def match(self): match_result = [] injtau0 = conversions.tau0_from_mass1_mass2(0.1, 0.1, f_lower=self.f_lower) for i in range(self.inj_num): print('i is %s' % i) hpinj, _ = get_fd_waveform(approximant="TaylorF2e", mass1=0.1, mass2=0.1, eccentricity=self.injecc[i], long_asc_nodes=self.injection['pol'][i], inclination=self.injection['inc'][i], delta_f=self.delta_f, f_lower=self.f_lower, f_final=self.f_upper) # scan the template bank to find the maximum match index = np.where(np.abs(injtau0 - self.bank_tau0) < 3) max_match, max_m1, max_m2 = None, None, None for k in index[0]: hpbank, __ = get_fd_waveform(approximant="TaylorF2", mass1=self.bank_m1[k], mass2=self.bank_m2[k], phase_order=6, delta_f=self.delta_f, f_lower=self.f_lower, f_final=self.f_upper) cache_match, _ = match(hpinj, hpbank, psd=self.psd, low_frequency_cutoff=self.f_lower, high_frequency_cutoff=self.f_upper) print('ecc=%f,m1=%f,m2=%f,match=%f' % (self.injecc[i], self.bank_m1[k], self.bank_m2[k], cache_match)) if max_match == None: max_match = cache_match max_m1 = self.bank_m1[k] max_m2 = self.bank_m2[k] elif cache_match > max_match: max_match = cache_match max_m1 = self.bank_m1[k] max_m2 = self.bank_m2[k] match_result.append([ 0.1, 0.1, self.injecc[i], self.injection['pol'][i], self.injection['inc'][i], max_match, max_m1, max_m2 ]) np.savetxt( 'result' + str(sys.argv[1]) + '.txt', match_result, fmt='%f', header='injm1 injm2 injecc injpol injinc maxmatch maxm1 maxm2' ) return match_result
def test_spintaylorf2GPU(self): print(type(self.context)) if isinstance(self.context, CPUScheme): return fl = 25 delta_f = 1.0 / 256 for m1 in [3, 5, 15]: for m2 in [1., 2., 3.]: for s1 in [0.001, 1.0, 10]: for s1Ctheta in [-1.,0.,0.5,1.]: for s1phi in [0,2.09,4.18]: for inclination in [0.2,1.2]: s1x = s1 * sqrt(1-s1Ctheta**2) * cos(s1phi) s1y = s1 * sqrt(1-s1Ctheta**2) * sin(s1phi) s1z = s1 * s1Ctheta # Generate SpinTaylorF2 from lalsimulation hpLAL,hcLAL = get_fd_waveform( mass1=m1, mass2=m2, spin1x=s1x, spin1y=s1y,spin1z=s1z, delta_f=delta_f, f_lower=fl,approximant="SpinTaylorF2", amplitude_order=0, phase_order=7, inclination=inclination ) #Generate SpinTaylorF2 from with self.context: hp,hc = get_fd_waveform( mass1=m1, mass2=m2, spin1x=s1x, spin1y=s1y,spin1z=s1z, delta_f=delta_f, f_lower=fl,approximant="SpinTaylorF2", amplitude_order=0, phase_order=7, inclination=inclination ) o = overlap(hpLAL, hp) self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, o, places=4) o = overlap(hcLAL, hc) self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, o, places=4) ampPLAL=numpy.abs( ampP=numpy.abs( phasePLAL=numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle( phaseP=numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle( ampCLAL=numpy.abs( ampC=numpy.abs( phaseCLAL=numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle( phaseC=numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle( indexampP=numpy.where( ampPLAL!= 0) indexphaseP=numpy.where( phasePLAL!= 0) indexampC=numpy.where( ampCLAL!= 0) indexphaseC=numpy.where( phaseCLAL!= 0) AmpDiffP = max(abs ( (ampP[indexampP]-ampPLAL[indexampP]) / ampPLAL[indexampP] ) ) PhaseDiffP = max(abs ( (phaseP[indexphaseP] - phasePLAL[indexphaseP]) / phasePLAL[indexphaseP] ) ) AmpDiffC = max(abs ( (ampC[indexampP]-ampCLAL[indexampP]) / ampCLAL[indexampP] ) ) PhaseDiffC = max(abs ( (phaseC[indexphaseP] - phaseCLAL[indexphaseP]) / phaseCLAL[indexphaseP] ) ) self.assertTrue(AmpDiffP < 0.00001) self.assertTrue(PhaseDiffP < 0.00001) self.assertTrue(AmpDiffC < 0.00001) self.assertTrue(PhaseDiffC < 0.00001) print("..checked m1: %s m2:: %s s1x: %s s1y: %s s1z: %s Inclination: %s" % (m1, m2, s1x, s1y, s1z, inclination))
def calc_reach_bandwidth(mass1, mass2, approx, power_spec, fmin, thresh=8.): fmax = power_spec.sample_frequencies[-1] df = power_spec.delta_f hpf, hcf = waveform.get_fd_waveform(approximant=approx, mass1=mass1, mass2=mass2, f_lower=fmin, f_final=fmax, delta_f=df) ss = float( waveform.sigmasq(hpf, power_spec, low_frequency_cutoff=fmin, high_frequency_cutoff=hpf.sample_frequencies[-1])) hpf *= hpf.sample_frequencies**(0.5) ssf = float( waveform.sigmasq(hpf, power_spec, low_frequency_cutoff=fmin, high_frequency_cutoff=hpf.sample_frequencies[-1])) hpf *= hpf.sample_frequencies**(0.5) ssf2 = float( waveform.sigmasq(hpf, power_spec, low_frequency_cutoff=fmin, high_frequency_cutoff=hpf.sample_frequencies[-1])) max_dist = numpy.sqrt(ss) / thresh meanf = ssf / ss sigf = (ssf2 / ss - meanf**2)**(0.5) return max_dist, meanf, sigf
