def format_journal(self, e): if 'doi' not in e.fields: return field('journal') else: return href[join['', field('doi', raw=True)], field('journal')]
def get_article_template(self, e): # Required fields: author, title, journal, year # Optional fields: volume, number, pages, month, note, key volume_and_pages = first_of[ # Volume and pages, with optional issue number optional[ join[ self.format_volume(e, for_article=True), optional[', ', field('pages')] ], ], # Pages only pages, ] template = toplevel[ self.format_names('author'), sentence[ join["(", date, ")"] ], self.format_title(e, 'title'), sentence[ tag('em')[field('journal')], optional[volume_and_pages], ], sentence[optional_field('note')], self.format_web_refs(e), ] return template
def format_volume_and_series(self, e, as_sentence=True): # FIXME: evaluate the field 'language' and translate volume_and_series = optional [ words [ 'volume', field('volume'), optional [ words ['of', field('series')] ] ] ] number_and_series = optional [ words [ join(sep=Symbol('nbsp')) ['number', field('number')], optional [ words ['in', field('series')] ] ] ] series = optional_field('series') result = first_of [ volume_and_series, number_and_series, series, ] if as_sentence: return sentence(capfirst=True) [result] else: return result
def get_inbook_template(self, e): # Required fields: author/editor, title, chapter/pages, publisher, year # Optional fields: volume, series, address, edition, month, note, key return toplevel[ sentence(sep=' ')[ self.format_names('author'), join["(", date, ")"] ], self.format_title(e, 'title'), sentence(sep=' ')[ optional[ "In ", editor_names(), "," ], self.format_btitle(e, 'booktitle', as_sentence=False), optional[ join[ "(", sentence(add_period=False)[ optional[field('edition'), ' ed.'], self.format_volume(e), pages, ], ")" ] ] ], sentence(sep=': ')[ optional_field('address'), field('publisher'), ], sentence[optional_field('note')], ]
def format_inbook(self, e): template = toplevel [ tag('pubtitle') [tag('b') [field('title')]], Symbol('br'), sentence [self.format_names('author')], self.format_volume_and_series(e), Symbol('br'), words [ sentence(capfirst=True) [ self.format_chapter_and_pages(e), #optional[ self.format_editor(e, as_sentence=False) ], self.format_btitle(e, 'booktitle', as_sentence=False), #self.format_volume_and_series(e, as_sentence=False), #self.format_chapter_and_pages(e), ], Symbol('br'), sentence [ field('publisher'), optional_field('address'), optional [ words [field('edition'), 'edition'] ], #date, #Symbol('br'), #optional_field('note'), ], ], Symbol('br'), sentence [ optional_field('note'), ], Symbol('br'), #self.format_web_refs(e), ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_patent(self, e): template = toplevel [ self.format_names('author'), self.format_title(e, 'title'), join [tag('emph') [field('number')], ' ', '(', field('year'), ')'] ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_article(self, e): volume_and_pages = first_of [ # volume and pages, with optional issue number optional [ join [ field('volume'), optional['(', field('number'),')'], ':', pages ], ], # pages only words ['pages', pages], ] template = toplevel [ self.format_title(e, 'title'), Symbol('br'), self.format_names('author'), Symbol('br'), tag('journal') [tag('b') [field('journal')]], optional[ volume_and_pages ], Symbol('br'), optional [ words [ field('note'), Symbol('br') ] ], #self.format_web_refs(e), #sentence(capfirst=False) [ optional_field('note') ], ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_volume(self, e, for_article=False): prefix = "Vol." if for_article: return optional[tag('em')[field('volume')], optional['(', field('number'), ')'], ] else: return optional[together[prefix, field('volume')]]
def format_volume_and_series(self, e, as_sentence=True): volume_and_series = optional [ words [ 'volume', field('volume'), optional [ words ['of', field('series')] ] ] ] number_and_series = optional [ words [ join(sep=Symbol('nbsp')) ['number', field('number')], optional [ words ['in', field('series')] ] ] ] series = optional_field('series') result = first_of [ volume_and_series, number_and_series, series, ] if as_sentence: return sentence(capfirst=False) [result] else: return result
def get_article_template(self, e): volume_and_pages = first_of[ # volume and pages, with optional issue number optional[ join[ field('volume'), optional['(', field('number'), ')'], ':', pages ], ], # pages only words['pages', pages], ] template = toplevel[ self.format_bold_title(e, 'title'), Symbol('newline'), self.format_names('author'), Symbol('newline'), sentence[ tag('em')[field('journal')], optional[volume_and_pages], date], sentence[optional_field('note')], self.format_web_refs(e), ] return template
