def _create_field(*args, **kwargs): """ controls how fields are created when declared in the field list with a simple string, list, tuple, or dictionary rather than a field instance. By default, passes field declaration to the Field constructor. """ return Field(*args, **kwargs)
def describeTable(self, table, schema=None): cur = self.conn.cursor() if self.verbose: def execute(sql): debug('SQL: %s', (sql, )) cur.execute(sql) else: execute = cur.execute sql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '%s'" % table execute(sql) res = cur.fetchone() if not res: raise ValueError, "table %s not found" % table sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s" % table execute(sql) res = cur.fetchall() fields = {} nullableFields = [] for row in res: name, tipe, nullable, key, default, extra = row if nullable: nullableFields.append(name) if (not nullable) and extra == 'auto_increment': fields[name] = Sequence(name) else: fields[name] = Field(name) sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM %s" % table execute(sql) res = cur.fetchall() cur.close() indices = {} blacklist = set(nullableFields) # columns we care about, and their index in the result set: # Non_unique: 1 # Key_name: 2 # Column_name : 4 for row in res: keyname = row[2] colname = row[4] notunique = row[1] # if not a unique index, the whole index is tainted, don't use it if notunique: blacklist.add(keyname) continue if keyname in blacklist: continue # build dictionary of lists indices.setdefault(keyname, []) indices[keyname].append(colname) unique = set(frozenset(x) for x in indices.values()) return fields, unique
def describeTable(self, table, schema=None): if schema is not None: raise ValueError, "db schemas not supported by sqlite driver" fields = {} unique = set() nullable = [] c = self.conn.cursor() if self.verbose: def execute(sql): debug('SQL: %s', (sql, )) c.execute(sql) else: execute = c.execute sql = "pragma table_info('%s')" % table execute(sql) res = c.fetchall() if not res: raise ValueError, "no such table: %s" % table for row in res: cid, name, type, notnull, dflt_value, pk = row # we ignore the nullable bit for sequences, because # apparently sqlite permits sequences to be defined as nullable # (thanks Tim Golden) if type == 'INTEGER' and int(pk): # and int(notnull): # a sequence fields[name] = Sequence(name) else: fields[name] = Field(name) if not int(notnull): nullable.append(name) # get indexes sql = "pragma index_list('%s')" % table execute(sql) res = c.fetchall() for row in res: seq, name, uneek = row if uneek: sql = "pragma index_info('%s')" % name execute(sql) subres = c.fetchall() unset = frozenset(x[-1] for x in subres) if not unset.intersection(nullable): unique.add(unset) c.close() return fields, unique
def describeTable(self, table, schema=None): # verify that the table exists sql = """ SELECT t.tablename AS tname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables t WHERE t.tablename=%s AND t.schemaname=%s UNION SELECT v.viewname AS tname FROM pg_catalog.pg_views v WHERE v.viewname=%s and v.schemaname=%s """ if schema is None: schema = 'public' cur = self.conn.cursor() bind = (table, schema, table, schema) if self.verbose: debug("SQL: %s", (sql, )) cur.execute(sql, bind) for row in cur.fetchall(): # it exists, get on with it break else: raise ValueError, "no such table or view: %s.%s" % (schema, table) sql = """ SELECT a.attname, a.attnum FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class c WHERE a.attrelid = %s::regclass AND c.oid=a.attrelid AND c.relnamespace=n.oid AND n.nspname=%s AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped ORDER BY a.attnum """ fields = {} cur = self.conn.cursor() if self.verbose: debug("SQL: %s", (sql, )) cur.execute(sql, (table, schema)) for row in cur.fetchall(): if self.verbose: debug("Found column %s" % list(row)) fields[row[1]] = Field(row[0]) sql = """ SELECT indkey FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i, pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_attribute a WHERE i.indrelid = %s::regclass AND c.oid=i.indrelid AND c.relnamespace=n.oid AND n.nspname=%s AND i.indisunique AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.attnum=indkey[0] AND a.attnotnull """ unique = set() if self.verbose: debug("SQL: %s", (sql, )) cur.execute(sql, (table, schema)) for row in cur.fetchall(): L = [int(i) for i in row[0].split(' ')] if self.verbose: debug("Found unique index on %s" % L) if len(L) == 1: fields[L[0]].unique = True else: unique.add(frozenset([fields[i].name for i in L])) sql = """ SELECT c.relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE relname like '%s_%%%%_seq' AND c.relnamespace=n.oid AND n.nspname=%%s AND relkind = 'S' """ % table if self.verbose: debug("SQL: %s", (sql, )) cur.execute(sql, (schema, )) for row in cur.fetchall(): maybecolname = row[0][len(table) + 1:-4] for field in fields.values(): if == maybecolname: if self.verbose: debug("Found sequence %s on %s" % (row[0], field.sequence = row[0] break cur.close() d = {} for f in fields.values(): d[] = f return (d, unique)
