def AddFixedObstacles(system): # Create contact material, of appropriate type. Use default properties material = None if (NSC_SMC == chrono.ChContactMethod_NSC): matNSC = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceNSC() #Change NSC material properties as desired material = matNSC elif (NSC_SMC == chrono.ChContactMethod_SMC): matSMC = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceSMC() # Change SMC material properties as desired material = matSMC else: raise ("Unvalid Contact Method") radius = 3 length = 10 obstacle = chrono.ChBodyEasyCylinder(radius, length, 2000, True, True, material) obstacle.SetPos(chrono.ChVectorD(-20, 0, -2.7)) obstacle.SetBodyFixed(True) system.AddBody(obstacle) for i in range(8): stoneslab = chrono.ChBodyEasyBox(0.5, 2.5, 0.25, 2000, True, True, material) stoneslab.SetPos(chrono.ChVectorD(-1.2 * i + 22, -1.5, -0.05)) stoneslab.SetRot( chrono.Q_from_AngAxis(15 * chrono.CH_C_DEG_TO_RAD, chrono.VECT_Y)) stoneslab.SetBodyFixed(True) system.AddBody(stoneslab)
def AddMovingObstacles(system): # Create contact material, of appropriate type. Use default properties material = None if (NSC_SMC == chrono.ChContactMethod_NSC): matNSC = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceNSC() #Change NSC material properties as desired material = matNSC elif (NSC_SMC == chrono.ChContactMethod_SMC): matSMC = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceSMC() # Change SMC material properties as desired material = matSMC else: raise ("Unvalid Contact Method") sizeX = 300 sizeY = 300 height = 0 numObstacles = 10 for i in range(numObstacles): o_sizeX = 1.0 + 3.0 * chrono.ChRandom() o_sizeY = 0.3 + 0.2 * chrono.ChRandom() o_sizeZ = 0.05 + 0.1 * chrono.ChRandom() obstacle = chrono.ChBodyEasyBox(o_sizeX, o_sizeY, o_sizeZ, 2000.0, True, True, material) o_posX = (chrono.ChRandom() - 0.5) * 0.4 * sizeX o_posY = (chrono.ChRandom() - 0.5) * 0.4 * sizeY o_posZ = height + 4 rot = chrono.ChQuaternionD(chrono.ChRandom(), chrono.ChRandom(), chrono.ChRandom(), chrono.ChRandom()) rot.Normalize() obstacle.SetPos(chrono.ChVectorD(o_posX, o_posY, o_posZ)) obstacle.SetRot(rot) system.AddBody(obstacle)
def __init__( self, pos: Tuple[float, float, float], size: Tuple[float, float, float], subdiv: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]], mass: float = 0, sphere_swept_thickness: Optional[float] = 0.2, ) -> None: # use the same subdivision on all axis if not isinstance(subdiv, tuple): subdiv = (subdiv, ) * 3 self._nodes = None # store nodes in a 3d list, indeces _nodes[x][y][z] self._elements = None self._sphere_swept_thickness = sphere_swept_thickness self._pos = pos self._size = size self._subdiv = subdiv self._mass = mass self._material = fea.ChContinuumElastic( ) # elastic: no permanet deformation self._contact_surface = None # fea.ChContactSurfaceMesh() self._contact_material = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceSMC() self._mesh = fea.ChMesh()
def main(): #print("Copyright (c) 2017\nChrono version: ", CHRONO_VERSION , "\n\n") # Create the HMMWV vehicle, set parameters, and initialize my_hmmwv = veh.HMMWV_Full() my_hmmwv.SetContactMethod(contact_method) my_hmmwv.SetChassisFixed(False) my_hmmwv.SetInitPosition( chrono.ChCoordsysD(initLoc, chrono.ChQuaternionD(1, 0, 0, 