def save_diags(log_dir): # Create temp directory temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() global temp_diags_dir temp_diags_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'diagnostics') os.mkdir(temp_diags_dir) print("Using temp dir: %s" % temp_dir) write_diags(None, "date") write_diags(None, "hostname") write_diags("Dumping netstat", "netstat --all --numeric") write_diags("Dumping routes (IPv4)", "ip -4 route") write_diags("Dumping routes (IPv6)", "ip -6 route") write_diags("Dumping interface info (IPv4)", "ip -4 addr") write_diags("Dumping interface info (IPv6)", "ip -6 addr") write_diags("Dumping iptables (IPv4)", "iptables-save") write_diags("Dumping iptables (IPv6)", "ip6tables-save") write_diags("Dumping ipsets", "ipset list") # If running under rkt, get the journal for the calico/node container. write_diags("Copying journal for calico-node.service", "journalctl -u calico-node.service --no-pager") # Ask Felix to dump stats to its log file - ignore errors as the # calico/node container might not be running. Gathering of the logs is # dependent on environment. print("Dumping felix stats")["pkill", "-SIGUSR1", "felix"]) # Otherwise, calico logs are in the log directory. if os.path.isdir(log_dir): print("Copying Calico logs") # Skip the lock files as they can only be copied by root. copytree(log_dir, os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, "logs"), ignore=ignore_patterns('lock')) else: print('No logs found in %s; skipping log copying' % log_dir) # Dump the contents of the etcd datastore. print("Dumping datastore") with DiagsErrorWriter(temp_diags_dir, 'etcd_calico') as f: try: datastore_client = DatastoreClient() datastore_data ="/calico", recursive=True) f.write("dir?, key, value\n") # TODO: python-etcd bug: Leaves show up twice in get_subtree(). for child in datastore_data.get_subtree(): if child.dir: f.write("DIR, %s,\n" % child.key) else: f.write("FILE, %s, %s\n" % (child.key, child.value)) except EtcdException, e: print "Unable to dump etcd datastore" f.write("Unable to dump etcd datastore: %s" % e)
def __init__(self, network_name): self._client = DatastoreClient() """ DatastoreClient for access to the Calico datastore. """ self.profile_name = network_name """ Name of profile for attach to endpoint. """ # Validate the given network name to make sure it is compatible with # Calico policy. if not validate_characters(network_name): raise ValueError( "Invalid characters detected in the given network " "name, %s. Only letters a-z, numbers 0-9, and " "symbols _.- are supported.", network_name)
def __init__(self): self._event_queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) """ Queue to populate with events from API watches. """ self.k8s_api = os.environ.get("K8S_API", DEFAULT_API) """ Scheme, IP and port of the Kubernetes API. """ self.auth_token = os.environ.get("K8S_AUTH_TOKEN", read_token_file()) """ Auth token to use when accessing the API. """ _log.debug("Using auth token: %s", self.auth_token) self.ca_crt_exists = os.path.exists(CA_CERT_PATH) """ True if a CA cert has been mounted by Kubernetes. """ self._client = DatastoreClient() """ Client for accessing the Calico datastore. """ self._handlers = {} self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_NETWORK_POLICY, TYPE_ADDED, add_update_network_policy) self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_NETWORK_POLICY, TYPE_DELETED, delete_network_policy) self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_NAMESPACE, TYPE_ADDED, add_update_namespace) self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_NAMESPACE, TYPE_DELETED, delete_namespace) self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_POD, TYPE_ADDED, add_update_pod) self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_POD, TYPE_DELETED, delete_pod) """
# # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import simplejson as json from constants import * from pycalico.datastore import DatastoreClient from pycalico.datastore_datatypes import Rules, Rule _log = logging.getLogger("__main__") client = DatastoreClient() def add_update_namespace(namespace): """ Configures a Profile for the given Kubernetes namespace. """ namespace_name = namespace["metadata"]["name"] _log.debug("Adding/updating namespace: %s", namespace_name) # Determine the profile name to create. profile_name = NS_PROFILE_FMT % namespace_name # Build the rules to use. rules = Rules(inbound_rules=[Rule(action="allow")], outbound_rules=[Rule(action="allow")])
def __init__(self, network_config, env): self._client = DatastoreClient() """ DatastoreClient for access to the Calico datastore. """ # Parse CNI_ARGS into dictionary so we can extract values. cni_args = parse_cni_args(env.get(CNI_ARGS_ENV, "")) self.k8s_pod_name = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAME) """ Name of Kubernetes pod if running under Kubernetes, else None. """ self.k8s_namespace = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAMESPACE) """ Name of Kubernetes namespace if running under Kubernetes, else None. """ self.network_config = network_config """ Network config as provided in the CNI network file passed in via stdout. """ self.network_name = network_config["name"] """ Name of the network from the provided network config file. """ self.ipam_type = network_config["ipam"]["type"] """ Type of IPAM to use, e.g calico-ipam. """ self.hostname = network_config.get("hostname", socket.gethostname()) """ The hostname to register endpoints under. """ self.container_engine = get_container_engine(self.k8s_pod_name) """ Chooses the correct container engine based on the given configuration. """ self.ipam_env = env """ Environment dictionary used when calling the IPAM plugin. """ self.command = env[CNI_COMMAND_ENV] assert self.command in [CNI_CMD_DELETE, CNI_CMD_ADD], \ "Invalid CNI command %s" % self.command """ The command to execute for this plugin instance. Required. One of: - CNI_CMD_ADD - CNI_CMD_DELETE """ self.container_id = env[CNI_CONTAINERID_ENV] """ The container's ID in the containerizer. Required. """ self.cni_netns = env[CNI_NETNS_ENV] """ Relative path to the network namespace of this container. """ self.interface = env[CNI_IFNAME_ENV] """ Name of the interface to create within the container. """ self.cni_path = env[CNI_PATH_ENV] """ Path in which to search for CNI plugins. """ self.running_under_k8s = self.k8s_namespace and self.k8s_pod_name if self.running_under_k8s: self.workload_id = "%s.%s" % (self.k8s_namespace, self.k8s_pod_name) self.orchestrator_id = "k8s" else: self.workload_id = self.container_id self.orchestrator_id = "cni" kubernetes_config = network_config.get("kubernetes", {}) self.kubeconfig_path = kubernetes_config.get("kubeconfig") self.k8s_node_name = kubernetes_config.get("node_name", socket.gethostname()) """ Configure orchestrator specific settings. workload_id: In Kubernetes, this is the pod's namespace and name. Otherwise, this is the container ID. orchestrator_id: Either "k8s" or "cni". """ # Ensure that the ipam_env CNI_ARGS contains the IgnoreUnknown=1 option # See # And self.ipam_env[CNI_ARGS_ENV] = 'IgnoreUnknown=1' if env.get(CNI_ARGS_ENV): # Append any existing args - if they are set. self.ipam_env[CNI_ARGS_ENV] += ";%s" % env.get(CNI_ARGS_ENV) self.policy_driver = get_policy_driver(self) """
def __init__(self): self._event_queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) """ Queue to populate with events from API watches. """ self.k8s_api = os.environ.get("K8S_API", DEFAULT_API) """ Scheme, IP and port of the Kubernetes API. """ self.auth_token = os.environ.get("K8S_AUTH_TOKEN", read_token_file()) """ Auth token to use when accessing the API. """ _log.debug("Using auth token: %s", self.auth_token) self.ca_crt_exists = os.path.exists(CA_CERT_PATH) """ True if a CA cert has been mounted by Kubernetes. """ self._client = DatastoreClient() """ Client for accessing the Calico datastore. """ self._leader_election_url = os.environ.get("ELECTION_URL", "") """ Use this URL to get leader election status from the sidecar container. """ elect = os.environ.get("LEADER_ELECTION", "false") self._leader_elect = elect.lower() == "true" """ Whether or not leader election is enabled. If set to False, this policy controller will assume it is the only instance. """ self._handlers = {} """ Keeps track of which handlers to execute for various events. """ # Handlers for NetworkPolicy events. self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_NETWORK_POLICY, TYPE_ADDED, add_update_network_policy) self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_NETWORK_POLICY, TYPE_MODIFIED, add_update_network_policy) self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_NETWORK_POLICY, TYPE_DELETED, delete_network_policy) # Handlers for Namespace events. self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_NAMESPACE, TYPE_ADDED, add_update_namespace) self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_NAMESPACE, TYPE_MODIFIED, add_update_namespace) self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_NAMESPACE, TYPE_DELETED, delete_namespace) # Handlers for Pod events. self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_POD, TYPE_ADDED, add_pod) self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_POD, TYPE_MODIFIED, update_pod) self.add_handler(RESOURCE_TYPE_POD, TYPE_DELETED, delete_pod)
def save_diags(log_dir): # Create temp directory temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() temp_diags_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'diagnostics') os.mkdir(temp_diags_dir) print("Using temp dir: %s" % temp_dir) # Write date to file with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'date'), 'w') as f: f.write("DATE=%s" % datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")) # Write hostname to file with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'hostname'), 'w') as f: f.write("%s" % socket.gethostname()) # Write netstat output to file with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'netstat'), 'w') as f: try: print("Dumping netstat output") netstat = sh.Command._create("netstat") f.writelines( netstat( # Display all sockets (default: connected) all=True, # Don't resolve names numeric=True)) except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print "Missing command: %s" % e.message # Write routes print("Dumping routes") with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'route'), 'w') as f: try: route = sh.Command._create("route") f.write("route --numeric\n") f.writelines(route(numeric=True)) f.write('\n') except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print "Missing command: %s" % e.message try: ip = sh.Command._create("ip") f.write("ip route\n") f.writelines(ip("route")) f.write('\n') f.write("ip -6 