def test_spatmplt(self): fl = 25 delta_f = 1.0 / 256 for m1 in [1, 1.4, 20]: for m2 in [1.4, 20]: for s1 in [-2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2]: for s2 in [-2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2]: # Generate TaylorF2 from lalsimulation, restricting to the capabilities of spatmplt hpr,_ = get_fd_waveform( mass1=m1, mass2=m2, spin1z=s1, spin2z=s2, delta_f=delta_f, f_lower=fl, approximant="TaylorF2", amplitude_order=0, spin_order=-1, phase_order=-1) hpr=hpr.astype(complex64) with self.context: # Generate the spatmplt waveform out = zeros(len(hpr), dtype=complex64) hp = get_waveform_filter(out, mass1=m1, mass2=m2, spin1z=s1, spin2z=s2, delta_f=delta_f, f_lower=fl, approximant="SPAtmplt", amplitude_order=0, spin_order=-1, phase_order=-1) # Check the diff is sane mag = abs(hpr).sum() diff = abs(hp - hpr).sum() / mag self.assertTrue(diff < 0.01) # Point to point overlap (no phase or time maximization) o = overlap(hp, hpr) self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, o, places=4) print("checked m1: %s m2:: %s s1z: %s s2z: %s] overlap = %s, diff = %s" % (m1, m2, s1, s2, o, diff))
def premerger_taylorf2(**p): """ Generate time-shifted TaylorF2""" from pycbc.waveform import get_fd_waveform from pycbc.waveform.spa_tmplt import spa_length_in_time from pycbc.waveform.utils import fd_taper p.pop('approximant') hp, hc = get_fd_waveform(approximant="TaylorF2", **p) removed = spa_length_in_time(mass1=p['mass1'], mass2=p['mass2'], f_lower=p['f_final'], phase_order=-1) hp = hp.cyclic_time_shift(removed) hp.start_time += removed hc = hc.cyclic_time_shift(removed) hc.start_time += removed"PreTaylorF2, m1=%.1f, m2=%.1f, fmax=%.1f, timeshift=%.1f", p['mass1'], p['mass2'], p['f_final'], removed) kmin = int(p['f_lower'] / p['delta_f']) hp[0:kmin] = 0 hc[0:kmin] = 0 if 'final_taper' in p: taper_size = p['final_taper'] hp = fd_taper(hp, p['f_final'] - taper_size, p['f_final'], side='right') hc = fd_taper(hc, p['f_final'] - taper_size, p['f_final'], side='right') hp.time_offset = removed hc.time_offset = removed return hp, hc
def next(self): nseries = [] stats = [] for i in range(self.batch): stat = {} n = p = self.param.draw() hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(p, delta_f=n.delta_f, f_lower=self.noise.flow, **self.param.static) hp.resize(len(n)) sg = sigma(hp, psd=self.noise.psd, low_frequency_cutoff=self.noise.flow) n += hp.cyclic_time_shift( / sg * p.snr # Collect some standard stats we might want msnr = matched_filter(hp, n, psd=self.noise.psd, low_frequency_cutoff=self.noise.flow) msnr = msnr.time_slice( - 1, + 1) params = {k: p[k] for k in p.dtype.names} idx = msnr.abs_arg_max() csnr = msnr[idx] params['csnr'] = csnr params['rsnr'] = csnr.real params['isnr'] = csnr.imag params['snr'] = abs(csnr) params['time'] = float(msnr.start_time + idx * msnr.delta_t) nseries.append(n) stats.append(params) self.current_params = stats return nseries, self.current_params
def waveform(self, m1=2., m2=1., chi1=0., kappa=1., thetaJ=0.05, psiJ=0.05, alpha0=0., phi0=0., tC=0.): template_params = template(m1, m2, chi1, kappa, thetaJ, psiJ, alpha0, phi0, self._finj) hp, hx = get_fd_waveform(template_params, approximant=self._approximant, delta_f=self._deltaf, f_lower=self._finj, phase_order=self._phaseO, spin_order=self._spinO, sideband=None, amplitude_order=self._ampO, **(self._kwargs)) #print('time elapsed=%f'%t.elapsed) sin2Y, cos2Y = sin(2. * template_params.pol), cos(2. * template_params.pol) wave = pycbc.DYN_RANGE_FAC * (hp * cos2Y + hx * sin2Y) wave.resize(self._nsamples) shift = FrequencySeries(exp(2. * pi * (0. + 1.j) * tC * self._deltaf * np.arange(len(wave), dtype=np.complex128)), delta_f=self._deltaf, copy=False) return wave * shift
def get_waveform(approximant, phase_order, amplitude_order, template_params, start_frequency, sample_rate, length, filter_rate): if approximant in td_approximants(): hplus, hcross = get_td_waveform(template_params, approximant=approximant, phase_order=phase_order, delta_t=1.0 / sample_rate, f_lower=start_frequency, amplitude_order=amplitude_order) hvec = generate_detector_strain(template_params, hplus, hcross) if filter_rate != sample_rate: delta_t = 1.0 / filter_rate hvec = resample_to_delta_t(hvec, delta_t) elif approximant in fd_approximants(): delta_f = filter_rate / length if hasattr(template_params, "spin1z") and hasattr( template_params, "spin2z"): if template_params.spin1z <= -0.9 or template_params.spin1z >= 0.9: template_params.spin1z *= 0.99999999 if template_params.spin2z <= -0.9 or template_params.spin2z >= 0.9: template_params.spin2z *= 0.99999999 if True: print("\n spin1z = %f, spin2z = %f, chi = %f" % (template_params.spin1z, template_params.spin2z, lalsimulation.SimIMRPhenomBComputeChi( template_params.mass1 * lal.LAL_MSUN_SI, template_params.mass2 * lal.LAL_MSUN_SI, template_params.spin1z, template_params.spin2z)), file=sys.stderr) print("spin1x = %f, spin1y = %f" % (template_params.spin1x, template_params.spin1y), file=sys.stderr) print("spin2x = %f, spin2y = %f" % (template_params.spin2x, template_params.spin2y), file=sys.stderr) print("m1 = %f, m2 = %f" % (template_params.mass1, template_params.mass2), file=sys.stderr) hvec = get_fd_waveform(template_params, approximant=approximant, phase_order=phase_order, delta_f=delta_f, f_lower=start_frequency, amplitude_order=amplitude_order)[0] if True: print("filter_N = %d in get waveform" % filter_N, "\n type(hvec) in get_waveform:", type(hvec), file=sys.stderr) print(hvec, file=sys.stderr) print(hvec[0], file=sys.stderr) print(hvec[1], file=sys.stderr) print(isinstance(hvec, FrequencySeries), file=sys.stderr) htilde = make_padded_frequency_series(hvec, filter_N) return htilde
