def preparePacket(xid=None, giaddr='', chaddr='00:00:00:00:00:00', ciaddr='', yiaddr='', msgtype='discover', required_opts=[]): req = DhcpPacket() req.SetOption('op', [1]) req.SetOption('htype', [1]) req.SetOption('hlen', [6]) req.SetOption('hops', [0]) if not xid: xid = genxid() req.SetOption('xid', xid) req.SetOption('giaddr', ipv4(giaddr).list()) req.SetOption('chaddr', hwmac(chaddr).list() + [0] * 10) req.SetOption('ciaddr', ipv4(ciaddr).list()) if msgtype == 'request': mt = 3 elif msgtype == 'release': mt = 7 else: mt = 1 if mt == 3: req.SetOption('yiaddr', ipv4(yiaddr).list()) req.SetOption('request_ip_address', ipv4(yiaddr).list()) req.SetOption('dhcp_message_type', [mt]) return req
def preparePacket(xid=None, giaddr='', chaddr='00:00:00:00:00:00', ciaddr='', msgtype='discover', required_opts=[]): req = DhcpPacket() req.SetOption('op', [1]) req.SetOption('htype', [1]) req.SetOption('hlen', [6]) req.SetOption('hops', [0]) if not xid: xid = genxid() req.SetOption('xid', xid) req.SetOption('giaddr', ipv4(giaddr).list()) chaddr = [int(i, 16) for i in str(chaddr).split(':')] + [0] * 10 req.SetOption('chaddr', chaddr) req.SetOption('ciaddr', ipv4(ciaddr).list()) if msgtype == 'request': mt = 3 elif msgtype == 'release': mt = 7 else: mt = 1 req.SetOption('dhcp_message_type', [mt]) # req.SetOption('parameter_request_list',1) return req
def prepare_packet(giaddr='', chaddr='00:00:00:00:00:00', ciaddr='', hostname=None): req = DhcpPacket() req.SetOption('op', [1]) req.SetOption('htype', [1]) req.SetOption('hlen', [6]) req.SetOption('hops', [0]) req.SetOption('xid', genxid()) req.SetOption('giaddr', ipv4(giaddr).list()) req.SetOption('chaddr', hwmac(chaddr).list() + [0] * 10) req.SetOption('ciaddr', ipv4('').list()) req.SetOption('dhcp_message_type', [3]) # request req.SetOption('request_ip_address', ipv4(ciaddr).list()) if hostname: req.SetOption('host_name', strlist(hostname).list()) return req
def _generate_base_packet(self) -> DhcpPacket: packet = DhcpPacket() packet.AddLine("op: BOOTREQUEST") packet.AddLine("htype: 1") packet.SetOption("xid", self._xid.to_bytes(4, "big")) # We're the gateway. packet.SetOption("giaddr", self._local_ip.packed) if self._target_addr: packet.SetOption( "relay_agent", bytes((DHCP_SUBOPTION_LINKSEL, DHCP_SUBOPTION_LINKSEL_LEN)) + self._target_addr.packed, ) # Request IP address, etc. for the following client identifier. packet.SetOption("client_identifier", self._client_identifier) # We pretend to be a gateway, so the packet hop count is > 0 here. packet.AddLine("hops: 1") return packet
def test_handle_dhcp_handshake(dhcprequest) -> None: success_mock = Mock() failure_mock = Mock() req = dhcprequest( cls=DhcpAddressInitialRequest, success_clb=success_mock, failure_clb=failure_mock, requestor=Mock(), ) offer = DhcpPacket() offer.source_address = ("", 67) req.handle_dhcp_offer(offer) packet = DhcpPacket() packet.AddLine("op: 2") packet.AddLine("domain_name:") packet.AddLine("yiaddr:") packet.AddLine("router:") packet.AddLine("subnet_mask:") packet.AddLine("domain_name_server:,,") packet.SetOption("classless_static_route", bytes([0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 16, 10, 12, 5, 0, 0, 0])) packet.AddLine("ip_address_lease_time: 9000") packet.AddLine("renewal_time_value: 300") packet.AddLine("ip_address_lease_time: 9000") packet.AddLine("rebinding_time_value: 7000") packet.source_address = ("", 67) print(packet.str()) expected_res = { "dns": ["", "", ""], "domain": "", "ip_address": "", "gateway": "", "static_routes": [("", "", "")], "subnet_mask": "", "lease_timeout": 1580009000, "renewal_timeout": 1580000300, "rebinding_timeout": 1580007000, } req.handle_dhcp_ack(packet) success_mock.assert_called_once_with(expected_res)
