예제 #1
파일: values.py 프로젝트: vishesh/pycket
 def _find_lam(self, args):
     for i, lam in enumerate(self.caselam.lams):
         actuals = lam.match_args(args)
         if actuals is not None:
             frees = self._get_list(i)
             return actuals, frees, lam
     if len(self.caselam.lams) == 1:
         single_lambda = self.caselam.lams[0]
     raise SchemeException("No matching arity in case-lambda")
예제 #2
def string(args):
    if len(args) == 0:
        return W_String.fromascii("")
    assert len(args) > 0
    builder = UnicodeBuilder()
    # XXX could do one less copy in the ascii case
    for char in args:
        if not isinstance(char, values.W_Character):
            raise SchemeException("string: expected a character")
    return W_String.fromunicode(builder.build())
예제 #3
def random(args):
    if not args:
        # random flonum
        return values.W_Flonum(rng.random())
    a1 = args[0]
    if isinstance(a1, values.W_Fixnum):
        upper = a1.value
        return values.W_Fixnum(int(rng.random() * upper))
    if isinstance(a1, values.W_PseudoRandomGenerator):
        return values.W_Flonum(rng.random())
    raise SchemeException("random: invalid arguments")
예제 #4
def bitwise_bit_setp(w_n, w_m):
    if w_m.arith_negativep() is values.w_true:
        raise SchemeException("bitwise-bit-set?: second argument must be non-negative")
    if not isinstance(w_m, values.W_Fixnum):
        # a bignum that has such a big bit set does not fit in memory
        return w_n.arith_negativep()
    v = w_n.arith_and(arith_shift(values.W_Fixnum.ONE, w_m))
    if isinstance(v, values.W_Fixnum) and 0 == v.value:
        return values.w_false
        return values.w_true
예제 #5
def list_to_bytes(w_list):
    if not w_list.is_proper_list():
        raise SchemeException("list->bytes: expected proper list, got %s" %

    ll = []
    while isinstance(w_list, values.W_UnwrappedFixnumConsProper):
        val = w_list._car
        if not (0 <= val < 256):
        w_list = w_list.cdr()
        if w_list is values.w_null:
            return values.W_MutableBytes(ll[:])

    assert isinstance(w_list, values.W_Cons)
    raise SchemeException(
        "list->bytes: expected a number between 0 and 255, got %s" %
예제 #6
 def initialize_prop(self, props, p, sub_prop=None):
     prop = p.car()
     prop_val = p.cdr()
     if sub_prop is None:
         if prop.isinstance(w_prop_procedure):
             if self.prop_procedure is not None and\
                 self.prop_procedure is not prop_val:
                 raise SchemeException(
                     "make-struct-type: duplicate property binding\nproperty: %s"
                     % prop.tostring())
             self.prop_procedure = prop_val
             self.procedure_source = self
         elif prop.isinstance(w_prop_checked_procedure):
             if self.total_field_cnt < 2:
                 raise SchemeException(
                     "need at least two fields in the structure type")
     props.append((prop, prop_val, sub_prop))
     assert isinstance(prop, W_StructProperty)
     for super_p in prop.supers:
         self.initialize_prop(props, super_p, prop)
예제 #7
파일: hash.py 프로젝트: cderici/pycket
def hash_set(table, key, val, env, cont):
    from pycket.interpreter import return_value
    if not table.immutable():
        raise SchemeException("hash-set: not given an immutable table")

