예제 #1
    def is_valid(self,
                 dq_bits=(0, 1, 2, 3),
                 inj_bits=(0, 1, 2, 4)):
        For a given `gps_time`, check if is a valid time to sample
        noise from by checking if all data points in the interval
        `[gps_time - delta_t, gps_time + delta_t]` have the specified
        `dq_bits` and `inj_bits` set.
        .. seealso:: For more information about the `dq_bits` and
            `inj_bits`, check out the website of the GW Open Science
            Center, which explains these for the case of O1:

            gps_time (int): The GPS time whose validity we are checking.
            delta_t (int): The number of seconds around `gps_time`
                which we also want to be valid (because the sample will
                be an interval).
            dq_bits (tuple): The Data Quality Bits which one would like
                to require (see note above).
                *For example:* `dq_bits=(0, 1, 2, 3)` means that the
                data quality needs  to pass all tests up to `CAT3`.
            inj_bits (tuple): The Injection Bits which one would like
                to require (see note above).
                *For example:* `inj_bits=(0, 1, 2, 4)` means that only
                continuous wave (CW) injections are permitted; all
                recordings containing any of other type of injection
                will be invalid for sampling.

            `True` if `gps_time` is valid, otherwise `False`.

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Perform some basic sanity checks
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        assert isinstance(gps_time, int), \
            'Received GPS time that is not an integer!'
        assert delta_t >= 0, \
            'Received an invalid value for delta_t!'
        assert set(dq_bits).issubset(set(range(7))), \
            'Invalid Data Quality bit specification passed to is_valid()!'
        assert set(inj_bits).issubset(set(range(5))), \
            'Invalid Injection bit specification passed to is_valid()!'

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Check if given time is too close to a real event
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Get GPS times of all confirmed mergers
        catalog = Catalog()
        real_event_times = [catalog.mergers[_].time for _ in catalog.names]

        # Check if gps_time is too close to any of these times
        if any(abs(gps_time - _) <= delta_t for _ in real_event_times):
            return False

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Check if the given time is too close to the edge within its HDF file
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Loop over all HDF files to find the one that contains the given
        # gps_time. Here, we do not distinguish between H1 and L1, because
        # we assume that the files for the detectors are aligned on a grid.
        for hdf_file in self.hdf_files:

            # Get the start and end time for the current HDF file
            start_time = hdf_file['start_time']
            end_time = start_time + hdf_file['duration']

            # Find the file that contains the given gps_time
            if start_time < gps_time < end_time:

                # Check if it is far away enough from the edges: If not, it
                # is not a valid time; otherwise we can still stop searching
                if not start_time + delta_t < gps_time < end_time - delta_t:
                    return False

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Select the environment around the specified time
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Map time to indices
        idx_start = self.gps2idx(gps_time) - delta_t
        idx_end = self.gps2idx(gps_time) + delta_t

        # Select the mask intervals
        environment = \

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Data Quality Check
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Compute the minimum data quality
        min_dq = sum([2**i for i in dq_bits])

        # Perform the DQ check for H1
        environment['h1_dq_mask'] = environment['h1_dq_mask'] > min_dq
        if not np.all(environment['h1_dq_mask']):
            return False

        # Perform the DQ check for L1
        environment['l1_dq_mask'] = environment['l1_dq_mask'] > min_dq
        if not np.all(environment['l1_dq_mask']):
            return False

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Injection Check
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Define an array of ones that matches the length of the environment.
        # This  is needed because for a given number N, we  can check if the
        # K-th bit is set by evaluating the expression: N & (1 << K)
        ones = np.ones(2 * delta_t, dtype=np.int32)

        # For each requested injection bit, check if it is set for the whole
        # environment (for both H1 and L1)
        for i in inj_bits:

            # Perform the injection check for H1
            if not np.all(
                                   np.left_shift(ones, i))):
                return False

            # Perform the injection check for L1
            if not np.all(
                                   np.left_shift(ones, i))):
                return False

        # If we have not returned False yet, the time must be valid!
        return True
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, run_dir, configs={}):
        Stores config files for pycbc_inference runs


        run_dir : string
        configs : dict

        Usage Notes

        [1] Compatible with `ConfigWriter`.
        This class is easiest used with the writer it returns.

        [2] Arguments for `sampler.ini` and `inference.ini`
            are formatted in the initialization of this class

        Therefore, when configuring for Injections
        No special notes

        [3] Arguments for `data.ini` are not formatted in this class,
        but can be when writing it through its ConfigWriter.

