예제 #1
class Config(pydantic.BaseModel):
    num_eval_samples: int = pydantic.Schema(..., alias="num_samples")
    output_types: Set[OutputType]
    quantiles: List[str]  # FIXME: validate list elements

    class Config:
        allow_population_by_alias = True
예제 #2
class Config(pydantic.BaseModel):
    num_samples: int = pydantic.Schema(100, alias="num_eval_samples")
    output_types: Set[OutputType] = {"quantiles", "mean"}
    # FIXME: validate list elements
    quantiles: List[str] = ["0.1", "0.5", "0.9"]

    class Config:
        allow_population_by_alias = True
        # store additional fields
        extra = "allow"
예제 #3
class MetaData(pydantic.BaseModel):
    freq: str = pydantic.Schema(..., alias="time_granularity")  # type: ignore
    target: Optional[BasicFeatureInfo] = None

    feat_static_cat: List[CategoricalFeatureInfo] = []
    feat_static_real: List[BasicFeatureInfo] = []
    feat_dynamic_real: List[BasicFeatureInfo] = []
    feat_dynamic_cat: List[CategoricalFeatureInfo] = []

    prediction_length: Optional[int] = None

    class Config(pydantic.BaseConfig):
        allow_population_by_alias = True
예제 #4
class Record(pydantic.BaseModel):
    A Record essentially represents a row in our Airtable table.

    # Airtable's unique id for this row, e.g. "recFLEuThPbUkwmsq".
    id: str

    # The fields of this row. We need to call it "fields_" because
    # the attribute "fields" is already used by pydantic.
    fields_: Fields = pydantic.Schema(default=..., alias='fields')

    # The date the row was created, e.g. '2018-10-15T20:27:20.000Z'.
    createdTime: str
예제 #5
class Row(pydantic.BaseModel):
    BOROUGH: str
    BLOCK: str
    LOT: str
    ADDRESS: str
    ZIP_CODE: str = pydantic.Schema(..., alias="ZIP CODE")
    MANAGED_BY: str = pydantic.Schema(..., alias="MANAGED BY")
    FACILITY: str

    def pad_bbl(self) -> str:
        boro = BOROUGH_NUMBERS[self.BOROUGH]
        return to_pad_bbl(boro, int(self.BLOCK), int(self.LOT))

    def full_address(self) -> str:
        city = self.BOROUGH
        if city == MANHATTAN:
            city = 'NEW YORK'
        return f'{self.ADDRESS}\n{city}, NY {self.ZIP_CODE}'

    def is_main_management_office(self) -> bool:
                and 'SATELLITE' not in self.FACILITY)
예제 #6
class EnzoModel(BaseModel):
    hierarchy : EnzoGrid = pydantic.Schema(..., **e)
    class Config:
        title = 'Enzo Schema'
예제 #7
class MainModel(pydantic.BaseModel):
    data : datatypes = pydantic.Schema('test.txt', shape = [3,2,4])
    class Config:
        title = 'New Schema'
예제 #8
class Fields(pydantic.BaseModel):
    The fields in a row of our Airtable table. Note that these are
    only the fields we care about and control: the Airtable will
    likely contain extra fields that matter to users, but that
    we don't care about for the purposes of syncing.

    The names of the fields are either attributes of our
    user model, or they are attributes of related models, which
    are named using Django's syntax for lookups that span
    relationships [1]:

    > To span a relationship, just use the field name of related
    > fields across models, separated by double underscores,
    > until you get to the field you want.

    In some cases, we use pydantic's "alias" feature to ensure
    that the Airtable field name is more readable than the
    notation we use internally.

    [1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/topics/db/queries/

    # The primary key of the JustfixUser that the row represents.
    pk: int = -1

    # The user's first name.
    first_name: str = ''

    # The user's last name.
    last_name: str = ''

    # The admin URL where the user info can be viewed/changed.
    admin_url: str = ''

    # The user's phone number.
    phone_number: str = ''

    # Whether we can SMS the user.
    onboarding_info__can_we_sms: bool = pydantic.Schema(default=False,

    # The user's lease type.
    onboarding_info__lease_type: str = pydantic.Schema(default='',

    # When the user's letter of complaint was requested.
    letter_request__created_at: Optional[str] = pydantic.Schema(
        # Note that it's important to set dates to None/null in Airtable if they don't
        # exist, as Airtable will complain that it can't parse the value if we give it
        # an empty string.

    # The tenant's full mailing address.
    onboarding_info__address_for_mailing: str = pydantic.Schema(
        default='', alias='address')

    # The tenant's boro-block-lot (BBL) number.
    onboarding_info__pad_bbl: str = pydantic.Schema(default='',

    # A link to the letter of complaint PDF.
    letter_request__admin_pdf_url: str = pydantic.Schema(
        default='', alias='letter_pdf_url')

    # The tenant's landlord's name.
    landlord_details__name: str = pydantic.Schema(default='',

    # The tenant's landlord's address.
    landlord_details__address: str = pydantic.Schema(default='',

    # Whether or not the user wants us to mail the letter for them.
    letter_request__will_we_mail: bool = pydantic.Schema(
        default=False, alias='will_we_mail_letter')

    def from_user(cls: Type[T], user: JustfixUser) -> T:
        Given a user, return the Fields that represent their data.

        kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        for field in cls.__fields__.values():
            kwargs[field.alias] = get_user_field_for_airtable(user, field)

        return cls(**kwargs)
class ApplicationSecret(pydantic.BaseModel):
    secret: str = pydantic.Schema('CHANGE-ME',
                                  description='Application Secret')
예제 #10
class LabMember(pydantic.BaseModel):
    first: str = pydantic.Schema(..., description='First Name')
    last: str = pydantic.Schema(..., description='Last Name')
    year: int = pydantic.Schema(1, description='Years in program.')
    department: Department = pydantic.Schema('Aero/Astro',
                                             description='Student Department')