#!/usr/bin/python from pydhcplib.dhcp_packet import DhcpPacket from pydhcplib.type_strlist import strlist from pydhcplib.type_ipv4 import ipv4 packet = DhcpPacket() packet.SetOption("domain_name", strlist("").list()) packet.SetOption("router", ipv4("").list() + [6, 4, 2, 1]) packet.SetOption("time_server", [100, 100, 100, 7, 6, 4, 2, 1]) packet.SetOption("yiaddr", [192, 168, 0, 18]) packet.PrintHeaders() packet.PrintOptions()
#!/usr/bin/python from pydhcplib.dhcp_packet import DhcpPacket from pydhcplib.type_strlist import strlist from pydhcplib.type_ipv4 import ipv4 packet = DhcpPacket() packet.SetOption("op", [1]) packet.SetOption("domain_name", strlist("").list()) packet.SetOption("router", ipv4("").list() + [6, 4, 2, 1]) packet.SetOption("time_server", [100, 100, 100, 7, 6, 4, 2, 1]) packet.SetOption("yiaddr", [192, 168, 0, 18]) packet.SetOption("maximum_datagram_reassembly_size", [2, 1]) packet.SetOption("tcp_keepalive_interval", [8, 4, 2, 1]) print(packet.str())
#!/usr/bin/python from pydhcplib.dhcp_packet import DhcpPacket from pydhcplib.type_strlist import strlist from pydhcplib.type_ipv4 import ipv4 packet = DhcpPacket() packet.SetOption("op", [1]) #packet.SetOption("domain_name",strlist("").list()) packet.SetOption("router", ipv4("").list() + [6, 4, 2, 1]) packet.SetOption("time_server", [100, 100, 100, 7, 6, 4, 2, 1]) packet.SetOption("yiaddr", [0, 0, 0, 0]) packet.SetOption("dhcp_message_type", [1]) packet.SetOption("hlen", [6]) packet.SetOption("chaddr", [ 1, 02, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
def _set_lease_time(self, packet: DhcpPacket) -> None: if self._lease_time is None: return packet.SetOption('ip_address_lease_time', self._lease_time.to_bytes(4, "big"))
def getselfip( self): pak = DhcpPacket() pak.SetOption("op", [1] ) #pak.SetOption("time_server", [100,100,100,7,6,4,2,1]) pak.SetOption("yiaddr", [0,0,0,0]) pak.SetOption("giaddr", [0,0,0,0]) pak.SetOption("ciaddr", [0,0,0,0]) pak.SetOption("dhcp_message_type",[1]) pak.SetOption("hlen",[6]) pak.SetOption("flags",[1<<7,0] ) # pak.SetOption("chaddr",[1,2,3,4,5,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] ) pak.SetOption("chaddr",[0, 0x24, 0x2c, 0xf2, 0x01, 0xe2 ] + [ 0 for x in range(10)] ) pak.SetOption("xid",genxid( )) pak.SetOption("htype",[1]) pak.SetOption("host_name",[ 0x28, 0x27,0x29]) pak.SetOption("request_ip_address", [1,1,1,111] ) pak.SetOption("parameter_request_list",[1,28,2,3,15,6,12,40,41,42]) #d = dpkt.dhcp.DHCP( chaddr = selfmac, xid=00332,op=dpkt.dhcp.DHCPDISCOVER, opts=( (dpkt.dhcp.DHCP_OPT_REQ_IP,""),) ) d = pak.EncodePacket() i = 300 - len(d) u = dpkt.udp.UDP( dport=67, sport=68, data=d + "\x00" * i) u.ulen = len(u) i = dpkt.ip.IP( dst="\xff"*4, src="\x00"*4, data = u, p=dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_UDP, ttl=128, tos = 0x10 ) i.len = len(i) e = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet( dst="\xff" * 6, src=macaddr, data = i ) print `e` cap = getcap( lanid ) p = "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" ps = "" for s in range( len(p)/ 2 ): ps += eval("'\\x"+p[s*2]+p[s*2+1]+"'") ps = e cap.send( str(ps) )
#!/usr/bin/python from pydhcplib.dhcp_packet import DhcpPacket from pydhcplib.type_strlist import strlist from pydhcplib.type_ipv4 import ipv4 packet = DhcpPacket() packet.SetOption("domain_name",strlist("").list()) packet.SetOption("router",[192,168,0,1]) packet.SetOption("time_server",[192,168,1,50,192,168,1,51]) packet.SetOption("yiaddr",[192,168,0,18]) packet.SetOption("op", ) print packet.str()