0))) my_hmmwv.SetPowertrainType(powertrain_model) my_hmmwv.SetDriveType(drive_type) my_hmmwv.SetSteeringType(steering_type) my_hmmwv.SetTireType(tire_model) my_hmmwv.SetTireStepSize(tire_step_size) my_hmmwv.Initialize() my_hmmwv.SetChassisVisualizationType(chassis_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetSuspensionVisualizationType(suspension_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetSteeringVisualizationType(steering_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetWheelVisualizationType(wheel_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetTireVisualizationType(tire_vis_type) # Create the terrain terrain = veh.RigidTerrain(my_hmmwv.GetSystem()) if (contact_method == chrono.ChContactMethod_NSC): patch_mat = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceNSC() patch_mat.SetFriction(0.9) patch_mat.SetRestitution(0.01) elif (contact_method == chrono.ChContactMethod_SMC): patch_mat = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceSMC() patch_mat.SetFriction(0.9) patch_mat.SetRestitution(0.01) patch_mat.SetYoungModulus(2e7) patch = terrain.AddPatch(patch_mat, chrono.ChVectorD(0, 0, 0), chrono.ChVectorD(0, 0, 1), 300, 50) patch.SetTexture(veh.GetDataFile("terrain/textures/tile4.jpg"), 200, 200) patch.SetColor(chrono.ChColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.5)) terrain.Initialize() # Create the path-follower, cruise-control driver # Use a parameterized ISO double lane change (to left) path = veh.DoubleLaneChangePath(initLoc, 13.5, 4.0, 11.0, 50.0, True) driver = veh.ChPathFollowerDriver(my_hmmwv.GetVehicle(), path, "my_path", target_speed) driver.GetSteeringController().SetLookAheadDistance(5) driver.GetSteeringController().SetGains(0.8, 0, 0) driver.GetSpeedController().SetGains(0.4, 0, 0) driver.Initialize() # Create the vehicle Irrlicht interface app = veh.ChWheeledVehicleIrrApp(my_hmmwv.GetVehicle(), 'HMMWV', irr.dimension2du(1000, 800)) app.SetSkyBox() app.AddTypicalLights(irr.vector3df(-60, -30, 100), irr.vector3df(60, 30, 100), 250, 130) app.AddTypicalLogo(chrono.GetChronoDataFile('logo_pychrono_alpha.png')) app.SetChaseCamera(chrono.ChVectorD(0.0, 0.0, 1.75), 6.0, 0.5) app.SetTimestep(step_size) app.AssetBindAll() app.AssetUpdateAll() # Visualization of controller points (sentinel & target) ballS = app.GetSceneManager().addSphereSceneNode(0.1) ballT = app.GetSceneManager().addSphereSceneNode(0.1) ballS.getMaterial(0).EmissiveColor = irr.SColor(0, 255, 0, 0) ballT.getMaterial(0).EmissiveColor = irr.SColor(0, 0, 255, 0) # Simulation loop realtime_timer = chrono.ChRealtimeStepTimer() while (app.GetDevice().run()): time = my_hmmwv.GetSystem().GetChTime() # End simulation if (time >= t_end): break # Update sentinel and target location markers for the path-follower controller. pS = driver.GetSteeringController().GetSentinelLocation() pT = driver.GetSteeringController().GetTargetLocation() ballS.setPosition(irr.vector3df(pS.x, pS.y, pS.z)) ballT.setPosition(irr.vector3df(pT.x, pT.y, pT.z)) # Draw scene app.BeginScene(True, True, irr.SColor(255, 140, 161, 192)) app.DrawAll() app.EndScene() # Get driver inputs driver_inputs = driver.GetInputs() # Update modules (process inputs from other modules) driver.Synchronize(time) terrain.Synchronize(time) my_hmmwv.Synchronize(time, driver_inputs, terrain) app.Synchronize("", driver_inputs) # Advance simulation for one timestep for all modules driver.Advance(step_size) terrain.Advance(step_size) my_hmmwv.Advance(step_size) app.Advance(step_size) # Spin in place for real time to catch up realtime_timer.Spin(step_size) return 0
