예제 #1
파일: lookml.py 프로젝트: hsheth2/datahub
class LookerConnectionDefinition(ConfigModel):
    platform: str
    default_db: str
    default_schema: Optional[
        str]  # Optional since some sources are two-level only
    platform_instance: Optional[str] = None
    platform_env: Optional[str] = Field(
        "The environment that the platform is located in. Leaving this empty will inherit defaults from the top level Looker configuration",

    def platform_env_must_be_one_of(cls, v: str) -> str:
        return EnvBasedSourceConfigBase.env_must_be_one_of(v)

    @validator("platform", "default_db", "default_schema")
    def lower_everything(cls, v):
        """We lower case all strings passed in to avoid casing issues later"""
        if v is not None:
            return v.lower()

    def from_looker_connection(
            looker_connection: DBConnection) -> "LookerConnectionDefinition":
        """Dialect definitions are here: https://docs.looker.com/setup-and-management/database-config"""
        extractors: Dict[str, Any] = {
            "^bigquery": _get_bigquery_definition,
            ".*": _get_generic_definition,

        if looker_connection.dialect_name is not None:
            for extractor_pattern, extracting_function in extractors.items():
                if re.match(extractor_pattern, looker_connection.dialect_name):
                    (platform, db,
                     schema) = extracting_function(looker_connection)
                    return cls(platform=platform,
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f"Could not find an appropriate platform for looker_connection: {looker_connection.name} with dialect: {looker_connection.dialect_name}"
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f"Unable to fetch a fully filled out connection for {looker_connection.name}. Please check your API permissions."
예제 #2
class Link(BaseModel):
    """Represents a link from the topology link file."""

    id: str = Field(alias="id")
    name: Optional[str] = Field(alias="nm")
    branchid: int = Field(alias="ri")
    modellinktype: int = Field(alias="mt")
    branchtype: int = Field(alias="bt")
    objectid: str = Field(alias="ObID")
    beginnode: str = Field(alias="bn")
    endnode: str = Field(alias="en")

    def _get_identifier(self, data: dict) -> Optional[str]:
        return data.get("id") or data.get("nm")

    def dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs["by_alias"] = True
        return super().dict(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #3
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: winsomexjs/fastapi
def create_cloned_field(field: Field) -> Field:
    original_type = field.type_
    if is_dataclass(original_type) and hasattr(original_type,
        original_type = original_type.__pydantic_model__  # type: ignore
    use_type = original_type
    if lenient_issubclass(original_type, BaseModel):
        original_type = cast(Type[BaseModel], original_type)
        use_type = create_model(  # type: ignore
        for f in original_type.__fields__.values():
            use_type.__fields__[f.name] = f
    new_field = Field(
    new_field.has_alias = field.has_alias
    new_field.alias = field.alias
    new_field.class_validators = field.class_validators
    new_field.default = field.default
    new_field.required = field.required
    new_field.model_config = field.model_config
    new_field.schema = field.schema
    new_field.allow_none = field.allow_none
    new_field.validate_always = field.validate_always
    if field.sub_fields:
        new_field.sub_fields = [
            create_cloned_field(sub_field) for sub_field in field.sub_fields
    if field.key_field:
        new_field.key_field = create_cloned_field(field.key_field)
    new_field.validators = field.validators
    new_field.whole_pre_validators = field.whole_pre_validators
    new_field.whole_post_validators = field.whole_post_validators
    new_field.parse_json = field.parse_json
    new_field.shape = field.shape
    return new_field
예제 #4
class MyConfig(Config):
    DEBUG: bool
    HOST: str
    PORT: int
    ALIAS_HOST: str = Field(alias="HOST")