route\n") f.writelines(ip("-6", "route")) f.write('\n') except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print "Missing command: %s" % e.message # Dump iptables with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'iptables'), 'w') as f: try: iptables_save = sh.Command._create("iptables-save") print("Dumping iptables") f.writelines(iptables_save()) except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print "Missing command: %s" % e.message # Dump ipset list # TODO: ipset might not be installed on the host. But we don't want to # gather the diags in the container because it might not be running... with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'ipset'), 'w') as f: try: ipset = sh.Command._create("ipset") print("Dumping ipset") f.writelines(ipset("list")) except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print "Missing command: %s" % e.message except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1 as e: print "Error running ipset. Maybe you need to run as root." # Ask Felix to dump stats to its log file - ignore errors as the # calico-node might not be running ["docker", "exec", "calico-node", "pkill", "-SIGUSR1", "felix"]) if os.path.isdir(log_dir): print("Copying Calico logs") # Skip the lock files as they can only be copied by root. copytree(log_dir, os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, "logs"), ignore=ignore_patterns('lock')) else: print('No logs found in %s; skipping log copying' % log_dir) print("Dumping datastore") # TODO: May want to move this into as a dump-calico function try: datastore_client = DatastoreClient() datastore_data ="/calico", recursive=True) with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'etcd_calico'), 'w') as f: f.write("dir?, key, value\n") # TODO: python-etcd bug: Leaves show up twice in get_subtree(). for child in datastore_data.get_subtree(): if child.dir: f.write("DIR, %s,\n" % child.key) else: f.write("FILE, %s, %s\n" % (child.key, child.value)) except EtcdException: print "Unable to dump etcd datastore" # Create tar. tar_filename = datetime.strftime(, "diags-%d%m%y_%H%M%S.tar.gz") full_tar_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, tar_filename) with, "w:gz") as tar: # pass in arcname, otherwise zip contains layers of subfolders tar.add(temp_dir, arcname="") print("\nDiags saved to %s\n" % (full_tar_path)) print_paragraph("If required, you can upload the diagnostics bundle to a " "file sharing service such as using curl or " "similar. For example:") print(" curl --upload-file %s" % (full_tar_path, os.path.basename(full_tar_path)))
def __init__(self, network_config, env): self.network_config = network_config """ Network config as provided in the CNI network file passed in via stdout. """ self.env = env """ Copy of the environment variable dictionary. Contains CNI_* variables. """ self._client = DatastoreClient() """ DatastoreClient for access to the Calico datastore. """ self.command = env[CNI_COMMAND_ENV] """ The command to execute for this plugin instance. Required. One of: - CNI_CMD_ADD - CNI_CMD_DELETE """ self.container_id = env[CNI_CONTAINERID_ENV] """ The container's ID in the containerizer. Required. """ self.cni_netns = env[CNI_NETNS_ENV] """ Relative path to the network namespace of this container. """ self.interface = env[CNI_IFNAME_ENV] """ Name of the interface to create within the container. """ self.cni_args = parse_cni_args(env[CNI_ARGS_ENV]) """ Dictionary of additional CNI arguments provided via the CNI_ARGS environment variable. """ self.cni_path = env[CNI_PATH_ENV] """ Path in which to search for CNI plugins. """ self.network_name = network_config["name"] """ Name of the network from the provided network config file. """ self.ipam_result = None """ Stores the output generated by the IPAM plugin. This is printed to stdout at the end of execution. """ self.policy_driver = self._get_policy_driver() """ Chooses the correct policy driver based on the given configuration """ self.container_engine = self._get_container_engine() """
def save_diags(log_dir): # Create temp directory temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() temp_diags_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'diagnostics') os.mkdir(temp_diags_dir) print("Using temp dir: %s" % temp_dir) # Write date to file with DiagsErrorWriter(temp_diags_dir, 'date') as f: f.write("DATE=%s" % datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")) # Write hostname to file with DiagsErrorWriter(temp_diags_dir, 'hostname') as f: f.write("%s" % socket.gethostname()) # Write netstat output to file with DiagsErrorWriter(temp_diags_dir, 'netstat') as f: try: print("Dumping netstat output") netstat = sh.Command._create("netstat") f.writelines( netstat( # Display all sockets (default: connected) all=True, # Don't resolve names numeric=True)) except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print " - Missing command: %s" % e.message f.writelines("Missing command: %s\n" % e.message) # Write routes print("Dumping routes") with DiagsErrorWriter(temp_diags_dir, 'route') as f: try: route = sh.Command._create("route") f.write("route --numeric\n") f.writelines(route(numeric=True)) f.write('\n') except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print " - Missing command: %s" % e.message f.writelines("Missing command: %s\n" % e.message) try: ip = sh.Command._create("ip") f.write("ip route\n") f.writelines(ip("route")) f.write('\n') f.write("ip -6 