def testCropping(self): """Observations from subgames can be cropped for mutual compatibility.""" # The games will use these worlds. arts = [ ['P..', '...', '...'], [ '...............', '...............', '.......P.......', '...............', '...............' ], ['...', '...', 'P..'], ] # But these croppers will ensure that they all have a reasonable size. croppers = [ None, cropping.FixedCropper(top_left_corner=(1, 6), rows=3, cols=3), cropping.FixedCropper(top_left_corner=(0, 0), rows=3, cols=3), ] # Create and start the story. story = storytelling.Story( chapters=[lambda art=a: self._make_game(art) for a in arts], croppers=croppers) observation, reward, pcontinue = story.its_showtime() del reward, pcontinue # unused # For better narration of these observation comparisons, read through # testSequenceOfGames. self.assertBoard(observation.board, arts[0]) self.assertMachinima(engine=story, frames=[(None, ['...', '.P.', '...']), (None, arts[2]), (None, ['...', '...', '.P.'])])
def make_croppers(level): """Builds and returns `ObservationCropper`s for the selected level. We make three croppers for each level: one centred on the player, one centred on one of the Patrollers (scary!), and one centred on a tantalising hoard of coins somewhere in the level (motivating!) Args: level: level to make `ObservationCropper`s for. Returns: a list of three `ObservationCropper`s. """ return [ # The player view. cropping.ScrollingCropper(rows=10, cols=30, to_track=['P'], initial_offset=STARTER_OFFSET[level]), # The patroller view. cropping.ScrollingCropper(rows=7, cols=10, to_track=['c'], pad_char=' ', scroll_margins=(None, 3)), # The teaser! cropping.FixedCropper(top_left_corner=TEASER_CORNER[level], rows=12, cols=20, pad_char=' '), ]
def make_croppers(): """Builds and returns three `ObservationCropper`s for tennnn...nnnnis.""" return [ # Player 1 view. cropping.FixedCropper(top_left_corner=(0, 0), rows=10, cols=10), # The ball view. cropping.ScrollingCropper(rows=10, cols=31, to_track=['@'], scroll_margins=(0, None)), # Player 2 view. cropping.FixedCropper(top_left_corner=(0, len(MAZE_ART[0]) - 10), rows=10, cols=10), ]
def testWeirdFixedCrops(self): """Cropping works even for strange cropping sizes and locations.""" # All cropping in uses the same cropping helper method, so # with this text and the prior one we try to cover a diverse range of # cropping situations. # Our test takes place in this world. art = [ '.......', '.#####.', '.#P #.', '.# #.', '.# #.', '.#####.', '.......' ] # Build several fixed croppers that crop in assorted odd ways. croppers = [ # Extends beyond the original observation on all sides. cropping.FixedCropper((-1, -2), rows=9, cols=11, pad_char=' '), # A 1x1 crop right on the agent. cropping.FixedCropper((2, 2), rows=1, cols=1), # A long, short crop right through the agent. cropping.FixedCropper((2, -2), rows=1, cols=11, pad_char=' '), # A tall, skinny crop right through the agent. cropping.FixedCropper((-2, 2), rows=11, cols=1, pad_char=' '), # Altogether ouside of the observation. cropping.FixedCropper((-4, -4), rows=2, cols=2, pad_char=' '), # This, too cropping.FixedCropper((14, 14), rows=2, cols=2, pad_char=' '), ] # In a fresh engine, execute some actions and check for expected crops. self.assertMachinima( engine=self.make_engine(art, croppers), croppers=croppers, frames=[ ( 'stay', # After executing this action... [ [ ' ', ' ....... ', # ...we expect this from the first cropper... ' .#####. ', ' .#P #. ', ' .# #. ', ' .# #. ', ' .#####. ', ' ....... ', ' ' ], ['P'], # ...and this from the second cropper... [' .#P #. '], # ...and this from the third... [c for c in ' .#P #. ' ], # ...and this from the fourth... [ ' ', # ...fifth... ' ' ], [ ' ', # ...and the sixth. ' ' ] ]), ], )
def testFixedCropper(self): """Fixed croppers crop the designated part of the observation.""" # All cropping in uses the same cropping helper method, so # with this text and the next one we try to cover a diverse range of # cropping situations. # Our test takes place in this world. art = [ '.......', '.#####.', '.# #.', '.# P #.', '.# #.', '.#####.', '.......' ] # Build several fixed croppers focusing on different parts of the board. All # have the same size, which lets us use zip to make our art easier to read. croppers = [ # These croppers extend beyond all four corners of the game board, # allowing us to test the padding functionality. cropping.FixedCropper((-1, -1), rows=4, cols=4, pad_char=' '), cropping.FixedCropper((-1, 4), rows=4, cols=4, pad_char=' '), cropping.FixedCropper((4, -1), rows=4, cols=4, pad_char=' '), cropping.FixedCropper((4, 4), rows=4, cols=4, pad_char=' '), # This cropper sits right in the middle and requires no padding. cropping.FixedCropper((1, 1), rows=4, cols=4), ] # In a fresh engine, execute some actions and check for expected crops. # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace self.assertMachinima( engine=self.make_engine(art, croppers), croppers=croppers, frames=[ ( 'stay', # The action, and cropped observations below. zip([' ', ' ', ' .# ', ' #. ', '####'], [' ...', '... ', ' .##', '##. ', '# '], [' .##', '##. ', ' ...', '... ', '# P '], [' .# ', ' #. ', ' ', ' ', '# '])), ('nw', zip([' ', ' ', ' .# ', ' #. ', '####'], [' ...', '... ', ' .##', '##. ', '#P '], [' .##', '##. ', ' ...', '... ', '# '], [' .#P', ' #. ', ' ', ' ', '# '])), ('e', zip([' ', ' ', ' .# ', ' #. ', '####'], [' ...', '... ', ' .##', '##. ', '# P '], [' .##', '##. ', ' ...', '... ', '# '], [' .# ', ' #. ', ' ', ' ', '# '])), ('e', zip([' ', ' ', ' .# ', ' #. ', '####'], [' ...', '... ', ' .##', '##. ', '# P'], [' .##', '##. ', ' ...', '... ', '# '], [' .# ', 'P#. ', ' ', ' ', '# '])), ('s', zip([' ', ' ', ' .# ', ' #. ', '####'], [' ...', '... ', ' .##', '##. ', '# '], [' .##', '##. ', ' ...', '... ', '# P'], [' .# ', ' #. ', ' ', ' ', '# '])), ('s', zip([' ', ' ', ' .# ', 'P#. ', '####'], [' ...', '... ', ' .##', '##. ', '# '], [' .##', '##. ', ' ...', '... ', '# '], [' .# ', ' #. ', ' ', ' ', '# P'])), ('w', zip([' ', ' ', ' .# ', ' #. ', '####'], [' ...', '... ', ' .##', '##. ', '# '], [' .##', '##. ', ' ...', '... ', '# '], [' .# ', ' #. ', ' ', ' ', '# P '])), ('w', zip([' ', ' ', ' .#P', ' #. ', '####'], [' ...', '... ', ' .##', '##. ', '# '], [' .##', '##. ', ' ...', '... ', '# '], [' .# ', ' #. ', ' ', ' ', '#P '])), ], )