), err_msg
def test_user_public_attributes(self): """Test public attributes works.""" user = User( email_addr="*****@*****.**", name="johndoe", pro=1, fullname="John Doe", locale="en") public_attributes = ['created', 'name', 'fullname', 'locale', 'info', 'task_runs', 'registered_ago', 'rank', 'score'] user.set_password("juandiso") assert public_attributes.sort() == user.public_attributes().sort() data = user.to_public_json() err_msg = "There are some keys that should not be public" assert data.keys().sort() == public_attributes.sort(), err_msg all_attributes = user.dictize().keys() s = set(public_attributes) private_attributes = [x for x in all_attributes if x not in s] for attr in private_attributes: err_msg = "This attribute should be private %s" % attr assert data.get(attr) is None, err_msg
def get_leaderboard(n, user_id=None): """Return the top n users with their rank.""" sql = text(''' WITH global_rank AS ( WITH scores AS ( SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) AS score FROM task_run WHERE user_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY user_id) SELECT user_id, score, rank() OVER (ORDER BY score desc) FROM scores) SELECT rank, id, name, fullname, email_addr, info, created, score FROM global_rank JOIN public."user" on (user_id=public."user".id) ORDER BY rank LIMIT :limit; ''') results = session.execute(sql, dict(limit=n)) u = User() top_users = [] user_in_top = False for row in results: if ( == user_id): user_in_top = True user = dict(rank=row.rank,,, fullname=row.fullname, email_addr=row.email_addr,, created=row.created, score=row.score) tmp = u.to_public_json(data=user) top_users.append(tmp) if (user_id is not None): if not user_in_top: sql = text(''' WITH global_rank AS ( WITH scores AS ( SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) AS score FROM task_run WHERE user_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY user_id) SELECT user_id, score, rank() OVER (ORDER BY score desc) FROM scores) SELECT rank, id, name, fullname, email_addr, info, created, score FROM global_rank JOIN public."user" on (user_id=public."user".id) WHERE user_id=:user_id ORDER BY rank; ''') user_rank = session.execute(sql, dict(user_id=user_id)) u = User.query.get(user_id) # Load by default user data with no rank user = dict(rank=-1,,, fullname=u.fullname, email_addr=u.email_addr,, created=u.created, score=-1) user = u.to_public_json(data=user) for row in user_rank: # pragma: no cover user = dict(rank=row.rank,,, fullname=row.fullname, email_addr=row.email_addr,, created=row.created, score=row.score) user = u.to_public_json(data=user) top_users.append(user) return top_users