예제 #1
def delete_by_collection(connector,
    """Delete datasets from Clowder by iterating through collection.

    Keyword arguments:
    connector -- connector information, used to get missing parameters and send status updates
    host -- the clowder host, including http and port, should end with a /
    key -- the secret key to login to clowder
    collectionid -- the collection to walk
    recursive -- whether to also iterate across child collections
    delete_colls -- whether to also delete collections containing the datasets
    dslist = get_datasets(connector, host, key, collectionid)
    for ds in dslist:
        delete(connector, host, key, ds['id'])

    if recursive:
        childcolls = get_child_collections(connector, host, key, collectionid)
        for coll in childcolls:
            delete_by_collection(connector, host, key, coll['id'], recursive,

    if delete_colls:
        delete_collection(connector, host, key, collectionid)
예제 #2
def submit_extractions_by_collection(connector,
    """Manually trigger an extraction on all datasets in a collection.

        This will iterate through all datasets in the given collection and submit them to
        the provided extractor.

        Keyword arguments:
        connector -- connector information, used to get missing parameters and send status updates
        host -- the clowder host, including http and port, should end with a /
        key -- the secret key to login to clowder
        datasetid -- the dataset UUID to submit
        extractorname -- registered name of extractor to trigger
        recursive -- whether to also submit child collection datasets recursively (defaults to True)

    dslist = get_datasets(connector, host, key, collectionid)

    for ds in dslist:
        submit_extraction(connector, host, key, ds['id'], extractorname)

    if recursive:
        childcolls = get_child_collections(connector, host, key, collectionid)
        for coll in childcolls:
            submit_extractions_by_collection(connector, host, key, coll['id'],
                                             extractorname, recursive)
예제 #3
def submit_extractions_by_collection(connector, host, key, collectionid, extractorname, ext=False, recursive=True):
    """Manually trigger an extraction on all files in a collection.

        This will iterate through all datasets in the given collection and submit them to
        the submit_extractions_by_dataset(). Does not operate recursively if there are nested collections.

        Keyword arguments:
        connector -- connector information, used to get missing parameters and send status updates
        host -- the clowder host, including http and port, should end with a /
        key -- the secret key to login to clowder
        collectionid -- the collection UUID to submit
        extractorname -- registered name of extractor to trigger
        ext -- extension to filter. e.g. 'tif' will only submit TIFF files for extraction
        recursive -- whether to also submit child collection files recursively (defaults to True)

    dslist = get_datasets(connector, host, key, collectionid)

    for ds in dslist:
        submit_extractions_by_dataset(connector, host, key, ds['id'], extractorname, ext)

    if recursive:
        childcolls = get_child_collections(connector, host, key, collectionid)
        for coll in childcolls:
            submit_extractions_by_collection(connector, host, key, coll['id'], extractorname, ext, recursive)