def evaluate_ml_baseline(pkl_path, eval_set_name, use_eiz=True, demographic_features=False, ei_extraction_method=None): ''' Evaluate the a stored ML model on a set. :param pkl_path: The path of the trained model to evaluate. :param eval_set_name: The name of the set to evaluate on. :param use_eiz: Whether to use EIZ or raw EI scores :param demographic_features: Whether to include demographic features. :param ei_extraction_method: The method for extracting EI scores from records. Can use original scores or recompute. :return: Probabilities of NMD for each of the val set patients according to the trained model. ''' additional_features = ['Age', 'Sex', 'BMI'] if demographic_features else [] from pycaret.classification import load_model pipeline, model = load_model(pkl_path) if not ei_extraction_method: ei_extraction_method = get_original_scores val_set = obtain_feature_rep_ml_experiment( eval_set_name, use_eiz=use_eiz, ei_extraction_method=ei_extraction_method, additional_features=additional_features) val_set['Class'] = val_set['Class'].replace({'no NMD': 0, 'NMD': 1}) X_test = val_set.drop(columns='Class') transformed = pipeline.transform(X_test) proba = model.predict_proba(transformed)[:, 1] return proba
def update_output(list_of_contents, list_of_names, list_of_dates): model = load_model('random_forest') if list_of_contents is not None: children = [ parse_contents(c, n, d, model, predict_model) for c, n, d in zip(list_of_contents, list_of_names, list_of_dates) ] return children else: return ''
from flask import Flask, request, url_for, redirect, render_template, jsonify from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import pandas as pd import pickle import numpy as np app = Flask(__name__) model = load_model('wine_model') cols = [ 'fixed acidity', 'volatile acidity', 'citric acid', 'residual sugar', 'chlorides', 'free sulfur dioxide', 'total sulfur dioxide', 'density', 'pH', 'sulphates', 'alcohol' ] # render default webpage @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template("home.html") # when the post method detect, predict value @app.route('/predict', methods=['POST']) def predict(): int_features = [x for x in request.form.values()] final = np.array(int_features) data_unseen = pd.DataFrame([final], columns=cols) prediction = predict_model(model, data=data_unseen, round=3) prediction = int(prediction.Label[0]) return render_template(
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np model = load_model('churn_fr_lgbm') st.set_option('deprecation.showfileUploaderEncoding', False) from PIL import Image image_office ='office.jpg') st.image(image_office,use_column_width=True) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox("Comment voulez-vous faire votre prédiction?",("Online", "Fichier"))"Ce modèle a été créé dans le but de prédire si un(e) employé(e) quittera l'entreprise")"Résultat: 0 (reste); 1 (démissionne)") st.sidebar.success('') st.title("Prédire le départ d'un(e) employé(e)") def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): if add_selectbox == 'Online': satisfaction_level=st.number_input('Niveau de satisfaction' , min_value=0.1, max_value=1.0, value=0.1) last_evaluation =st.number_input('Note dernière évaluation',min_value=0.1, max_value=1.0, value=0.1) number_project = st.number_input('Nombre de projets', min_value=0, max_value=50, value=5)
import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model modelo1 = load_model('meu-modelo-para-os-custos') modelo2 = load_model('meu-modelo-para-smoker') def classificador(modelo, dados): pred = predict_model(estimator=modelo, data=dados) return pred def smap(x): y = 'male' if x == 'Masculino' else 'female' return y def rmap(x): if x == 'Sudeste': return 'southeast' elif x == 'Noroeste': return 'northwest' elif x == 'Sudoeste': return 'southwest' else: return 'northeast' def fmap(x): y = 'yes' if x == 'Sim' else 'no'
return { 'fixed acidity': fixed_acidity, 'volatile acidity': volatile_acidity, 'citric acid': citric_acid, 'residual sugar': residual_sugar, 'chlorides': chlorides, 'free sulfur dioxide': f_sulf_diox, 'total sulfur dioxide': t_sulf_diox, 'density': density, 'pH': ph, 'sulphates': sulphates, 'alcohol': alcohol } model = load_model('random_forest_model') st.title('Classificador de vinhos') st.write( 'Este app tem o objetivo de classificar vinhos com base nas características fornecidas pelo usuário.\ Por favor, ajuste os parâmetros de cada característica que referentes ao vinho que se deseja classificar. Após isto, clique em Classificar.' ) features = define_features() features_df = pd.DataFrame([features]) st.table(features_df) if st.button('Classificar'):
