from pydiffexp import DEPlot from import read_dea_pickle pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) # Load the DEAnalysis object with fits and data dea = read_dea_pickle("./sprouty_pickle.pkl") # Initialize a plotting object dep = DEPlot(dea) # # dep.tsplot(['SPRY2']) # plt.tight_layout() # dep.heatmap() plt.savefig( '/Users/jfinkle/Dropbox/Justin Finkle, shared/Media/Sprouty/images/row_max_normalized_heatmap.png', fmt='png', dpi=600) # # sys.exit() # Volcano Plot x = dea.results['KO-WT'].top_table(coef=1, use_fstat=False) # dep.volcano_plot(x, top_n=5, show_labels=True) # Time Series Plot x =['IVL']
def plot_collections(hm_data, hash_data, term_data, output='show'): # Organize plot # Overall gridspec with 1 row, two columns f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2) # Create a gridspec within the gridspec. 1 row and 2 columns, specifying width ratio gs_left = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( 2, 2, subplot_spec=gs[0], width_ratios=[hm_data.shape[1], 2], height_ratios=[1, 50], wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) gs_right = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, 1, subplot_spec=gs[1], height_ratios=[1, 1.5], hspace=0.25) cbar_ax = plt.subplot(gs_left[0, 0]) hidden_ax = plt.subplot(gs_left[0, 1]) hm_ax = plt.subplot(gs_left[1, 0]) hash_ax = plt.subplot(gs_left[1, 1]) gene_ax = plt.subplot(gs_right[0]) go_ax = plt.subplot(gs_right[1]) # Hide the top right axes where the venn diagram goes gene_ax.axis('off') # Initialize plotter dep = DEPlot() hm_ax, hash_ax = dep.heatmap(hm_data, hash_data, hm_ax=hm_ax, hash_ax=hash_ax, cbar_ax=cbar_ax, yticklabels=False, cbar_kws=dict(orientation='horizontal', ticks=[-1, 0, 1])) cbar_ax.xaxis.tick_top() cbar_ax.invert_xaxis() hidden_ax.set_xlabel('') hidden_ax.set_ylabel('') hidden_ax.axis('off') index_order = [ 'DEG', 'DDE', 'DRG', 'DEG∩DDE', 'DEG∩DRG', 'DDE∩DRG', 'DEG∩DDE∩DRG', 'All' ] c_index = [1, 7, 5, 9, 3, 6] colors = [Prism_10.mpl_colors[idx] for idx in c_index] + ['k', '0.5'] cmap = {gc: colors[ii] for ii, gc in enumerate(index_order)} x = term_data.reset_index(level=0) x.columns = ['gene_class'] + x.columns[1:].values.tolist() full_dist = x.copy() full_dist['gene_class'] = "All" full_dist.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) all_x = pd.concat([x, full_dist]) g = all_x.groupby('gene_class') go_ax = sns.boxplot(data=g.filter(lambda xx: True), x='depth', y='gene_class', order=index_order, ax=go_ax, showfliers=False, boxprops=dict(linewidth=0), medianprops=dict(solid_capstyle='butt', color='w'), palette=cmap) small_groups = g.filter(lambda x: len(x) < 50) go_ax = sns.swarmplot(data=small_groups, x='depth', y='gene_class', order=index_order, ax=go_ax, color='k') go_ax.plot([x['depth'].median(), x['depth'].median()], go_ax.get_ylim(), 'k-', lw=2, zorder=0, c='0.25') term_sizes = g.apply(len).reindex(index_order).fillna(0).astype(int) y_ticks = ["n={}".format(term_sizes.loc[idx]) for idx in index_order] go_ax.set_yticklabels(y_ticks) go_ax.set_ylabel('') plt.tight_layout() if output.lower() == 'show': else: plt.savefig(output, fmt='pdf')