def ack(packet, defaultnbi, msgtype): """ The ack function constructs either a BSDP[LIST] or BSDP[SELECT] ACK DhcpPacket(), determined by the given msgtype, 'list' or 'select'. It calls the previously defined getSysIdEntitlement() and parseOptions() functions for either msgtype. """ bsdpack = DhcpPacket() try: # Get the requesting client's clientsysid and MAC address from the # BSDP options clientsysid = \ str(strlist(packet.GetOption('vendor_class_identifier'))).split('/')[2] clientmacaddr = chaddr_to_mac(packet.GetOption('chaddr')) # Decode and parse the BSDP options from vendor_encapsulated_options bsdpoptions = \ parseOptions(packet.GetOption('vendor_encapsulated_options')) # Figure out the NBIs this clientsysid is entitled to enablednbis = getSysIdEntitlement(nbiimages, clientsysid, clientmacaddr, msgtype) # The Startup Disk preference panel in OS X uses a randomized reply port # instead of the standard port 68. We check for the existence of that # option in the bsdpoptions dict and if found set replyport to it. if 'reply_port' in bsdpoptions: replyport = int( str( format(bsdpoptions['reply_port'][0], 'x') + format(bsdpoptions['reply_port'][1], 'x')), 16) else: replyport = 68 # Get the client's IP address, a standard DHCP option clientip = ipv4(packet.GetOption('ciaddr')) if str(clientip) == '': clientip = ipv4(packet.GetOption('request_ip_address')) logging.debug( "Did not get a valid clientip, using request_ip_address %s instead" % (str(clientip), )) except: logging.debug("Unexpected error: ack() common %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) raise #print 'Configuring common BSDP packet options' # We construct the rest of our common BSDP reply parameters according to # Apple's spec. The only noteworthy parameter here is sname, a zero-padded # 64 byte string list containing the BSDP server's hostname. bsdpack.SetOption("op", [2]) bsdpack.SetOption("htype", packet.GetOption('htype')) bsdpack.SetOption("hlen", packet.GetOption('hlen')) bsdpack.SetOption("xid", packet.GetOption('xid')) bsdpack.SetOption("ciaddr", packet.GetOption('ciaddr')) bsdpack.SetOption("siaddr", serverip) bsdpack.SetOption("yiaddr", [0, 0, 0, 0]) bsdpack.SetOption("sname", strlist(serverhostname.ljust(64, '\x00')).list()) bsdpack.SetOption("chaddr", packet.GetOption('chaddr')) bsdpack.SetOption("dhcp_message_type", [5]) bsdpack.SetOption("server_identifier", serverip) bsdpack.SetOption("vendor_class_identifier", strlist('AAPLBSDPC').list()) # Process BSDP[LIST] requests if msgtype == 'list': #print 'Creating LIST packet' try: nameslength = 0 n = 2 # First calculate the total length of the names of all combined # NBIs, a required parameter that is part of the BSDP # vendor_encapsulated_options. for i in enablednbis: nameslength += i['length'] # Next calculate the total length of all enabled NBIs totallength = len(enablednbis) * 5 + nameslength # The bsdpimagelist var is inserted into vendor_encapsulated_options # and comprises of the option code (9), total length of options, # the IDs and names of all NBIs and the 4 byte string list that # contains the default NBI ID. Promise, all of this is part of # the BSDP spec, go look it up. bsdpimagelist = [9, totallength] bsdpimagelist += imagenameslist defaultnbi = '%04X' % defaultnbi # Encode the default NBI option (7) its standard length (4) and the # 16 bit string list representation of defaultnbi defaultnbi = [7,4,129,0] + \ [int(defaultnbi[i:i+n], 16) for i in range(0, len(defaultnbi), n)] if int(defaultnbi[-1:][0]) == 0: hasnulldefault = True else: hasnulldefault = False # To