class GameModel(GObject.GObject, Thread): """ GameModel contains all available data on a chessgame. It also has the task of controlling players actions and moves """ __gsignals__ = { # game_started is emitted when control is given to the players for the # first time. Notice this is after players.start has been called. "game_started": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_changed is emitted when a move has been made. "game_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # moves_undoig is emitted when a undoMoves call has been accepted, but # before anywork has been done to execute it. "moves_undoing": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # moves_undone is emitted after n moves have been undone in the # gamemodel and the players. "moves_undone": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # game_unended is emitted if moves have been undone, such that the game # which had previously ended, is now again active. "game_unended": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_loading is emitted if the GameModel is about to load in a chess # game from a file. "game_loading": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, )), # game_loaded is emitted after the chessformat handler has loaded in # all the moves from a file to the game model. "game_loaded": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, )), # game_saved is emitted in the end of "game_saved": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (str, )), # game_ended is emitted if the models state has been changed to an # "ended state" "game_ended": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # game_terminated is emitted if the game was terminated. That is all # players and clocks were stopped, and it is no longer possible to # resume the game, even by undo. "game_terminated": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_paused is emitted if the game was successfully paused. "game_paused": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_paused is emitted if the game was successfully resumed from a # pause. "game_resumed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # action_error is currently only emitted by ICGameModel, in the case # the "web model" didn't accept the action you were trying to do. "action_error": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, int)), # players_changed is emitted if the players list was changed. "players_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), "analyzer_added": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), "analyzer_removed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), "analyzer_paused": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), "analyzer_resumed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), # opening_changed is emitted if the move changed the opening. "opening_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # variation_added is emitted if a variation was added. "variation_added": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, object, str, str)), # variation_extended is emitted if a new move was added to a variation. "variation_extended": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, object)), # scores_changed is emitted if the analyzing scores was changed. "analysis_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # FICS games can get kibitz/whisper messages "message_received": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (str, str)), # FICS games can have observers "observers_received": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (str, )), } def __init__(self, timemodel=None, variant=NormalBoard): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) Thread.__init__(self, name=fident( self.daemon = True self.variant = variant self.boards = [variant(setup=True)] self.moves = [] self.scores = {} self.spy_scores = {} self.players = [] self.gameno = None self.variations = [self.boards] self.terminated = False self.status = WAITING_TO_START self.reason = UNKNOWN_REASON self.curColor = WHITE if timemodel is None: self.timemodel = TimeModel() else: self.timemodel = timemodel self.timemodel.gamemodel = self self.connections = defaultdict(list) # mainly for IC subclasses self.analyzer_cids = {} self.examined = False now = self.tags = { "Event": _("Local Event"), "Site": _("Local Site"), "Round": 1, "Year": now.year, "Month": now.month, "Day":, "Time": "%02d:%02d:00" % (now.hour, now.minute), "Result": "*", } self.endstatus = None self.timed = self.timemodel.minutes != 0 or self.timemodel.gain != 0 if self.timed: self.zero_reached_cid = self.timemodel.connect('zero_reached', self.zero_reached) self.tags["TimeControl"] = \ "%d+%d" % (self.timemodel.minutes * 60, self.timemodel.gain) # Notice: tags["WhiteClock"] and tags["BlackClock"] are never set # on the gamemodel, but simply written or read during saving/ # loading from pgn. If you want to know the time left for a player, # check the time model. # Keeps track of offers, so that accepts can be spotted self.offers = {} # True if the game has been changed since last save self.needsSave = False # The uri the current game was loaded from, or None if not a loaded # game self.uri = None self.spectators = {} self.applyingMoveLock = RLock() self.undoLock = RLock() self.undoQueue = Queue() def zero_reached(self, timemodel, color): if conf.get('autoCallFlag', False) and self.players[1 - color].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL: if self.status == RUNNING and timemodel.getPlayerTime(color) <= 0: 'Automatically sending flag call on behalf of player %s.' % self.players[1 - color].name) self.players[1 - color].emit("offer", Offer(FLAG_CALL)) def __repr__(self): string = "<GameModel at %s" % id(self) string += " (ply=%s" % self.ply if len(self.moves) > 0: string += ", move=%s" % self.moves[-1] string += ", variant=%s" %'utf-8') string += ", status=%s, reason=%s" % (str(self.status), str(self.reason)) string += ", players=%s" % str(self.players) string += ", tags=%s" % str(self.tags) if len(self.boards) > 0: string += "\nboard=%s" % self.boards[-1] return string + ")>" @property def display_text(self): if self.variant == NormalBoard and not self.timed: return "[ " + _("Untimed") + " ]" else: text = "[ " if self.variant != NormalBoard: text += + " " if self.timed: text += self.timemodel.display_text + " " return text + "]" def setPlayers(self, players): log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: starting") assert self.status == WAITING_TO_START self.players = players for player in self.players: self.connections[player].append(player.connect("offer", self.offerReceived)) self.connections[player].append(player.connect( "withdraw", self.withdrawReceived)) self.connections[player].append(player.connect( "decline", self.declineReceived)) self.connections[player].append(player.connect( "accept", self.acceptReceived)) self.tags["White"] = str(self.players[WHITE]) self.tags["Black"] = str(self.players[BLACK]) log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: -> emit players_changed") self.emit("players_changed") log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: <- emit players_changed") log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: returning") def color(self, player): if player is self.players[0]: return WHITE else: return BLACK def start_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): from pychess.Players.engineNest import init_engine analyzer = init_engine(analyzer_type, self) if analyzer is None: return analyzer.setOptionInitialBoard(self) self.spectators[analyzer_type] = analyzer self.emit("analyzer_added", analyzer, analyzer_type) self.analyzer_cids[analyzer_type] = analyzer.connect("analyze", self.on_analyze) return analyzer def remove_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): try: analyzer = self.spectators[analyzer_type] except KeyError: return analyzer.disconnect(self.analyzer_cids[analyzer_type]) analyzer.end(KILLED, UNKNOWN_REASON) self.emit("analyzer_removed", analyzer, analyzer_type) del self.spectators[analyzer_type] def resume_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): try: analyzer = self.spectators[analyzer_type] except KeyError: analyzer = self.start_analyzer(analyzer_type) if analyzer is None: return analyzer.resume() analyzer.setOptionInitialBoard(self) self.emit("analyzer_resumed", analyzer, analyzer_type) def pause_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): try: analyzer = self.spectators[analyzer_type] except KeyError: return analyzer.pause() self.emit("analyzer_paused", analyzer, analyzer_type) def restart_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): self.remove_analyzer(analyzer_type) self.start_analyzer(analyzer_type) if self.isPlayingICSGame(): self.pause_analyzer(analyzer_type) def on_analyze(self, analyzer, analysis): if analysis and analysis[0] is not None: pv, score, depth = analysis[0] ply = analyzer.board.ply if score is not None: if analyzer.mode == ANALYZING: self.scores[ply] = (pv, score, depth) self.emit("analysis_changed", ply) else: self.spy_scores[ply] = (pv, score, depth) def setOpening(self, ply=None): if ply is None: ply = self.ply if ply > 40: return if ply > 0: opening = get_eco(self.getBoardAtPly(ply).board.hash) else: opening = ("", "", "") if opening is not None: self.tags["ECO"] = opening[0] self.tags["Opening"] = opening[1] self.tags["Variation"] = opening[2] self.emit("opening_changed") # Board stuff def _get_ply(self): return self.boards[-1].ply ply = property(_get_ply) def _get_lowest_ply(self): return self.boards[0].ply lowply = property(_get_lowest_ply) def _get_curplayer(self): try: return self.players[self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color] except IndexError: log.error("%s %s" % (self.players, self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color)) raise curplayer = property(_get_curplayer) def _get_waitingplayer(self): try: return self.players[1 - self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color] except IndexError: log.error("%s %s" % (self.players, 1 - self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color)) raise waitingplayer = property(_get_waitingplayer) def _plyToIndex(self, ply): index = ply - self.lowply if index < 0: raise IndexError("%s < %s\n" % (ply, self.lowply)) return index def getBoardAtPly(self, ply, variation=0): # Losing on time in FICS game will undo our last move if it was taken # too late if variation == 0 and ply > self.ply: ply = self.ply try: return self.variations[variation][self._plyToIndex(ply)] except IndexError: log.error("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d" % (self.lowply, ply, self.ply, variation, len(self.variations))) raise def getMoveAtPly(self, ply, variation=0): try: return Move(self.variations[variation][self._plyToIndex(ply) + 1].board.lastMove) except IndexError: log.error("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d" % (self.lowply, ply, self.ply, variation, len(self.variations))) raise def hasLocalPlayer(self): if self.players[0].__type__ == LOCAL or self.players[ 1].__type__ == LOCAL: return True else: return False def hasEnginePlayer(self): if self.players[0].