예제 #1
            Board.__init__(self, setup=self.shuffle_start())
            Board.__init__(self, setup=setup)

    def shuffle_start(self):
        tmp = ['r', 'n', 'b', 'q', 'k', 'b', 'n', 'r']
        tmp = ''.join(tmp)
        tmp = tmp + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + tmp.upper() + ' w - - 0 1'
        return tmp

class ShuffleChess:
    __desc__ = _("xboard nocastle: http://tim-mann.org/xboard/engine-intf.html#8\n" +
                 "FICS wild/2: http://www.freechess.org/Help/HelpFiles/wild.html\n" +
                 "* Random arrangement of the pieces behind the pawns\n" +
                 "* No castling\n" +
                 "* Black's arrangement mirrors white's")
    name = _("Shuffle")
    cecp_name = "nocastle"
    board = ShuffleBoard
    need_initial_board = True
    standard_rules = True
    variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Board = ShuffleBoard(True)
    for i in range(10):
        print Board.shuffle_start()
예제 #2
            b1 = tmp.index('b')
            b2 = tmp.index('b', b1 + 1)
        tmp = ''.join(tmp)
        tmp = 'k' + tmp + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + tmp[::-1].upper(
        ) + 'K w - - 0 1'

        return tmp

class CornerChess:
    __desc__ = \
        _("http://brainking.com/en/GameRules?tp=2\n" +
          "* Placement of the pieces on the 1st and 8th row are randomized\n" +
          "* The king is in the right hand corner\n" +
          "* Bishops must start on opposite color squares\n" +
          "* Black's starting position is obtained by rotating white's position 180 degrees around the board's center\n" +
          "* No castling")
    name = _("Corner")
    cecp_name = "nocastle"
    board = CornerBoard
    need_initial_board = True
    standard_rules = True
    variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Board = CornerBoard(True)
    for i in range(10):
        print Board.shuffle_start()
예제 #3
            Board.__init__(self, setup=self.shuffle_start(), lboard=lboard)
            Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)

    def shuffle_start(self):
        tmp = ['r', 'n', 'b', 'q', 'k', 'b', 'n', 'r']
        tmp = ''.join(tmp)
        tmp = tmp + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + tmp.upper() + ' w - - 0 1'
        return tmp

class ShuffleChess:
    __desc__ = _("xboard nocastle: http://home.hccnet.nl/h.g.muller/engine-intf.html#8\n" +
                 "FICS wild/2: http://www.freechess.org/Help/HelpFiles/wild.html\n" +
                 "* Random arrangement of the pieces behind the pawns\n" +
                 "* No castling\n" +
                 "* Black's arrangement mirrors white's")
    name = _("Shuffle")
    cecp_name = "nocastle"
    board = ShuffleBoard
    need_initial_board = True
    standard_rules = True
    variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Board = ShuffleBoard(True)
    for i in range(10):