    # Fast path
    if isinstance(table, W_ImmutableHashTable):
        new_table = table.assoc(key, val)
        return return_value(new_table, env, cont)

    return hash_copy(table, env, hash_set_cont(key, val, env, cont))
예제 #8
파일: linklet.py 프로젝트: pmatos/pycket
def instance_set_variable_value(instance, name, w_val, mode):
    var = instance.vars.get(name, None)
    if var:
        if var.constance is not w_false:
            raise SchemeException("Cannot mutate a constant : %s" % name.tostring())
        var = W_LinkletVar(w_val, name, mode)
        instance.vars[name] = var

    var.val = w_val
    return w_void
예제 #9
def vector_copy(dest, _dest_start, src, _src_start, _src_end, env, cont):
    if dest.immutable():
        raise SchemeException("vector-copy!: given an immutable destination")
    src_start = _src_start.value if _src_start is not None else 0
    src_end = _src_end.value if _src_end is not None else src.length()
    dest_start = _dest_start.value

    src_range = src_end - src_start
    dest_range = dest.length() - dest_start

    if not (0 <= dest_start < dest.length()):
        raise SchemeException("vector-copy!: destination start out of bounds")
    if not (0 <= src_start <= src.length()) or not (0 <= src_start <=
        raise SchemeException("vector-copy!: source start/end out of bounds")
    if dest_range < src_range:
        raise SchemeException("vector-copy!: not enough room in target vector")

    return vector_copy_loop(src, src_start, src_end, dest, dest_start,
                            values.W_Fixnum(0), env, cont)
예제 #10
def make_immutable_hasheq(assocs):
    pairs = values.from_list(assocs)
    keys = [None] * len(pairs)
    vals = [None] * len(pairs)
    for i, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        if not isinstance(pair, values.W_Cons):
            raise SchemeException(
                "make-immutable-hasheq: expected list of pairs")
        keys[i] = pair.car()
        vals[i] = pair.cdr()
    return make_simple_table(W_EqHashTable, keys, vals, immutable=True)
예제 #11
def extract_path(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, values_string.W_String):
        result = obj.as_str_utf8()
    elif isinstance(obj, values.W_Path):
        result = obj.path
    elif isinstance(obj, values.W_Bytes):
        result = obj.as_str()
        raise SchemeException("expected path-like values but got %s" %
    return result if result is not None else "."
예제 #12
def bytes(args):
    if len(args) == 0:
        return values.W_MutableBytes([])
    assert len(args) > 0

    builder = StringBuilder()
    for char in args:
        if not (isinstance(char, values.W_Fixnum) and 0 <= char.value <= 255):
            raise SchemeException("string: expected a character int")
    return values.W_Bytes.from_string(builder.build(), immutable=False)
예제 #13
def format(form, vals, name):
    fmt = form.as_str_utf8()  # XXX for now
    i = 0
    j = 0
    result = []
    len_fmt = len(fmt)
    while True:
        i0 = i
        while i < len_fmt:
            if fmt[i] == '~':
            i += 1
            # not left via break, so we're done
        if i + 1 == len_fmt:
            raise SchemeException(name + ": bad format string")
        s = fmt[i + 1]
        if (s == 'a' or  # turns into switch
                s == 'A' or s == 's' or s == 'S' or s == 'v' or s == 'V' or
                s == 'e' or s == 'E' or s == '.'):
            # print a value
            # FIXME: different format chars
            if j >= len(vals):
                raise SchemeException(
                    name + ": not enough arguments for format string")
            j += 1
        elif s == 'n' or s == '%':
            result.append("\n")  # newline
        elif s == '~':
            raise SchemeException("%s: undexpected format character '%s'" %
                                  (name, s))
        i += 2
    if j != len(vals):
        raise SchemeException(name + ": not all values used")
    return "".join(result)
예제 #14
파일: string.py 프로젝트: vishesh/pycket
def substring(w_string, w_start, w_end):
    (substring str start [end]) -> string?
        str : string?
        start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
        end : exact-nonnegative-integer? = (string-length str)
    lenstring = w_string.length()
    start = w_start.value
    if start > lenstring or start < 0:
        raise SchemeException("substring: end index out of bounds")
    if w_end is not None:
        end = w_end.value
        if end > lenstring or end < 0:
            raise SchemeException("substring: end index out of bounds")
        end = lenstring
    if end < start:
        raise SchemeException(
            "substring: ending index is smaller than starting index")
    return w_string.getslice(start, end)
예제 #15
파일: string.py 프로젝트: vishesh/pycket
def subbytes(w_bytes, w_start, w_end):
    (subbytes bstr start [end]) → bytes?
        bstr : bytes?
        start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
        end : exact-nonnegative-integer? = (bytes-length str)
    bytes = w_bytes.value
    start = w_start.value
    if start > len(bytes) or start < 0:
        raise SchemeException("subbytes: end index out of bounds")
    if w_end is not None:
        end = w_end.value
        if end > len(bytes) or end < 0:
            raise SchemeException("subbytes: end index out of bounds")
        end = len(bytes)
    if end < start:
        raise SchemeException(
            "subbytes: ending index is smaller than starting index")
    return values.W_MutableBytes(bytes[start:end])
예제 #16
def integer_bytes_to_integer(bstr, signed):
    # XXX Currently does not make use of the signed parameter
    bytes = bstr.value
    if len(bytes) not in (4, 8):
        raise SchemeException(
                "floating-point-bytes->real: byte string must have length 2, 4, or 8")

