예제 #1
from pycamac import Server, Af
from time import clock, sleep
from classes import Counter, UrrMover

i = Server().getInterface(0)
crate = i.getCrate(2)
counter = Counter(i.getCrate(3).getModule(8))
#mover = UrrMover(crate.getModule(20), 4, 0)
channel = 0

count = 0
while True:
#	if count > 10:
#		mover.move(1)
	print counter.read(channel)
	count += 1
예제 #2

from pycamac import Server, Af, Error
from classes import Counter, UrrMover, KvchMover
from time import sleep
import getopt
from sys import argv, exit
interface = Server().getInterface(0)
crate = interface.getCrate(2)
exposition = 10
steps = 38
stepSize = 1
switchChan = 1

opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ht:c:l:n:")

for o, a in opts:
	if o == "-t":
		exposition = float(a)
	elif o == "-c":
		steps = int(a)
	elif o == "-l":
		stepSize = float(a)
	elif o == "-n":
		switchChan = int(a)
		print """
-h        - show help
-t number - exposition in seconds
-l number - time of step in seconds
-c number - a number of steps
예제 #3
		self.module.af(Af(b+1, 9))
		self.module.af(Af(b, 9))
	def read(self, ch):
		b = ch * 2 #channel base
		high = self.module.afr24(Af(b+1, 0))
		low  = self.module.afr24(Af(b, 0))
		rv  = ((high & 0xffff) << 16) + low
		print "high: 0x%06x, low: 0x%06x, result: 0x%x" % (high, low, rv)
		return rv
	def increment(self, ch):
		b = ch * 2 #channel base
		self.module.af(Af(b, 25))

i       = Server().getInterface(0)
counter = Counter(i.getCrate(2).getModule(8))
channel = 0
#lock    = i.getCrate(3) 

cycles = -1
start = clock()-0.00001
count = counter.read(channel)-1
#for i in range(0, 65000):
#	counter.increment(channel)

while True:
	newcount1 = counter.read(channel)
#	print "First read:", cycles, newcount1
	newcount2 = counter.read(channel)