def reverse_chirp_fd(newparam=0.0, **kwds): from pycbc.waveform import get_fd_waveform if 'approximant' in kwds: kwds.pop("approximant") hp, hc = get_fd_waveform(approximant="IMRPhenomD", **kwds) return hp.conj(), hc.conj() + newparam
def get_waveform(m1, m2, d=1): sptilde, sctilde = waveform.get_fd_waveform(approximant="IMRPhenomD", mass1=m1, mass2=m2, delta_f=df, f_lower=fl, f_final=fh, distance=d) return sptilde
def GenTemplate(mass1, mass2, apx, ecc, lan, inc, f_low=30., freq_step=4): hptilde, hctilde = get_fd_waveform(approximant=apx, mass1=mass1, mass2=mass2, eccentricity=ecc, long_asc_nodes=lan, inclination=inc, f_lower=f_low, delta_f=1.0 / freq_step) return hptilde
def __init__(self, variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, sample_rate=32768, polarization_samples=None, **kwargs): variable_params, kwargs = self.setup_distance_marginalization( variable_params, marginalize_phase=True, **kwargs) super(SingleTemplate, self).__init__(variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, **kwargs) # Generate template waveforms df = data[self.detectors[0]].delta_f p = self.static_params.copy() if 'distance' in p: _ = p.pop('distance') if 'inclination' in p: _ = p.pop('inclination') hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(delta_f=df, distance=1, inclination=0, **p) # Extend template to high sample rate flen = int(int(sample_rate) / df) / 2 + 1 hp.resize(flen) #polarization array to marginalize over if num_samples given self.pflag = 0 if polarization_samples is not None: self.polarization = numpy.linspace(0, 2 * numpy.pi, int(polarization_samples)) self.pflag = 1 # Calculate high sample rate SNR time series = {} self.hh = {} self.det = {} for ifo in flow = self.kmin[ifo] * df fhigh = self.kmax[ifo] * df # Extend data to high sample rate[ifo].resize(flen) self.det[ifo] = Detector(ifo) snr, _, _ = pyfilter.matched_filter_core( hp,[ifo], psd=self.psds[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=flow, high_frequency_cutoff=fhigh)[ifo] = 4 * df * snr self.hh[ifo] = pyfilter.sigmasq(hp, psd=self.psds[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=flow, high_frequency_cutoff=fhigh) self.time = None
def __init__(self, data, psds, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, sample_rate=32768, **kwargs): super(SingleTemplate, self).__init__(data=data, **kwargs) if low_frequency_cutoff is not None: low_frequency_cutoff = float(low_frequency_cutoff) if high_frequency_cutoff is not None: high_frequency_cutoff = float(high_frequency_cutoff) # Generate template waveforms df = data[tuple(data.keys())[0]].delta_f p = self.static_params.copy() if 'distance' in p: p.pop('distance') if 'inclination' in p: p.pop('inclination') hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(delta_f=df, distance=1, inclination=0, **p) if high_frequency_cutoff is None: high_frequency_cutoff = len(data[tuple(data.keys())[0]] - 1) * df # Extend data and template to high sample rate flen = int(sample_rate / df) / 2 + 1 hp.resize(flen) for ifo in data: data[ifo].resize(flen) # Calculate high sample rate SNR time series = {} self.hh = {} self.det = {} for ifo in data: self.det[ifo] = Detector(ifo) snr, _, _ = pyfilter.matched_filter_core( hp, data[ifo], psd=psds[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff)[ifo] = 4 * df * snr self.hh[ifo] = -0.5 * pyfilter.sigmasq( hp, psd=psds[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff) self.time = None
def get_waveform(p, **kwds): """ Given the input parameters get me the waveform, whether it is TD or FD """ params = copy.copy(p.__dict__) params.update(kwds) if params['approximant'] in td_approximants(): return get_td_waveform(**params) else: return get_fd_waveform(**params)
