예제 #1
 def test_decon_wrapper_with_variable_shapes(self):
     test that the
     images = [
         self.deskewed, self.deskewed[:, 4:-4, 4:-4],
         self.deskewed[2:-2, 16:-16, 16:-16]
     decon(images, self.otf, **self.config)
예제 #2
 def test_decon_wrapper_with_psf_array(self):
     test that we can deconvolve an image
     psf = imread(self.psf)
     decon_result = decon(self.deskewed, psf, **self.config)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(decon_result, self.stored_decon))
예제 #3
 def test_decon_wrapper_save_deskewed(self):
     test that the
     config = dict(self.config)
     config['deskew'] = 31.5
     decon_result = decon(self.raw, self.otf, save_deskewed=True, **config)
     self.assertTrue(len(decon_result) == 2)
예제 #4
 def test_decon_wrapper_with_many_inputs(self):
     test that the
     images = [self.deskewed, self.deskewed, self.deskewed]
     decon_results = decon(images, self.otf, **self.config)
         all([np.allclose(d, self.stored_decon) for d in decon_results]))
예제 #5
def proc_channel(pos):
    for chan in channels:
        data = dir+experiment+pos+channels[chan]
        psf = dir+"\\"+kernels[chan]

        if not os.path.isfile(data):
            print("bad file path: "+data)
        if not os.path.isfile(psf):
            print('bad file path: '+psf)

        result = decon(data, psf, cleanup_otf=True, wavelength=wavelengths[chan], na=1.47, nimm=1.515)

        # to output full zstack
        # tifffile.imsave(outdir+pos+"\\testthing%s.tif" % chan, result.astype(dtype=np.uint16))

        # to output individual z-planes in the format generated by micromanager
        for zIdx in range(0, len(result)):
            out_filename = '\\img_000000000_Zyla_%s_Widefield_%03d.tif' % (chan, zIdx)
            tifffile.imsave(outdir+pos+out_filename, result[zIdx].astype(dtype=np.uint16))
예제 #6
wavelengths = {'405': 430,
               '488': 515,
               '561': 585,
               '637': 655}

# set range on position if want a subset
for pos in positions[:]:
    if not os.path.exists(outdir+pos):

    for chan in channels:
        data = dir+experiment+pos+channels[chan]
        psf = dir+"\\"+kernels[chan]

        if not os.path.isfile(data):
            print("bad file path: "+data)
        if not os.path.isfile(psf):
            print('bad file path: '+psf)

        result = decon(data, psf, cleanup_otf=True, wavelength=wavelengths[chan], na=1.47, nimm=1.515)

        # to output full zstack
        # tifffile.imsave(outdir+pos+"\\testthing%s.tif" % chan, result.astype(dtype=np.uint16))

        # to output individual z-planes in the format generated by micromanager
        for zIdx in range(0, len(result)):
            out_filename = '\\img_000000000_Zyla_%s_Widefield_%03d.tif' % (chan, zIdx)
            tifffile.imsave(outdir+pos+out_filename, result[zIdx].astype(dtype=np.uint16))

requires installation of python and other python packlages, 
which are included in the anaconda python release.
pyCUDAdecon and instructions to install and use are at  

#import required packages
from pycudadecon import decon, make_otf
from skimage.external.tifffile import imsave

# set input a and output file paths
image_path = 'C1-YeastTNA1_1516_conv_RG_26oC_003.tif'
psf_path = 'gpsf_3D_1514_a3_001_WF-sub105.tif'
otfOutPath = 'otf.tif'

# do the deconvolution on GPU
numIters = 30
result = decon(image_path, psf_path, n_iters=numIters)
print("result data type is " + str(result.dtype))
print('results numpy array shape is ')

# save the result,
print('Saving result image TIFF file')
# using skimage.external.tifffile.imsave
imsave(('result' + str(numIters) + 'iterations.tif'), result) #, imagej)

# save otf tiff file from PSF image tiff.
print('making otf')
make_otf(psf_path, otfOutPath, dzpsf=0.15, dxpsf=0.05, wavelength=510, na=1.3, nimm=1.333, otf_bgrd=None, krmax=0, fixorigin=10, cleanup_otf=True, max_otf_size=60000)
예제 #8
def test_decon_wrapper_save_deskewed(raw_image, config):
    """test that save_deskewed includes deskewed when passing raw image"""
    config["deskew"] = 31.5
    decon_result = decon(raw_image, OTF_PATH, save_deskewed=True, **config)
    assert len(decon_result) == 2
예제 #9
def test_decon_wrapper_with_variable_shapes(deskewed_image, config):
    """test passing a list of variabel shape images to decon"""
    im = deskewed_image
    images = [im, im[:, 4:-4, 4:-4], im[2:-2, 16:-16, 16:-16]]
    decon(images, OTF_PATH, **config)
예제 #10
def test_decon_wrapper_with_many_inputs(deskewed_image, decon_image, config):
    """test passing a list of images to decon"""
    images = [deskewed_image, deskewed_image, deskewed_image]

    for d in decon(images, OTF_PATH, **config):
        npt.assert_allclose(d, decon_image, atol=ATOL)
예제 #11
def test_decon_wrapper_with_psf_array(deskewed_image, decon_image, config):
    """test that we can deconvolve an image with psf as array"""
    decon_result = decon(deskewed_image, imread(PSF_PATH), **config)
    npt.assert_allclose(decon_result, decon_image, atol=ATOL)
예제 #12
def test_decon_wrapper_with_psf(deskewed_image, decon_image, config):
    """test that we can deconvolve an image with psf as string"""
    decon_result = decon(deskewed_image, PSF_PATH, **config)
    npt.assert_allclose(decon_result, decon_image, atol=ATOL)
예제 #13
def test_decon_wrapper_with_otf(deskewed_image, decon_image, config):
    """test that we can deconvolve when provided OTF directly"""
    decon_result = decon(deskewed_image, OTF_PATH, **config)
    npt.assert_allclose(decon_result, decon_image, atol=ATOL)
예제 #14
 def test_decon_wrapper_with_otf(self):
     test that the
     decon_result = decon(self.deskewed, self.otf, **self.config)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(decon_result, self.stored_decon))