import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from sklearn import datasets import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model modelo = load_model('Melhor Modelo para Custos') st.title('Plano de Saúde Deploy Center') st.sidebar.title('Menu Lateral') idade = st.sidebar.number_input('Entre com sua idade', 18, 65, 20, 1) imc = st.sidebar.slider('Entre com o seu IMC:', 18, 45, 25, 1) sexo = st.sidebar.selectbox('Entre com o sexo:', ['male', 'female']) criancas = st.sidebar.slider('Número de crianças:', 0, 5, 0, 1) fumante = st.sidebar.selectbox('Fumante?', ['yes', 'no']) regiao = st.sidebar.selectbox( 'Região:', ['southeast', 'southwest', 'northeast', 'northwest']) dicionario = { 'age': [idade], 'sex': [idade], 'bmi': [imc], 'children': [criancas], 'region': [regiao], 'smoker': [fumante]
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model from pycaret.utils import check_metric import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np #load the model model = load_model('../model/employees_churn_model') #define prediction fuction def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): from PIL import Image #'../image/download.png').convert('RGB').save('../image/logo.png') # image ='../image/logo.png')'../image/kate-sade-unsplash.jpg').convert('RGB').save( '../image/employee_churn.png') image_churn ='../image/employee_churn.png') # st.image(image) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox(
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np model = load_model('Final_model') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): from PIL import Image image ='employeeleftimage.jpg') image_office ='office.jpg') st.image(image, use_column_width=True) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox("How would you like to predict?", ("Online", "Batch")) 'This app is created to predict if an employee will leave the company') st.sidebar.success('') st.sidebar.image(image_office) st.title("Predicting employee leaving") if add_selectbox == 'Online': satisfaction_level = st.number_input('satisfaction_level', min_value=0.1, max_value=1.0, value=0.1) last_evaluation = st.number_input('last_evaluation',
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np model = load_model('final_tuned_first_model_titanic_28Mar2021') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def main(): from PIL import Image image ='labs.jpg') img_if ='ifserra.jpg') st.image(image,use_column_width=False) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Forma de predição?", ("Online", "Batch")) st.title("App de Predição - Survived")'Verificar se com base nas informações o tripulante do Titanic sobreviveu ou não!') st.sidebar.success('') st.sidebar.image(img_if) if add_selectbox == 'Online':
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Sep 23 21:36:59 2020 @author: Chamsedine """ from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import io model = load_model('deployment_dc') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): from PIL import Image image ='logo_train-data.png') st.image(image, use_column_width=False) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox("How would you like to predict?", ("Online", "Batch"))
st.markdown(page_bg_img, unsafe_allow_html=True) return set_png_as_page_bg('nexplorer.jpg') def predict_quality(model, df): predictions_data = predict_model(estimator=model, data=df) return predictions_data['Label'][0] model = load_model('Randomforestmodel') st.title('Kiwirail Trains OnTime Predictions') st.write( 'A web-based app to predict whether a train will be late or on time based on several features that you can see in the sidebar. Please adjust / select the value of each feature. After that, click on the Predict button at the bottom to see the prediction of the model. Based on the number of features at the moment, \ accuracy in the predictions is about 91.81%. With more parameters, the model will improve.' ) #origin_1_choices = {1:"Auckland",2: "Hamilton", 3: "Palmerston North"} # def format_func(option) train_id = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Train", ('B21', '269X', '249', 'B15', 'B43', 'B49', 'F19', '263', '243', '217', '221', '229', '267', '239', '225', '241R', 'B25', '267M', '241', '263X', '261', '235R', 'B35', 'B23', '239X', '217X', '221X', '221Y', '225X', '229X', '229Y', '243X', '243Y', 'F17',