def format_pages(self, e): if 'eprint' not in e.fields: return field('pages', apply_func=dashify) else: return href[join['', field('eprint', raw=True)], field('pages', apply_func=dashify)]
def format_book(self, e): template = toplevel [ self.format_author_or_editor(e), tag('emph') [sentence [field('title')]], self.format_volume_and_series(e), sentence [field('publisher'), date], ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_url(self, e): # based on urlbst format.url return href [ field('url'), join(' ') [ 'URL:', field('url') ] ]
def format_url(self, e): # Based on urlbst format.url return words[ 'URL:', href[ field('url', raw=True), field('url', raw=True) ] ]
def format_chapter_and_pages(self, e): return join(sep=', ') [ field('title', apply_func=dquote), words [ optional [words ['chapter', field('chapter'), 'of']], tag('emph') [field('booktitle')] ], optional [words ['pages', pages]], ]
def format_dsa(self, e): # based on urlbst format.dsa return words['DSA:', href[join['', field('dsa'), '.pdf'], field('dsa', apply_func=lambda x: x.split('/')[-1])], join[sentence(capfirst=False, add_period=False)[ '(PDF', optional_field('dsasize'), optional_field('dsadate'), ], ')']]
def format_doi(self, e): return href [ join [ '', field('doi') ], join [ 'doi:', field('doi') ] ]
def format_patent(self, e): template = toplevel [ self.format_title(e, 'title'), sentence(capfirst=False) [ date, ], href [ field('howpublished'), sentence(capfirst=False) [ field('note') ], ], self.format_web_refs(e), ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_article(self, e): template = toplevel [ self.format_names('author'), self.format_title(e, 'title'), join [tag('emph') [field('journal')], ' ', tag('strong')[field('volume')], ', ', unsrt.pages, ' (', field('year'), ')'], sentence(capfirst=False) [ optional_field('note') ], self.format_web_refs(e), ] return template.format_data(e)
def get_book_template(self, e): template = toplevel[self.format_author_or_editor(e), self.format_btitle(e, 'title'), self.format_volume_and_series(e), sentence[join[field('publisher'), optional[', ', field('address')], ' (', field('year'), ')']], optional[sentence[self.format_isbn(e)]], self.format_web_refs(e), ] return template
def get_inbook_template(self, e): template = toplevel[self.format_author_or_editor(e), sentence[ self.format_btitle(e, 'title', as_sentence=False), self.format_chapter_and_pages(e), ], self.format_volume_and_series(e), sentence[field('publisher'), optional_field('address'), optional[words[field('edition'), 'edition']], date, optional_field('note'), ], self.format_web_refs(e), ] return template
def format_doi(self, e): # Based on urlbst format.doi return href[ join[ '', field('doi', raw=True) ], join[ 'doi:', field('doi', raw=True) ] ]
def format_oclc(self, e): # based on numbst format.oclc return words [ 'OCLC:', href [ join [ '', field('oclc') ], field('oclc') ] ]
def format_url(self, e): # based on urlbst format.url return words [ 'URL:', href [ field('url'), field('url') ], join [ optional [ '(', field('urldate'), ')' ] ] ]
def format_isbn13(self, e): # based on numbst format.isbn13 return words [ 'ISBN-13:', href [ join [ '', field('isbn13') ], field('isbn13') ] ]
def format_entries(self, entries): """Override for appending links before yielding ``FormattedEntries``. :param entries: `BibliographyData` entries :type entries: BibliographyData """ if 'groupby' in plugin_data: sorter = plugin_data['groupby'] group_name_dict = plugin_data.get('mapping_%s' % sorter, {}) grouped_entries = group_entries_by_key(entries, sorter, group_name_dict) else: grouped_entries = {'ALL': list(entries)} for group_name, group in grouped_entries.items(): sorted_entries = self.sort(group) labels = list(self.format_labels(sorted_entries)) for label, entry in zip(labels, sorted_entries): for persons in entry.persons.itervalues(): for person in persons: person.text = self.format_name(person, self.abbreviate_names) f = getattr(self, "format_" + entry.type) text = f(entry) bib = optional[join[ '[', tag('tt')[href[field('publipy_biburl', raw=True), 'bib']], ']']] pdf = optional[join[ '[', tag('tt')[href[field('publipy_pdfurl', raw=True), 'pdf']], ']']] abstract = optional[join[ '[', tag('tt')[href[field('publipy_abstracturl', raw=True), 'abstract']], ']']] www = join['[', tag('tt')[href[field('url_home', raw=True), 'www']], ']'] text += ' ' # make some space if entry.fields['url_home']: text += join(sep=' ')[bib, pdf, abstract, www].format_data(entry) else: text += join(sep=' ')[bib, pdf, abstract].format_data(entry) yield group_name, FormattedEntry(entry.key, text, label)
