예제 #1
파일: plan.py 프로젝트: karlbecker/pydent
    def _validate_field_value(cls, fv, name):
        if not issubclass(type(fv), FieldValue):
            raise AquariumModelError(
                "Cannot create wire because {} FieldValue is {}.".format(
                    name, fv.__class__.__name__))

        if fv.parent_class not in cls.WIRABLE_PARENT_CLASSES:
            raise AquariumModelError(
                "Cannot create wire because the {} FieldValue is has '{}' "
                "parent class. Only {} parent classes are wirable".format(
                    name, fv.parent_class, cls.WIRABLE_PARENT_CLASSES))
예제 #2
파일: plan.py 프로젝트: karlbecker/pydent
    def __init__(self, source=None, destination=None):

        self._validate_field_values(source, destination)

        if hasattr(source, "id"):
            from_id = source.id
            from_id = None

        if hasattr(destination, "id"):
            to_id = destination.id
            to_id = None

        if (source and not destination) or (destination and not source):
            raise AquariumModelError(
                "Cannot wire. Either source ({}) or destination ({}) is None".
                format(source, destination))

        if source:
            if not source.role:
                raise AquariumModelError(
                    "Cannot wire. FieldValue {} does not have a role".format(
            elif source.role != "output":
                raise AquariumModelError(
                    "Cannot wire an '{}' FieldValue as a source".format(

        if destination:
            if not destination.role:
                raise AquariumModelError(
                    "Cannot wire. FieldValue {} does not have a role".format(
            elif destination.role != "input":
                raise AquariumModelError(
                    "Cannot wire an '{}' FieldValue as a destination".format(

                "source": source,
                "from_id": from_id,
                "destination": destination,
                "to_id": to_id,
예제 #3
파일: plan.py 프로젝트: karlbecker/pydent
    def validate(self, raise_error=True):
        """Validates the plan.

        :param raise_error: If True, raises an AquariumModelException. If false,
            returns the error messages.
        :type raise_error: boolean
        :return: list of error messages
        :rtype: array
        errors = []

        field_values = []
        for op in self.operations:
            for fv in op.field_values:
        fv_keys = [fv._primary_key for fv in field_values]
        for wire in self.wires:
            for _fvtype in ["source", "destination"]:
                field_value = getattr(wire, _fvtype)
                if field_value._primary_key not in fv_keys:
                    msg = (
                        "The FieldValue of a wire Wire(rid={}).{} is missing from the "
                        "list of FieldValues in the plan. Did you forget to add an "
                        "operation to the plan?".format(
                            wire._primary_key, _fvtype))
        if raise_error and errors:
            msg = "\n".join(
                ["(ErrNo {}) - {}".format(i, e) for i, e in enumerate(errors)])
            raise AquariumModelError(
                "Plan {} had the following errors:\n{}".format(self, msg))
        return errors
예제 #4
파일: base.py 프로젝트: karlbecker/pydent
    def append_to_many(self, name: str, model: "ModelBase") -> "ModelBase":
        """Appends a model to the many relationship.

        :param name: name of the relationship or attribute
        :type name: str
        :param model: model to append
        :type model: ModelBase
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        if name in self.get_relationships():
            field = self.get_relationships()[name]
            if not model.__class__.__name__ == field.nested:
                raise AquariumModelError(
                    "Cannot 'append_to_many.' Model must be a '{}' but found a '{}'"
                    .format(field.model, model.__class__.__name__))
            if field.many:
                val = getattr(self, name)
                if val is None:
                    val = []
                    setattr(self, name, val)

                if model.rid not in [m.rid for m in getattr(self, name)]:
                    getattr(self, name).append(model)
        return self
예제 #5
파일: plan.py 프로젝트: karlbecker/pydent
    def _validate_field_values(cls, src, dest):
        if src:
            cls._validate_field_value(src, "source")
        if dest:
            cls._validate_field_value(dest, "destination")

        if src and dest and src.rid == dest.rid:
            raise AquariumModelError(
                "Cannot create wire because source and destination are the same "
예제 #6
파일: sample.py 프로젝트: karlbecker/pydent
    def is_savable(self, do_raise: bool = True) -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]:
        """Checks if the sample can be saved or updated.

        .. versionadded:: 0.1.5a17

        :param do_raise:
        errors = []
        for k, v in self.properties.items():
            if v is None and self.sample_type.field_type(k).required:
                errors.append("FieldValue '{}' is required.".format(k))
        if do_raise and errors:
            raise AquariumModelError(
                "Cannot update/save due to the following:\n"
                "Sample: id={} name={} ({})\n\t{}".format(
                    self.id, self.name, self.sample_type.name,
        return len(errors) == 0, errors
예제 #7
    def field_value(self, name, role):
        """Returns :class:`FieldValue` with name and role.

        Return None if not found.
        if self.field_values:
            fvs = self.field_value_array(name, role)

            if len(fvs) == 0:
                return None

            if len(fvs) == 1:
                return fvs[0]

            msg = "More than one FieldValue found for the field value"
            msg += (
                " of operation {}.(id={}).{}.{}. Are you sure you didn't mean to "
                "call 'field_value_array'?")
            raise AquariumModelError(
                msg.format(self.operation_type, self.id, role, name))
예제 #8
    def is_savable(self, do_raise: bool = True) -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]:
        """Checks whether this sample has fields required by the sample type.
           If so, the sample can be saved or updated.

        .. versionadded:: 0.1.5a17

        :param do_raise: raise an exception when required field values are missing
        :return: a boolean whether there are errors, and list of error messages
        :raises AquariumModelError: if do_raise is True and required fields are missing
        errors = []
        for k, v in self.properties.items():
            if v is None and self.sample_type.field_type(k).required:
                errors.append("FieldValue '{}' is required.".format(k))
        if do_raise and errors:
            raise AquariumModelError(
                "Cannot update/save due to the following:\n"
                "Sample: id={} name={} ({})\n\t{}".format(
                    self.id, self.name, self.sample_type.name,
        return len(errors) == 0, errors