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Reads in saved classification model model = load_model('predict_resolution_time') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): st.write(""" # SNOW Resolution Time Prediction App This app predicts the **Resolution Time Interval**! """) st.sidebar.header('User Input Features') st.sidebar.markdown(""" [Example CSV input file]( """) # Collects user input features into dataframe uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload your input CSV file", type=["csv"]) if uploaded_file is not None: input_df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) input_df['group'] = input_df['business_service'].map(str) + ' | ' + input_df['service_offering'].map(str) + ' | ' + input_df['assignment_group'].map(str)
import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import os from PIL import Image from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model from extract_features import various_features width = 700 ml_model = load_model( '/mnt/napster_disk/ai_projects/ai_models/breast_cancer/breast_cancer_model' ) def ml_breast_cancer_model(): st.subheader("Classification using the machine learning model") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Insert image to analizer", type=None) if uploaded_file is not None: image_ml = st.image(image_ml, caption="The image has been uploaded successfully...", width=width) # Send to extract image caracters in dataset image_processing = various_features(image_ml) df_image_processing = pd.DataFrame(image_processing) predictions = predict_model(ml_model, df_image_processing) os.remove("/mnt/napster_disk/ai_projects/demos/analizer.png") result = int(predictions['Label']) score = float(predictions['Score'])
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np model = load_model('Airline passenger') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): from PIL import Image image ='airline sats.jfif') image_office ='side.jfif') st.image(image, use_column_width=True) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox("How would you like to predict?", ("single", "Batch")) 'This app is created to prdicting Airline Passenger Satisfaction') st.sidebar.success('') st.sidebar.image(image_office) st.title("Airline satisfaction") if add_selectbox == 'single': Age = st.number_input('Age', min_value=7, max_value=85, value=7) Flight_Distance = st.number_input('Flight_Distance', min_value=31.0, max_value=4983.0,
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np model = load_model('stroke-data') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): from PIL import Image image ='brainomixstroke.jpg') image_office ='stroke-recovery-timeline.jpg') st.image(image,use_column_width=True) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox( "How would you like to predict?", ("Online", "Batch"))'This app is created to predict if a patient is likely to get a stroke or not') st.sidebar.success('') st.sidebar.image(image_office) st.title("Predicting Stroke Disease") if add_selectbox == 'Online': id=st.number_input('id' , min_value=1, max_value=72943, value=1)
"stalk-surface-above-ring": [self.stalk_surface_above_ring], "stalk-surface-below-ring": [self.stalk_surface_below_ring], "stalk-color-above-ring": [self.stalk_color_above_ring], "stalk-color-below-ring": [self.stalk_color_below_ring], "veil-type": [self.veil_type], "veil-color": [self.veil_color], "ring-number": [self.ring_number], "ring-type": [self.ring_type], "spore-print-color": [self.spore_print_color], "population": [self.population], "habitat": [self.population] } app = FastAPI() model = load_model("final_knn_30-10-2020") # TODO: load the config to setup app @app.on_event("startup") def startup(): """ This method will load the model on startup """ # model = # TODO: Return the useful status information @app.get("/") def read_root(): """
def iaJob(self): saved_model = load_model('Prod_model') predictions = predict_model(saved_model, data=self.df_inc) return predictions
