예제 #1
    def _set_kind(self):
        """Finds the source code kind."""

        cls = (Header, EmptyNode, NewLine, Comment, CommentBlock, Module)
        is_module = all(isinstance(i, cls) for i in self.ast.body)

        if is_module:
            self._kind = 'module'
            self._kind = 'program'

        #  ...

        #  ...

        expr = None

        if self.is_module:
            expr = Module(self.name,

        elif self.is_program:
            expr = Program(self.name,

            raise NotImplementedError('TODO')

        self._expr = expr
예제 #2
def pyccelize(expr, **settings):

    # ...
    with_mpi = False
    if 'with_mpi' in settings:
        with_mpi = settings['with_mpi']
    # ...

    # ...
    with_openmp = False
    if 'with_openmp' in settings:
        with_openmp = settings['with_openmp']
    # ...

    # ...
    with_openacc = False
    if 'with_openacc' in settings:
        with_openacc = settings['with_openacc']
    # ...

    # ...
    ignored_modules = []
    if 'ignored_modules' in settings:
        ignored_modules = settings['ignored_modules']
    # ...

    # ...
    if not isinstance(expr, (Module, Program)):
        raise NotImplementedError('')
    # ...

    # ...
    if isinstance(expr, (Module, Program)):
        # ...
        name = expr.name
        variables = expr.variables
        funcs = expr.funcs
        classes = expr.classes

        imports = []
        modules = []
        body = []
        decs = []
        metavars = {}
        info = {}
        # ...

        # ...
        for stmt in expr.imports:
            name = str(stmt.fil)
            if not (name in ignored_modules):
                imports += [stmt]
        # ...

#        # ...
#        def _construct_prelude(stmt):
#            preludes = ''
#            if isinstance(stmt, (list, tuple, Tuple)):
#                for dec in stmt:
#                    preludes += _construct_prelude(dec)
#            if isinstance(stmt, (For, While)):
#                preludes += _construct_prelude(stmt.body)
#            if isinstance(stmt, Block):
#                for dec in stmt.declarations:
#                    preludes += printer(dec) + "\n"
#            return preludes
#        preludes += _construct_prelude(expr.body)
#        # ...

# ...
        _hidden_stmts = (Eval, Load)
        if isinstance(expr, Program):
            for stmt in expr.body:
                # Variable is also ignored, since we can export them in headers
                if isinstance(stmt, (Variable, Lambda)):
                elif isinstance(stmt, Assign):
                    if isinstance(stmt.rhs, (Range, Tensor)):
                    elif isinstance(stmt.lhs, Variable):
                        if (isinstance(stmt.lhs.name, str)
                                and stmt.lhs.name.startswith('__')):
                            metavars[stmt.lhs.name] = stmt.rhs
                            body += [stmt]
                        body += [stmt]
                elif isinstance(stmt, _hidden_stmts):
                elif isinstance(stmt, Block):
                    # TODO - now we can apply printer to Block directly. must be
                    #      updated here => remove the body loop
                    #      - printer(stmt) must return only body code, then preludes
                    #      are treated somewhere?
                    for s in stmt.body:
                        body += [stmt]
#                    for dec in stmt.declarations:
#                        preludes += "\n" + printer(dec) + "\n"
                    body += [stmt]
        # ...

        # ...
        if isinstance(expr, Module):
            expr = Module(name, variables, funcs, classes, imports=imports)
            expr = Program(name,
        # ...

        info['metavars'] = metavars
    # ...

    # ...
    if with_mpi:
        expr = mpify(expr)
    # ...

    # ...
    if with_openmp:
        expr = ompfy(expr)
    # ...

    # ...
    if with_openacc:
        expr = accfy(expr)
    # ...

    return expr, info
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, \
                 filename=None, \
                 output_dir=None, \
                 name=None, \
                 imports=None, \
                 preludes=None, \
                 body=None, \
                 routines=None, \
                 classes=None, \
        """Constructor for the Codegen class.

        filename: str
            name of the file to parse.
        name: str
            name of the generated module or program.
            if not given, 'main' will be used in the case of a program, and
            'pyccel_m_${filename}' in the case of a module.
        output_dir: str
            output directory to store pyccel files and generated files
        imports: list
            list of imports statements as strings.
        preludes: list
            list of preludes statements.
        body: list
            list of body statements.
        routines: list
            list of all routines (functions/subroutines) definitions.
        classes: list
            list of all classes definitions.
        modules: list
            list of used modules.
        # ... TODO improve once TextX will handle indentation

        # check if the file is a header
        is_header = (filename.split('.')[-1] == 'pyh')

        filename_tmp = make_tmp_file(filename, output_dir=output_dir)
        preprocess(filename, filename_tmp)

        # file extension is changed to .pyccel
        filename = filename_tmp
        # ...

        if body is None:
            body = []
        if routines is None:
            routines = []
        if classes is None:
            classes = []
        if modules is None:
            modules = []

        self._filename = filename
        self._filename_out = None
        self._language = None
        self._imports = imports
        self._name = name
        self._body = body
        self._preludes = preludes
        self._routines = routines
        self._classes = classes
        self._modules = modules
        self._printer = None
        self._output_dir = output_dir
        self._namespace = None
        self._headers = None
        self._is_header = is_header

        # ...
        pyccel = PyccelParser()
        ast = pyccel.parse_from_file(filename)

        self._ast = ast
        # ...