def setUp(self, *args): self.context = _context self.scheme = _scheme self.tolerance = 1e-6 xr = numpy.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1.0, size=2**20) xi = numpy.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1.0, size=2**20) self.x = Array(xr + xi * 1.0j, dtype=complex64) self.z = zeros(2**20, dtype=float32) for i in range(0, 4): trusted_accum(self.z, self.x) m = Merger("GW170814") ifos = ['H1', 'L1', 'V1'] data = {} psd = {} for ifo in ifos: # Read in and condition the data and measure PSD ts = m.strain(ifo).highpass_fir(15, 512) data[ifo] = resample_to_delta_t(ts, 1.0 / 2048).crop(2, 2) p = data[ifo].psd(2) p = interpolate(p, data[ifo].delta_f) p = inverse_spectrum_truncation(p, int(2 * data[ifo].sample_rate), low_frequency_cutoff=15.0) psd[ifo] = p hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(approximant="IMRPhenomD", mass1=31.36, mass2=31.36, f_lower=20.0, delta_f=data[ifo].delta_f) hp.resize(len(psd[ifo])) # For each ifo use this template to calculate the SNR time series snr = {} snr_unnorm = {} norm = {} corr = {} for ifo in ifos: snr_unnorm[ifo], corr[ifo], norm[ifo] = \ matched_filter_core(hp, data[ifo], psd=psd[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=20) snr[ifo] = snr_unnorm[ifo] * norm[ifo] self.snr = snr self.snr_unnorm = snr_unnorm self.norm = norm self.corr = corr self.hp = hp = data self.psd = psd self.ifos = ifos
def __init__(self, data, psds, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, sample_rate=32768, **kwargs): super(SingleTemplate, self).__init__(data=data, **kwargs) if low_frequency_cutoff is not None: low_frequency_cutoff = float(low_frequency_cutoff) if high_frequency_cutoff is not None: high_frequency_cutoff = float(high_frequency_cutoff) # Generate template waveforms df = data[data.keys()[0]].delta_f p = self.static_params.copy() if 'distance' in p: p.pop('distance') if 'inclination' in p: p.pop('inclination') hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(delta_f=df, distance=1, inclination=0, **p) if high_frequency_cutoff is None: high_frequency_cutoff = len(data[data.keys()[0]]-1) * df # Extend data and template to high sample rate flen = int(sample_rate / df) / 2 + 1 hp.resize(flen) for ifo in data: data[ifo].resize(flen) # Calculate high sample rate SNR time series = {} self.hh = {} self.det = {} for ifo in data: self.det[ifo] = Detector(ifo) snr, _, _ = pyfilter.matched_filter_core( hp, data[ifo], psd=psds[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff)[ifo] = 4 * df * snr self.hh[ifo] = -0.5 * pyfilter.sigmasq( hp, psd=psds[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff) self.time = None
def test_generation(self): with self.context: for waveform in td_approximants(): if waveform in failing_wfs: continue print(waveform) hc,hp = get_td_waveform(approximant=waveform,mass1=20,mass2=20,delta_t=1.0/4096,f_lower=40) self.assertTrue(len(hc)> 0) for waveform in fd_approximants(): if waveform in failing_wfs: continue print(waveform) htilde, g = get_fd_waveform(approximant=waveform,mass1=20,mass2=20,delta_f=1.0/256,f_lower=40) self.assertTrue(len(htilde)> 0)
def setUp(self,*args): self.context = _context self.scheme = _scheme self.tolerance = 1e-6 xr = numpy.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1.0, size=2**20) xi = numpy.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1.0, size=2**20) self.x = Array(xr + xi * 1.0j, dtype=complex64) self.z = zeros(2**20, dtype=float32) for i in range(0, 4): trusted_accum(self.z, self.x) m = Merger("GW170814") ifos = ['H1', 'L1', 'V1'] data = {} psd = {} for ifo in ifos: # Read in and condition the data and measure PSD ts = m.strain(ifo).highpass_fir(15, 512) data[ifo] = resample_to_delta_t(ts, 1.0/2048).crop(2, 2) p = data[ifo].psd(2) p = interpolate(p, data[ifo].delta_f) p = inverse_spectrum_truncation(p, 2 * data[ifo].sample_rate, low_frequency_cutoff=15.0) psd[ifo] = p hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(approximant="IMRPhenomD", mass1=31.36, mass2=31.36, f_lower=20.0, delta_f=data[ifo].delta_f) hp.resize(len(psd[ifo])) # For each ifo use this template to calculate the SNR time series snr = {} snr_unnorm = {} norm = {} corr = {} for ifo in ifos: snr_unnorm[ifo], corr[ifo], norm[ifo] = \ matched_filter_core(hp, data[ifo], psd=psd[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=20) snr[ifo] = snr_unnorm[ifo] * norm[ifo] self.snr = snr self.snr_unnorm = snr_unnorm self.norm = norm self.corr = corr self.hp = hp = data self.psd = psd self.ifos = ifos
def test_spatmplt(self): fl = 25 delta_f = 1.0 / 256 for m1 in [1, 1.4, 20]: for m2 in [1.4, 20]: for s1 in [-2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2]: for s2 in [-2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2]: # Generate TaylorF2 from lalsimulation, restricting to the capabilities of spatmplt hpr, _ = get_fd_waveform(mass1=m1, mass2=m2, spin1z=s1, spin2z=s2, delta_f=delta_f, f_lower=fl, approximant="TaylorF2", amplitude_order=0, spin_order=-1, phase_order=-1) hpr = hpr.astype(complex64) with self.context: # Generate the spatmplt waveform out = zeros(len(hpr), dtype=complex64) hp = get_waveform_filter(out, mass1=m1, mass2=m2, spin1z=s1, spin2z=s2, delta_f=delta_f, f_lower=fl, approximant="SPAtmplt", amplitude_order=0, spin_order=-1, phase_order=-1) # Check the diff is sane mag = abs(hpr).sum() diff = abs(hp - hpr).sum() / mag self.assertTrue(diff < 0.01) # Point to point overlap (no phase or time maximization) o = overlap(hp, hpr) self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, o, places=4) print( "checked m1: %s m2:: %s s1z: %s s2z: %s] overlap = %s, diff = %s" % (m1, m2, s1, s2, o, diff))