route\n") f.writelines(ip("-6", "route")) f.write('\n') except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print " - Missing command: %s" % e.message f.writelines("Missing command: %s\n" % e.message) # Dump iptables with DiagsErrorWriter(temp_diags_dir, 'iptables') as f: try: iptables_save = sh.Command._create("iptables-save") print("Dumping iptables") f.writelines(iptables_save()) except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print " - Missing command: %s" % e.message f.writelines("Missing command: %s\n" % e.message) # Dump ipset list # TODO: ipset might not be installed on the host. But we don't want to # gather the diags in the container because it might not be running... with DiagsErrorWriter(temp_diags_dir, 'ipset') as f: try: ipset = sh.Command._create("ipset") print("Dumping ipset") f.writelines(ipset("list")) except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print " - Missing command: %s" % e.message f.writelines("Missing command: %s\n" % e.message) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1 as e: print " - Error running ipset. Maybe you need to run as root." f.writelines("Error running ipset: %s\n" % e) # Ask Felix to dump stats to its log file - ignore errors as the # calico-node might not be running ["docker", "exec", "calico-node", "pkill", "-SIGUSR1", "felix"]) if os.path.isdir(log_dir): print("Copying Calico logs") # Skip the lock files as they can only be copied by root. copytree(log_dir, os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, "logs"), ignore=ignore_patterns('lock')) else: print('No logs found in %s; skipping log copying' % log_dir) print("Dumping datastore") # TODO: May want to move this into as a dump-calico function with DiagsErrorWriter(temp_diags_dir, 'etcd_calico') as f: try: datastore_client = DatastoreClient() datastore_data ="/calico", recursive=True) f.write("dir?, key, value\n") # TODO: python-etcd bug: Leaves show up twice in get_subtree(). for child in datastore_data.get_subtree(): if child.dir: f.write("DIR, %s,\n" % child.key) else: f.write("FILE, %s, %s\n" % (child.key, child.value)) except EtcdException, e: print "Unable to dump etcd datastore" f.write("Unable to dump etcd datastore: %s" % e)
def save_diags(log_dir, upload=False): # Create temp directory temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() temp_diags_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'diagnostics') os.mkdir(temp_diags_dir) print("Using temp dir: %s" % temp_dir) # Write date to file with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'date'), 'w') as f: f.write("DATE=%s" % datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")) # Write hostname to file with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'hostname'), 'w') as f: f.write("%s" % socket.gethostname()) # Write netstat output to file with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'netstat'), 'w') as f: try: print("Dumping netstat output") netstat = sh.Command._create("netstat") f.writelines( netstat( # Display all sockets (default: connected) all=True, # Don't resolve names numeric=True)) except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print "Missing command: %s" % e.message # Write routes print("Dumping routes") with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'route'), 'w') as f: try: route = sh.Command._create("route") f.write("route --numeric") f.writelines(route(numeric=True)) f.write('\n') except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print "Missing command: %s" % e.message try: ip = sh.Command._create("ip") f.write("ip route") f.writelines(ip("route")) f.write('\n') f.write("ip -6 route") f.writelines(ip("-6", "route")) f.write('\n') except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print "Missing command: %s" % e.message # Dump iptables with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'iptables'), 'w') as f: try: iptables_save = sh.Command._create("iptables-save") print("Dumping iptables") f.writelines(iptables_save()) except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print "Missing command: %s" % e.message # Dump ipset list # TODO: ipset might not be installed on the host. But we don't want to # gather the diags in the container because it might not be running... with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'ipset'), 'w') as f: try: ipset = sh.Command._create("ipset") print("Dumping ipset") f.writelines(ipset("list")) except sh.CommandNotFound as e: print "Missing command: %s" % e.message if os.path.isdir(log_dir): print("Copying Calico logs") copytree(log_dir, os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, "logs")) else: print('No logs found in %s; skipping log copying' % log_dir) print("Dumping datastore") # TODO: May want to move this into as a dump-calico function try: datastore_client = DatastoreClient() datastore_data ="/calico", recursive=True) with open(os.path.join(temp_diags_dir, 'etcd_calico'), 'w') as f: f.write(str(datastore_data)) except EtcdException: print "Unable to dump etcd datastore" # Create tar and upload tar_filename = datetime.strftime(, "diags-%d%m%y_%H%M%S.tar.gz") full_tar_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, tar_filename) with, "w:gz") as tar: # pass in arcname, otherwise zip contains layers of subfolders tar.add(temp_dir, arcname="") print("Diags saved to %s" % (full_tar_path)) if upload: upload_temp_diags(full_tar_path)