    val = 0
    for i, v in enumerate(bytes):
        val += ord(v) << (i * 8)

    return values.W_Flonum(longlong2float.longlong2float(val))
예제 #17
파일: numeric.py 프로젝트: 8l/pycket
def integer_bytes_to_integer(bstr, signed):
    # XXX Currently does not make use of the signed parameter
    bytes = bstr.value
    if len(bytes) not in (2, 4, 8):
        raise SchemeException(
            "integer-bytes->integer: byte string must have length 2, 4, or 8")

    val = 0
    for i, v in enumerate(bytes):
        val += ord(v) << (i * 8)

    return values.W_Fixnum(val)
예제 #18
파일: input_output.py 프로젝트: 8l/pycket
def call_with_output_file(s, proc, mode, exists, env, cont):
    m = ""
    if exists is w_append_sym:
        m += "a"
    elif exists is w_truncate_sym or w_truncate_replace_sym:
        m += "w"
        raise SchemeException("mode not yet supported: %s" % exists.tostring())
    if mode is not w_text_sym:
        m += "b"
    port = open_outfile(s, m)
    return proc.call([port], env, close_cont(port, env, cont))
예제 #19
 def arith_div_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
     if other.value == 0:
         raise SchemeException("zero_divisor")
         res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(self.value / other.value)
     except OverflowError:
         return self.arith_div(values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(
     if res * other.value == self.value:
         return values.W_Fixnum(res)
     return values.W_Rational.fromint(self.value, other.value)
예제 #20
def hash_set(table, key, val, env, cont):
    from pycket.interpreter import return_value
    if not table.immutable():
        raise SchemeException("hash-set: not given an immutable table")

    # Fast path
    if isinstance(table, W_SimpleHashTable):
        copy = table.make_copy()
        copy.data[key] = val
        return return_value(copy, env, cont)

