예제 #1
def print_bufr_edition_number(input_bufr_file):
    #  #[
    an example routine to demonstrate how to retrieve
    some meta data from the BUFR messages in a BUFR file
    # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class
    rbf = RawBUFRFile()

    # open the file for reading, count nr of BUFR messages in it
    # and store its content in memory, together with
    # an array of pointers to the start and end of each BUFR message
    rbf.open(input_bufr_file, 'rb')

    # extract the number of BUFR messages from the file
    num_msgs = rbf.get_num_bufr_msgs()

    for msg_nr in range(1, num_msgs+1):
        raw_msg = rbf.get_raw_bufr_msg(msg_nr)[0]
        bufr_obj = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(encoded_message=raw_msg)
        bufr_edition = bufr_obj.ksec0[3-1]
        print('BUFR msg %i has version %i' % (msg_nr, bufr_edition))

    # close the file
예제 #2
def count_msgs(input_bufr_file):
    #  #[
    a little example routine to demonstrate how to extract
    the number of messages from a BUFR file

    # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class
    rbf = RawBUFRFile()
    #rbf = RawBUFRFile(verbose=True)

    # open the file for reading, count nr of BUFR messages in it
    # and store its content in memory, together with
    # an array of pointers to the start and end of each BUFR message
    rbf.open(input_bufr_file, 'rb')

    # extract the number of BUFR messages from the file
    num_msgs = rbf.get_num_bufr_msgs()

    # print('rbf.nr_of_bufr_messages = ',rbf.nr_of_bufr_messages)

    # close the file

    # delete the class instance
    # (just as test, not really needed here since this scope is about
    #  to be deleted anyway)
    del rbf

    return num_msgs
def count_msgs(input_bufr_file):
    #  #[
    a little example routine to demonstrate how to extract
    the number of messages from a BUFR file

    # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class
    rbf = RawBUFRFile()
    #rbf = RawBUFRFile(verbose=True)

    # open the file for reading, count nr of BUFR messages in it
    # and store its content in memory, together with
    # an array of pointers to the start and end of each BUFR message
    rbf.open(input_bufr_file, 'rb')

    # extract the number of BUFR messages from the file
    num_msgs = rbf.get_num_bufr_msgs()

    # print 'rbf.nr_of_bufr_messages = ',rbf.nr_of_bufr_messages

    # close the file

    # delete the class instance
    # (just as test, not really needed here since this scope is about
    #  to be deleted anyway)
    del rbf

    return num_msgs
예제 #4
def print_bufr_data_category(input_bufr_file):
    #  #[
    an example routine to demonstrate how to retrieve
    some meta datafrom the BUFR messages in a BUFR file
    # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class
    rbf = RawBUFRFile()

    # open the file for reading, count nr of BUFR messages in it
    # and store its content in memory, together with
    # an array of pointers to the start and end of each BUFR message
    rbf.open(input_bufr_file, 'rb')

    # extract the number of BUFR messages from the file
    num_msgs = rbf.get_num_bufr_msgs()

    for msg_nr in range(1, num_msgs + 1):
        raw_msg = rbf.get_raw_bufr_msg(msg_nr)[0]
        bufr_obj = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(encoded_message=raw_msg)
        data_category = bufr_obj.ksec1[11 - 1]
        print('BUFR msg %i has data category %i' % (msg_nr, data_category))

    # close the file
예제 #5
def upgrade_bufr_file(input_bufr_file, output_bufr_file):
    #  #[
    an example routine to demonstrate how to read a BUFR message,
    upgrade it's edition number, and write it to an output BUFR file
    # get 2 instances of the RawBUFRFile class
    rbf_in = RawBUFRFile()
    rbf_out = RawBUFRFile()

    # open the file for reading, count nr of BUFR messages in it
    # and store its content in memory, together with
    # an array of pointers to the start and end of each BUFR message
    rbf_in.open(input_bufr_file, 'rb')

    # open the file for writing
    rbf_out.open(output_bufr_file, 'wb')

    # extract the number of BUFR messages from the file
    num_msgs = rbf_in.get_num_bufr_msgs()

    for msg_nr in range(1, num_msgs+1):
        raw_msg, section_sizes, section_start_locations = \
        bufr_obj = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(raw_msg, section_sizes,


        nsub = bufr_obj.get_num_subsets()
        n_exp_descr = len(bufr_obj.values)/nsub

        bufr_obj.ksec0[3-1] = 4 # set bufr edition to 4
        bufr_obj.ktdlst = bufr_obj.get_descriptor_list()

        # extract delayed replication factors
        delayed_repl_data = bufr_obj.derive_delayed_repl_factors()

        # fill the list of replication factors

        # activate this one if the encoding crashes without clear cause:
        # bufr_obj.estimated_num_bytes_for_encoding = 25000