def main(): #print("Copyright (c) 2017\nChrono version: ", CHRONO_VERSION , "\n\n") # Create the M113 vehicle # ------------------------ vehicle = veh.M113_Vehicle(False, veh.TrackShoeType_SINGLE_PIN, veh.BrakeType_SIMPLE, chrono.ChContactMethod_SMC, veh.CollisionType_NONE) vehicle.Initialize(chrono.ChCoordsysD(initLoc, initRot)) vehicle.SetChassisVisualizationType(veh.VisualizationType_PRIMITIVES) vehicle.SetSprocketVisualizationType(veh.VisualizationType_MESH) vehicle.SetIdlerVisualizationType(veh.VisualizationType_MESH) vehicle.SetRoadWheelAssemblyVisualizationType(veh.VisualizationType_MESH) vehicle.SetRoadWheelVisualizationType(veh.VisualizationType_MESH) vehicle.SetTrackShoeVisualizationType(veh.VisualizationType_MESH) # Create the powertrain system # ---------------------------- powertrain = veh.M113_SimpleCVTPowertrain("Powertrain") vehicle.InitializePowertrain(powertrain) # Create the terrain # ------------------ terrain = veh.RigidTerrain(vehicle.GetSystem()) if (contact_method == chrono.ChContactMethod_NSC): patch_mat = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceNSC() patch_mat.SetFriction(0.9) patch_mat.SetRestitution(0.01) elif (contact_method == chrono.ChContactMethod_SMC): patch_mat = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceSMC() patch_mat.SetFriction(0.9) patch_mat.SetRestitution(0.01) patch_mat.SetYoungModulus(2e7) patch = terrain.AddPatch(patch_mat, chrono.ChVectorD(0, 0, 0), chrono.ChVectorD(0, 0, 1), terrainLength, terrainWidth) patch.SetTexture(veh.GetDataFile("terrain/textures/tile4.jpg"), 200, 200) patch.SetColor(chrono.ChColor(0.5, 0.8, 0.5)) terrain.Initialize() # Create the vehicle Irrlicht interface # ------------------------------------- app = veh.ChTrackedVehicleIrrApp(vehicle, 'M113', irr.dimension2du(1000, 800)) app.SetSkyBox() app.AddTypicalLights(irr.vector3df(30, -30, 100), irr.vector3df(30, 50, 100), 250, 130) app.AddTypicalLogo(chrono.GetChronoDataFile('logo_pychrono_alpha.png')) app.SetChaseCamera(trackPoint, 6.0, 0.5) app.SetTimestep(step_size) app.AssetBindAll() app.AssetUpdateAll() # Create the interactive driver system # ------------------------------------ driver = veh.ChIrrGuiDriver(app) # Set the time response for steering and throttle keyboard inputs. steering_time = 0.5 # time to go from 0 to +1 (or from 0 to -1) throttle_time = 1.0 # time to go from 0 to +1 braking_time = 0.3 # time to go from 0 to +1 driver.SetSteeringDelta(render_step_size / steering_time) driver.SetThrottleDelta(render_step_size / throttle_time) driver.SetBrakingDelta(render_step_size / braking_time) driver.Initialize() # Simulation loop # --------------- # Inter-module communication data shoe_forces_left = veh.TerrainForces(vehicle.GetNumTrackShoes(veh.LEFT)) shoe_forces_right = veh.TerrainForces(vehicle.GetNumTrackShoes(veh.RIGHT)) # Number of simulation steps between miscellaneous events render_steps = m.ceil(render_step_size / step_size) # Initialize simulation frame counter and simulation time step_number = 0 realtime_timer = chrono.ChRealtimeStepTimer() while (app.GetDevice().run()): time = vehicle.GetSystem().GetChTime() app.BeginScene(True, True, irr.SColor(255, 140, 161, 192)) app.DrawAll() app.EndScene() # Get driver inputs driver_inputs = driver.GetInputs() # Update modules (process inputs from other modules) driver.Synchronize(time) terrain.Synchronize(time) vehicle.Synchronize(time, driver_inputs, shoe_forces_left, shoe_forces_right) app.Synchronize("", driver_inputs) # Advance simulation for one timestep for all modules driver.Advance(step_size) terrain.Advance(step_size) vehicle.Advance(step_size) app.Advance(step_size) # Increment frame number step_number += 1 # Spin in place for real time to catch up realtime_timer.Spin(step_size) return 0