    REDIS_PASS: Optional[str] = None

    MYSQL_DB_HOST: str
    MYSQL_DB_NAME: str
    MYSQL_DB_PASS: str
    MYSQL_DB_USER: str
    ES_HOST: List[str] = Json.i()
    TEST_LIST_INT: List[int] = Json.i()
    YML_ES_HOST: Optional[List[str]] = None
    YML_TEST_LIST_INT: Optional[List[int]] = None
예제 #5
class CustomSkinLoaderApi(BaseModel):
    class Skins(BaseModel):
        slim: Optional[str]
        default: Optional[str]

    username: Optional[str]
    skins: Optional[Skins]
    skin_hash: Optional[str]
    cape_hash: Optional[str] = Field(..., alias='cape')
    player_existed: bool = True
    skin_type: Optional[Literal['default', 'slim', None]] = None
    cape_existed: bool = True

    def pre_processor(cls, values: dict):
        player_existed = bool(values)
        if not player_existed:
            skin_type = None
            cape_existed = False
            skin_type = 'slim' if 'slim' in values[
                'skins'] else 'default' if values['skins']['default'] else None
            cape_existed = 'cape' in values and bool(values['cape'])
        # parse skin hash
        if skin_type == 'default':
            skin_hash = values['skins']['default']
        elif skin_type == 'slim':
            skin_hash = values['skins']['slim']
            skin_hash = None

            'player_existed': player_existed,
            'skin_type': skin_type,
            'cape_existed': cape_existed,
            'skin_hash': skin_hash
        return values

    async def get(cls, api_root: str, username: str):
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            async with session.get(f'{api_root}/{username}.json') as resp:
                return cls.parse_raw(await resp.text())
예제 #6
파일: model.py 프로젝트: jhnnsrs/bergen
class ArkitektModel(BaseModel, metaclass=ArkitektModelMeta):
    TYPENAME: str = Field(None, alias='__typename')
    id: Optional[int]

    def get_ward(cls):
            identifier = cls.getMeta().identifier
        except Exception as e:
            raise ArnheimModelConfigurationError(
                f"Make soure your Model {cls.__name__}overwrites Meta identifier: {e}"
        from bergen.registries.ward import get_ward_registry
        return get_ward_registry().get_ward(identifier=identifier)

    def getMeta(cls):
        return cls.Meta

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        from pprint import pformat
        return pformat(self.__dict__, indent=4, width=1)

    def _repr_html_(self):
        def buildTable(attributes: Dict):
            tablestring = "<table>"
            for key, value in attributes.items():
                tablestring = tablestring + (f"""
            return tablestring + "</table>"

        return f"""
            <p> Instance of {self.__class__.__name__} <p>

    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
        if attr in self.__slots__:
            object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
            super().__setattr__(attr, value)
예제 #7
def get_body_field(*, dependant: Dependant, name: str) -> Optional[Field]:
    flat_dependant = get_flat_dependant(dependant)
    if not flat_dependant.body_params:
        return None
    first_param = flat_dependant.body_params[0]
    embed = getattr(first_param.schema, "embed", None)
    if len(flat_dependant.body_params) == 1 and not embed:
        return get_schema_compatible_field(field=first_param)
    model_name = "Body_" + name
    BodyModel = create_model(model_name)
    for f in flat_dependant.body_params:
        BodyModel.__fields__[f.name] = get_schema_compatible_field(field=f)
    required = any(True for f in flat_dependant.body_params if f.required)

    BodySchema_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = dict(default=None)
    if any(
            isinstance(f.schema, params.File)
            for f in flat_dependant.body_params):
        BodySchema: Type[params.Body] = params.File
    elif any(
            isinstance(f.schema, params.Form)
            for f in flat_dependant.body_params):
        BodySchema = params.Form
        BodySchema = params.Body

        body_param_media_types = [
            getattr(f.schema, "media_type") for f in flat_dependant.body_params
            if isinstance(f.schema, params.Body)
        if len(set(body_param_media_types)) == 1:
            BodySchema_kwargs["media_type"] = body_param_media_types[0]