        # encode the data
        bufr_obj.encode_data(bufr_obj.values, bufr_obj.cvals)
        print 'Encode BUFR msg %i' % msg_nr


    # close the file
def raw_file_reading_example(input_bufr_file):
    #  #[
    example for reading a BUFR message

    # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class
    rbf = RawBUFRFile()

    # open the file for reading, count nr of BUFR messages in it
    # and store its content in memory, together with
    # an array of pointers to the start and end of each BUFR message
    rbf.open(input_bufr_file, 'rb')

    # print the internal data of the class instance
    rbf.print_properties(prefix="RawBUFRFile (opened for reading)")

    # print the number of BUFR messages in the file
    num_msgs = rbf.get_num_bufr_msgs()
    print "This file contains: ", num_msgs, " BUFR messages."

    # sequentially read the raw (undecoded) BUFR messages from the
    # class instance
    msg1 = rbf.get_next_raw_bufr_msg()[0] # should return proper data
        msg2 = rbf.get_next_raw_bufr_msg()[0] # should return corrupted data
    except EOFError:
        msg2 = None
        msg3 = rbf.get_next_raw_bufr_msg()[0] # should return corrupted data
    except EOFError:
        msg3 = None

    print "a warning is expected here:"
    # msg4 =
        rbf.get_next_raw_bufr_msg()[0] # should raise an EOF error
    except EOFError:
        print "Warning: EOF reached !"

    for i in range(1, num_msgs+1):
        # read a selected raw BUFR message from the class instance
        raw_data = rbf.get_raw_bufr_msg(i)[0]
        print "msg ", i, " got ", len(raw_data), " words"

    # close the file

    # delete the class instance
    del rbf
    return (msg1, msg2, msg3)
def raw_file_reading_example(input_bufr_file):
    #  #[
    example for reading a BUFR message

    # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class
    rbf = RawBUFRFile()

    # open the file for reading, count nr of BUFR messages in it
    # and store its content in memory, together with
    # an array of pointers to the start and end of each BUFR message
    rbf.open(input_bufr_file, 'rb')

    # print the internal data of the class instance
    rbf.print_properties(prefix="RawBUFRFile (opened for reading)")

    # print the number of BUFR messages in the file
    num_msgs = rbf.get_num_bufr_msgs()
    print("This file contains: ", num_msgs, " BUFR messages.")

    # sequentially read the raw (undecoded) BUFR messages from the
    # class instance
    msg1 = rbf.get_next_raw_bufr_msg()[0] # should return proper data
        msg2 = rbf.get_next_raw_bufr_msg()[0] # should return corrupted data
    except EOFError:
        msg2 = None
        msg3 = rbf.get_next_raw_bufr_msg()[0] # should return corrupted data
    except EOFError:
        msg3 = None

    print("a warning is expected here:")
    # msg4 =
        rbf.get_next_raw_bufr_msg()[0] # should raise an EOF error
    except EOFError:
        print("Warning: EOF reached !")

    for i in range(1, num_msgs+1):
        # read a selected raw BUFR message from the class instance
        raw_data = rbf.get_raw_bufr_msg(i)[0]
        print("msg ", i, " got ", len(raw_data), " words")

    # close the file

    # delete the class instance
    del rbf
    return (msg1, msg2, msg3)
예제 #8
def print_bufr_content3(input_bufr_file, output_fd, separator, max_msg_nr,
    #  #[ implementation 3
    example implementation using the BUFRInterfaceECMWF class
    if expand_flags:
        print('Sorry, expand_flags is not yet implemented ' +
              'for example implementation 3')

    # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class
    rbf = RawBUFRFile()

    # open the file for reading, count nr of BUFR messages in it
    # and store its content in memory, together with
    # an array of pointers to the start and end of each BUFR message
    rbf.open(input_bufr_file, 'rb')

    # extract the number of BUFR messages from the file
    num_msgs = rbf.get_num_bufr_msgs()

    # print('num_msgs = ',num_msgs)

    for msg_nr in range(1, num_msgs + 1):
        encoded_message, section_sizes, section_start_locations = \
        bufr_obj = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(encoded_message, section_sizes,
        #                              verbose=True)
        # print('num_subsets: ', bufr_obj.get_num_subsets())
        # print('num_elements: ',bufr_obj.get_num_elements())
        # bufr_obj.decode_sections_0123()
        # bufr_obj.print_sections_0123_metadata()

        # d = '/home/jos/werk/pybufr_ecmwf_interface/'+\
        #     'BUFR_test_files/radar/bufrtables/'
        # bufr_obj.setup_tables(table_b_to_use = d+'B0000000000085011012.TXT',
        #                      table_d_to_use = d+'D0000000000085011012.TXT')
        # bufr_obj.print_sections_012()
        # bufr_obj.fill_descriptor_list()