        Therefore, when configuring for Events
        Need the following named variables to be provided to the
        ConfigWriter's `write` function:

        gpstime       : int
        H1_frame_file : str
        H1_channel    : str
        L1_frame_file : str
        L1_channel    : str
        V1_frame_file : str
        V1_channel    : str
        sample_rate   : int (power of 2)

        super(InferenceConfigs, self).__init__(run_dir, configs)

        # Add prior configs
        if 'prior' not in self.configs:
            self.configs['prior'] = {}

        # Add configs for injections
        if 'injection' not in self.configs:
            self.configs['injection'] = {}

        # Add event configs
        if 'event' not in self.configs:
            self.configs['event'] = {}
        from pycbc.catalog import Catalog
        self.event_names = Catalog().names
        for event_name in self.event_names:

        # Initialize their config writers
예제 #3
    def build_timeline(
        window: int = 32,
        dq_bits: Tuple[int] = (0, 1, 2, 3),
        inj_bits: Tuple[int] = (0, 1, 2, 4),
        chunk_size: int = 100000,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        #         For a given `gps_time`, check if is a valid time to sampleim
        #         noise from by checking if all data points in the interval
        #         `[gps_time - window / 2, gps_time + window / 2]` have the specified
        #         `dq_bits` and `inj_bits` set.
        """For more information about the `dq_bits` and
            `inj_bits`, check out the website of the GW Open Science
            Center, which explains these for the case of O1:


            window : int
                The number of seconds around `gps_time`
                which we also want to be valid (because the sample will
                be an interval).
            dq_bits : Tuple[int]
                The Data Quality Bits which one would like to require 
                (see note above). *For example:* `dq_bits=(0, 1, 2, 3)`
                means that the data quality needs to pass all tests
                up to `CAT3`.
            inj_bits : Tuple[int]s
                The Injection Bits which one would like to require
                (see note above). *For example:* `inj_bits=(0, 1, 2, 4)`
                means that only continuous wave (CW) injections are permitted;
                all recordings containing any of other type of injection
                will be invalid for sampling.

            A boolean array - `True` if the data is valid, otherwise `False`.

        assert isinstance(
            window, int) and window >= 0, 'Received an invalid int for window!'
        assert set(dq_bits).issubset(set(
            range(7))), 'Invalid Data Quality bit specification!'
        assert set(inj_bits).issubset(set(
            range(5))), 'Invalid Injection bit specification!'

        match = self._cache[(self._cache['window'] == window)
                            & (self._cache['dq_bits'] == dq_bits) &
                            (self._cache['inj_bits'] == inj_bits)]

        assert len(match) in (0, 1), "Duplicated detected in timeline cache!"

        if len(match) == 1:
            timeline = self._masks[match.index.item()]
            # build data quality masks for each detector (window independent)
            masks = self.build_masks(dq_bits, inj_bits, as_array=True)

            timeline = np.zeros((len(masks), self.n_entries - window + 1),
            assert 0 < chunk_size < (
                self.n_entries - window +
                1), "chunk_size must be smaller than length of timeline."
            n_chunks = int(np.ceil((self.n_entries - window + 1) / chunk_size))

            mask_buffer = np.stack([
                np.arange(window, dtype=np.int32) + i
                for i in range(chunk_size)
            with tqdm(
                    desc=f'Processing timeline windows',
                    disable=not self.verbose,
            ) as progress:
                # loop through generator that chunks timeline array
                chunker = chunk_counter(self.n_entries, n_chunks, chunk_size,
                for start, end in chunker:

                    # edit timeline mask for all (:) detectors
                    timeline[:, start:end] = masks[:,
                                                   mask_buffer[:end -
                                                               start, :]].all(

                    progress.update(end - start)  # update tqdm iters
                    mask_buffer += chunk_size  # increment buffer matrix for next chunk

                # append with "deadzone" masks for completeness (dead_zone not long enough for full window)
                dead_zone = np.stack([
                    np.array([False] * (window - 1))
                    for _ in range(masks.shape[0])
                timeline = np.concatenate([timeline, dead_zone], axis=1).all(
                    axis=0)  # np.all down ifo dim
                progress.update(window - 1)

            # Get GPS times of all confirmed mergers and filter if within delta_t of event time
            catalog = Catalog()
            real_event_times = [
                merger.time for merger in catalog.mergers.values()
            event_mask = np.array([
                    range(self.gps2idx(event_time - (window / 2)),
                          self.gps2idx(event_time + (window / 2))))
                for event_time in real_event_times
                if self.gps_start_time < event_time < self.gps_end_time

            timeline[event_mask] = False

            # add timeline to cache
            metadata = [{
                'window': window,
                'dq_bits': dq_bits,
                'inj_bits': inj_bits
            self._cache = self._cache.append(metadata, ignore_index=True)
            self._masks[self._cache.index[-1]] = timeline

        return timeline
    # Make sure the output directory exists
    output_dir = os.path.join('.', 'output')
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

    # Construct path to results file and open it to ensure its empty
    results_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'real_events.hdf')
    with h5py.File(results_file, 'w'):

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create an event catalog and loop over all events
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Set up a new catalog
    catalog = Catalog()

    # Loop over the events it contains
    for event in sorted(catalog.names):

        print('Processing', event.upper())
        print(64 * '-')

        # Get the strain for detectors H1 and L1 (if necessary, this will
        # download the  strain from GWOSC)
        strain = dict(

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------