    field = Field(
    return field
예제 #8
파일: groups.py 프로젝트: alen2002/wrapi
class GroupById(BaseEndpoint):
    group_id: GroupId
    fields_: Optional[Sequence[Literal[ContactsOptionalFields.METADATA]]] = Field(None, alias="fields")

    def endpoint_data(self) -> EndpointData:
        return EndpointData(

    def _query_params(self) -> WrApiQueryParams:
        params = WrApiQueryParams()

        if self.fields_:
            params["fields"] = self._convert_seq(self.fields_)

        return params
예제 #9
class AttachmentsById(BaseEndpoint):
    task_ids: Sequence[TaskId] = Field(..., max_length=100)
    versions: Optional[StrictBool]

    def endpoint_data(self) -> EndpointData:
        return EndpointData(

    def _query_params(self) -> WrApiQueryParams:
        params = WrApiQueryParams()

        if self.versions is not None:
            params["versions"] = self._convert_bool(self.versions)

        return params
예제 #10
class CourseSectionPeriod(BaseModel):
    semester_id: str = Field(example="202101")
    crn: str = Field(example="42608")
    type: Optional[ClassTypeEnum] = Field(None, example=ClassTypeEnum.LECTURE)
    start_time: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="24-hour 0-padded start time hh:mm format (RPI time)",
    end_time: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="24-hour 0-padded end time hh:mm format (RPI time)",
    instructors: List[str] = Field(description="Last names of instructor(s)",
                                   example=["Hanna", "Shablovsky"])
    location: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="Location of class (null if not yet determined or online)",
        example="SAGE 114",
    days: List[int] = Field(description="Days of week period meets (0-Sunday)",
                            example=[1, 4])

    def from_record(record: Dict[str, Any]):
        """Creates a CourseSectionPeriod from a DB record."""
        return CourseSectionPeriod(**record)

    def to_record(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Convert period to flat dictionary to store in DB."""
        return {

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.type} on days {self.days} from {self.start_time}-{self.end_time} with {self.instructors} at {self.location}"

    class Config:
        use_enum_values = True
예제 #11
class VADAnnotation(BaseModel):
    frames_count: conint(gt=0)
    is_anomalous_regions_available: bool
    is_anomaly_track_id_available: bool
    video_length_sec: Optional[PositiveFloat] = None
    frame_width: conint(gt=0)
    frame_height: conint(gt=0)
    frame_rate: Optional[PositiveFloat] = None
    frames: List[VADFrame] = Field(...,
                                   description=("len(frames) == frames_count"))

    def frames_len(cls, v, values, **kwargs):
        if len(v) != values["frames_count"]:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Length of 'frames' does not match 'frames_count'")
        return v

    class Config:
        extra = "allow"
예제 #12
파일: spaces.py 프로젝트: alen2002/wrapi
class SpaceById(BaseEndpoint):
    space_id: SpaceId
    fields_: Optional[Sequence[SpaceOptionalFields]] = Field(None,

    def endpoint_data(self) -> EndpointData:
        return EndpointData(

    def _query_params(self) -> WrApiQueryParams:
        params = WrApiQueryParams()

        if self.fields_:
            params["fields"] = self._convert_seq(self.fields_)

        return params
예제 #13
class LinkFile(FileModel):
    """Represents the file with the RR link topology data."""

    _parser = NetworkTopologyFileParser(enclosing_tag="brch")
    link: List[Link] = Field([], alias="brch")

    def _ext(cls) -> str:
        return ".tp"

    def _filename(cls) -> str:
        return "3b_link"

    def _get_serializer(cls) -> Callable:
        return LinkFileSerializer.serialize

    def _get_parser(cls) -> Callable:
        return cls._parser.parse
예제 #14
class NodeFile(FileModel):
    """Represents the file with the RR node topology data."""