# 6. Add constraints # TO DO .... # 7. Add a collision mesh to the skin of the finite element mesh # - Create a ChMaterialSurfaceSMC , it must be assigned to FEA # meshes and rigid bodies. The ChSystemSMC requires it! # - Create a ChContactSurfaceNodeCloud and add to the FEA mesh. # This is the easiest representation of a FEA contact surface: it # simply creates contact spheres per each node. So, no edge-edge cases # can be detected between elements though, but it is enough for # dense finite elements meshes that collide with large objects. # Create a surface material to be shared with some objects mysurfmaterial = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceSMC() mysurfmaterial.SetYoungModulus(6e4) mysurfmaterial.SetFriction(0.3) mysurfmaterial.SetRestitution(0.2) mysurfmaterial.SetAdhesion(0) # Create the contact surface and add to the mesh, using our SMC contact material mcontactcloud = fea.ChContactSurfaceNodeCloud(mysurfmaterial) mesh.AddContactSurface(mcontactcloud) # Must use this to 'populate' the contact surface use larger point size to match beam section radius mcontactcloud.AddAllNodes(0.01) # 8. Create a collision plane, as a huge box floor = chrono.ChBodyEasyBox(
def main(): #print("Copyright (c) 2017\nChrono version: ", CHRONO_VERSION , "\n\n") # Create systems # Create the HMMWV vehicle, set parameters, and initialize my_hmmwv = veh.HMMWV_Full() my_hmmwv.SetContactMethod(contact_method) my_hmmwv.SetChassisCollisionType(chassis_collision_type) my_hmmwv.SetChassisFixed(False) my_hmmwv.SetInitPosition(chrono.ChCoordsysD(initLoc, initRot)) my_hmmwv.SetPowertrainType(powertrain_model) my_hmmwv.SetDriveType(drive_type) my_hmmwv.SetSteeringType(steering_type) my_hmmwv.SetTireType(tire_model) my_hmmwv.SetTireStepSize(tire_step_size) my_hmmwv.Initialize() my_hmmwv.SetChassisVisualizationType(chassis_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetSuspensionVisualizationType(suspension_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetSteeringVisualizationType(steering_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetWheelVisualizationType(wheel_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetTireVisualizationType(tire_vis_type) # Create the terrain terrain = veh.RigidTerrain(my_hmmwv.GetSystem()) if (contact_method == chrono.ChContactMethod_NSC): patch_mat = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceNSC() patch_mat.SetFriction(0.9) patch_mat.SetRestitution(0.01) elif (contact_method == chrono.ChContactMethod_SMC): patch_mat = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceSMC() patch_mat.SetFriction(0.9) patch_mat.SetRestitution(0.01) patch_mat.SetYoungModulus(2e7) patch = terrain.AddPatch(patch_mat, chrono.ChVectorD(0, 0, 0), chrono.ChVectorD(0, 0, 1), terrainLength, terrainWidth) patch.SetTexture(veh.GetDataFile("terrain/textures/tile4.jpg"), 200, 200) patch.SetColor(chrono.ChColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.5)) terrain.Initialize() # Create the vehicle Irrlicht interface app = veh.ChWheeledVehicleIrrApp(my_hmmwv.GetVehicle(), 'HMMWV', irr.dimension2du(1000, 800)) app.SetSkyBox() app.AddTypicalLights(irr.vector3df(30, -30, 100), irr.vector3df(30, 50, 100), 250, 130) app.AddTypicalLogo(chrono.GetChronoDataFile('logo_pychrono_alpha.png')) app.SetChaseCamera(trackPoint, 6.0, 0.5) app.SetTimestep(step_size) app.AssetBindAll() app.AssetUpdateAll() # Initialize output try: os.mkdir(out_dir) except: print("Error creating directory ") # Set up vehicle output