def format_article(self, e): volume_and_pages = first_of [ join [field('volume'), optional [':', pages]], words ['pages', optional [pages]] ] template = toplevel [ self.format_names('author'), sentence [field('title')], sentence [ tag('emph') [field('journal')], volume_and_pages, date], ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_doi(self, e): # based on urlbst format.doi return href [ join [ '', field('doi') ], join [ 'doi:', field('doi') ] ]
def format_pubmed(self, e): # based on urlbst format.pubmed return href [ join [ '', field('pubmed') ], join [ 'PMID:', field('pubmed') ] ]
def format_inbook(self, e): template = toplevel[sentence[self.format_names('author')], sentence[self.format_btitle(e, 'title'), self.format_chapter_and_pages(e), ], self.format_volume_and_series(e), sentence[field('publisher'), optional_field('address'), optional[words[field('edition'), 'edition']], date, optional_field('note'), ], self.format_web_refs(e), ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_eprint(self, e): # based on urlbst format.eprint return href [ join [ '', field('eprint') ], join [ 'arXiv:', field('eprint') ] ]
def format_ghd(self, e): # based on urlbst format.ghd return words['GDR-HC Download:', href[ join['', field('ghd')], field('ghd', apply_func=lambda x: x.split('/')[-1].split('.', 1)[0])], join['(', sentence(capfirst=False, add_period=False)[ optional_field('ghdtype'), optional_field('ghdsize'), optional_field('ghddate')], ')']]
def format_lpns(self, e): # based on urlbst format.dsa return words['Li-Pro.Net Store:', href[ join['', field('lpns')], field('lpns', apply_func=lambda x: x.split('/')[-1].split('.', 1)[0])], join['(', sentence(capfirst=False, add_period=False)[ optional_field('lpnstype'), optional_field('lpnssize'), optional_field('lpnsdate')], ')']]
def get_article_template(self, e): volume_and_pages = first_of[optional[join[tag('b')[field('volume')], ', ', pages], ], words['pages', pages], ] template = toplevel[join[self.format_names('author'), ", "], join[tag('em')[field('journal')], " ", optional[volume_and_pages], " (", field('year'), ")"], ] return template def format_web_refs(self, e): # we just leave the doi return optional[join['doi:', field('doi', raw=True)]]
def format_gsc(self, e): # based on urlbst format.gsc return words['GDR-Semiconductor:', href[join[ '', field('gsc')], field('gsc', apply_func=lambda x: x. split('/')[-1].split( '.', 1)[0])], join['(', sentence(capfirst=False, add_period=False)[ optional_field('gsctype'), optional_field('gscsize'), optional_field('gscdate')], ')']]
def format_article(self, e): volume_and_pages = first_of [ join [ optional [ 'vol. ', field('volume'), ', '], optional [ words [ 'no.', field('number') ] ], optional [': ', pages] ], optional [ words ['pages', pages] ] ] template = toplevel [ self.format_names('author'), sentence [field('title', apply_func=dquote)], sentence [ tag('emph') [field('journal')], volume_and_pages, date], ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_article(self, entry): #author = entry.fields['author'] if 'volume' in entry.fields: volume_and_pages = join [field('volume'), optional [':', 'pages']] else: volume_and_pages = words ['pages', optional ['pages']] #import pdb #pdb.set_trace() template = toplevel [ self.format_name(entry.persons['author'][0]), sentence [field('title')], sentence [ tag('emph') [field('journal')], volume_and_pages, field('year')], ] return template.format_data(entry)
def get_article_template(self, e): template = toplevel[ first_name('author'), field('title'), '/', names('author', sep=', '), '//', sentence(sep='. – ')[ tag('em')[field('journal')], date, optional[join[words['V.', field('volume')], optional[words[', Is.', field('number')]], optional[words['. – P.', pages]]]]], sentence(sep=' ')[optional[self.format_doi(e)], optional[join['(', field('note'), ')']]] ] return template
def format_address_organization_publisher_date( self, e, include_organization=True): """Format address, organization, publisher, and date. Everything is optional, except the date. """ # small difference from unsrt.bst here: unsrt.bst # starts a new sentence only if the address is missing; # for simplicity here we always start a new sentence if include_organization: organization = optional_field('organization') else: organization = None return first_of[ # this will be rendered if there is an address optional [ join(sep=' ') [ sentence[ field('address'), date, ], sentence[ organization, optional_field('publisher'), ], ], ], # if there is no address then we have this sentence[ organization, optional_field('publisher'), date, ], ]