def get_waveform(approximant, order, template_params, start_frequency, sample_rate, length): if approximant in fd_approximants(): delta_f = float(sample_rate) / length hvec = get_fd_waveform(template_params, approximant=approximant, phase_order=order, delta_f=delta_f, f_lower=start_frequency, amplitude_order=order) if approximant in td_approximants(): hplus,hcross = get_td_waveform(template_params, approximant=approximant, phase_order=order, delta_t=1.0 / sample_rate, f_lower=start_frequency, amplitude_order=order) hvec = hplus htilde = make_padded_frequency_series(hvec,filter_N) return htilde
def get_waveform(wf_params, start_frequency, sample_rate, length, filter_rate, sky_max_template=False): delta_f = filter_rate / float(length) if wf_params.approximant in fd_approximants(): hp, hc = get_fd_waveform(wf_params, delta_f=delta_f, f_lower=start_frequency) elif wf_params.approximant in td_approximants(): hp, hc = get_td_waveform(wf_params, delta_t=1./sample_rate, f_lower=start_frequency) if not sky_max_template: hvec = generate_detector_strain(wf_params, hp, hc) return make_padded_frequency_series(hvec, length, delta_f=delta_f) else: return make_padded_frequency_series(hp, length, delta_f=delta_f), \ make_padded_frequency_series(hc, length, delta_f=delta_f)
def __init__(self, variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, sample_rate=32768, **kwargs): super(SingleTemplate, self).__init__(variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, **kwargs) # Generate template waveforms df = data[self.detectors[0]].delta_f p = self.static_params.copy() if 'distance' in p: _ = p.pop('distance') if 'inclination' in p: _ = p.pop('inclination') hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(delta_f=df, distance=1, inclination=0, **p) # Extend template to high sample rate flen = int(int(sample_rate) / df) / 2 + 1 hp.resize(flen) # Calculate high sample rate SNR time series = {} self.hh = {} self.det = {} for ifo in flow = self.kmin[ifo] * df fhigh = self.kmax[ifo] * df # Extend data to high sample rate[ifo].resize(flen) self.det[ifo] = Detector(ifo) snr, _, _ = pyfilter.matched_filter_core( hp,[ifo], psd=self.psds[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=flow, high_frequency_cutoff=fhigh)[ifo] = 4 * df * snr self.hh[ifo] = -0.5 * pyfilter.sigmasq(hp, psd=self.psds[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=flow, high_frequency_cutoff=fhigh) self.time = None
def get_waveform(approximant, phase_order, amplitude_order, template_params, start_frequency, sample_rate, length): if approximant in td_approximants(): hplus,hcross = get_td_waveform(template_params, approximant=approximant, phase_order=phase_order, delta_t=1.0 / sample_rate, f_lower=start_frequency, amplitude_order=amplitude_order) hvec = generate_detector_strain(template_params, hplus, hcross) elif approximant in fd_approximants(): delta_f = sample_rate / length hvec = get_fd_waveform(template_params, approximant=approximant, phase_order=phase_order, delta_f=delta_f, f_lower=start_frequency, amplitude_order=amplitude_order) htilde = make_padded_frequency_series(hvec,filter_N) return htilde
def test_generation(self): with self.context: for waveform in good_waveforms: print(waveform) hc, hp = get_td_waveform(approximant=waveform, mass1=20, mass2=20, delta_t=1.0 / 4096, f_lower=40) self.assertTrue(len(hc) > 0) for waveform in good_waveforms: print(waveform) htilde, g = get_fd_waveform(approximant=waveform, mass1=20, mass2=20, delta_f=1.0 / 256, f_lower=40) self.assertTrue(len(htilde) > 0)
def generate_template(**options): incl, psi0, spin1 = coords.to_lal_coords(options['M1'], options['M2'], \ options['CHI1'], options['KAPPA'], options['THETAJ'], \ options['PSIJ'], options['ALPHA0'], options['F_INJ']) # FIXME: Number of samples of the waveform. nsamples = int((options['F_MAX']) / options['DEL_F']) + 1 hpluss, hcross = get_fd_waveform( approximant=options['APPROX'], #Input mass1=options['M1'], #Input mass2=options['M2'], #Input delta_f=options['DEL_F'], #Input f_lower=options['F_MIN'], #Input f_final=options['F_MAX'], #Input, can be turned off. distance=400.0, #Default inclination=incl, #to_lal_coords coa_phase=options['PHI0'], #Input spin1x=spin1[0], #to_lal_coords spin1y=spin1[1], #to_lal_coords spin1z=spin1[2], #to_lal_coords spin2x=0.0, #Default spin2y=0.0, #Default spin2z=0.0, #Default phase_order=7, #Default spin_order=6, #Default amplitude_order=0, #Default sideband=options['BAND'] #Input ) #-------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: We're only plotting the hpluss strain here. #-------------------------------------------------- # sin2Y, cos2Y = np.sin(2.*psi0), np.cos(2.*psi0) # hp = pycbc.DYN_RANGE_FAC*hpluss # hc = pycbc.DYN_RANGE_FAC*hcross # waveform = hp*cos2Y + hc*sin2Y # waveform.resize(nsamples) return hpluss