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np model = load_model('final qda model') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): from PIL import Image image ='irispred.jpg') image_office ='iris.jpg') st.image(image, use_column_width=True) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox("How would you like to predict?", ("Online", "Batch"))'This app is created to predict the class of iris plant.') st.sidebar.success('') st.sidebar.image(image_office) st.title("Predicting class of iris plant") if add_selectbox == 'Online': sepal_length = st.number_input('sepal length in cm', min_value=0.1, max_value=7.9, value=0.1) sepal_width = st.number_input('sepal width in cm', min_value=0.1,
""" # Global Libraries from flask import Flask, request import pandas as pd import numpy as np from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from flask_jsonpify import jsonpify import nltk from nltk.corpus import stopwords'stopwords') # Flask app app = Flask(__name__) # Charge model et_model = load_model('et_model') # Global dataset df = pd.read_csv('final_df.csv') # Add stop words stop_words_eng = set(stopwords.words('english')) stop_words_sp = set(stopwords.words('spanish')) final_stop_words = set(list(stop_words_eng) + list(stop_words_sp)) @app.route('/') def welcome(): return "Welcome All" @app.route('/predict_file', methods=["POST"]) def predict_batch_estimation_future():
## for 0 prediction weekday, tem- 20 ,25,27,490,0.003 from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pickle import six import joblib import sys from datetime import datetime import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') sys.modules['sklearn.externals.six'] = six #import six model = load_model('catboost classifier 17dec2020') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): from PIL import Image image ='dsp3.jpeg') image = image.resize((300, 100))"car_resized.jpg", "JPEG", optimize=True) image_meeting_room ='meeting room.JPG')
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd model = load_model('Logistic regression') def run(): def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions st.title("Welcome to Dream Finance Housing Company") st.header("Please choose fill in the choices to get your Loan Eligibility") Gender = st.selectbox('Gender', ['Select', 'Male', 'Female']) Married = st.selectbox('Married', ['Select', 'Yes', 'No']) Dependents = st.selectbox('Dependents', ['Select', '0', '1', '2', '3+']) Education = st.selectbox('Education', ['Select', 'Graduate', 'Not Graduate']) Self_Employed = st.selectbox('Self Employed', ['Select', 'Yes', 'No']) ApplicantIncome = st.number_input('Applicant Income', min_value=1.0, max_value=100000.0) CoapplicantIncome = st.number_input('Coapplicant Income', min_value=0.0, max_value=100000.0) LoanAmount = st.number_input('Loan Amount(In Hundreds)', min_value=1) Loan_Amount_Term = st.selectbox( 'Term of Loan Amount(In Months)', ['Select', '60', '120', '180', '240', '300', '360']) Credit_History = st.selectbox('Credit History', ['Select', '0', '1'])
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np model = load_model('logistic') def predict_churn(model, df): predictions_data = predict_model(estimator=model, data=df) return predictions_data['Label'][0] st.title('Customer Churn Web App') st.write('This is a web app to classify whether a customer will churn based on\ several features that you can see in the sidebar. Please adjust the\ value of each feature. After that, click on the Predict button at the bottom to\ see the prediction of the classifier.') def run(): from PIL import Image image_2 ='churn_image.jpeg') #st.image(image,use_column_width=False) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox("How would you like to predict?", ("Online", "Batch"))
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np model = load_model('bank-loan') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): from PIL import Image image ='Personal_Loan.jpg') image_office ='bank.jpg') st.image(image, use_column_width=True) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox("How would you like to predict?", ("Online", "Batch")) 'This app is created to predict if customer is eligible for personal loan or not' ) st.sidebar.success('') st.sidebar.image(image_office) st.title("Predicting chance to have personal loan") if add_selectbox == 'Online': ID = st.number_input('ID', min_value=1.0, max_value=10000.0, value=1.0) Age = st.number_input('Age', min_value=1.0, max_value=70.0, value=1.0) Experience = st.number_input('Experience',