def format_inbook(self, e): template = toplevel [ sentence [self.format_names('author')], sentence [self.format_chapter_and_pages(e)], self.format_volume_and_series(e), sentence [ field('publisher'), optional_field('address'), optional [ words [field('edition'), 'edition'] ], date, optional_field('note'), ] ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_misc(self, e): template = toplevel [ sentence [self.format_names('author')], sentence [field('title')], sentence [date] ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_title(self, e, which_field, as_sentence=True): def protected_capitalize(x): """Capitalize string, but protect {...} parts.""" result = Text() level = 0 for pos, c in enumerate(x): if c == '{': level += 1 c = '' elif c == '}': level -= 1 c = '' elif pos == 0: c = c.upper() elif level <= 0: c = c.lower() result += c return result formatted_title = field( which_field, apply_func=protected_capitalize) if as_sentence: return sentence(capfirst=False) [ formatted_title ] else: return formatted_title
def format_edition(self, e): return optional [ words [ field('edition', apply_func=lambda x: x.lower()), 'edition', ] ]
def format_inproceedings(self, e): template = toplevel [ tag('b') [self.format_title(e, 'title')], Symbol('br'), self.format_names('author'), Symbol('br'), words [ # 'In', # optional[ self.format_editor(e, as_sentence=False) ], # tag('conference') [self.format_btitle(e, 'booktitle', as_sentence=False)], tag('conference') [self.format_btitle(e, 'shorttitle', as_sentence=False)], # self.format_volume_and_series(e, as_sentence=False), # optional[ words [pages] ], # optional[ field('pages') ], # optional_field('pages',apply_func=dashify) # ABC ERROR #self.format_address_organization_publisher_date(e), Symbol('br'), ], optional [ words [ field('note'), Symbol('br') ] ], #self.format_web_refs(e), ] # print field('pages',apply_func=dashify) # ABC error return template.format_data(e)
def format_title(self, e, which_field, as_sentence=False): def protected_capitalize(x): """Capitalize string, but protect {...} parts.""" result = "" level = 0 for pos, c in enumerate(x): if c == '{': level += 1 elif c == '}': level -= 1 elif pos == 0: c = c.upper() elif level <= 0: c = c.lower() result += c return result # formatted_title = field(which_field) formatted_title = tag('pubtitle') [ tag('b') [field(which_field)]] # formatted_title = field( ABC ERROR # which_field, apply_func=protected_capitalize) if as_sentence: return sentence(capfirst=False) [tag('b') [ formatted_title ]] else: return formatted_title
def format_url(self, e): # based on urlbst format.url return href [ field('url'), join(' ') [ 'http', ] ]
def format_title(self, e, which_field, as_sentence=True): formatted_title = field( which_field, apply_func=lambda text: text.capitalize() ) if as_sentence: return sentence [ formatted_title ] else: return formatted_title
def format_url(self, e): return together [ '[', href [ field('url'), 'PAPER' ], ']' ]
def format_repo(self, e): return together [ '[', href [ field('repo'), 'REPO' ], ']' ]
def format_title(self, e, which_field, as_sentence=True): from pybtex.bibtex.utils import change_case formatted_title = field( which_field, apply_func=lambda text: change_case(text, 't')) if as_sentence: return sentence(capitalize=False) [ formatted_title ] else: return formatted_title
def format_unpublished(self, e): template = toplevel [ sentence [self.format_names('author')], self.format_title(e, 'title'), sentence(capfirst=False) [ field('note'), optional[ date ] ], ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_misc(self, e): template = toplevel [ optional[ sentence [self.format_names('author')] ], optional[ self.format_title(e, 'title') ], sentence[ optional[ field('howpublished') ], optional[ date ], ], sentence(capfirst=False) [ optional_field('note') ], ] return template.format_data(e)
def format_misc(self, e): template = toplevel [ tag('pubtitle') [tag('b') [field('title')]], Symbol('br'), optional[ sentence [self.format_names('author')] ], Symbol('br'), optional [ words [ sentence [ field('note')], Symbol('br') ] ], #sentence[ #optional[ field('howpublished') ], #optional[ date ], #], #sentence(capfirst=False) [ optional_field('note') ], #self.format_web_refs(e), ] return template.format_data(e)