def FUNC(x): # Substitute the right parameter deriv_param = param_list['deriv_param'] param_list[deriv_param] = x # Compute the waveform if approximant in td_approximants(): test_hp, test_hc = get_td_waveform( approximant=approximant, mass1=param_list['mass1'], mass2=param_list['mass2'], spin1x=param_list['spin1x'], spin1y=param_list['spin1y'], spin1z=param_list['spin1z'], spin2x=param_list['spin2x'], spin2y=param_list['spin2y'], spin2z=param_list['spin2z'], distance=param_list['distance'], inclination=param_list['inclination'], coa_phase=param_list['coa_phase'], f_lower=f_lower, delta_t=delta_t) test_wav = generate_detector_strain(param_list, test_hp, test_hc) test_wav = extend_waveform_TimeSeries(test_wav, N) elif approximant in fd_approximants(): test_hp, test_hc = get_fd_waveform( approximant=approximant, mass1=param_list['mass1'], mass2=param_list['mass2'], spin1x=param_list['spin1x'], spin1y=param_list['spin1y'], spin1z=param_list['spin1z'], spin2x=param_list['spin2x'], spin2y=param_list['spin2y'], spin2z=param_list['spin2z'], distance=param_list['distance'], inclination=param_list['inclination'], coa_phase=param_list['coa_phase'], f_lower=f_lower, delta_f=delta_f) test_wav = generate_detector_strain(param_list, test_hp, test_hc) test_wav = extend_waveform_FrequencySeries(test_wav, n) # Return waveform return np.array(
def generate_analytic_waveform(mass_rat, eccentricity, approximant='TaylorF2Ecc', total_m=50, f_lower=20., delta_f=0.1): mass1, mass2 = q_to_masses(mass_rat, total_m) hp, hc = hp, hc = get_fd_waveform(mass1=mass1, mass2=mass2, delta_f=delta_f, f_lower=f_lower, approximant=approximant, eccentricity=eccentricity) hs = hp + hc * 1j amp = amplitude_from_frequencyseries( types.FrequencySeries(hs, delta_f=delta_f)) phase = phase_from_frequencyseries( types.FrequencySeries(hs, delta_f=delta_f)) return, np.real(, np.real(, np.imag(, np.imag(,,
def fd(taper_start=None, taper_end=None, **kwds): from pycbc.waveform import get_fd_waveform from pycbc.waveform.utils import fd_taper flow = kwds['f_lower'] fhigh = kwds['f_final'] if 'approximant' in kwds: kwds.pop("approximant") hp, hc = get_fd_waveform(approximant="TaylorF2", **kwds) if taper_start: hp = fd_taper(hp, flow, flow + taper_start, side='left') hc = fd_taper(hc, flow, flow + taper_start, side='left') if taper_end: hp = fd_taper(hp, fhigh - taper_end, fhigh, side='right') hc = fd_taper(hc, fhigh - taper_end, fhigh, side='right') return hp, hc
def nonlinear_tidal_spa(**kwds): """Generates a frequency-domain waveform that implements the TaylorF2+NL tide model described in """ from pycbc import waveform from pycbc.types import Array # We start with the standard TaylorF2 based waveform kwds.pop('approximant') hp, hc = waveform.get_fd_waveform(approximant="TaylorF2", **kwds) # Add the phasing difference from the nonlinear tides f = numpy.arange(len(hp)) * hp.delta_f pd = Array(numpy.exp(-1.0j * nltides_fourier_phase_difference( f, hp.delta_f, kwds['f0'], kwds['amplitude'], kwds['n'], kwds['mass1'], kwds['mass2'])), dtype=hp.dtype) hp *= pd hc *= pd return hp, hc
def compute_SNR_1Mpc(arg): '''Return the one-detector SNR an event of given parameters would have, given the PSD and assuming D=1Mpc, optimal orientation and that the template is identical to the signal. ''' approximant, p_dict = arg m1 = m1_of_Mchirp_q(p_dict['M_chirp'], p_dict['q']) m2 = m2_of_Mchirp_q(p_dict['M_chirp'], p_dict['q']) H = np.array( waveform.get_fd_waveform( mass1=m1, mass2=m2, spin1z=p_dict['chi_eff'], spin2z=p_dict['chi_eff'], # Force chi1 == chi2 == chi_eff approximant=approximant, f_lower=f_lower, f_final=fs / 2, delta_f=df)[0]) SNR_1Mpc = {} for psd in PSDs: SNR_1Mpc[psd] = sqrt((4 * abs(H[imin:imax])**2 / PSD[psd] * df).sum()) return SNR_1Mpc
def find_pycbc_SNR(M1, M2, dist, alpha, delta, iota): SNRs_for_RUN = {} M1 = M1 / Msun M2 = M2 / Msun # print "m1: {}, m2: {}, r: {}".format(M1, M2, dist) # Making an SNR dictionary for SNR arrays corresponding to diff RUNs SNRs_for_RUN = {} # For each RUN like "O1" for RUN in for_run.keys(): Dist = dist[RUN] / Mpc # We get an array of SNRs of the size of M1 SNRs_for_RUN[RUN] = np.zeros(len(M1)) # Calculation for each binary for i in range(len(M1)): if i == 2: start_t = time.time() # Strain calculation only for (+) polarization sptilde, _ = get_fd_waveform(approximant="IMRPhenomD", mass1=M1[i], mass2=M2[i], distance=Dist[i], inclination=iota[i], delta_f=df, f_lower=freq[0], f_final=freq[-1]) sptilde.resize(len(PSD_for_det['O1_L1'])) # root of sum of sigma squares in individual detectors for det in for_run[RUN]: # SNR in each detector SNRs_for_RUN[RUN][i] += mf.sigmasq( sptilde, psd=PSD_for_det[detector[det]], low_frequency_cutoff=freq[0]) if i == 2: print "For {} run, expected time: {} min".format( RUN, (time.time() - start_t) * len(M1) / 60.) # taking root to get values of SNR SNRs_for_RUN[RUN] = np.sqrt(SNRs_for_RUN[RUN]) return SNRs_for_RUN