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL or self.players[ 1].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL: return True else: return False def isLocalGame(self): if self.players[0].__type__ != REMOTE and self.players[ 1].__type__ != REMOTE: return True else: return False def isObservationGame(self): return not self.hasLocalPlayer() def isEngine2EngineGame(self): if self.players[0].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL and self.players[ 1].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL: return True else: return False def isPlayingICSGame(self): if self.players and self.status in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): if self.players[0].__type__ == LOCAL and self.players[1].__type__ == REMOTE or \ self.players[1].__type__ == LOCAL and self.players[0].__type__ == REMOTE: return True return False def isLoadedGame(self): return self.gameno is not None # Offer management def offerReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.offerReceived: offerer=%s %s" % (repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] elif player == self.players[BLACK]: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] else: # Player comments echoed to opponent if the player started a conversation # with you prior to observing a game the player is in #1113 return if offer.type == HURRY_ACTION: opPlayer.hurry() elif offer.type == CHAT_ACTION: # print("GameModel.offerreceived(player, offer)",, offer.param) opPlayer.putMessage(offer.param) elif offer.type == RESIGNATION: if player == self.players[WHITE]: self.end(BLACKWON, WON_RESIGN) else: self.end(WHITEWON, WON_RESIGN) elif offer.type == FLAG_CALL: assert self.timed if self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(1 - player.color) <= 0: if self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(player.color) <= 0: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_CALLFLAG) elif not playerHasMatingMaterial(self.boards[-1], player.color): if player.color == WHITE: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_WHITEINSUFFICIENTANDBLACKTIME) else: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_BLACKINSUFFICIENTANDWHITETIME) else: if player == self.players[WHITE]: self.end(WHITEWON, WON_CALLFLAG) else: self.end(BLACKWON, WON_CALLFLAG) else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NOT_OUT_OF_TIME) elif offer.type == DRAW_OFFER and isClaimableDraw(self.boards[-1]): reason = getStatus(self.boards[-1])[1] self.end(DRAW, reason) elif offer.type == TAKEBACK_OFFER and offer.param < self.lowply: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_TOO_LARGE_UNDO) elif offer.type in OFFERS: if offer not in self.offers: log.debug("GameModel.offerReceived: doing %s.offer(%s)" % ( repr(opPlayer), offer)) self.offers[offer] = player opPlayer.offer(offer) # If we updated an older offer, we want to delete the old one keys = self.offers.keys() for offer_ in keys: if offer.type == offer_.type and offer != offer_: del self.offers[offer_] def withdrawReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.withdrawReceived: withdrawer=%s %s" % ( repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] else: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] if offer in self.offers and self.offers[offer] == player: del self.offers[offer] opPlayer.offerWithdrawn(offer) else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NONE_TO_WITHDRAW) def declineReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.declineReceived: decliner=%s %s" % ( repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] else: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] if offer in self.offers and self.offers[offer] == opPlayer: del self.offers[offer] log.debug("GameModel.declineReceived: declining %s" % offer) opPlayer.offerDeclined(offer) else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NONE_TO_DECLINE) def acceptReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.acceptReceived: accepter=%s %s" % ( repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] else: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] if offer in self.offers and self.offers[offer] == opPlayer: if offer.type == DRAW_OFFER: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_AGREE) elif offer.type == TAKEBACK_OFFER: log.debug("GameModel.acceptReceived: undoMoves(%s)" % ( self.ply - offer.param)) self.undoMoves(self.ply - offer.param) elif offer.type == ADJOURN_OFFER: self.end(ADJOURNED, ADJOURNED_AGREEMENT) elif offer.type == ABORT_OFFER: self.end(ABORTED, ABORTED_AGREEMENT) elif offer.type == PAUSE_OFFER: self.pause() elif offer.type == RESUME_OFFER: self.resume() del self.offers[offer] else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NONE_TO_ACCEPT) # Data stuff def loadAndStart(self, uri, loader, gameno, position, first_time=True): if first_time: assert self.status == WAITING_TO_START uriIsFile = not isinstance(uri, str) if not uriIsFile: chessfile = loader.load(protoopen(uri)) else: chessfile = loader.load(uri) self.gameno = gameno self.emit("game_loading", uri) try: chessfile.loadToModel(gameno, -1, self) # Postpone error raising to make games loadable to the point of the # error except LoadingError as e: error = e else: error = None if self.players: self.players[WHITE].setName(self.tags["White"]) self.players[BLACK].setName(self.tags["Black"]) self.emit("game_loaded", uri) self.needsSave = False if not uriIsFile: self.uri = uri else: self.uri = None # Even if the game "starts ended", the players should still be moved # to the last position, so analysis is correct, and a possible "undo" # will work as expected. for spectator in self.spectators.values(): spectator.setOptionInitialBoard(self) for player in self.players: player.setOptionInitialBoard(self) if self.timed: self.timemodel.setMovingColor(self.boards[-1].color) if first_time: if self.status == RUNNING: if self.timed: self.timemodel.start() # Store end status from Result tag if self.status in (DRAW, WHITEWON, BLACKWON): self.endstatus = self.status self.status = WAITING_TO_START self.start() if error: raise error def save(self, uri, saver, append, position=None): if isinstance(uri, basestring): fileobj = protosave(uri, append) self.uri = uri else: fileobj = uri self.uri = None, self, position) self.needsSave = False self.emit("game_saved", uri) # Run stuff def run(self): log.debug(" Starting. self=%s" % self) # Avoid racecondition when self.start is called while we are in # self.end if self.status != WAITING_TO_START: return if not self.isLocalGame(): self.timemodel.handle_gain = False self.status = RUNNING for player in self.players + list(self.spectators.values()): player.start() log.debug(" emitting 'game_started' self=%s" % self) self.emit("game_started") # Let GameModel end() itself on games started with loadAndStart() self.checkStatus() self.curColor = self.boards[-1].color while self.status in (PAUSED, RUNNING, DRAW, WHITEWON, BLACKWON): curPlayer = self.players[self.curColor] if self.timed: log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: updating %s's time" % ( id(self), str(self.players), str(self.ply), str(curPlayer))) curPlayer.updateTime( self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(self.curColor), self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(1 - self.curColor)) try: log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: calling %s.makeMove()" % ( id(self), str(self.players), self.ply, str(curPlayer))) if self.ply > self.lowply: move = curPlayer.makeMove(self.boards[-1], self.moves[-1], self.boards[-2]) else: move = curPlayer.makeMove(self.boards[-1], None, None) log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: got move=%s from %s" % ( id(self), str(self.players), self.ply, move, str(curPlayer))) except PlayerIsDead as e: if self.status in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): stringio = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=stringio) error = stringio.getvalue() log.error( " A Player died: player=%s error=%s\n%s" % (curPlayer, error, e)) if self.curColor == WHITE: self.kill(WHITE_ENGINE_DIED) else: self.kill(BLACK_ENGINE_DIED) break except InvalidMove as e: if self.curColor == WHITE: self.end(BLACKWON, WON_ADJUDICATION) else: self.end(WHITEWON, WON_ADJUDICATION) break except TurnInterrupt: log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: TurnInterrupt" % ( id(self), str(self.players), self.ply)) self.curColor = self.boards[-1].color continue log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: acquiring self.applyingMoveLock" % ( id(self), str(self.players), self.ply)) assert isinstance(move, Move), "%s" % repr(move) self.applyingMoveLock.acquire() try: log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: applying move=%s" % ( id(self), str(self.players), self.ply, str(move))) self.needsSave = True newBoard = self.boards[-1].move(move) newBoard.board.prev = self.boards[-1].board # Variation on next move can exist from the hint panel... if self.boards[-1] is not None: newBoard.board.children = self.boards[ -1] self.boards = self.variations[0] self.boards[-1] = newBoard.board self.boards.append(newBoard) self.moves.append(move) if self.timed: self.timemodel.tap() if not self.terminated: self.emit("game_changed", self.ply) for spectator in self.spectators.values(): if spectator.board == self.boards[-2]: spectator.putMove(self.boards[-1], self.moves[-1], self.boards[-2]) self.setOpening() self.checkStatus() self.curColor = 1 - self.curColor finally: log.debug(" releasing self.applyingMoveLock") self.applyingMoveLock.release() def checkStatus(self): """ Updates self.status so it fits with what getStatus(boards[-1]) would return. That is, if the game is e.g. check mated this will call mode.end(), or if moves have been undone from an otherwise ended position, this will call __resume and emit game_unended. """ log.debug("GameModel.checkStatus:") # call flag by engine if self.isEngine2EngineGame() and self.status in UNDOABLE_STATES: return status, reason = getStatus(self.boards[-1]) if self.endstatus is not None: self.end(self.endstatus, reason) return if status != RUNNING and self.status in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): if status == DRAW and reason in (DRAW_REPITITION, DRAW_50MOVES): if self.isEngine2EngineGame(): self.end(status, reason) return else: self.end(status, reason) return if status != self.status and self.status in UNDOABLE_STATES \ and self.reason in UNDOABLE_REASONS: self.__resume() self.status = status self.reason = UNKNOWN_REASON self.emit("game_unended") def __pause(self): log.debug("GameModel.__pause: %s" % self) if self.isEngine2EngineGame(): for player in self.players: player.end(self.status, self.reason) if self.timed: self.timemodel.end() else: for player in self.players: player.pause() if self.timed: self.timemodel.pause() @inthread def pause(self): """ Players will raise NotImplementedError if they doesn't support pause. Spectators will be ignored. """ self.applyingMoveLock.acquire() try: self.