        # ... this is important to update the namespace
        # old namespace
        namespace_user = get_namespace()

        stmts = ast.expr

        # new namespace
        self._namespace = get_namespace()
        self._headers = get_headers()
        # ...

        # ...................................................
        # reorganizing the code to get a Module or a Program
        # ...................................................
        variables = []
        funcs = []
        classes = []
        imports = []
        modules = []
        body = []
        decs = []

        # ... TODO update Declare so that we don't use a list of variables
        for key, dec in list(ast.declarations.items()):
            decs += [dec]
            variables += [dec.variables[0]]
        # ...

        # ...
        for stmt in stmts:
            if isinstance(stmt, FunctionDef):
                funcs += [stmt]
            elif isinstance(stmt, ClassDef):
                classes += [stmt]
            elif isinstance(stmt, Import):
                imports += [stmt]
                body += [stmt]
        # ...

        # ...
        _stmts = (Header, EmptyLine, Comment)

        ls = [i for i in body if not isinstance(i, _stmts)]
        is_module = (len(ls) == 0)
        # ...

        # ...
        expr = None
        if is_module:
            expr = Module(name, variables, funcs, classes, imports=imports)
            expr = Program(name,
        self._expr = expr
        # ...
        # ...................................................

        # ... cleaning
예제 #4
def ompfy(stmt, **options):
    Converts some statements to OpenMP statments.

    stmt: stmt, list
        statement or a list of statements
    if isinstance(stmt, (list, tuple, Tuple)):
        return [ompfy(i, **options) for i in stmt]

    if isinstance(stmt, Tensor):
        # TODO to implement
        return stmt

    if isinstance(stmt, ForIterator):
        iterable = ompfy(stmt.iterable, **options)
        target   = stmt.target
        body     = ompfy(stmt.body, **options)

        info, clauses = get_for_clauses(iterable)

        if (clauses is None):
            return ForIterator(target, iterable, body, strict=False)
            loop   = ForIterator(target, iterable, body, strict=False)
            nowait = info['nowait']
            return OMP_For(loop, clauses, nowait)

    if isinstance(stmt, For):
        iterable = ompfy(stmt.iterable, **options)
        target   = stmt.target
        body     = ompfy(stmt.body, **options)
        return For(target, iterable, body, strict=False)

    if isinstance(stmt, list):
        return [ompfy(a, **options) for a in stmt]

    if isinstance(stmt, While):
        test = ompfy(stmt.test, **options)
        body = ompfy(stmt.body, **options)
        return While(test, body)

    if isinstance(stmt, With):
        test     = ompfy(stmt.test, **options)
        body     = ompfy(stmt.body, **options)
        settings = ompfy(stmt.settings, **options)

        clauses = get_with_clauses(test)

        if (clauses is None):
            return With(test, body, settings)
            # TODO to be defined
            variables = []
            return OMP_Parallel(clauses, variables, body)

    if isinstance(stmt, If):
        args = []
        for block in stmt.args:
            test  = block[0]
            stmts = block[1]
            t = ompfy(test,  **options)
            s = ompfy(stmts, **options)
        return If(*args)

    if isinstance(stmt, FunctionDef):
        name        = ompfy(stmt.name,        **options)
        arguments   = ompfy(stmt.arguments,   **options)
        results     = ompfy(stmt.results,     **options)
        body        = ompfy(stmt.body,        **options)
        local_vars  = ompfy(stmt.local_vars,  **options)
        global_vars = ompfy(stmt.global_vars, **options)

        return FunctionDef(name, arguments, results,
                           body, local_vars, global_vars)

    if isinstance(stmt, ClassDef):
        name        = ompfy(stmt.name,        **options)
        attributs   = ompfy(stmt.attributs,   **options)
        methods     = ompfy(stmt.methods,     **options)
        options     = ompfy(stmt.options,     **options)

        return ClassDef(name, attributs, methods, options)

    if isinstance(stmt, Module):
        name        = ompfy(stmt.name,        **options)
        variables   = ompfy(stmt.variables,   **options)
        funcs       = ompfy(stmt.funcs    ,   **options)
        classes     = ompfy(stmt.classes  ,   **options)
        imports     = ompfy(stmt.imports  ,   **options)
        imports    += [Import('omp_lib')]