} features = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0]) return features # In[3]: if __name__ == '__main__': st.write(""" # Credit Card Fraud Detection """) st.sidebar.header('User Input Parameters') df = user_input_features() st.subheader('User Input Parameters') st.write(df) #filename = 'D:/IPSR/PYCARAT/catboost_final.pkl' model = load_model('catboost_final') pred = model.predict(df) st.subheader( '1 denotes frauduluent transaction, 0 denotes non-fraudulent transaction' ) st.write(pred) # In[4]: # In[ ]:
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np model = load_model('final rf model') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): from PIL import Image image ='employee_left_image.jpg') image_office ='office_image.jpg') st.image(image,use_column_width=True) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox( "How would you like to predict?", ("Online", "Batch"))'This app is created to predict if an employee will leave the company') st.sidebar.success('') st.sidebar.image(image_office) st.title("Predicting employee leaving") if add_selectbox == 'Online':
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np model = load_model('bank') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run(): from PIL import Image image ='photo-1518183214770-9cffbec72538.jpg') image_office ='HOME-LOAN-HIKE.jpg') st.image(image,use_column_width=True) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox( "How would you like to predict?", ("Online", "Batch"))'This app is created to predict if customer is eligible for personal loan or not') st.sidebar.success('') st.sidebar.image(image_office) st.title("Predict that whether the individual could get a loan from bank or not ") if add_selectbox == 'Online': age=st.number_input('age',min_value=1.0, max_value=100.0, value=1.0)
def run(): from PIL import Image image ='logo.jpg') image_stock ='stock.jpg') st.image(image, use_column_width=False) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox("예측 방법 결정", ("Online", "Batch"))'프로젝트명 :' + '\n' + '자연어 처리 기반의 투자분석 및 예측시스템 개발') st.sidebar.success('★멘토님★ : 정좌연 PE')'팀명 : 턴어라운드') st.sidebar.success('팀원 : 이지훈, 이문형, 강민재, 구병진, 김서정') st.sidebar.image(image_stock) st.title("KOSPI 지수 및 YG 종목 주가 예측 모델") # 사용자 설정 if add_selectbox == 'Online': date = str( st.number_input('Date', min_value=20200101, max_value=20201231, value=20201027)) rev_date = date[0:4] + '-' + date[4:6] + '-' + date[6:] target = st.selectbox('Target', ['KOSPI', 'YG']) method = st.selectbox( 'Method', ['AutoML_CLA', 'AutoML_REG', 'ARIMA', 'Prophet', 'RL', 'NLP']) output = "" input_dict = {'Date': date, 'Target': target, 'Method': method} input_ = DataCollectionModel.DataCollection(date) prophet_input_ = ProphetModel.Prophet_(date) # 코스피 예측모델 데이터 수집 + 학습 데이터 준비 if target == 'KOSPI': input_df = input_.kospi_collection() if method == 'AutoML_CLA': # 예측 모델 model = load_model('deployment_kospi_20201029') # 학습 평가 모델 model_train = load_model('deployment_kospi_train_20201029') load_test_model = predict_model(model_train, data=input_df[0].iloc[382:]) test_model = load_test_model[['Labeling', 'Label']] acc_ = accuracy_score(test_model['Labeling'], test_model['Label']) auc_ = roc_auc_score(test_model['Labeling'], test_model['Label']) recall_ = recall_score(test_model['Labeling'], test_model['Label']) prec_ = precision_score(test_model['Labeling'], test_model['Label']) f1_ = f1_score(test_model['Labeling'], test_model['Label']) data = { 'ACC': [acc_], 'AUC': [auc_], 'RECALL': [recall_], 'PREC': [prec_], 'F1': [f1_] } score_model = pd.DataFrame( data=data, columns=['ACC', 'AUC', 'RECALL', 'PREC', 'F1']) = "Metrics Score" st.write("Test Data Metrics Score") st.table(score_model) elif method == 'AutoML_REG': # 예측 모델 model = load_model('deployment_kospi_reg_20201029') # 학습 평가 모델 model_train = load_model('deployment_kospi_reg_train_20201029') reg_data = copy.deepcopy(input_df[0].iloc[382:]) del reg_data['Labeling'] load_test_model = predict_model(model_train, data=reg_data) test_model = load_test_model[['Close', 'Label']] mae_ = mean_absolute_error(test_model['Close'], test_model['Label']) mse_ = mean_squared_error(test_model['Close'], test_model['Label']) rmse_ = mean_squared_error(test_model['Close'], test_model['Label'], squared=False) r2_ = r2_score(test_model['Close'], test_model['Label']) data = { 'MAE': [mae_], 'MSE': [mse_], 'RMSE': [rmse_], 'R2': [r2_] } score_model = pd.DataFrame( data=data, columns=['MAE', 'MSE', 'RMSE', 'R2']) = "Metrics Score" st.write("Test Data Metrics