__pause() self.status = PAUSED finally: self.applyingMoveLock.release() self.emit("game_paused") def __resume(self): for player in self.players: player.resume() if self.timed: self.timemodel.resume() self.emit("game_resumed") @inthread def resume(self): self.applyingMoveLock.acquire() try: self.status = RUNNING self.__resume() finally: self.applyingMoveLock.release() def end(self, status, reason): if self.status not in UNFINISHED_STATES: "GameModel.end: Can't end a game that's already ended: %s %s" % (status, reason)) return if self.status not in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): self.needsSave = True log.debug("GameModel.end: players=%s, self.ply=%s: Ending a game with status %d for reason %d" % ( repr(self.players), str(self.ply), status, reason)) self.status = status self.reason = reason self.emit("game_ended", reason) self.__pause() def kill(self, reason): log.debug("GameModel.kill: players=%s, self.ply=%s: Killing a game for reason %d\n%s" % ( repr(self.players), str(self.ply), reason, "".join( traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack())).strip())) self.status = KILLED self.reason = reason for player in self.players: player.end(self.status, reason) for spectator in self.spectators.values(): spectator.end(self.status, reason) if self.timed: self.timemodel.end() self.emit("game_ended", reason) def terminate(self): log.debug("GameModel.terminate: %s" % self) self.terminated = True if self.status != KILLED: for player in self.players: player.end(self.status, self.reason) analyzer_types = list(self.spectators.keys()) for analyzer_type in analyzer_types: self.remove_analyzer(analyzer_type) if self.timed: log.debug("GameModel.terminate: -> timemodel.end()") self.timemodel.end() log.debug("GameModel.terminate: <- timemodel.end() %s" % repr(self.timemodel)) self.timemodel.disconnect(self.zero_reached_cid) # ICGameModel may did this if game was a FICS game if self.connections is not None: for player in self.players: for cid in self.connections[player]: player.disconnect(cid) self.connections = {} self.timemodel.gamemodel = None self.players = [] self.emit("game_terminated") # Other stuff @inthread @undolocked def undoMoves(self, moves): """ Undo and remove moves number of moves from the game history from the GameModel, players, and any spectators """ if self.ply < 1 or moves < 1: return if self.ply - moves < 0: # There is no way in the current threaded/asynchronous design # for the GUI to know that the number of moves it requests to takeback # will still be valid once the undo is actually processed. So, until # we either add some locking or get a synchronous design, we quietly # "fix" the takeback request rather than cause AssertionError or IndexError moves = 1 log.debug("GameModel.undoMoves: players=%s, self.ply=%s, moves=%s, board=%s" % ( repr(self.players), self.ply, moves, self.boards[-1])) log.debug("GameModel.undoMoves: acquiring self.applyingMoveLock") self.applyingMoveLock.acquire() log.debug("GameModel.undoMoves: self.applyingMoveLock acquired") try: self.emit("moves_undoing", moves) self.needsSave = True self.boards = self.variations[0] del self.boards[-moves:] del self.moves[-moves:] self.boards[-1] = None for player in self.players: player.playerUndoMoves(moves, self) for spectator in self.spectators.values(): spectator.spectatorUndoMoves(moves, self) log.debug("GameModel.undoMoves: undoing timemodel") if self.timed: self.timemodel.undoMoves(moves) self.checkStatus() self.setOpening() finally: log.debug("GameModel.undoMoves: releasing self.applyingMoveLock") self.applyingMoveLock.release() self.emit("moves_undone", moves) def isChanged(self): if self.ply == 0: return False if self.needsSave: return True if not self.uri or not isWriteable(self.uri): return True return False def add_variation(self, board, moves, comment="", score=""): board0 = board board = board0.clone() board.board.prev = None variation = [board] for move in moves: new = board.move(move) if len(variation) == 1: new.board.prev = board0.board variation[0] = new.board else: new.board.prev = board.board = new.board variation.append(new) board = new if is None: # If we are in the latest played board, and want to add a variation # we have to add a not played yet board first # which can hold the variation as his child from pychess.Utils.lutils.LBoard import LBoard null_board = LBoard() null_board.prev = board0.board = null_board [vboard.board for vboard in variation]) head = None for vari in self.variations: if board0 in vari: head = vari break variation[0] = board0 self.variations.append(head[:board0.ply - self.lowply] + variation) self.needsSave = True self.emit("variation_added",[-1],, comment, score) return self.variations[-1] def add_move2variation(self, board, move, variationIdx): new = board.move(move) new.board.prev = board.board = new.board # Find the variation (low level lboard list) to append cur_board = board.board vari = None while cur_board.prev is not None: for child in if isinstance(child, list) and cur_board in child: vari = child break if vari is None: cur_board = cur_board.prev else: break vari.append(new.board) self.variations[variationIdx].append(new) self.needsSave = True self.emit("variation_extended", board.board, new.board)
class GameModel(GObject.GObject): """ GameModel contains all available data on a chessgame. It also has the task of controlling players actions and moves """ __gsignals__ = { # game_started is emitted when control is given to the players for the # first time. Notice this is after players.start has been called. "game_started": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_changed is emitted when a move has been made. "game_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # moves_undoig is emitted when a undoMoves call has been accepted, but # before any work has been done to execute it. "moves_undoing": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # moves_undone is emitted after n moves have been undone in the # gamemodel and the players. "moves_undone": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # variation_undoig is emitted when a undo_in_variation call has been started, but # before any work has been done to execute it. "variation_undoing": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # variation_undone is emitted after 1 move have been undone in the # boardview shown variation "variation_undone": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_unended is emitted if moves have been undone, such that the game # which had previously ended, is now again active. "game_unended": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_loading is emitted if the GameModel is about to load in a chess # game from a file. "game_loading": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, )), # game_loaded is emitted after the chessformat handler has loaded in # all the moves from a file to the game model. "game_loaded": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, )), # game_saved is emitted in the end of "game_saved": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (str, )), # game_ended is emitted if the models state has been changed to an # "ended state" "game_ended": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # game_terminated is emitted if the game was terminated. That is all # players and clocks were stopped, and it is no longer possible to # resume the game, even by undo. "game_terminated": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_paused is emitted if the game was successfully paused. "game_paused": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_paused is emitted if the game was successfully resumed from a # pause. "game_resumed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # action_error is currently only emitted by ICGameModel, in the case # the "web model" didn't accept the action you were trying to do. "action_error": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, int)), # players_changed is emitted if the players list was changed. "players_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), "analyzer_added": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), "analyzer_removed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), "analyzer_paused": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), "analyzer_resumed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), # opening_changed is emitted if the move changed the opening. "opening_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # variation_added is emitted if a variation was added. "variation_added": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, object)), # variation_extended is emitted if a new move was added to a variation. "variation_extended": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, object)), # scores_changed is emitted if the analyzing scores was changed. "analysis_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # analysis_finished is emitted if the game analyzing finished stepping on all moves. "analysis_finished": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # FICS games can get kibitz/whisper messages "message_received": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (str, str)), # FICS games can have observers "observers_received": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (str, )), } def __init__(self, timemodel=None, variant=NormalBoard): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.variant = variant self.boards = [variant(setup=True)] self.moves = [] self.scores = {} self.spy_scores = {} self.players = [] self.gameno = None self.variations = [self.boards] self.terminated = False self.status = WAITING_TO_START self.reason = UNKNOWN_REASON self.curColor = WHITE # support algorithm for new players # type apparent : DecisionSupportAlgorithm self.support_algorithm = DecisionSupportAlgorithm() if timemodel is None: self.timemodel = TimeModel() else: self.timemodel = timemodel self.timemodel.gamemodel = self self.connections = collections.defaultdict( list) # mainly for IC subclasses self.analyzer_cids = {} self.examined = False now = self.tags = collections.defaultdict(str) self.tags["Event"] = _("Local Event") self.tags["Site"] = _("Local Site") self.tags["Date"] = "%04d.%02d.