def nonlinear_tidal_spa(**kwds): """Generates a frequency-domain waveform that implements the TaylorF2+NL tide model described in """ from pycbc import waveform from pycbc.types import Array # We start with the standard TaylorF2 based waveform kwds.pop('approximant') hp, hc = waveform.get_fd_waveform(approximant="TaylorF2", **kwds) # Add the phasing difference from the nonlinear tides f = numpy.arange(len(hp)) * hp.delta_f pd = Array(numpy.exp(-1.0j * nltides_fourier_phase_difference(f, hp.delta_f, kwds['f0'], kwds['amplitude'], kwds['n'], kwds['mass1'], kwds['mass2'])), dtype=hp.dtype) hp *= pd hc *= pd return hp, hc
def get_waveform(wav, f_min, dt, N): """This function will generate the waveform corresponding to the point taken as input""" #{{{ m1 = wav.mass1 m2 = wav.mass2 s1x = wav.spin1x s1y = wav.spin1y s1z = wav.spin1z s2x = wav.spin2x s2y = wav.spin2y s2z = wav.spin2z inc = wav.inclination psi = wav.polarization theta = wav.latitude phi = wav.longitude df = 1. / (dt * N) f_max = min(1. / (2. * dt), 0.15 / ((m1 + m2) * qm.QM_MTSUN_SI)) htild = get_fd_waveform(approximant="IMRPhenomC", mass1=m1, mass2=m2, spin1z=s1z, spin2z=s2z, f_lower=f_min, f_final=f_max, delta_f=df) htilde = FrequencySeries(htild, delta_f=df, dtype=complex128, copy=True) href_padded = FrequencySeries(zeros(N / 2 + 1), delta_f=df, dtype=complex128, copy=True) href_padded[0:len(htilde)] = htilde return href_padded
def next(self): images = [] targets = [] for i in range(self.batch): n = p = self.param.draw() hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(p, delta_f=n.delta_f, f_lower=self.noise.flow, **self.param.static) hp.resize(len(n)) sg = sigma(hp, psd=self.noise.psd, low_frequency_cutoff=self.noise.flow) n += hp.cyclic_time_shift( / sg * p.snr msnr = matched_filter(hp, n, psd=self.noise.psd, low_frequency_cutoff=self.noise.flow) snr = abs(msnr.crop(self.whitening_truncation, self.whitening_truncation)).max() n = n.to_timeseries() w = n.whiten(self.whitening_truncation, self.whitening_truncation) dt = self.duration / float(self.image_dim[0]) fhigh = self.noise.sample_rate * 0.3 t, f, p = w.qtransform(dt, logfsteps=self.image_dim[1], frange=(self.noise.flow, fhigh), qrange=(self.q, self.q), return_complex=True) kmin = int((w.duration / 2 - self.duration / 2) / dt) kmax = kmin + int(self.duration / dt) p = p[:, kmin:kmax].transpose() amp = numpy.abs(p) p = numpy.stack([p.real, p.imag, amp], axis=2) images.append(p) targets.append(snr) return numpy.stack(images, axis=0), numpy.array(targets)
# accurately calibrated, and swamps smaller noises at higher frequencies. # For this example, we want to calculate the SNR over a 4 second segment, so # we calculate a Power Spectral Density with a 4 second FFT length (using all # of the data), then :meth:`~TimeSeries.crop` the data: psd = high.psd(4, 2) zoom = high.crop(1126259460, 1126259464) # In order to calculate signal-to-noise ratio, we need a signal model # against which to compare our data. # For this we import :func:`~pycbc.waveform.get_fd_waveform` and generate a # template `~pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries`: from pycbc.waveform import get_fd_waveform hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(approximant="IMRPhenomD", mass1=40, mass2=32, f_lower=20, f_final=2048, delta_f=psd.df.value) # At this point we are ready to calculate the SNR, so we import the # :func:`~pycbc.filter.matched_filter` method, and pass it our template, # the data, and the PSD, using the :meth:`~TimeSeries.to_pycbc` methods of # the `TimeSeries` and `~gwpy.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries` objects: import numpy from pycbc.filter import matched_filter snr = matched_filter(hp, zoom.to_pycbc(), psd=psd.to_pycbc(), low_frequency_cutoff=15) snrts = TimeSeries.from_pycbc(snr).abs() # We can plot the SNR `TimeSeries` around the region of interest: plot = snrts.plot() ax = plot.gca()
# the Gibb's phenomenon. ( import pylab from pycbc import types, fft, waveform # Get a time domain waveform hp, hc = waveform.get_td_waveform(approximant="EOBNRv2", mass1=6, mass2=6, delta_t=1.0 / 4096, f_lower=40) # Get a frequency domain waveform sptilde, sctilde = waveform.get_fd_waveform(approximant="TaylorF2", mass1=6, mass2=6, delta_f=1.0 / 4, f_lower=40) # FFT it to the time-domain tlen = 1.0 / hp.delta_t / sptilde.delta_f sptilde.resize(tlen / 2 + 1) sp = types.TimeSeries(types.zeros(tlen), delta_t=hp.delta_t) fft.ifft(sptilde, sp) pylab.plot(sp.sample_times, sp, label="TaylorF2 (IFFT)") pylab.plot(hp.sample_times, hp, label="EOBNRv2") pylab.ylabel('Strain') pylab.xlabel('Time (s)') pylab.legend()
from pycbc.waveform import get_fd_waveform from pycbc.psd import welch, interpolate import urllib # Read data and remove low frequency content fname = 'H-H1_LOSC_4_V2-1126259446-32.gwf' url = "" + fname urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename=fname) h1 = read_frame('H-H1_LOSC_4_V2-1126259446-32.gwf', 'H1:LOSC-STRAIN') h1 = highpass_fir(h1, 15, 8) # Calculate the noise spectrum psd = interpolate(welch(h1), 1.0 / 32) # Generate a template to filter with hp, hc = get_fd_waveform(approximant="IMRPhenomD", mass1=40, mass2=32, f_lower=20, delta_f=1.0/32) hp.resize(len(h1) / 2 + 1) # Calculate the complex (two-phase SNR) snr = matched_filter(hp, h1, psd=psd, low_frequency_cutoff=20.0) # Remove regions corrupted by filter wraparound snr = snr[len(snr) / 4: len(snr) * 3 / 4] import pylab pylab.plot(snr.sample_times, abs(snr)) pylab.ylabel('signal-to-noise') pylab.xlabel('GPS Time (s)')
def get_chirp_time_region(trigger_params, psd, miss_match, f_lower=30., f_max=2048., f_ref=30.): central_param = copy.deepcopy(trigger_params) # if central_param['approximant'] == 'SPAtmplt': central_param['approximant'] == 'TaylorF2RedSpin' # if not ('tau0' and 'tau3' in central_param): # t0, t3 = pnu.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(central_param['mass1'], central_param['mass2'], f_ref) # else: # t0 = central_param['tau0'] # t3 = central_param['tau3'] # for tau0 boundary newt0, newt3 = temp_tau0_tau3_with_valid_dtau0(central_param['tau0'], central_param['tau3'], f_ref) temp_param0 = temp_param_from_central_param(central_param, newt0, newt3, f_ref) # for tau3 boundary newt0, newt3 = temp_tau0_tau3_with_valid_dtau3(central_param['tau0'], central_param['tau3'], f_ref) temp_param3 = temp_param_from_central_param(central_param, newt0, newt3, f_ref) tlen = pnu.nearest_larger_binary_number( max([central_param['tau0'], temp_param0['tau0'], temp_param3['tau0']])) df = 1.0 / tlen flen = int(f_max / df) + 1 # hp = pt.zeros(flen, dtype=pt.complex64) # hp0 = pt.zeros(flen, dtype=pt.complex64) # hp3 = pt.zeros(flen, dtype=pt.complex64) # print central_param['approximant'] # if central_param['approximant'] == 'SPAtmplt': # central_param['approximant'] == 'TaylorF2RedSpin' # hp = pw.get_waveform_filter(hp, central_param, delta_f=df, f_lower=f_lower, f_ref=f_ref, f_final=f_max) # hp0 = pw.get_waveform_filter(hp0, temp_param0, delta_f=df, f_lower=f_lower, f_ref=f_ref, f_final=f_max) # hp3 = pw.get_waveform_filter(hp3, temp_param3, delta_f=df, f_lower=f_lower, f_ref=f_ref, f_final=f_max) # else: hp, hc = pw.get_fd_waveform(central_param, delta_f=df, f_lower=f_lower, f_ref=f_ref, f_final=f_max) hp0, hc0 = pw.get_fd_waveform(temp_param0, delta_f=df, f_lower=f_lower, f_ref=f_ref, f_final=f_max) hp3, hc3 = pw.get_fd_waveform(temp_param3, delta_f=df, f_lower=f_lower, f_ref=f_ref, f_final=f_max) # FIXME: currently will using aLIGOZeroDetHighPower # FIXME: add how to make sure, psd numerical problems of psd if psd is not None: ipsd = pp.interpolate(psd, df) else: ipsd = None # ipsd = pp.aLIGOZeroDetHighPower(flen, df, f_lower) # ipsd = pp.interpolate(ipsd, df) #[-1] = 2.0*[-2] # ipsd = ipsd.astype(hp.dtype) mat0, _ = pf.match(hp, hp0, ipsd, f_lower, f_max) mat3, _ = pf.match(hp, hp3, ipsd, f_lower, f_max) # print mat0, mat3, miss_match # print central_param['tau0'], central_param['tau3'] # print temp_param0['tau0'], temp_param0['tau3'] # print temp_param3['tau0'], temp_param3['tau3'] # print float(temp_param0['tau0'])-float(central_param['tau0']) # print temp_param3['tau3']-central_param['tau3'] dtau0_range = miss_match * (temp_param0['tau0'] - central_param['tau0']) / (1.0 - mat0) dtau3_range = miss_match * (temp_param3['tau3'] - central_param['tau3']) / (1.0 - mat3) # print dtau0_range, dtau3_range return dtau0_range, dtau3_range
hplus_approx = wfutils.taper_timeseries(hplus_approx, "TAPER_STARTEND") hcross_approx = wfutils.taper_timeseries(hcross_approx, "TAPER_STARTEND") approx_freqs = wfutils.frequency_from_polarizations(hplus_approx, hcross_approx) # elif approx == 'IMRPhenomPv2' or approx == 'IMRPhenomP': elif approx in fd_approximants(): Hplus_approx, Hcross_approx = get_fd_waveform( approximant=approx, distance=distance, mass1=mass1, mass2=mass2, spin1x=simulations.simulations[0]["spin1x"], spin2x=simulations.simulations[0]["spin2x"], spin1y=simulations.simulations[0]["spin1y"], spin2y=simulations.simulations[0]["spin2y"], spin1z=simulations.simulations[0]["spin1z"], spin2z=simulations.simulations[0]["spin2z"], inclination=inc, f_lower=10, # f_low_approx * min(masses)/mass, delta_f=delta_f, ) tlen = int(1.0 / delta_t / Hplus_approx.delta_f) Hplus_approx.resize(tlen / 2 + 1) delta_f = 1 / (tlen * delta_t) hplus_approx = Hplus_approx.to_timeseries() Hcross_approx.resize(tlen / 2 + 1) hcross_approx = Hcross_approx.to_timeseries()