Score") st.table(score_model) st.write("Forecast Data (Test Data)") st.line_chart(test_model) elif method == 'ARIMA': # model load 필요시 여기에 추가 print("ARIMA") elif method == 'Prophet': # model load 필요시 여기에 추가 print("Prophet") elif method == 'RL': import main # model load 필요시 여기에 추가 print("RL") elif method == 'NLP': # model load 필요시 여기에 추가 print("NLP") # YG 예측모델 데이터 수집 + 학습 데이터 준비 else: input_df = input_.yg_collection() if method == 'AutoML_CLA': # 예측 모델 model = load_model('deployment_yg_20201029') # 학습 평가 모델 model_train = load_model('deployment_yg_train_20201029') load_test_model = predict_model(model_train, data=input_df[0][341:]) test_model = load_test_model[['Labeling', 'Label']] acc_ = accuracy_score(test_model['Labeling'], test_model['Label']) auc_ = roc_auc_score(test_model['Labeling'], test_model['Label']) recall_ = recall_score(test_model['Labeling'], test_model['Label']) prec_ = precision_score(test_model['Labeling'], test_model['Label']) f1_ = f1_score(test_model['Labeling'], test_model['Label']) data = { 'ACC': [acc_], 'AUC': [auc_], 'RECALL': [recall_], 'PREC': [prec_], 'F1': [f1_] } score_model = pd.DataFrame( data=data, columns=['ACC', 'AUC', 'RECALL', 'PREC', 'F1']) = "Metrics Score" st.write("Test Data Metrics Score") st.table(score_model) elif method == 'AutoML_REG': # 예측 모델 model = load_model('deployment_yg_reg_20201029') # 학습 평가 모델 model_train = load_model('deployment_yg_reg_train_20201029') reg_data = copy.deepcopy(input_df[0].iloc[341:]) del reg_data['Labeling'] load_test_model = predict_model(model_train, data=reg_data) test_model = load_test_model[['Close', 'Label']] mae_ = mean_absolute_error(test_model['Close'], test_model['Label']) mse_ = mean_squared_error(test_model['Close'], test_model['Label']) rmse_ = mean_squared_error(test_model['Close'], test_model['Label'], squared=False) r2_ = r2_score(test_model['Close'], test_model['Label']) data = { 'MAE': [mae_], 'MSE': [mse_], 'RMSE': [rmse_], 'R2': [r2_] } score_model = pd.DataFrame( data=data, columns=['MAE', 'MSE', 'RMSE', 'R2']) = "Metrics Score" st.write("Test Data Metrics Score") st.table(score_model) st.write("Forecast Data (Test Data)") st.line_chart(test_model) elif method == 'ARIMA': # model load 필요시 여기에 추가 print("ARIMA") elif method == 'Prophet': # model load 필요시 여기에 추가 print("prophet") elif method == 'RL': # model load 필요시 여기에 추가 print("RL") elif method == 'NLP': print("NLP") # 예측 모델 실행 buy_message = "주가 상승 예상 -> 매매 어드바이스 : 매수" sell_message = "주가 하락 예상 -> 매매 어드바이스 : 매도" if st.button("주가 예측"): if method == 'AutoML_CLA': output = predict(model=model, input_df=input_df[0]) if output == '1': output = date + buy_message else: output = date + sell_message elif method == 'AutoML_REG': output = predict_reg(model=model, input_df=input_df) if output == '1': output = date + buy_message else: output = date + sell_message elif method == 'ARIMA': print("ARIMA") elif method == 'Prophet': if target == 'KOSPI': df_prophet = copy.deepcopy(input_df[0]) df_prophet['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_prophet.index) df_data = df_prophet[['date', 'Close']].reset_index(drop=True) df_data = df_data.rename(columns={ 'date': 'ds', 'Close': 'y' }) prop_model = Prophet(yearly_seasonality='auto', weekly_seasonality='auto', daily_seasonality='auto', changepoint_prior_scale=0.15, changepoint_range=0.9) prop_model.add_country_holidays(country_name='KR') kor_holidays = pd.concat([ pd.Series(np.array(SouthKorea().holidays(2020))[:, 0]), pd.Series(np.array(SouthKorea().holidays(2021))[:, 0]) ]).reset_index(drop=True) prop_future = prop_model.make_future_dataframe(periods=10) prop_future = prop_future[prop_future.ds.dt.weekday != 5] prop_future = prop_future[prop_future.ds.dt.weekday != 6] for kor_holiday in kor_holidays: prop_future = prop_future[ prop_future.ds != kor_holiday] prop_forecast = prop_model.predict(prop_future) prop_forecast[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_upper', 'yhat_lower']] fig1 = prop_model.plot(prop_forecast) fig2 = prop_model.plot_components(prop_forecast) #cv = cross_validation(prop_model, initial='10 days', period='20 days', horizon='5 days') #df_pm = performance_metrics(cv) #fig3 = plot_cross_validation_metric(cv, metric='rmse') st.write("Forecast Data") st.write(fig1) st.write("Component Wise Forecast") st.write(fig2) #st.write("Cross Validation Metric") #st.table(df_pm) #st.write(fig3) output = prophet_input_.prophet_kospi(input_df[0]) if output == '1': output = date + buy_message else: output = date + sell_message else: df_prophet = copy.deepcopy(input_df[0]) df_prophet['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_prophet.index) df_data = df_prophet[['date', 'Close']].reset_index(drop=True) df_data = df_data.rename(columns={ 'date': 'ds', 'Close': 'y' }) # cp=['2019-10-23', '2019-11-04', '2019-11-13', '2019-11-22', '2019-12-04', '2019-12-13', '2019-12-26', '2020-01-08', '2020-01-17', '2020-01-31', '2020-02-11', '2020-02-20', '2020-03-03', '2020-03-12', '2020-03-23', '2020-04-02', '2020-04-13', '2020-04-23', '2020-05-08', '2020-05-19', '2020-05-29', '2020-06-09', '2020-06-18', '2020-06-30', '2020-07-09'] cp_spc = [ '2020-08-11', '2020-08-12', '2020-08-13', '2020-08-18', '2020-08-19', '2020-08-20', '2020-08-26', '2020-08-28', '2020-08-31', '2020-09-02', '2020-09-03', '2020-09-07', '2020-09-08' ] cp_default = [ '2018-10-29', '2018-11-19', '2018-12-11', '2019-01-04', '2019-01-29', '2019-02-22', '2019-03-19', '2019-04-10', '2019-05-03', '2019-05-27', '2019-06-19', '2019-07-10', '2019-08-01', '2019-08-26', '2019-09-20', '2019-10-15', '2019-11-07', '2019-11-29', '2019-12-26', '2020-01-20', '2020-02-13', '2020-03-05', '2020-03-30', '2020-04-21', '2020-05-18' ] cp = cp_default + cp_spc prop_model = Prophet(yearly_seasonality='auto', weekly_seasonality='auto', daily_seasonality='auto', changepoints=cp, changepoint_range=0.85, changepoint_prior_scale=0.2) kor_holidays = pd.concat([ pd.Series(np.array(SouthKorea().holidays(2019))[:, 0]), pd.Series(np.array(SouthKorea().holidays(2020))[:, 0]) ]).reset_index(drop=True) prop_future = prop_model.make_future_dataframe(periods=10) prop_future = prop_future[prop_future.ds.dt.weekday != 5] prop_future = prop_future[prop_future.ds.dt.weekday != 6] for kor_holiday in kor_holidays: prop_future = prop_future[ prop_future.ds != kor_holiday] prop_forecast = prop_model.predict(prop_future) prop_forecast[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].tail(10) fig1 = prop_model.plot(prop_forecast) fig2 = prop_model.plot_components(prop_forecast) #cv = cross_validation(prop_model, initial='10 days', period='20 days', horizon='5 days') #df_pm = performance_metrics(cv) #fig3 = plot_cross_validation_metric(cv, metric='rmse') st.write("Forecast Data") st.write(fig1) st.write("Component Wise Forecast") st.write(fig2) #st.write("Cross Validation Metric") #st.table(df_pm) #st.write(fig3) output = prophet_input_.prophet_yg(input_df[0]) if output == '1': output = date + buy_message else: output = date + sell_message st.success(output) if add_selectbox == 'Batch': file_upload = st.file_uploader("Upload csv file for predictions", type=["csv"]) if file_upload is not None: data = pd.read_csv(file_upload) predictions = predict_model(estimator=model, data=data) st.write(predictions)
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import as px import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") #Loading Model ,model is placed in my local directory where the code file is model = load_model('final_model') def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df['Label'][0] return predictions def run_app(): from PIL import Image image ='diabetes_img.JPG') st.image(image, use_column_width=True) add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox( "How would you like to predict diabetes?", ("In Person", "Batch")) 'This application works in two modes 1). InPerson mode where you can predict diabetes individually. ' '2) Batch processing where you can predict diabetes of group of people and can visualize the data'
from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np #from pycaret.regression import * def predict_quality(model, df): predictions_data = predict_model(estimator=model, data=df) return predictions_data['Label'][0] model = load_model('Final_rf') ############################################ # Title - The title and introductory text and images are all written in Markdown format here, using st.write() st.write(""" # Predicción de victimización de empresas Esta aplicación predice la victimizacin de una empresa en Perú mediante un modelo de aprendizaje automático impulsado por[Pycaret]( Los datos del modelo son btenids de INEI [victimizacin de empresas]( Dataset. Juega con los valores a través de los controles deslizantes del panel izquierdo para generar nuevas predicciones. """) st.write("---") full_df = pd.read_csv('data/example1.csv')