        return Module(name, variables, funcs, classes,

    if isinstance(stmt, Program):
        name        = ompfy(stmt.name,        **options)
        variables   = ompfy(stmt.variables,   **options)
        funcs       = ompfy(stmt.funcs    ,   **options)
        classes     = ompfy(stmt.classes  ,   **options)
        imports     = ompfy(stmt.imports  ,   **options)
        body        = ompfy(stmt.body  ,   **options)
        modules     = ompfy(stmt.modules  ,   **options)
        imports    += [Import('omp_lib')]

        return Program(name, variables, funcs, classes, body,
                       imports=imports, modules=modules)

    if isinstance(stmt, ParallelBlock):
        variables = stmt.variables
        body      = stmt.body
        clauses   = stmt.clauses

        return OMP_Parallel(clauses, variables, body)

    return stmt
예제 #5
def mpify(stmt, **options):
    Converts some statements to MPI statments.

    stmt: stmt, list
        statement or a list of statements
    if isinstance(stmt, (list, tuple, Tuple)):
        return [mpify(i, **options) for i in stmt]

    if isinstance(stmt, MPI):
        return stmt

    if isinstance(stmt, Tensor):
        options['label'] = stmt.name
        return stmt

    if isinstance(stmt, ForIterator):
        iterable = mpify(stmt.iterable, **options)
        target = stmt.target
        body = mpify(stmt.body, **options)
        return ForIterator(target, iterable, body, strict=False)

    if isinstance(stmt, For):
        iterable = mpify(stmt.iterable, **options)
        target = stmt.target
        body = mpify(stmt.body, **options)
        return For(target, iterable, body, strict=False)

    if isinstance(stmt, list):
        return [mpify(a, **options) for a in stmt]

    if isinstance(stmt, While):
        test = mpify(stmt.test, **options)
        body = mpify(stmt.body, **options)
        return While(test, body)

    if isinstance(stmt, If):
        args = []
        for block in stmt.args:
            test = block[0]
            stmts = block[1]
            t = mpify(test, **options)
            s = mpify(stmts, **options)
            args.append((t, s))
        return If(*args)

    if isinstance(stmt, FunctionDef):
        return stmt
        # TODO uncomment this
#        name        = mpify(stmt.name,        **options)
#        arguments   = mpify(stmt.arguments,   **options)
#        results     = mpify(stmt.results,     **options)
#        body        = mpify(stmt.body,        **options)
#        local_vars  = mpify(stmt.local_vars,  **options)
#        global_vars = mpify(stmt.global_vars, **options)
#        return FunctionDef(name, arguments, results, \
#                           body, local_vars, global_vars)

    if isinstance(stmt, ClassDef):
        name = mpify(stmt.name, **options)
        attributs = mpify(stmt.attributs, **options)
        methods = mpify(stmt.methods, **options)
        options = mpify(stmt.options, **options)

        return ClassDef(name, attributs, methods, options)

    if isinstance(stmt, Assign):
        if isinstance(stmt.rhs, Tensor):
            lhs = stmt.lhs
            options['label'] = lhs.name
            rhs = mpify(stmt.rhs, **options)

            return Assign(lhs, rhs, \
                          strict=stmt.strict, \
                          status=stmt.status, \

    if isinstance(stmt, Del):
        variables = [mpify(a, **options) for a in stmt.variables]
        return Del(variables)

    if isinstance(stmt, Ones):
        if stmt.grid:
            lhs = stmt.lhs
            shape = stmt.shape
            grid = mpify(stmt.grid, **options)
            return Ones(lhs, grid=grid)

    if isinstance(stmt, Zeros):
        if stmt.grid:
            lhs = stmt.lhs
            shape = stmt.shape
            grid = mpify(stmt.grid, **options)
            return Zeros(lhs, grid=grid)

    if isinstance(stmt, Module):
        name = mpify(stmt.name, **options)
        variables = mpify(stmt.variables, **options)
        funcs = mpify(stmt.funcs, **options)
        classes = mpify(stmt.classes, **options)
        imports = mpify(stmt.imports, **options)
        imports += [Import('mpi')]
        # TODO add stdlib_parallel_mpi module

        return Module(name, variables, funcs, classes, imports=imports)

    if isinstance(stmt, Program):
        name = mpify(stmt.name, **options)
        variables = mpify(stmt.variables, **options)
        funcs = mpify(stmt.funcs, **options)
        classes = mpify(stmt.classes, **options)
        imports = mpify(stmt.imports, **options)
        body = mpify(stmt.body, **options)
        modules = mpify(stmt.modules, **options)
        imports += [Import('mpi')]
        # TODO improve this import, without writing 'mod_...'
        #      maybe we should create a new class for this import
        imports += [Import('mod_pyccel_stdlib_parallel_mpi')]

        return Program(name,

    return stmt