예제 #1
def get_count_stats(out_file, region_file):

    region = np.flipud(copy_piximgvals(read_file(region_file)))
    output = np.loadtxt(out_file)

    imsize = output.shape[1]
    niter = int(output.shape[0] / imsize)

    count_sums = np.zeros(niter)

    for i in range(niter):
        count_sums[i] = (np.flipud(output[i * imsize:(i + 1) * imsize, :]) *

    return count_sums
예제 #2
def _try_image(crate, make_copy=False, fix_type=False, dtype=SherpaFloat):

    if make_copy:
        # Make a copy if a filename passed in
        dat = pycrates.copy_piximgvals(crate).squeeze()
        # Use a reference if a crate passed in
        dat = pycrates.get_piximgvals(crate).squeeze()

    if fix_type:
        dat = dat.astype(dtype)
    # FITS standard is FORTRAN filling, Sherpa is c-style
#    return dat.reshape(dat.shape[::-1]) 

    # Crates now returns image in c-style filling
    return dat
예제 #3
def _try_image(crate, make_copy=False, fix_type=False, dtype=SherpaFloat):
    checked for new crates

    if make_copy:
        # Make a copy if a filename passed in
        dat = pycrates.copy_piximgvals(crate).squeeze()
        # Use a reference if a crate passed in
        dat = pycrates.get_piximgvals(crate).squeeze()

    if fix_type:
        dat = dat.astype(dtype)

    # FITS standard is FORTRAN filling, Sherpa is c-style
#    return dat.reshape(dat.shape[::-1])

    # Crates now returns image in c-style filling
    return dat
예제 #4
def get_centroids(out_file, region_file):

    region = np.flipud(copy_piximgvals(read_file(region_file)))
    output = np.loadtxt(out_file)

    imsize = output.shape[1]
    niter = int(output.shape[0] / imsize)

    avg_image = np.zeros((imsize, imsize))

    xvals = np.zeros(niter)
    yvals = np.zeros(niter)

    count_sums = np.zeros(niter)

    for i in range(niter):
        avg_image += output[i * imsize : (i + 1) * imsize, :]
        xvals[i], yvals[i] = centroid(
            np.flipud(output[i * imsize : (i + 1) * imsize, :]) * region, region_file
        count_sums[i] = ((output[i * imsize : (i + 1) * imsize, :]) * region).sum()

    return xvals, yvals, count_sums
예제 #5
def get_pixel_values(filename):
    image = pc.read_file(filename)
    return pc.copy_piximgvals(image)  # returns a numpy array
예제 #6
파일: xap_funs.py 프로젝트: kglotfelty/XAP
def get_F_C_exp(evtfile, sregs, breg, psfs, exps, exposure):
    evtfile   Event list file name (used to determine counts in regions)
    sregs     List of source region fits file names
    breg      Background region fits file name
    psfs      List of source psf fits image file names

    Compute array of psf fractions F and vector of total counts C, such that
    F[i,j] is PSF fraction of source j in source region i
    C[i] is total counts in source region i
    Here, the last source region is actually the background region, so
    F[n,j] is the PSF fraction of source j in the background region and
    C[n] is the total counts in the background region.
    Array F and vector C are returned.

    In this version, observation exposure is accounted for, either via exposure maps
    stack exps (one per source/background region) or header keyword.


    import numpy as np
    import pycrates as pc
    import region as re

    # First determine sizes of F and C:

    ldim = len(sregs)
    ndim = ldim + 1

    C = np.zeros(ndim)

    # If no psfs are provided, assume source ecf=1

    F = np.identity(ndim)

    # Now build C. First the source regions:

    for i in np.arange(0, ldim):
        evtfilter = "%s[sky=region(%s)]" % (evtfile, sregs[i])
        evts = pc.read_file(evtfilter)
        crtype = pc.get_crate_type(evts)
        if crtype == 'Table':
            C[i] = len(pc.get_colvals(
                evts, 0))  # assuming event list has at least 1 column
        if crtype == 'Image':
            C[i] = np.sum(pc.copy_piximgvals(evts))

    # and now the background region:

    evtfilter = "%s[sky=region(%s)]" % (evtfile, breg)
    evts = pc.read_file(evtfilter)
    crtype = pc.get_crate_type(evts)
    if crtype == 'Table':
        C[ldim] = len(pc.get_colvals(
            evts, 0))  # assuming event list has at least 1 column
    if crtype == 'Image':
        C[ldim] = np.sum(pc.copy_piximgvals(evts))

    # Next, build F. If psfs are specified, use them to generate the ecf's

    if len(psfs) > 0:

        # All but the last row and all but the last column of F contain
        # the ecf's of source j in region i:

        for i in np.arange(0, ldim):  # row loop
            for j in np.arange(0, ldim):  # column loop
                imgfilter = "%s[sky=region(%s)]" % (psfs[j], sregs[i])
                F[i, j] = np.sum(pc.copy_piximgvals(pc.read_file(imgfilter)))

        # All but the last column of the last row of F contain the ecf's of
        # source j in the background region:

        for j in np.arange(0, ldim):
            imgfilter = "%s[sky=region(%s)]" % (psfs[j], breg)
            F[ldim, j] = np.sum(pc.copy_piximgvals(pc.read_file(imgfilter)))