%02d" % (now.year, now.month, self.tags["Round"] = "1" self.endstatus = None self.zero_reached_cid = None self.timed = self.timemodel.minutes != 0 or self.timemodel.gain != 0 if self.timed: self.zero_reached_cid = self.timemodel.connect( 'zero_reached', self.zero_reached) if self.timemodel.moves == 0: self.tags["TimeControl"] = "%d%s%d" % ( self.timemodel.minutes * 60, "+" if self.timemodel.gain >= 0 else "-", abs(self.timemodel.gain)) else: self.tags["TimeControl"] = "%d/%d" % ( self.timemodel.moves, self.timemodel.minutes * 60) # Notice: tags["WhiteClock"] and tags["BlackClock"] are never set # on the gamemodel, but simply written or read during saving/ # loading from pgn. If you want to know the time left for a player, # check the time model. # Keeps track of offers, so that accepts can be spotted self.offers = {} # True if the game has been changed since last save self.needsSave = False # The uri the current game was loaded from, or None if not a loaded game self.uri = None # Link to additiona info = None self.spectators = {} self.undoQueue = Queue() # learn_type set by LearnModel.set_learn_data() self.offline_lecture = False self.puzzle_game = False self.lesson_game = False self.end_game = False self.solved = False @property def practice_game(self): return self.puzzle_game or self.end_game @property def starting_color(self): return BLACK if "FEN" in self.tags and self.tags["FEN"].split( )[1] == "b" else WHITE @property def orientation(self): if "Orientation" in self.tags: return BLACK if self.tags["Orintation"].lower( ) == "black" else WHITE else: return self.starting_color def zero_reached(self, timemodel, color): if conf.get('autoCallFlag'): if self.status == RUNNING and timemodel.getPlayerTime(color) <= 0: 'Automatically sending flag call on behalf of player %s.' % self.players[1 - color].name) self.players[1 - color].emit("offer", Offer(FLAG_CALL)) def __repr__(self): string = "<GameModel at %s" % id(self) string += " (ply=%s" % self.ply if len(self.moves) > 0: string += ", move=%s" % self.moves[-1] string += ", variant=%s" %'utf-8') string += ", status=%s, reason=%s" % (str(self.status), str( self.reason)) string += ", players=%s" % str(self.players) string += ", tags=%s" % str(self.tags) if len(self.boards) > 0: string += "\nboard=%s" % self.boards[-1] return string + ")>" @property def display_text(self): if self.variant == NormalBoard and not self.timed: return "[ " + _("Untimed") + " ]" else: text = "[ " if self.variant != NormalBoard: text += + " " if self.timed: text += self.timemodel.display_text + " " return text + "]" def setPlayers(self, players): log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: starting") assert self.status == WAITING_TO_START self.players = players for player in self.players: self.connections[player].append( player.connect("offer", self.offerReceived)) self.connections[player].append( player.connect("withdraw", self.withdrawReceived)) self.connections[player].append( player.connect("decline", self.declineReceived)) self.connections[player].append( player.connect("accept", self.acceptReceived)) self.tags["White"] = str(self.players[WHITE]) self.tags["Black"] = str(self.players[BLACK]) log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: -> emit players_changed") self.emit("players_changed") log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: <- emit players_changed") log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: returning") # when the players are set, it is known whether or not there is a bot # we activate the support algorithm if there is one # boolean to know if the game is against a bot # activate support algorithm if that is the case if self.isLocalGame(): self.support_algorithm.set_foe_as_bot() def color(self, player): if player is self.players[0]: return WHITE else: return BLACK @asyncio.coroutine def start_analyzer(self, analyzer_type, force_engine=None): # Don't start regular analyzers if (self.practice_game or self.lesson_game) and force_engine is None and not self.solved: return # prevent starting new analyzers again and again # when fics lecture reuses the same gamemodel if analyzer_type in self.spectators: return from pychess.Players.engineNest import init_engine analyzer = yield from init_engine(analyzer_type, self, force_engine=force_engine) if analyzer is None: return analyzer.setOptionInitialBoard(self) # Enable to find alternate hint in learn perspective puzzles if force_engine is not None: analyzer.setOption("MultiPV", 3) analyzer.analysis_depth = 20 self.spectators[analyzer_type] = analyzer self.emit("analyzer_added", analyzer, analyzer_type) self.analyzer_cids[analyzer_type] = analyzer.connect( "analyze", self.on_analyze) def remove_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): try: analyzer = self.spectators[analyzer_type] except KeyError: return analyzer.disconnect(self.analyzer_cids[analyzer_type]) analyzer.end(KILLED, UNKNOWN_REASON) self.emit("analyzer_removed", analyzer, analyzer_type) del self.spectators[analyzer_type] def resume_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): try: analyzer = self.spectators[analyzer_type] except KeyError: return analyzer.resume() self.emit("analyzer_resumed", analyzer, analyzer_type) def pause_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): try: analyzer = self.spectators[analyzer_type] except KeyError: return analyzer.pause() self.emit("analyzer_paused", analyzer, analyzer_type) @asyncio.coroutine def restart_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): self.remove_analyzer(analyzer_type) yield from self.start_analyzer(analyzer_type) def on_analyze(self, analyzer, analysis): def safe_int(p): if p in [None, '']: return 0 try: return int(p) except ValueError: return 0 if analysis and (self.practice_game or self.lesson_game): for i, anal in enumerate(analysis): if anal is not None: ply, pv, score, depth, nps = anal if len(pv) > 0: if ply not in self.hints: self.hints[ply] = [] if len(self.hints[ply]) < i + 1: self.hints[ply].append((pv[0], score)) else: self.hints[ply][i] = (pv[0], score) if analysis and analysis[0] is not None: ply, pv, score, depth, nps = analysis[0] if score is not None and depth: if analyzer.mode == ANALYZING: if (ply not in self.scores) or (safe_int( self.scores[ply][2]) <= safe_int(depth)): self.scores[ply] = (pv, score, depth) self.emit("analysis_changed", ply) else: if (ply not in self.spy_scores) or (safe_int( self.spy_scores[ply][2]) <= safe_int(depth)): self.spy_scores[ply] = (pv, score, depth) def setOpening(self, ply=None, redetermine=False): if ply is None: ply = self.ply opening = None while ply >= self.lowply: opening = get_eco(self.getBoardAtPly(ply).board.hash, exactPosition=True) if opening is None and redetermine: ply = ply - 1 else: break if opening is not None: self.tags["ECO"] = opening[0] self.tags["Opening"] = opening[1] self.tags["Variation"] = opening[2] else: if redetermine: if 'ECO' in self.tags: del self.tags['ECO'] if 'Opening' in self.tags: del self.tags['Opening'] if 'Variation' in self.tags: del self.tags['Variation'] self.emit("opening_changed") # Board stuff def _get_ply(self): return self.boards[-1].ply ply = property(_get_ply) def _get_lowest_ply(self): return self.boards[0].ply lowply = property(_get_lowest_ply) def _get_curplayer(self): try: return self.players[self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color] except IndexError: log.error("%s %s" % (self.players, self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color)) raise curplayer = property(_get_curplayer) def _get_waitingplayer(self): try: return self.players[1 - self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color] except IndexError: log.error("%s %s" % (self.players, 1 - self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color)) raise waitingplayer = property(_get_waitingplayer) def _plyToIndex(self, ply): index = ply - self.lowply if index < 0: raise IndexError("%s < %s\n" % (ply, self.lowply)) return index def getBoardAtPly(self, ply, variation=0): try: return self.variations[variation][self._plyToIndex(ply)] except IndexError: log.error( "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d" % (self.lowply, ply, self.ply, variation, len(self.variations))) raise def getMoveAtPly(self, ply, variation=0): try: return Move(self.variations[variation][self._plyToIndex(ply) + 1].board.lastMove) except IndexError: log.error( "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d" % (self.lowply, ply, self.ply, variation, len(self.variations))) raise def hasLocalPlayer(self): if self.players[0].__type__ == LOCAL or self.players[ 1].__type__ == LOCAL: return True else: return False def hasEnginePlayer(self): if self.players[0].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL or self.players[ 1].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL: return True else: return False def isLocalGame(self): if self.players[0].__type__ != REMOTE and self.players[ 1].__type__ != REMOTE: return True else: return False def isObservationGame(self): return not self.hasLocalPlayer() def isEngine2EngineGame(self): if len( self.players ) == 2 and self.players[0].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL and self.players[ 1].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL: return True else: return False def isPlayingICSGame(self): if self.players and self.status in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): if (self.players[0].__type__ == LOCAL and self.players[1].__type__ == REMOTE) or \ (self.players[1].__type__ == LOCAL and self.players[0].__type__ == REMOTE) or \ ((self.offline_lecture or self.practice_game or self.lesson_game) and not self.solved) or \ (self.players[1].__type__ == REMOTE and self.players[0].__type__ == REMOTE and self.examined and ( self.players[0].name == "puzzlebot" or self.players[1].name == "puzzlebot") or self.players[0].name == "endgamebot" or self.players[1].name == "endgamebot"): return True return False def isLoadedGame(self): return self.gameno is not None # Offer management def offerReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.offerReceived: offerer=%s %s" % (repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] elif player == self.players[BLACK]: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] else: # Player comments echoed to opponent if the player started a conversation # with you prior to observing a game the player is in #1113 return if offer.type == HURRY_ACTION: opPlayer.hurry() elif offer.type == CHAT_ACTION: # print("GameModel.offerreceived(player, offer)",, offer.param) opPlayer.putMessage(offer.param) elif offer.type == RESIGNATION: if player == self.players[WHITE]: self.end(BLACKWON, WON_RESIGN) else: self.end(WHITEWON, WON_RESIGN) elif offer.type == FLAG_CALL: assert self.timed if self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(1 - player.color) <= 0: if self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(player.color) <= 0: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_CALLFLAG) elif not playerHasMatingMaterial(self.boards[-1], player.color): if player.color == WHITE: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_WHITEINSUFFICIENTANDBLACKTIME) else: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_BLACKINSUFFICIENTANDWHITETIME) else: if player == self.players[WHITE]: self.end(WHITEWON, WON_CALLFLAG) else: self.end(BLACKWON, WON_CALLFLAG) else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NOT_OUT_OF_TIME) elif offer.type == DRAW_OFFER and isClaimableDraw(self.boards[-1]): reason = getStatus(self.boards[-1])[1] self.end(DRAW, reason) elif offer.type == TAKEBACK_OFFER and offer.param < self.lowply: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_TOO_LARGE_UNDO) elif offer.type in OFFERS: if offer not in self.offers: log.debug("GameModel.offerReceived: doing %s.offer(%s)" % (repr(opPlayer), offer)) self.offers[offer] = player opPlayer.offer(offer) # If we updated an older offer, we want to delete the old one keys = self.offers.keys() for offer_ in keys: if offer.type == offer_.type and offer != offer_: del self.offers[offer_] def withdrawReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.withdrawReceived: withdrawer=%s %s" % (repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] else: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] if offer in self.offers and self.offers[offer] == player: del self.offers[offer] opPlayer.offerWithdrawn(offer) else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NONE_TO_WITHDRAW) def declineReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.declineReceived: decliner=%s %s" % (repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] else: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] if offer in self.offers and self.offers[offer] == opPlayer: del self.offers[offer] log.debug("GameModel.declineReceived: declining %s" % offer) opPlayer.offerDeclined(offer) else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NONE_TO_DECLINE) def acceptReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.acceptReceived: accepter=%s %s" % (repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] else: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] if offer in self.offers and self.offers[offer] == opPlayer: if offer.type == DRAW_OFFER: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_AGREE) elif offer.type == TAKEBACK_OFFER: log.debug("GameModel.acceptReceived: undoMoves(%s)" % offer.param) self.undoMoves(offer.param) elif offer.type == ADJOURN_OFFER: self.end(ADJOURNED, ADJOURNED_AGREEMENT) elif offer.type == ABORT_OFFER: self.end(ABORTED, ABORTED_AGREEMENT) elif offer.type == PAUSE_OFFER: self.pause() elif offer.type == RESUME_OFFER: self.resume() del self.offers[offer] else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NONE_TO_ACCEPT) # Data stuff def loadAndStart(self, uri, loader, gameno, position, first_time=True): if first_time: assert self.status == WAITING_TO_START uriIsFile = not isinstance(uri, str) if not uriIsFile: chessfile = loader.load(protoopen(uri)) else: chessfile = loader.load(uri) self.gameno = gameno self.emit("game_loading", uri) try: chessfile.loadToModel(gameno, -1, self) # Postpone error raising to make games loadable to the point of the # error except LoadingError as e: error = e else: error = None if self.players: self.players[WHITE].setName(self.tags["White"]) self.players[BLACK].setName(self.tags["Black"]) self.emit("game_loaded", uri) self.needsSave = False if not uriIsFile: self.uri = uri else: self.uri = None # Even if the game "starts ended", the players should still be moved # to the last position, so analysis is correct, and a possible "undo" # will work as expected. for spectator in self.spectators.values(): spectator.setOptionInitialBoard(self) for player in self.players: player.setOptionInitialBoard(self) if self.timed: self.timemodel.setMovingColor(self.boards[-1].color) if first_time: if self.status == RUNNING: if self.timed: self.timemodel.start() # Store end status from Result tag if self.status in (DRAW, WHITEWON, BLACKWON): self.endstatus = self.status self.status = WAITING_TO_START self.start() if error: raise error def save(self, uri, saver, append, position=None, flip=False): if saver in (html, txt): fileobj = open(uri, "a" if append else "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="") self.uri = uri elif isinstance(uri, str): fileobj = protosave(uri, append) self.uri = uri else: fileobj = uri self.uri = None, self, position, flip) self.needsSave = False self.emit("game_saved", uri) def get_book_move(self): openings = getOpenings(self.boards[-1].board) openings.sort(key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True) if not openings: return None total_weights = 0 for move, weight, learn in openings: total_weights += weight if total_weights < 1: return None choice = random.randint(0, total_weights - 1) current_sum = 0 for move, weight, learn in openings: current_sum += weight if current_sum > choice: return Move(move) # Run stuff def start(self): @asyncio.coroutine def coro(): log.debug(" Starting. self=%s" % self) # Avoid racecondition when self.start is called while we are in # self.end if self.status != WAITING_TO_START: return if not self.isLocalGame(): self.timemodel.handle_gain = False self.status = RUNNING for player in self.players + list(self.spectators.values()): event = asyncio.Event() is_dead = set() player.start(event, is_dead) yield from event.wait() if is_dead: if player in self.players[WHITE]: self.kill(WHITE_ENGINE_DIED) break elif player in self.players[BLACK]: self.kill(BLACK_ENGINE_DIED) break log.debug(" emitting 'game_started' self=%s" % self) self.emit("game_started") # Let GameModel end() itself on games started with loadAndStart() if not self.lesson_game: self.checkStatus() if self.isEngine2EngineGame() and self.timed: self.timemodel.start() self.timemodel.started = True self.curColor = self.boards[-1].color book_depth_max = conf.get("book_depth_max") while self.status in (PAUSED, RUNNING, DRAW, WHITEWON, BLACKWON): curPlayer = self.players[self.curColor] if self.timed: log.debug( " id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: updating %s's time" % (id(self), str(self.players), str( self.ply), str(curPlayer))) curPlayer.updateTime( self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(self.curColor), self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(1 - self.curColor)) try: log.debug( " id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: calling %s.makeMove()" % (id(self), str( self.players), self.ply, str(curPlayer))) move = None # if the current player is a bot if curPlayer.__type__ == ARTIFICIAL and book_depth_max > 0 and self.ply <= book_depth_max: move = self.get_book_move() log.debug( " id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: got move=%s from book" % (id(self), str(self.players), self.ply, move)) if move is not None: curPlayer.set_board(self.boards[-1].move(move)) # if the current player is not a bot if move is None: if self.ply > self.lowply: move = yield from curPlayer.makeMove( self.boards[-1], self.moves[-1], self.boards[-2]) else: move = yield from curPlayer.makeMove( self.boards[-1], None, None) log.debug( " id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: got move=%s from %s" % (id(self), str( self.players), self.ply, move, str(curPlayer))) except PlayerIsDead as e: if self.status in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): stringio = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=stringio) error = stringio.getvalue() log.error( " A Player died: player=%s error=%s\n%s" % (curPlayer, error, e)) if self.curColor == WHITE: self.kill(WHITE_ENGINE_DIED) else: self.kill(BLACK_ENGINE_DIED) break except InvalidMove as e: stringio = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=stringio) error = stringio.getvalue() log.error( " InvalidMove by player=%s error=%s\n%s" % (curPlayer, error, e)) if self.curColor == WHITE: self.end(BLACKWON, WON_ADJUDICATION) else: self.end(WHITEWON, WON_ADJUDICATION) break except PassInterrupt: log.debug( " id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: PassInterrupt" % (id(self), str(self.players), self.ply)) continue except TurnInterrupt: log.debug( " id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: TurnInterrupt" % (id(self), str(self.players), self.ply)) self.curColor = self.boards[-1].color continue except GameEnded: log.debug(" got GameEnded exception") break assert isinstance(move, Move), "%s" % repr(move) log.debug( " id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: applying move=%s" % (id(self), str(self.players), self.ply, str(move))) self.needsSave = True newBoard = self.boards[-1].move(move) newBoard.board.prev = self.boards[-1].board # newBoard.printPieces() # Variation on next move can exist from the hint panel... if self.boards[-1] is not None: newBoard.board.children = self.boards[ -1] self.boards = self.variations[0] self.boards[-1] = newBoard.board self.boards.append(newBoard) self.moves.append(move) if self.timed: self.timemodel.tap() if not self.terminated: self.emit("game_changed", self.ply) for spectator in self.spectators.values(): if spectator.board == self.boards[-2]: spectator.putMove(self.boards[-1], self.moves[-1], self.boards[-2]) if self.puzzle_game and len(self.moves) % 2 == 1: status, reason = getStatus(self.boards[-1]) self.failed_playing_best = self.check_failed_playing_best( status) if self.failed_playing_best: # print("failed_playing_best() == True -> yield from asyncio.sleep(1.5) ") # It may happen that analysis had no time to fill hints with best moves # so we give him another chance with some additional time to think on it self.spectators[HINT].setBoard(self.boards[-2]) # TODO: wait for an event (analyzer PV reaching 18 ply) # instead of hard coded sleep time yield from asyncio.sleep(1.5) self.failed_playing_best = self.check_failed_playing_best( status) self.checkStatus() self.setOpening() self.curColor = 1 - self.curColor self.checkStatus() create_task(coro()) def checkStatus(self): """ Updates self.status so it fits with what getStatus(boards[-1]) would return. That is, if the game is e.g. check mated this will call mode.end(), or if moves have been undone from an otherwise ended position, this will call __resume and emit game_unended. """ log.debug("GameModel.checkStatus:") # call flag by engine if self.isEngine2EngineGame() and self.status in UNDOABLE_STATES: return status, reason = getStatus(self.boards[-1]) if self.practice_game and (len(self.moves) % 2 == 1 or status in UNDOABLE_STATES): self.check_goal(status, reason) if self.endstatus is not None: self.end(self.endstatus, reason) return if status != RUNNING and self.status in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): if status == DRAW and reason in (DRAW_REPETITION, DRAW_50MOVES): if self.isEngine2EngineGame(): self.end(status, reason) return else: self.end(status, reason) return if status != self.status and self.status in UNDOABLE_STATES \ and self.reason in UNDOABLE_REASONS: self.__resume() self.status = status self.reason = UNKNOWN_REASON self.emit("game_unended") def __pause(self): log.debug("GameModel.__pause: %s" % self) if self.isEngine2EngineGame(): for player in self.players: player.end(self.status, self.reason) if self.timed: self.timemodel.end() else: for player in self.players: player.pause() if self.timed: self.timemodel.pause() def pause(self): """ Players will raise NotImplementedError if they doesn't support pause. Spectators will be ignored. """ self.__pause() self.status = PAUSED self.emit("game_paused") def __resume(self): for player in self.players: player.resume() if self.timed: self.timemodel.resume() self.emit("game_resumed") def resume(self): self.status = RUNNING self.__resume() def end(self, status, reason): if self.status not in UNFINISHED_STATES: "GameModel.end: Can't end a game that's already ended: %s %s" % (status, reason)) return if self.status not in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): self.needsSave = True log.debug( "GameModel.end: players=%s, self.ply=%s: Ending a game with status %d for reason %d" % (repr(self.players), str(self.ply), status, reason)) self.status = status self.reason = reason self.emit("game_ended", reason) self.