my_hmmwv.GetVehicle().SetChassisOutput(True) my_hmmwv.GetVehicle().SetSuspensionOutput(0, True) my_hmmwv.GetVehicle().SetSteeringOutput(0, True) my_hmmwv.GetVehicle().SetOutput(veh.ChVehicleOutput.ASCII, out_dir, "output", 0.1) # Generate JSON information with available output channels my_hmmwv.GetVehicle().ExportComponentList(out_dir + "/component_list.json") # Create the interactive driver system driver = veh.ChIrrGuiDriver(app) # Set the time response for steering and throttle keyboard inputs. steering_time = 1.0 # time to go from 0 to +1 (or from 0 to -1) throttle_time = 1.0 # time to go from 0 to +1 braking_time = 0.3 # time to go from 0 to +1 driver.SetSteeringDelta(render_step_size / steering_time) driver.SetThrottleDelta(render_step_size / throttle_time) driver.SetBrakingDelta(render_step_size / braking_time) driver.Initialize() # Simulation loop # Number of simulation steps between miscellaneous events render_steps = m.ceil(render_step_size / step_size) debug_steps = m.ceil(debug_step_size / step_size) # Initialize simulation frame counter and simulation time step_number = 0 render_frame = 0 if (contact_vis): app.SetSymbolscale(1e-4) #app.SetContactsDrawMode(irr.eCh_ContactsDrawMode::CONTACT_FORCES); realtime_timer = chrono.ChRealtimeStepTimer() while (app.GetDevice().run()): time = my_hmmwv.GetSystem().GetChTime() #End simulation if (time >= t_end): break app.BeginScene(True, True, irr.SColor(255, 140, 161, 192)) app.DrawAll() app.EndScene() #Debug logging if (debug_output and step_number % debug_steps == 0): print("\n\n============ System Information ============\n") print("Time = " << time << "\n\n") #my_hmmwv.DebugLog(OUT_SPRINGS | OUT_SHOCKS | OUT_CONSTRAINTS) marker_driver = my_hmmwv.GetChassis().GetMarkers()[0].GetAbsCoord( ).pos marker_com = my_hmmwv.GetChassis().GetMarkers()[1].GetAbsCoord( ).pos print("Markers\n") print(" Driver loc: ", marker_driver.x, " ", marker_driver.y, " ", marker_driver.z) print(" Chassis COM loc: ", marker_com.x, " ", marker_com.y, " ", marker_com.z) # Get driver inputs driver_inputs = driver.GetInputs() # Update modules (process inputs from other modules) driver.Synchronize(time) terrain.Synchronize(time) my_hmmwv.Synchronize(time, driver_inputs, terrain) app.Synchronize(driver.GetInputModeAsString(), driver_inputs) # Advance simulation for one timestep for all modules driver.Advance(step_size) terrain.Advance(step_size) my_hmmwv.Advance(step_size) app.Advance(step_size) # Increment frame number step_number += 1 # Spin in place for real time to catch up realtime_timer.Spin(step_size) return 0
def main(): #print("Copyright (c) 2017\nChrono version: ", CHRONO_VERSION , "\n\n") # Create systems # Create the FEDA vehicle, set parameters, and initialize my_feda = veh.FEDA() my_feda.SetContactMethod(contact_method) my_feda.SetChassisCollisionType(chassis_collision_type) my_feda.SetChassisFixed(False) my_feda.SetInitPosition(chrono.ChCoordsysD(initLoc, initRot)) my_feda.SetPowertrainType(powertrain_model) my_feda.SetTireType(tire_model) my_feda.SetTireStepSize(tire_step_size) my_feda.Initialize() my_feda.SetChassisVisualizationType(chassis_vis_type) my_feda.SetSuspensionVisualizationType(suspension_vis_type) my_feda.SetSteeringVisualizationType(steering_vis_type) my_feda.SetWheelVisualizationType(wheel_vis_type) my_feda.SetTireVisualizationType(tire_vis_type) # Create the terrain terrain = veh.RigidTerrain(my_feda.GetSystem()) if (contact_method == chrono.ChContactMethod_NSC): patch_mat = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceNSC() patch_mat.SetFriction(0.9) patch_mat.SetRestitution(0.01) elif (contact_method == chrono.ChContactMethod_SMC): patch_mat = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceSMC() patch_mat.SetFriction(0.9) patch_mat.SetRestitution(0.01) patch_mat.SetYoungModulus(2e7) patch = terrain.AddPatch(patch_mat, chrono.ChVectorD(0, 0, 0), chrono.ChVectorD(0, 0, 1), terrainLength, terrainWidth) patch.SetTexture(veh.GetDataFile("terrain/textures/tile4.jpg"), 200, 200) patch.SetColor(chrono.ChColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.5)) terrain.Initialize() # Create the vehicle Irrlicht interface app = veh.ChWheeledVehicleIrrApp(my_feda.GetVehicle(), 'HMMWV', irr.dimension2du(1000, 800)) app.SetSkyBox() app.AddTypicalLights(irr.vector3df(30, -30, 100), irr.vector3df(30, 50, 100), 250, 130) app.AddTypicalLogo(chrono.GetChronoDataFile('logo_pychrono_alpha.png')) app.SetChaseCamera(trackPoint, 6.0, 0.5) app.SetTimestep(step_size) app.AssetBindAll() app.AssetUpdateAll() # Create the interactive driver system driver = veh.ChIrrGuiDriver(app) # Set the time response for steering and throttle keyboard inputs. steering_time = 1.0 # time to go from 0 to +1 (or from 0 to -1) throttle_time = 1.0 # time to go from 0 to +1 braking_time = 0.3 # time to go from 0 to +1 driver.SetSteeringDelta(10 * step_size / steering_time) driver.SetThrottleDelta(10 * step_size / throttle_time) driver.SetBrakingDelta(10 * step_size / braking_time) driver.Initialize() # Simulation loop realtime_timer = chrono.ChRealtimeStepTimer() while (app.GetDevice().run()): time = my_feda.GetSystem().GetChTime() app.BeginScene(True, True, irr.SColor(255, 140, 161, 192)) app.DrawAll() app.EndScene() # Get driver inputs driver_inputs = driver.GetInputs() # Update modules (process inputs from other modules) driver.Synchronize(time) terrain.Synchronize(time) my_feda.Synchronize(time, driver_inputs, terrain) app.Synchronize(driver.GetInputModeAsString(), driver_inputs) # Advance simulation for one timestep for all modules driver.Advance(step_size) terrain.Advance(step_size) my_feda.Advance(step_size) app.Advance(step_size) # Spin in place for real time to catch up realtime_timer.Spin(step_size) return 0
# SEABED # create a box seabed = pychrono.ChBodyEasyBox(100., 0.2, 1., 1000, True) # move box seabed.SetPos(pychrono.ChVectorD(0., -0.1 - d * 2, 0.)) # fix boxed in space seabed.SetBodyFixed(True) # add box to system system.ChSystem.Add(seabed) # CONTACT MATERIAL # define contact material for collision detection material = pychrono.ChMaterialSurfaceSMC() material.SetKn(3e6) # normal stiffness material.SetGn(1.) # normal damping coefficient material.SetFriction(0.3) material.SetRestitution(0.2) material.SetAdhesion(0) # add material to objects seabed.SetMaterialSurface(material) m1.setContactMaterial(material) m2.setContactMaterial(material) # ____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ # | __ ) ___ _ _ _ __ __| | __ _ _ __ _ _ / ___|___ _ __ __| (_) |_(_) ___ _ __ ___ # | _ \ / _ \| | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _` | '__| | | | | / _ \| '_ \ / _` | | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| # | |_) | (_) | |_| | | | | (_| | (_| | | | |_| | |__| (_) | | | | (_| | | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \
def main(): print("Copyright (c) 2017" + "\n\n") # Create systems # Create the HMMWV vehicle, set parameters, and initialize my_hmmwv = veh.HMMWV_Full() my_hmmwv.SetContactMethod(contact_method) my_hmmwv.SetChassisCollisionType(chassis_collision_type) my_hmmwv.SetChassisFixed(False) my_hmmwv.SetInitPosition(chrono.ChCoordsysD(initLoc, initRot)) my_hmmwv.SetPowertrainType(powertrain_model) my_hmmwv.SetDriveType(drive_type) my_hmmwv.SetSteeringType(steering_type) my_hmmwv.SetTireType(tire_model) my_hmmwv.SetTireStepSize(tire_step_size) my_hmmwv.Initialize() my_hmmwv.SetChassisVisualizationType(chassis_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetSuspensionVisualizationType(suspension_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetSteeringVisualizationType(steering_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetWheelVisualizationType(wheel_vis_type) my_hmmwv.SetTireVisualizationType(tire_vis_type) # Create the terrain terrain = veh.RigidTerrain(my_hmmwv.GetSystem()) if (contact_method == chrono.ChContactMethod_NSC): patch_mat = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceNSC() patch_mat.SetFriction(0.9) patch_mat.SetRestitution(0.01) elif (contact_method == chrono.ChContactMethod_SMC): patch_mat = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceSMC() patch_mat.SetFriction(0.9) patch_mat.SetRestitution(0.01) patch_mat.SetYoungModulus(2e7) patch = terrain.AddPatch(patch_mat, chrono.ChVectorD(0, 0, 0), chrono.ChVectorD(0, 0, 1), terrainLength, terrainWidth) patch.SetTexture(veh.GetDataFile("terrain/textures/tile4.jpg"), 200, 200) patch.SetColor(chrono.ChColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.5)) terrain.Initialize() # Create the vehicle Irrlicht interface app = veh.ChWheeledVehicleIrrApp(my_hmmwv.GetVehicle(), 'HMMWV', irr.dimension2du(1000, 800)) app.SetSkyBox() app.AddTypicalLights(irr.vector3df(30, -30, 100), irr.vector3df(30, 50, 100), 250, 130) app.AddTypicalLogo(chrono.GetChronoDataFile('logo_pychrono_alpha.png')) app.SetChaseCamera(trackPoint, 6.0, 0.5) app.SetTimestep(step_size) app.AssetBindAll() app.AssetUpdateAll() # Initialize output try: os.mkdir(out_dir) except: print("Error creating directory ") # Set up vehicle output my_hmmwv.GetVehicle().SetChassisOutput(True) my_hmmwv.GetVehicle().SetSuspensionOutput(0, True) my_hmmwv.GetVehicle().SetSteeringOutput(0, True) my_hmmwv.GetVehicle().SetOutput(veh.ChVehicleOutput.ASCII, out_dir, "output", 0.1) # Generate JSON information with available output channels my_hmmwv.GetVehicle().ExportComponentList(out_dir + "/component_list.json") # Create the interactive driver system driver = veh.ChIrrGuiDriver(app) # Set the time response for steering and throttle keyboard inputs. steering_time = 1.0 # time to go from 0 to +1 (or from 0 to -1) throttle_time = 1.0 # time to go from 0 to +1 braking_time = 0.3 # time to go from 0 to +1 driver.SetSteeringDelta(render_step_size / steering_time) driver.SetThrottleDelta(render_step_size / throttle_time) driver.SetBrakingDelta(render_step_size / braking_time) driver.Initialize() # Simulation loop # Number of simulation steps between miscellaneous events render_steps = m.ceil(render_step_size / step_size) debug_steps = m.ceil(debug_step_size / step_size) # Initialize simulation frame counter and simulation time step_number = 0 render_frame = 0 if (contact_vis): app.SetSymbolscale(1e-4) # app.SetContactsDrawMode(irr.eCh_ContactsDrawMode::CONTACT_FORCES); # --------------------------------------------- # Create a sensor manager and add a point light # --------------------------------------------- manager = sens.ChSensorManager(my_hmmwv.GetSystem()) manager.scene.AddPointLight(chrono.ChVectorF(0, 0, 100), chrono.ChVectorF(2, 2, 2), 5000) manager.SetKeyframeSizeFromTimeStep(.001, 1 / 5) # ------------------------------------------------ # Create a camera and add it to the sensor manager # ------------------------------------------------ fov = 1.408 lag = 0 update_rate = 5 exposure_time = 1 / update_rate offset_pose = chrono.ChFrameD(chrono.ChVectorD(-5, 0, 2)) cam = sens.ChCameraSensor( my_hmmwv.GetChassisBody(), # body camera is attached to update_rate, # update rate in Hz offset_pose, # offset pose image_width, # image width image_height, # image height fov # camera's horizontal field of view ) cam.SetName("Camera Sensor") # cam.SetLag(0); # cam.SetCollectionWindow(0); # Visualizes the image if vis: cam.PushFilter( sens.ChFilterVisualize(image_width, image_height, "HMMWV Camera")) # Save the current image to a png file at the specified path if save: cam.PushFilter(sens.ChFilterSave(out_dir + "cam/")) # Add a camera to a sensor manager manager.AddSensor(cam) # ---------------------------------------------- # Create an IMU sensor and add it to the manager # ---------------------------------------------- offset_pose = chrono.ChFrameD( chrono.ChVectorD(-8, 0, 1), chrono.Q_from_AngAxis(0, chrono.ChVectorD(0, 1, 0))) imu = sens.ChIMUSensor( my_hmmwv.GetChassisBody(), # body imu is attached to imu_update_rate, # update rate in Hz offset_pose, # offset pose imu_noise_none # noise model ) imu.SetName("IMU Sensor") imu.SetLag(imu_lag) imu.SetCollectionWindow(imu_collection_time) # Provides the host access to the imu data imu.PushFilter(sens.ChFilterIMUAccess()) # Add the imu to the sensor manager manager.AddSensor(imu) # ---------------------------------------------- # Create an GPS sensor and add it to the manager # ---------------------------------------------- offset_pose = chrono.ChFrameD( chrono.ChVectorD(-8, 0, 1), chrono.Q_from_AngAxis(0, chrono.ChVectorD(0, 1, 0))) gps = sens.ChGPSSensor( my_hmmwv.GetChassisBody(), # body imu is attached to gps_update_rate, # update rate in Hz offset_pose, # offset pose gps_reference, gps_noise_none # noise model ) gps.SetName("GPS Sensor") gps.SetLag(gps_lag) gps.SetCollectionWindow(gps_collection_time) # Provides the host access to the gps data gps.PushFilter(sens.ChFilterGPSAccess()) # Add the gps to the sensor manager manager.AddSensor(gps) realtime_timer = chrono.ChRealtimeStepTimer() while (app.GetDevice().run()): time = my_hmmwv.GetSystem().GetChTime() #End simulation if (time >= t_end): break if (step_number % render_steps == 0): app.BeginScene(True, True, irr.SColor(255, 140, 161, 192)) app.DrawAll() app.EndScene() #Debug logging if (debug_output and step_number % debug_steps == 0): print("\n\n============ System Information ============\n") print("Time = " << time << "\n\n") #my_hmmwv.DebugLog(OUT_SPRINGS | OUT_SHOCKS | OUT_CONSTRAINTS) marker_driver = my_hmmwv.GetChassis().GetMarkers()[0].GetAbsCoord( ).pos marker_com = my_hmmwv.GetChassis().GetMarkers()[1].GetAbsCoord( ).pos print("Markers\n") print(" Driver loc: ", marker_driver.x, " ", marker_driver.y, " ", marker_driver.z) print(" Chassis COM loc: ", marker_com.x, " ", marker_com.y, " ", marker_com.z) # Get driver inputs driver_inputs = driver.GetInputs() # Update modules (process inputs from other modules) driver.Synchronize(time) terrain.Synchronize(time) my_hmmwv.Synchronize(time, driver_inputs, terrain) app.Synchronize(driver.GetInputModeAsString(), driver_inputs) # Advance simulation for one timestep for all modules driver.Advance(step_size) terrain.Advance(step_size) my_hmmwv.Advance(step_size) app.Advance(step_size) # Update sensor manager # Will render/save/filter automatically manager.Update() # Increment frame number step_number += 1 # Spin in place for real time to catch up realtime_timer.Spin(step_size) return 0