prevent sending a default image ID of 0 (zero) to the client # after the initial INFORM[LIST] request we test for 0 and if # so, skip inserting the defaultnbi BSDP option. Since it is # optional anyway we won't confuse the client. compiledlistpacket = strlist([1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 128, 128]).list() if not hasnulldefault: compiledlistpacket += strlist(defaultnbi).list() compiledlistpacket += strlist(bsdpimagelist).list() # And finally, once we have all the image list encoding taken care # of, we plug them into the vendor_encapsulated_options DHCP # option after the option header: # - [1,1,1] = BSDP message type (1), length (1), value (1 = list) # - [4,2,255,255] = Server priority message type 4, length 2, # value 0xffff (65535 - Highest) # - defaultnbi (option 7) - Optional, not sent if '0' # - List of all available Image IDs (option 9) bsdpack.SetOption("vendor_encapsulated_options", compiledlistpacket) # Some debugging to stdout logging.debug('-=========================================-') logging.debug("Return ACK[LIST] to " + str(clientip) + ' on ' + str(replyport)) if hasnulldefault is False: logging.debug("Default boot image ID: " + str(defaultnbi[2:])) except: logging.debug("Unexpected error ack() list: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) raise # Process BSDP[SELECT] requests elif msgtype == 'select': #print 'Creating SELECT packet' # Get the value of selected_boot_image as sent by the client and convert # the value for later use. try: imageid = int( '%02X' % bsdpoptions['selected_boot_image'][2] + '%02X' % bsdpoptions['selected_boot_image'][3], 16) except: logging.debug("Unexpected error ack() select: imageid %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) raise # Initialize variables for the booter file (kernel) and the dmg path booterfile = '' rootpath = '' selectedimage = '' if nbiurl.hostname[0].isalpha(): basedmgpath = getBaseDmgPath(nbiurl) # Iterate over enablednbis and retrieve the kernel and boot DMG for each try: for nbidict in enablednbis: if nbidict['id'] == imageid: booterfile = nbidict['booter'] rootpath = basedmgpath + nbidict['dmg'] # logging.debug('-->> Using boot image URI: ' + str(rootpath)) selectedimage = bsdpoptions['selected_boot_image'] # logging.debug('ACK[SELECT] image ID: ' + str(selectedimage)) except: logging.debug("Unexpected error ack() selectedimage: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) raise # Generate the rest of the BSDP[SELECT] ACK packet by encoding the # name of the kernel (file), the TFTP path and the vendor encapsulated # options: # - [1,1,2] = BSDP message type (1), length (1), value (2 = select) # - [8,4] = BSDP selected_image (8), length (4), encoded image ID try: bsdpack.SetOption("file", strlist(booterfile.ljust(128, '\x00')).list()) bsdpack.SetOption("root_path", strlist(rootpath).list()) bsdpack.SetOption("vendor_encapsulated_options", strlist([1, 1, 2, 8, 4] + selectedimage).list()) except: logging.debug("Unexpected error ack() select SetOption: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) raise try: # Some debugging to stdout logging.debug('-=========================================-') logging.debug("Return ACK[SELECT] to " + str(clientip) + ' on ' + str(replyport)) logging.debug( "--> TFTP path: %s\n-->Boot image URI: %s" % (str(strlist(bsdpack.GetOption("file"))), str(rootpath))) except: logging.debug("Unexpected error ack() select print debug: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) raise # Return the finished packet, client IP and reply port back to the caller return bsdpack, clientip, replyport