    # The last column in F contains region areas. All but the last are source regions:

    for i in np.arange(0, ldim):
        F[i, ldim] = re.regArea(re.regParse("region(%s)" % sregs[i]))

    # And the last row, last column entry is the background region area.

    F[ldim, ldim] = re.regArea(re.regParse("region(%s)" % breg))

    # Finally, modify by exposure. If exps are specified, compute average map value in
    # each region:

    ereg = np.ones(ndim)
    if len(exps) > 0:

        # average expmap in each source region

        for i in np.arange(0, ldim):
            imgfilter = "%s[sky=region(%s)]" % (exps[i], sregs[i])
            evals = pc.copy_piximgvals(pc.read_file(imgfilter))
            enums = evals.copy()
            enums[enums > 0.0] = 1.0
            ereg[i] = np.sum(evals) / np.sum(enums)

        # Average expmap in background region

        imgfilter = "%s[sky=region(%s)]" % (exps[ldim], breg)
        evals = pc.copy_piximgvals(pc.read_file(imgfilter))
        enums = evals.copy()
        enums[enums > 0.0] = 1.0
        ereg[ldim] = np.sum(evals) / np.sum(enums)

    # otherwise, use exposure from header for all regions

        ereg = ereg * exposure

    F = F * ereg.reshape(ndim, 1)

    return F, C
예제 #7
def smooth_image_crate(cr, stype, *args, **kwargs):
    """Smooth the pixel values in the crate.

    This changes the pixel values stored in the image crate
    but retains other metadata, such as WCS mapping.

        The IMAGECrate to change.
    stype : str
        The type of smoothing to apply. The list of supported
        values is given in the Notes section below.
    *args, **kwargs
        The supported arguments depend on the value of the
        'stype' argument.

    See Also

    The supported smoothing types, and their arguments, are given
    below, where function indicates which function from
    ciao_contrib.smooth is used to smooth the image (it also
    determines the meaning of the "args and kwargs" column):

    ======= =========== ======== =================================
    stype   smoothing   function args and kwargs
    ======= =========== ======== =================================
    none    none
    gauss   gaussian    gsmooth  sigma, hwidth=5
    boxcar  box-car     bsmooth  radius
    tophat  top-hat     tsmooth  radius
    file    by file     fsmooth  filename, norm=True, origin=None
    image   by image    ismooth  kernel, norm=True, origin=None
    ======= =========== ======== =================================

    Numeric values such as sigma and radius refer to logical
    pixels, and not SKY or WCS units.

    This routine modifies the data in the input crate, it does
    *NOT* return a copy of the crate.


    Smooth the data with a gaussian with a 3-pixel sigma, using
    a box half-width of 5 sigmaL

    >>> cr = read_file('img.fits')
    >>> smooth_image_crate(cr, 'gauss', 3)

    Change to use a bow half-width of 7 sigma:

    >>> cr = read_file('img.fits')
    >>> smooth_image_crate(cr, 'gauss', sigma=3, hwidth=7)

    Smooth the pixel values in chandra.img by the image stored in

    >>> cr = read_file('chandra.img')
    >>> smooth_image_crate(cr, 'file', 'xmm_psf.fits')

    Create a three-by-three kernel and use it to smooth the image
    stored in cr:

    >>> kern = np.asarray([0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0]).reshape(3, 3)
    >>> smooth_image_crate(cr, 'image', kern)


    if not isinstance(cr, pycrates.IMAGECrate):
        raise ValueError("First argument must be an image crate.")

    # Short cut
    if stype == "none":

    ivals = pycrates.copy_piximgvals(cr)

        sfunc = _image_smooth[stype]

    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Invalid smooth value of '{}': must be one of\n  {}".format(
            stype, " ".join(_image_smooth.keys())))

    nvals = sfunc(ivals, *args, **kwargs)
    pycrates.set_piximgvals(cr, nvals)
예제 #8
def scale_image_crate(cr, scaling="arcsinh"):
    """Scale the pixel values in the image crate.

    This changes the pixel values stored in the image crate
    but retains other metadata, such as WCS mapping.

        The IMAGECrate to change.
    scaling : optional
        The default value is 'arcsinh', and the list of supported
        values is given in the Notes section below.

    See Also

    The supported scaling values, and their meanings, are

        This does not change the pixel values.
        The pixel values are replaced by arcsinh(values).
        The same as 'arcsinh'.
        Take the square root of the pixel values.
        Take the square of the pixel values.
        The pixel values are replaced by log10(values).
        This is similar to 'log10' but uses the natural

    This routine modifies the data in the input crate, it does
    *NOT* return a copy of the crate.


    >>> cr = read_file('img.fits')
    >>> scale_image_crate(cr, 'log10')


    if not isinstance(cr, pycrates.IMAGECrate):
        raise ValueError("First argument must be an image crate.")

    # Short cut
    if scaling == "none":

    ivals = pycrates.copy_piximgvals(cr)

        sfunc = _image_scalings[scaling]

    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Invalid scaling value of '{}': must be one of\n  {}".format(
            scaling, " ".join(_image_scalings.keys())))

    pycrates.set_piximgvals(cr, sfunc(ivals))