        # do the actual decoding

        # needed to have the units ready, so autoget_cval will work

        # Create header lines from variable names and units
        if msg_nr == 1:
            list_of_names = []
            list_of_units = []
            for (cname, cunit) in zip(bufr_obj.cnames, bufr_obj.cunits):
                # glue the ndarray of characters together to form strings
                if python3:
                    cname_str = ''.join(c.decode() for c in cname).strip()
                    cunit_str = ''.join(c.decode() for c in cunit).strip()
                    cname_str = ''.join(cname).strip()
                    cunit_str = ''.join(cunit).strip()

                # cnames is a bit over dimensioned, so check for empty values
                if cname_str.strip() == '':

                # append the strings to the head list and quote them
                list_of_names.append('"' + cname_str + '"')
                list_of_units.append('"' + cunit_str + '"')

            output_fd.write('"subset nr"' + separator)
            output_fd.write(separator.join(list_of_names) + '\n')

            output_fd.write('""' + separator)
            output_fd.write(separator.join(list_of_units) + '\n')

        nsubsets = bufr_obj.get_num_subsets()
        for subs in range(1, nsubsets + 1):

            # needed to have the units ready, so autoget_cval will work

            nelements = bufr_obj.get_num_elements()
            data_list = []
            for descr_nr in range(nelements):
                data = bufr_obj.get_value(descr_nr, subs, autoget_cval=True)
                str(subs) + separator +
                separator.join(str(val) for val in data_list) + "\n")
        print('converted BUFR msg nr. ', msg_nr)
        if (max_msg_nr > 0) and (msg_nr >= max_msg_nr):
            print('skipping remainder of this BUFR file')

    # close the BUFR file
    if num_msgs == 0:
        print('no BUFR messages found, are you sure this is a BUFR file?')
예제 #9
def print_bufr_content3(input_bufr_file, output_fd, separator,
                        max_msg_nr, expand_flags):
    #  #[ implementation 3
    example implementation using the BUFRInterfaceECMWF class
    if expand_flags:
        print('Sorry, expand_flags is not yet implemented '+
              'for example implementation 3')

    # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class
    rbf = RawBUFRFile()

    # open the file for reading, count nr of BUFR messages in it
    # and store its content in memory, together with
    # an array of pointers to the start and end of each BUFR message
    rbf.open(input_bufr_file, 'rb')

    # extract the number of BUFR messages from the file
    num_msgs = rbf.get_num_bufr_msgs()

    # print('num_msgs = ',num_msgs)

    for msg_nr in range(1, num_msgs+1):
        encoded_message, section_sizes, section_start_locations = \
        bufr_obj = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(encoded_message, section_sizes,
        #                              verbose=True)
        # print('num_subsets: ', bufr_obj.get_num_subsets())
        # print('num_elements: ',bufr_obj.get_num_elements())
        # bufr_obj.decode_sections_0123()
        # bufr_obj.print_sections_0123_metadata()

        # d = '/home/jos/werk/pybufr_ecmwf_interface/'+\
        #     'BUFR_test_files/radar/bufrtables/'
        # bufr_obj.setup_tables(table_b_to_use = d+'B0000000000085011012.TXT',
         #                      table_d_to_use = d+'D0000000000085011012.TXT')
        # bufr_obj.print_sections_012()
        # bufr_obj.fill_descriptor_list()

        # do the actual decoding

        # needed to have the units ready, so autoget_cval will work

        # Create header lines from variable names and units
        if msg_nr == 1:
            list_of_names = []
            list_of_units = []
            for (cname, cunit) in zip(bufr_obj.cnames, bufr_obj.cunits):
                # glue the ndarray of characters together to form strings
                if python3:
                    cname_str = ''.join(c.decode() for c in cname).strip()
                    cunit_str = ''.join(c.decode() for c in cunit).strip()
                    cname_str = ''.join(cname).strip()
                    cunit_str = ''.join(cunit).strip()

                # cnames is a bit over dimensioned, so check for empty values
                if cname_str.strip() == '':

                # append the strings to the head list and quote them

            output_fd.write('"subset nr"'+separator)
            output_fd.write(separator.join(list_of_names) + '\n')

            output_fd.write(separator.join(list_of_units) + '\n')

        nsubsets = bufr_obj.get_num_subsets()
        for subs in range(1, nsubsets+1):

            # needed to have the units ready, so autoget_cval will work

            nelements = bufr_obj.get_num_elements()
            data_list = []
            for descr_nr in range(nelements):
                data = bufr_obj.get_value(descr_nr, subs, autoget_cval=True)
                            separator.join(str(val) for val in data_list)+
        print('converted BUFR msg nr. ', msg_nr)
        if (max_msg_nr > 0) and (msg_nr >= max_msg_nr):
            print('skipping remainder of this BUFR file')

    # close the BUFR file
    if num_msgs == 0:
        print('no BUFR messages found, are you sure this is a BUFR file?')