    return hash_copy(table, env, hash_set_cont(key, val, env, cont))
예제 #21
파일: input_output.py 프로젝트: 8l/pycket
def read_stream(stream):
    next_token = read_token(stream)
    if isinstance(next_token, SpecialToken):
        v = read_stream(stream)
        return next_token.finish(v)
    if isinstance(next_token, DelimToken):
        if not isinstance(next_token, LParenToken):
            raise SchemeException("read: unexpected %s"%next_token.str)
        v = read_list(stream, values.w_null, next_token.str)
        return v
        return next_token.val
예제 #22
파일: general.py 프로젝트: vishesh/pycket
 def process_list(_lst):
     lst = _lst
     for letter in unrolled:
         if not isinstance(lst, values.W_Cons):
             raise SchemeException("%s: expected %s given %s" % (name, contract, _lst))
         if letter == 'a':
             lst = lst.car()
         elif letter == 'd':
             lst = lst.cdr()
             assert False, "Bad list eater specification"
     return lst
예제 #23
 def arith_quotient_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
     x = self.value
     y = other.value
     if y:
             res = int_floordiv_ovf(x, y) # misnomer, should be int_truncdiv or so
         except OverflowError:
             return self.arith_quotient(values.W_Bignum(rbigint.fromint(other.value)))
         raise SchemeException("zero_divisor")
     return values.W_Fixnum(res)
예제 #24
파일: general.py 프로젝트: vishesh/pycket
def map_loop(f, lists, env, cont):
    from pycket.interpreter import return_value
    lists_new = []
    args = []
    for l in lists:
        if not isinstance(l, values.W_Cons):
            if l is not values.w_null:
                raise SchemeException("map: not given a proper list")
            return return_value(values.w_null, env, cont)
    return f.call(args, env, map_first_cont(f, lists_new, env, cont))
예제 #25
 def _find_lam(self, args):
     for (i, lam) in enumerate(self.caselam.lams):
             actuals = lam.match_args(args)
         except SchemeException:
             if len(self.caselam.lams) == 1:
             frees = self._get_list(i)
             return (actuals, frees, lam)
     raise SchemeException("No matching arity in case-lambda")
예제 #26
파일: numeric.py 프로젝트: cderici/pycket
    def do(args):
        if len(args) < 2:
            raise SchemeException("number of arguments to %s too small" % name)
        idx = 2
        truth = True
        while idx <= len(args):
            start = idx - 2
            assert start >= 0
            w_a, w_b = args[start], args[start + 1]
            nan_a = not isinstance(w_a, values.W_Number)
            nan_b = not isinstance(w_b, values.W_Number)
            if nan_a or nan_b:
                pf = ["st", "nd", "rd"][idx - 1] if idx <= 3 else "th"
                w = w_a if nan_a else w_b
                raise SchemeException(
                    "%s expected number as %s%s argument, got : %s" %
                    (name, idx, pf, w.tostring()))
            idx += 1
            truth = truth and getattr(w_a, "arith_" + op)(w_b)

        return con(truth)
예제 #27
def atan(y, x):
    if x is not None:
        # FIXME: signs determine the quadrant of the result
        # and care about NaNs and precision
        if x.arith_zerop() is values.w_false:
            z = y.arith_div(x)
            # we should raise exn_fail_contract_divide_by_zero
            raise SchemeException("zero_divisor")
        z = y
    return getattr(z, "arith_atan")()
예제 #28
def do_write_string(w_str, port, start_pos, end_pos, env, cont):
    from pycket.interpreter import return_value
    start = start_pos.value
    assert start >= 0
    if end_pos:
        end_pos = end_pos.value
        if end_pos < 0 or end_pos > w_str.length():
            raise SchemeException("write-string: ending index out of range")
        end_pos = w_str.length()
    cont = write_string_cont(w_str, start, end_pos, env, cont)
    return get_output_port(port, env, cont)
예제 #29
def real_floating_point_bytes(n, _size, big_endian):
    if isinstance(n, values.W_Flonum):
        v = n.value
    elif isinstance(n, values.W_Fixnum):
        v = float(n.value)
    elif isinstance(n, values.W_Bignum):
        v = rbigint.tofloat(n.value)
        raise SchemeException("real->floating-point-bytes: expected real")

    size = _size.value
    if size != 4 and size != 8:
        raise SchemeException("real->floating-point-bytes: size not 4 or 8")

    intval = longlong2float.float2longlong(v)

    if big_endian is not values.w_false:
        intval = rarithmetic.byteswap(intval)

    chars = [chr((intval >> (i * 8)) % 256) for i in range(size)]
    return values.W_Bytes.from_charlist(chars)
예제 #30
    def call(self, args, env, cont):
        from pycket.interpreter import return_value

        if len(args) == 0:
            return self.parameter.call(args, env, call_cont(self.wrap, env, cont))
        elif len(args) == 1:
            if self.guard:
                return self.guard.call(args, env,
                        call_cont(self.parameter, env, cont))
            return self.parameter.call(args, env, cont)
            raise SchemeException("wrong number of arguments to parameter")