__pause() def kill(self, reason): log.debug( "GameModel.kill: players=%s, self.ply=%s: Killing a game for reason %d\n%s" % (repr(self.players), str(self.ply), reason, "".join( traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack())).strip())) self.status = KILLED self.reason = reason for player in self.players: player.end(self.status, reason) for spectator in self.spectators.values(): spectator.end(self.status, reason) if self.timed: self.timemodel.end() self.emit("game_ended", reason) def terminate(self): log.debug("GameModel.terminate: %s" % self) self.terminated = True if self.status != KILLED: for player in self.players: player.end(self.status, self.reason) analyzer_types = list(self.spectators.keys()) for analyzer_type in analyzer_types: self.remove_analyzer(analyzer_type) if self.timed: log.debug("GameModel.terminate: -> timemodel.end()") self.timemodel.end() log.debug("GameModel.terminate: <- timemodel.end() %s" % repr(self.timemodel)) if self.zero_reached_cid is not None: self.timemodel.disconnect(self.zero_reached_cid) # ICGameModel may did this if game was a FICS game if self.connections is not None: for player in self.players: for cid in self.connections[player]: player.disconnect(cid) self.connections = {} self.timemodel.gamemodel = None self.players = [] self.emit("game_terminated") # Other stuff def undoMoves(self, moves): """ Undo and remove moves number of moves from the game history from the GameModel, players, and any spectators """ if self.ply < 1 or moves < 1: return if self.ply - moves < 0: # There is no way in the current threaded/asynchronous design # for the GUI to know that the number of moves it requests to takeback # will still be valid once the undo is actually processed. So, until # we either add some locking or get a synchronous design, we quietly # "fix" the takeback request rather than cause AssertionError or IndexError moves = 1 log.debug( "GameModel.undoMoves: players=%s, self.ply=%s, moves=%s, board=%s" % (repr(self.players), self.ply, moves, self.boards[-1])) self.emit("moves_undoing", moves) self.needsSave = True self.boards = self.variations[0] del self.boards[-moves:] del self.moves[-moves:] self.boards[-1] = None for player in self.players: player.playerUndoMoves(moves, self) for spectator in self.spectators.values(): spectator.spectatorUndoMoves(moves, self) log.debug("GameModel.undoMoves: undoing timemodel") if self.timed: self.timemodel.undoMoves(moves) self.checkStatus() self.setOpening(redetermine=True) self.emit("moves_undone", moves) def isChanged(self): if self.ply == 0: return False if self.needsSave: return True # what was this for? # if not self.uri or not isWriteable(self.uri): # return True return False def add_variation(self, board, moves, comment="", score="", emit=True): if is None: # If we are in the latest played board, and want to add a variation # we have to add the latest move first if board.board.lastMove is None or board.board.prev is None: return moves = [Move(board.board.lastMove)] + moves board = board.board.prev.pieceBoard board0 = board board = board0.clone() board.board.prev = None # this prevents annotation panel node searches to find this instead of board0 board.board.hash = -1 if comment: board.board.children.append(comment) variation = [board] for move in moves: new = board.move(move) if len(variation) == 1: new.board.prev = board0.board variation[0] = new.board else: new.board.prev = board.board = new.board variation.append(new) board = new [vboard.board for vboard in variation]) if score: variation[-1].board.children.append(score) head = None for vari in self.variations: if board0 in vari: head = vari break variation[0] = board0 self.variations.append(head[:board0.ply - self.lowply] + variation) self.needsSave = True if emit: self.emit("variation_added",[-1], return self.variations[-1] def add_move2variation(self, board, move, variationIdx): new = board.move(move) new.board.prev = board.board = new.board # Find the variation (low level lboard list) to append cur_board = board.board vari = None while cur_board.prev is not None: for child in if isinstance(child, list) and cur_board in child: vari = child break if vari is None: cur_board = cur_board.prev else: break vari.append(new.board) self.variations[variationIdx].append(new) self.needsSave = True self.emit("variation_extended", board.board, new.board) def remove_variation(self, board, parent): """ board must be an lboard object of the first Board object of a variation Board(!) list """ # Remove the variation (list of lboards) containing board from parent's children list for child in parent.children: if isinstance(child, list) and board in child: parent.children.remove(child) break # Remove all variations from gamemodel's variations list which contains this board for vari in self.variations[1:]: if board.pieceBoard in vari: self.variations.remove(vari) # remove null_board if variation was added on last played move if not parent.fen_was_applied: = None self.needsSave = True def undo_in_variation(self, board): """ board must be the latest Board object of a variation board list """ assert is None and len(board.board.children) == 0 self.emit("variation_undoing") for vari in self.variations[1:]: if board in vari: break board = board.board parent = # If this is a one move only variation we have to remove the whole variation # if it's a longer one, just remove the latest move from it first_vari_moves = [ child[1] for child in parent.children if not isinstance(child, str) ] if board in first_vari_moves: self.remove_variation(board, parent) else: = None del vari[-1] self.needsSave = True self.emit("variation_undone")
class GameModel(GObject.GObject, Thread): """ GameModel contains all available data on a chessgame. It also has the task of controlling players actions and moves """ __gsignals__ = { # game_started is emitted when control is given to the players for the # first time. Notice this is after players.start has been called. "game_started": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_changed is emitted when a move has been made. "game_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # moves_undoig is emitted when a undoMoves call has been accepted, but # before anywork has been done to execute it. "moves_undoing": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # moves_undone is emitted after n moves have been undone in the # gamemodel and the players. "moves_undone": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # game_unended is emitted if moves have been undone, such that the game # which had previously ended, is now again active. "game_unended": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_loading is emitted if the GameModel is about to load in a chess # game from a file. "game_loading": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, )), # game_loaded is emitted after the chessformat handler has loaded in # all the moves from a file to the game model. "game_loaded": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, )), # game_saved is emitted in the end of "game_saved": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (str, )), # game_ended is emitted if the models state has been changed to an # "ended state" "game_ended": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # game_terminated is emitted if the game was terminated. That is all # players and clocks were stopped, and it is no longer possible to # resume the game, even by undo. "game_terminated": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_paused is emitted if the game was successfully paused. "game_paused": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # game_paused is emitted if the game was successfully resumed from a # pause. "game_resumed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # action_error is currently only emitted by ICGameModel, in the case # the "web model" didn't accept the action you were trying to do. "action_error": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, int)), # players_changed is emitted if the players list was changed. "players_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), "analyzer_added": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), "analyzer_removed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), "analyzer_paused": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), "analyzer_resumed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, str)), # opening_changed is emitted if the move changed the opening. "opening_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # variation_added is emitted if a variation was added. "variation_added": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, object)), # variation_extended is emitted if a new move was added to a variation. "variation_extended": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (object, object)), # scores_changed is emitted if the analyzing scores was changed. "analysis_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (int, )), # analysis_finished is emitted if the game analyzing finished stepping on all moves. "analysis_finished": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), # FICS games can get kibitz/whisper messages "message_received": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (str, str)), # FICS games can have observers "observers_received": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (str, )), } def __init__(self, timemodel=None, variant=NormalBoard): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) Thread.__init__(self, name=fident( self.daemon = True self.variant = variant self.boards = [variant(setup=True)] self.moves = [] self.scores = {} self.spy_scores = {} self.players = [] self.gameno = None self.variations = [self.boards] self.terminated = False self.status = WAITING_TO_START self.reason = UNKNOWN_REASON self.curColor = WHITE if timemodel is None: self.timemodel = TimeModel() else: self.timemodel = timemodel self.timemodel.gamemodel = self self.connections = defaultdict(list) # mainly for IC subclasses self.analyzer_cids = {} self.examined = False now = self.tags = { "Event": _("Local Event"), "Site": _("Local Site"), "Round": 1, "Year": now.year, "Month": now.month, "Day":, "Time": "%02d:%02d:00" % (now.hour, now.minute), "Result": "*", } self.endstatus = None self.zero_reached_cid = None self.timed = self.timemodel.minutes != 0 or self.timemodel.gain != 0 if self.timed: self.zero_reached_cid = self.timemodel.connect('zero_reached', self.zero_reached) self.tags["TimeControl"] = \ "%d+%d" % (self.timemodel.minutes * 60, self.timemodel.gain) # Notice: tags["WhiteClock"] and tags["BlackClock"] are never set # on the gamemodel, but simply written or read during saving/ # loading from pgn. If you want to know the time left for a player, # check the time model. # Keeps track of offers, so that accepts can be spotted self.offers = {} # True if the game has been changed since last save self.needsSave = False # The uri the current game was loaded from, or None if not a loaded game self.uri = None # Link to additiona info = None self.spectators = {} self.applyingMoveLock = RLock() self.undoLock = RLock() self.undoQueue = Queue() def zero_reached(self, timemodel, color): if conf.get('autoCallFlag', False) and self.players[1 - color].