    _parser = NetworkTopologyFileParser(enclosing_tag="node")
    node: List[Node] = Field([], alias="node")

    def _ext(cls) -> str:
        return ".tp"

    def _filename(cls) -> str:
        return "3b_nod"

    def _get_serializer(cls) -> Callable:
        return NodeFileSerializer.serialize

    def _get_parser(cls) -> Callable:
        return cls._parser.parse
예제 #15
파일: api.py 프로젝트: m3rlinux/checkmk
class RollingUpdate(BaseModel):

    This model is used for DaemonSets and Deployments. Although the models are
    identical, the underlying strategies differ for the two. For a Deployment,
    max_unavailable refers to how much the old ReplicaSet can be scaled down.
    Thus, max_unavailable refers to the maximum number of Pods that may be
    unavailable during the update. max_unavailable for a DaemonSet refers to
    the number of Nodes that should be running the daemon Pod (despite what is
    mentioned in the docs). If the number of Nodes with unavailable daemon Pods
    reaches max_unavailable, then Kubernetes will not stop Pods on other Nodes
    in order to update them. The same distinction applies to max_surge.

    The documentation claims, that only one DaemonSet Pod is created, but as of
    v1.21, max_surge allows a second Pod to be scheduled for the duration of
    the update.

    type_: Literal["RollingUpdate"] = Field("RollingUpdate", const=True)
    max_surge: str  # This field was introduced in Kubernetes v1.21.
    max_unavailable: str
예제 #16
class OfferVenueResponse(BaseModel):
    def from_orm(cls, venue):  # type: ignore
        venue.coordinates = {
            "latitude": venue.latitude,
            "longitude": venue.longitude
        return super().from_orm(venue)

    id: int
    address: Optional[str]
    city: Optional[str]
    managingOfferer: OfferOffererResponse = Field(..., alias="offerer")
    name: str
    postalCode: Optional[str]
    publicName: Optional[str]
    coordinates: Coordinates

    class Config:
        orm_mode = True
        allow_population_by_field_name = True
예제 #17
class UserProfileResponse(BaseModel):
    id: int
    dateOfBirth: Optional[datetime.datetime]
    deposit_expiration_date: Optional[datetime.datetime]
    deposit_version: Optional[int]
    email: str
    expenses: List[Expense]
    firstName: Optional[str]
    hasAllowedRecommendations: bool
    is_eligible: bool
    lastName: Optional[str]
    isBeneficiary: bool
    phoneNumber: Optional[str]
    publicName: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias="pseudo")
    needsToFillCulturalSurvey: bool
    show_eligible_card: bool

    class Config:
        orm_mode = True
        alias_generator = to_camel
        allow_population_by_field_name = True

    @validator("publicName", pre=True)
    def format_public_name(cls, publicName: str) -> Optional[str]:  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        return publicName if publicName != VOID_PUBLIC_NAME else None

    @validator("firstName", pre=True)
    def format_first_name(cls, firstName: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        return firstName if firstName != VOID_FIRST_NAME else None

    def _show_eligible_card(user: User) -> bool:
        return (relativedelta(user.dateCreated, user.dateOfBirth).years <
                users_constants.ELIGIBILITY_AGE and user.isBeneficiary is False
                and user.is_eligible)

    def from_orm(cls, user):
        user.show_eligible_card = cls._show_eligible_card(user)
        return super().from_orm(user)
예제 #18
class EnvBasedSourceConfigBase(ConfigModel):
    Any source that produces dataset urns in a single environment should inherit this class

    env: str = Field(
        "The environment that all assets produced by this connector belong to",

    def env_must_be_one_of(cls, v: str) -> str:
        # Get all the constants from the FabricTypeClass. It's not an enum, so this is a bit hacky but works
        allowed_envs = [
            value for name, value in vars(FabricTypeClass).items()
            if not name.startswith("_")
        if (v.upper()) not in allowed_envs:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f"env must be one of {allowed_envs}, found {v}")
        return v.upper()
예제 #19
파일: superset.py 프로젝트: hsheth2/datahub
class SupersetConfig(ConfigModel):
    # See the Superset /security/login endpoint for details
    # https://superset.apache.org/docs/rest-api
    connect_uri: str = Field(default="localhost:8088", description="Superset host URL.")
    username: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Superset username.")
    password: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Superset password.")
    provider: str = Field(default="db", description="Superset provider.")
    options: Dict = Field(default={}, description="")
    env: str = Field(
        description="Environment to use in namespace when constructing URNs",
    database_alias: Dict[str, str] = Field(
        description="Can be used to change mapping for database names in superset to what you have in datahub",