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL: if self.status == RUNNING and timemodel.getPlayerTime(color) <= 0: 'Automatically sending flag call on behalf of player %s.' % self.players[1 - color].name) self.players[1 - color].emit("offer", Offer(FLAG_CALL)) def __repr__(self): string = "<GameModel at %s" % id(self) string += " (ply=%s" % self.ply if len(self.moves) > 0: string += ", move=%s" % self.moves[-1] string += ", variant=%s" %'utf-8') string += ", status=%s, reason=%s" % (str(self.status), str(self.reason)) string += ", players=%s" % str(self.players) string += ", tags=%s" % str(self.tags) if len(self.boards) > 0: string += "\nboard=%s" % self.boards[-1] return string + ")>" @property def display_text(self): if self.variant == NormalBoard and not self.timed: return "[ " + _("Untimed") + " ]" else: text = "[ " if self.variant != NormalBoard: text += + " " if self.timed: text += self.timemodel.display_text + " " return text + "]" def setPlayers(self, players): log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: starting") assert self.status == WAITING_TO_START self.players = players for player in self.players: self.connections[player].append(player.connect("offer", self.offerReceived)) self.connections[player].append(player.connect( "withdraw", self.withdrawReceived)) self.connections[player].append(player.connect( "decline", self.declineReceived)) self.connections[player].append(player.connect( "accept", self.acceptReceived)) self.tags["White"] = str(self.players[WHITE]) self.tags["Black"] = str(self.players[BLACK]) log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: -> emit players_changed") self.emit("players_changed") log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: <- emit players_changed") log.debug("GameModel.setPlayers: returning") def color(self, player): if player is self.players[0]: return WHITE else: return BLACK def start_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): from pychess.Players.engineNest import init_engine analyzer = init_engine(analyzer_type, self) if analyzer is None: return analyzer.setOptionInitialBoard(self) self.spectators[analyzer_type] = analyzer self.emit("analyzer_added", analyzer, analyzer_type) self.analyzer_cids[analyzer_type] = analyzer.connect("analyze", self.on_analyze) return analyzer def remove_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): try: analyzer = self.spectators[analyzer_type] except KeyError: return analyzer.disconnect(self.analyzer_cids[analyzer_type]) analyzer.end(KILLED, UNKNOWN_REASON) self.emit("analyzer_removed", analyzer, analyzer_type) del self.spectators[analyzer_type] def resume_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): try: analyzer = self.spectators[analyzer_type] except KeyError: analyzer = self.start_analyzer(analyzer_type) if analyzer is None: return analyzer.resume() analyzer.setOptionInitialBoard(self) self.emit("analyzer_resumed", analyzer, analyzer_type) def pause_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): try: analyzer = self.spectators[analyzer_type] except KeyError: return analyzer.pause() self.emit("analyzer_paused", analyzer, analyzer_type) def restart_analyzer(self, analyzer_type): self.remove_analyzer(analyzer_type) self.start_analyzer(analyzer_type) def on_analyze(self, analyzer, analysis): if analysis and analysis[0] is not None: pv, score, depth = analysis[0] ply = analyzer.board.ply if score is not None: if analyzer.mode == ANALYZING: self.scores[ply] = (pv, score, depth) self.emit("analysis_changed", ply) else: self.spy_scores[ply] = (pv, score, depth) def setOpening(self, ply=None): if ply is None: ply = self.ply if ply > 40: return if ply > 0: opening = get_eco(self.getBoardAtPly(ply).board.hash) else: opening = ("", "", "") if opening is not None: self.tags["ECO"] = opening[0] self.tags["Opening"] = opening[1] self.tags["Variation"] = opening[2] self.emit("opening_changed") # Board stuff def _get_ply(self): return self.boards[-1].ply ply = property(_get_ply) def _get_lowest_ply(self): return self.boards[0].ply lowply = property(_get_lowest_ply) def _get_curplayer(self): try: return self.players[self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color] except IndexError: log.error("%s %s" % (self.players, self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color)) raise curplayer = property(_get_curplayer) def _get_waitingplayer(self): try: return self.players[1 - self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color] except IndexError: log.error("%s %s" % (self.players, 1 - self.getBoardAtPly(self.ply).color)) raise waitingplayer = property(_get_waitingplayer) def _plyToIndex(self, ply): index = ply - self.lowply if index < 0: raise IndexError("%s < %s\n" % (ply, self.lowply)) return index def getBoardAtPly(self, ply, variation=0): # Losing on time in FICS game will undo our last move if it was taken # too late if variation == 0 and ply > self.ply: ply = self.ply try: return self.variations[variation][self._plyToIndex(ply)] except IndexError: log.error("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d" % (self.lowply, ply, self.ply, variation, len(self.variations))) raise def getMoveAtPly(self, ply, variation=0): try: return Move(self.variations[variation][self._plyToIndex(ply) + 1].board.lastMove) except IndexError: log.error("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d" % (self.lowply, ply, self.ply, variation, len(self.variations))) raise def hasLocalPlayer(self): if self.players[0].__type__ == LOCAL or self.players[ 1].__type__ == LOCAL: return True else: return False def hasEnginePlayer(self): if self.players[0].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL or self.players[ 1].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL: return True else: return False def isLocalGame(self): if self.players[0].__type__ != REMOTE and self.players[ 1].__type__ != REMOTE: return True else: return False def isObservationGame(self): return not self.hasLocalPlayer() def isEngine2EngineGame(self): if self.players[0].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL and self.players[ 1].__type__ == ARTIFICIAL: return True else: return False def isPlayingICSGame(self): if self.players and self.status in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): if (self.players[0].__type__ == LOCAL and self.players[1].__type__ == REMOTE) or \ (self.players[1].__type__ == LOCAL and self.players[0].__type__ == REMOTE) or \ (self.players[1].__type__ == REMOTE and self.players[0].__type__ == REMOTE and self.examined): return True return False def isLoadedGame(self): return self.gameno is not None # Offer management def offerReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.offerReceived: offerer=%s %s" % (repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] elif player == self.players[BLACK]: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] else: # Player comments echoed to opponent if the player started a conversation # with you prior to observing a game the player is in #1113 return if offer.type == HURRY_ACTION: opPlayer.hurry() elif offer.type == CHAT_ACTION: # print("GameModel.offerreceived(player, offer)",, offer.param) opPlayer.putMessage(offer.param) elif offer.type == RESIGNATION: if player == self.players[WHITE]: self.end(BLACKWON, WON_RESIGN) else: self.end(WHITEWON, WON_RESIGN) elif offer.type == FLAG_CALL: assert self.timed if self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(1 - player.color) <= 0: if self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(player.color) <= 0: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_CALLFLAG) elif not playerHasMatingMaterial(self.boards[-1], player.color): if player.color == WHITE: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_WHITEINSUFFICIENTANDBLACKTIME) else: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_BLACKINSUFFICIENTANDWHITETIME) else: if player == self.players[WHITE]: self.end(WHITEWON, WON_CALLFLAG) else: self.end(BLACKWON, WON_CALLFLAG) else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NOT_OUT_OF_TIME) elif offer.type == DRAW_OFFER and isClaimableDraw(self.boards[-1]): reason = getStatus(self.boards[-1])[1] self.end(DRAW, reason) elif offer.type == TAKEBACK_OFFER and offer.param < self.lowply: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_TOO_LARGE_UNDO) elif offer.type in OFFERS: if offer not in self.offers: log.debug("GameModel.offerReceived: doing %s.offer(%s)" % ( repr(opPlayer), offer)) self.offers[offer] = player opPlayer.offer(offer) # If we updated an older offer, we want to delete the old one keys = self.offers.keys() for offer_ in keys: if offer.type == offer_.type and offer != offer_: del self.offers[offer_] def withdrawReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.withdrawReceived: withdrawer=%s %s" % ( repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] else: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] if offer in self.offers and self.offers[offer] == player: del self.offers[offer] opPlayer.offerWithdrawn(offer) else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NONE_TO_WITHDRAW) def declineReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.declineReceived: decliner=%s %s" % ( repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] else: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] if offer in self.offers and self.offers[offer] == opPlayer: del self.offers[offer] log.debug("GameModel.declineReceived: declining %s" % offer) opPlayer.offerDeclined(offer) else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NONE_TO_DECLINE) def acceptReceived(self, player, offer): log.debug("GameModel.acceptReceived: accepter=%s %s" % ( repr(player), offer)) if player == self.players[WHITE]: opPlayer = self.players[BLACK] else: opPlayer = self.players[WHITE] if offer in self.offers and self.offers[offer] == opPlayer: if offer.type == DRAW_OFFER: self.end(DRAW, DRAW_AGREE) elif offer.type == TAKEBACK_OFFER: log.debug("GameModel.acceptReceived: undoMoves(%s)" % ( self.ply - offer.param)) self.undoMoves(self.ply - offer.param) elif offer.type == ADJOURN_OFFER: self.end(ADJOURNED, ADJOURNED_AGREEMENT) elif offer.type == ABORT_OFFER: self.end(ABORTED, ABORTED_AGREEMENT) elif offer.type == PAUSE_OFFER: self.pause() elif offer.type == RESUME_OFFER: self.resume() del self.offers[offer] else: player.offerError(offer, ACTION_ERROR_NONE_TO_ACCEPT) # Data stuff def loadAndStart(self, uri, loader, gameno, position, first_time=True): if first_time: assert self.status == WAITING_TO_START uriIsFile = not isinstance(uri, str) if not uriIsFile: chessfile = loader.load(protoopen(uri)) else: chessfile = loader.load(uri) self.gameno = gameno self.emit("game_loading", uri) try: chessfile.loadToModel(gameno, -1, self) # Postpone error raising to make games loadable to the point of the # error except LoadingError as e: error = e else: error = None if self.players: self.players[WHITE].setName(self.tags["White"]) self.players[BLACK].setName(self.tags["Black"]) self.emit("game_loaded", uri) self.needsSave = False if not uriIsFile: self.uri = uri else: self.uri = None # Even if the game "starts ended", the players should still be moved # to the last position, so analysis is correct, and a possible "undo" # will work as expected. for spectator in self.spectators.values(): spectator.setOptionInitialBoard(self) for player in self.players: player.setOptionInitialBoard(self) if self.timed: self.timemodel.setMovingColor(self.boards[-1].color) if first_time: if self.status == RUNNING: if self.timed: self.timemodel.start() # Store end status from Result tag if self.status in (DRAW, WHITEWON, BLACKWON): self.endstatus = self.status self.status = WAITING_TO_START self.start() if error: raise error def save(self, uri, saver, append, position=None): if isinstance(uri, basestring) and not hasattr(saver, "Database"): fileobj = protosave(uri, append) self.uri = uri else: fileobj = uri self.uri = None, self, position) self.needsSave = False self.emit("game_saved", uri) # Run stuff def run(self): log.debug(" Starting. self=%s" % self) # Avoid racecondition when self.start is called while we are in # self.end if self.status != WAITING_TO_START: return if not self.isLocalGame(): self.timemodel.handle_gain = False self.status = RUNNING for player in self.players + list(self.spectators.values()): player.start() log.debug(" emitting 'game_started' self=%s" % self) self.emit("game_started") # Let GameModel end() itself on games started with loadAndStart() self.checkStatus() self.curColor = self.boards[-1].color while self.status in (PAUSED, RUNNING, DRAW, WHITEWON, BLACKWON): curPlayer = self.players[self.curColor] if self.timed: log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: updating %s's time" % ( id(self), str(self.players), str(self.ply), str(curPlayer))) curPlayer.updateTime( self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(self.curColor), self.timemodel.getPlayerTime(1 - self.curColor)) try: log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: calling %s.makeMove()" % ( id(self), str(self.players), self.ply, str(curPlayer))) if self.ply > self.lowply: move = curPlayer.makeMove(self.boards[-1], self.moves[-1], self.boards[-2]) else: move = curPlayer.makeMove(self.boards[-1], None, None) log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: got move=%s from %s" % ( id(self), str(self.players), self.ply, move, str(curPlayer))) except PlayerIsDead as e: if self.status in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): stringio = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=stringio) error = stringio.getvalue() log.error( " A Player died: player=%s error=%s\n%s" % (curPlayer, error, e)) if self.curColor == WHITE: self.kill(WHITE_ENGINE_DIED) else: self.kill(BLACK_ENGINE_DIED) break except InvalidMove as e: if self.curColor == WHITE: self.end(BLACKWON, WON_ADJUDICATION) else: self.end(WHITEWON, WON_ADJUDICATION) break except TurnInterrupt: log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: TurnInterrupt" % ( id(self), str(self.players), self.ply)) self.curColor = self.boards[-1].color continue log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: acquiring self.applyingMoveLock" % ( id(self), str(self.players), self.ply)) assert isinstance(move, Move), "%s" % repr(move) self.applyingMoveLock.acquire() try: log.debug(" id=%s, players=%s, self.ply=%s: applying move=%s" % ( id(self), str(self.players), self.ply, str(move))) self.needsSave = True newBoard = self.boards[-1].move(move) newBoard.board.prev = self.boards[-1].board # Variation on next move can exist from the hint panel... if self.boards[-1] is not None: newBoard.board.children = self.boards[ -1] self.boards = self.variations[0] self.boards[-1] = newBoard.board self.boards.append(newBoard) self.moves.append(move) if self.timed: self.timemodel.tap() if not self.terminated: self.emit("game_changed", self.ply) for spectator in self.spectators.values(): if spectator.board == self.boards[-2]: spectator.putMove(self.boards[-1], self.moves[-1], self.boards[-2]) self.setOpening() self.checkStatus() self.curColor = 1 - self.curColor finally: log.debug(" releasing self.applyingMoveLock") self.applyingMoveLock.release() def checkStatus(self): """ Updates self.status so it fits with what getStatus(boards[-1]) would return. That is, if the game is e.g. check mated this will call mode.end(), or if moves have been undone from an otherwise ended position, this will call __resume and emit game_unended. """ log.debug("GameModel.checkStatus:") # call flag by engine if self.isEngine2EngineGame() and self.status in UNDOABLE_STATES: return status, reason = getStatus(self.boards[-1]) if self.endstatus is not None: self.end(self.endstatus, reason) return if status != RUNNING and self.status in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): if status == DRAW and reason in (DRAW_REPITITION, DRAW_50MOVES): if self.isEngine2EngineGame(): self.end(status, reason) return else: self.end(status, reason) return if status != self.status and self.status in UNDOABLE_STATES \ and self.reason in UNDOABLE_REASONS: self.__resume() self.status = status self.reason = UNKNOWN_REASON self.emit("game_unended") def __pause(self): log.debug("GameModel.__pause: %s" % self) if self.isEngine2EngineGame(): for player in self.players: player.end(self.status, self.reason) if self.timed: self.timemodel.end() else: for player in self.players: player.pause() if self.timed: self.timemodel.pause() @inthread def pause(self): """ Players will raise NotImplementedError if they doesn't support pause. Spectators will be ignored. """ self.applyingMoveLock.acquire() try: self.__pause() self.status = PAUSED finally: self.applyingMoveLock.release() self.emit("game_paused") def __resume(self): for player in self.players: player.resume() if self.timed: self.timemodel.resume() self.emit("game_resumed") @inthread def resume(self): self.applyingMoveLock.acquire() try: self.status = RUNNING self.__resume() finally: self.applyingMoveLock.release() def end(self, status, reason): if self.status not in UNFINISHED_STATES: "GameModel.end: Can't end a game that's already ended: %s %s" % (status, reason)) return if self.status not in (WAITING_TO_START, PAUSED, RUNNING): self.needsSave = True log.debug("GameModel.end: players=%s, self.ply=%s: Ending a game with status %d for reason %d" % ( repr(self.players), str(self.ply), status, reason)) self.status = status self.reason = reason self.emit("game_ended", reason) self.__pause() def kill(self, reason): log.debug("GameModel.kill: players=%s, self.ply=%s: Killing a game for reason %d\n%s" % ( repr(self.players), str(self.ply), reason, "".join( traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack())).strip())) self.status = KILLED self.reason = reason for player in self.players: player.end(self.status, reason) for spectator in self.spectators.values(): spectator.end(self.status, reason) if self.timed: self.timemodel.end() self.emit("game_ended", reason) def terminate(self): log.debug("GameModel.terminate: %s" % self) self.terminated = True if self.status != KILLED: for player in self.players: player.end(self.status, self.reason) analyzer_types = list(self.spectators.keys()) for analyzer_type in analyzer_types: self.remove_analyzer(analyzer_type) if self.timed: log.debug("GameModel.terminate: -> timemodel.end()") self.timemodel.end() log.debug("GameModel.terminate: <- timemodel.end() %s" % repr(self.timemodel)) if self.zero_reached_cid is not None: self.timemodel.disconnect(self.zero_reached_cid) # ICGameModel may did this if game was a FICS game if self.connections is not None: for player in self.players: for cid in self.connections[player]: player.disconnect(cid) self.connections = {} self.timemodel.gamemodel = None self.players = [] self.emit("game_terminated") # Other stuff @inthread @undolocked def undoMoves(self, moves): """ Undo and remove moves number of moves from the game history from the GameModel, players, and any spectators """ if self.ply < 1 or moves < 1: return if self.ply - moves < 0: # There is no way in the current threaded/asynchronous design # for the GUI to know that the number of moves it requests to takeback # will still be valid once the undo is actually processed. So, until # we either add some locking or get a synchronous design, we quietly # "fix" the takeback request rather than cause AssertionError or IndexError moves = 1 log.debug("GameModel.undoMoves: players=%s, self.ply=%s, moves=%s, board=%s" % ( repr(self.players), self.ply, moves, self.boards[-1])) log.debug("GameModel.undoMoves: acquiring self.applyingMoveLock") self.applyingMoveLock.acquire() log.debug("GameModel.undoMoves: self.applyingMoveLock acquired") try: self.emit("moves_undoing", moves) self.needsSave = True self.boards = self.variations[0] del self.boards[-moves:] del self.moves[-moves:] self.boards[-1] = None for player in self.players: player.playerUndoMoves(moves, self) for spectator in self.spectators.values(): spectator.spectatorUndoMoves(moves, self) log.debug("GameModel.undoMoves: undoing timemodel") if self.timed: self.timemodel.undoMoves(moves) self.checkStatus() self.setOpening() finally: log.debug("GameModel.undoMoves: releasing self.applyingMoveLock") self.applyingMoveLock.release() self.emit("moves_undone", moves) def isChanged(self): if self.ply == 0: return False if self.needsSave: return True if not self.uri or not isWriteable(self.uri): return True return False def add_variation(self, board, moves, comment="", score="", emit=True): board0 = board board = board0.clone() board.board.prev = None # this prevents annotation panel node searches to find this instead of board0 board.board.hash = -1 if comment: board.board.children.append(comment) variation = [board] for move in moves: new = board.move(move) if len(variation) == 1: new.board.prev = board0.board variation[0] = new.board else: new.board.prev = board.board = new.board variation.append(new) board = new if is None: # If we are in the latest played board, and want to add a variation # we have to add a not played yet board first # which can hold the variation as his child from pychess.Utils.lutils.LBoard import LBoard null_board = LBoard() null_board.prev = board0.board = null_board [vboard.board for vboard in variation]) if score: variation[-1].board.children.append(score) head = None for vari in self.variations: if board0 in vari: head = vari break variation[0] = board0 self.variations.append(head[:board0.ply - self.lowply] + variation) self.needsSave = True if emit: self.emit("variation_added",[-1], return self.variations[-1] def add_move2variation(self, board, move, variationIdx): new = board.move(move) new.board.prev = board.board = new.board # Find the variation (low level lboard list) to append cur_board = board.board vari = None while cur_board.prev is not None: for child in if isinstance(child, list) and cur_board in child: vari = child break if vari is None: cur_board = cur_board.prev else: break vari.append(new.board) self.variations[variationIdx].append(new) self.needsSave = True self.emit("variation_extended", board.board, new.board)