    def remove_trailing_slash(cls, v):
        return config_clean.remove_trailing_slashes(v)
예제 #20
class OfferVenueResponse(BaseModel):
    def from_orm(cls, venue):  # type: ignore
        venue.coordinates = {"latitude": venue.latitude, "longitude": venue.longitude}
        result = super().from_orm(venue)
        # FIXME: remove this line once Venue.isPermanent is not nullable
        result.isPermanent = result.isPermanent or False
        return result

    id: int
    address: Optional[str]
    city: Optional[str]
    managingOfferer: OfferOffererResponse = Field(..., alias="offerer")
    name: str
    postalCode: Optional[str]
    publicName: Optional[str]
    coordinates: Coordinates
    isPermanent: bool

    class Config:
        orm_mode = True
        allow_population_by_field_name = True
예제 #21
파일: druid.py 프로젝트: hsheth2/datahub
class DruidConfig(BasicSQLAlchemyConfig):
    # defaults
    scheme = "druid"
    schema_pattern: AllowDenyPattern = Field(
        description="regex patterns for schemas to filter in ingestion.",

    def get_sql_alchemy_url(self):
        return f"{super().get_sql_alchemy_url()}/druid/v2/sql/"

    The pydruid library already formats the table name correctly, so we do not
    need to use the schema name when constructing the URN. Without this override,
    every URN would incorrectly start with "druid.

    For more information, see https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/sql.html#schemata-table

    def get_identifier(self, schema: str, table: str) -> str:
        return (f"{self.platform_instance}.{table}"
                if self.platform_instance else f"{table}")
예제 #22
파일: ldap.py 프로젝트: hsheth2/datahub
class LDAPSourceConfig(ConfigModel):
    """Config used by the LDAP Source."""

    # Server configuration.
    ldap_server: str = Field(description="LDAP server URL.")
    ldap_user: str = Field(description="LDAP user.")
    ldap_password: str = Field(description="LDAP password.")

    # Extraction configuration.
    base_dn: str = Field(description="LDAP DN.")
    filter: str = Field(default="(objectClass=*)", description="LDAP extractor filter.")

    # If set to true, any users without first and last names will be dropped.
    drop_missing_first_last_name: bool = Field(
        description="If set to true, any users without first and last names will be dropped.",

    page_size: int = Field(
        default=20, description="Size of each page to fetch when extracting metadata."
예제 #23
class _WorkSchedulesBaseEndpoint(BaseEndpoint):
    fields_: Optional[Sequence[WorkScheduleFields]] = Field(None, alias="fields")

    def endpoint_data(self) -> EndpointData:
        return EndpointData(

    def _query_params(self) -> WrApiQueryParams:
        params = WrApiQueryParams()

        if self.fields_:
            params["fields"] = self._convert_seq(self.fields_)

        return params

    def _url(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError()
예제 #24
파일: tasks.py 프로젝트: alen2002/wrapi
class ModifyTasksById(BaseEndpoint):
    task_ids: Sequence[TaskId] = Field(..., max_length=100)
    custom_fields: Optional[Sequence[CustomField]]
    effort_allocation: Optional[TaskEffort]

    def endpoint_data(self) -> EndpointData:
        return EndpointData(

    def _body_params(self) -> BodyParams:
        params = {}

        if self.custom_fields is not None:
            params["customFields"] = self._convert_input_seq(self.custom_fields)

        if self.effort_allocation:
            params["effortAllocation"] = self._convert_input(self.effort_allocation)

        return params