def describeTable(self, table, schema=None): schema = schema or 'dbo' fields={} unique=set() nullable=[] c=self.conn.cursor() if self.verbose: def execute(sql): debug('SQL: %s', (sql,)) c.execute(sql) else: execute=c.execute sql = """ select column_name = col.COLUMN_NAME, is_nullable = CASE LOWER (col.IS_NULLABLE) WHEN 'yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, is_identity = COLUMNPROPERTY (OBJECT_ID (col.TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + col.TABLE_NAME), col.COLUMN_NAME, 'IsIdentity'), is_primary_key = CASE WHEN ccu.COLUMN_NAME IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS AS col LEFT OUTER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS tco ON tco.TABLE_SCHEMA = col.TABLE_SCHEMA AND tco.TABLE_NAME = col.TABLE_NAME AND tco.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY' LEFT OUTER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE AS ccu ON ccu.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = tco.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG AND ccu.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = tco.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA AND ccu.CONSTRAINT_NAME = tco.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND ccu.COLUMN_NAME = col.COLUMN_NAME WHERE col.TABLE_SCHEMA = '%s' AND col.TABLE_NAME = '%s' """ % (schema, table) execute (sql) for name, is_nullable, is_identity, is_primary_key in c.fetchall (): # # We're only interested in a sequence if it is # a NOT-NULL PK IDENTITY. # ROWGUIDCOL columns probably do not count here, # since their values have to be filled in by hand # although typically via a DEFAULT of NewID (). # if is_identity and not is_nullable and is_primary_key: fields[name] = Sequence (name) else: fields[name] = Field (name) if is_nullable: nullable.append (name) # # In theory this query should pull out unique constraints # and unique indexes, but in practice it only pulls out # the former. # constraint_sql = """ SELECT tco.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, tco.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, tco.CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS tco WHERE tco.TABLE_SCHEMA = '%s' AND tco.TABLE_NAME = '%s' AND tco.CONSTRAINT_TYPE IN ('UNIQUE', 'PRIMARY KEY') """ % (schema, table) column_sql = """ SELECT ccu.COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE AS ccu WHERE ccu.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = '%s' AND ccu.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = '%s' AND ccu.CONSTRAINT_NAME = '%s' """ execute (constraint_sql) for constraint_catalog, constraint_schema, constraint_name in c.fetchall (): q2 = self.conn.cursor () q2.execute (column_sql % (constraint_catalog, constraint_schema, constraint_name)) unique.add (frozenset ([r[0] for r in q2.fetchall ()])) # # The adodbapi driver complains if the sp_helpindex returns with # no indexes, so make sure that there is at least one before # trying. # sql = """ SELECT * FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID ('%s.%s') AND indid BETWEEN 1 AND 254 """ % (schema, table) execute (sql) rows = c.fetchall () print "rows=", rows if rows: # c.fetchall (): sql = "sp_helpindex '%s.%s'" % (schema, table) execute (sql) for index_name, index_description, index_keys in c.fetchall (): # # The description field from sp_helpindex contains an ill-defined # set of descriptors, somewhere including the word "unique". The # separators could be commas or spaces, or both. # descriptions = [d.strip () for d in index_description.lower ().replace (",", " ").split ()] if "unique" in descriptions: unique.add (frozenset ([k.strip () for k in index_keys.split (",")])) return fields, unique
def describeTable(self, table, schema=None, sequence_mapper=None): """for the given table, returns a 2-tuple: a dict of Field objects keyed by name, and list of multi-column unique constraints (sets of Fields)). The Field instances should contain information about whether they are unique or sequenced. """ if schema is None: schema = 'PUBLIC' cur = self.conn.cursor() # Build dict of Field objects sql = """ SELECT tc.column_name, nullable FROM sys.all_tab_columns tc WHERE tc.owner = :schema AND tc.table_name = :table_name ORDER BY column_id """ cur.execute(sql, schema=schema, table_name=table) fields = {} for row in cur: (column_name, nullable) = row if nullable: fields[column_name] = Field(column_name) if not fields: raise Exception("table %s not found" % table) # Get uniqueness constraints sql = """ SELECT concol.constraint_name, concol.column_name FROM sys.all_constraints con JOIN sys.all_cons_columns concol ON con.constraint_name = concol.constraint_name WHERE con.owner = :schema AND con.table_name = :table_name AND con.constraint_type in ('P', 'U') ORDER BY constraint_name """ cur.execute(sql, schema=schema, table_name=table) unique = set() for (key, rows) in groupby(cur, itemgetter(0)): columns = frozenset(r[1] for r in rows) unique.add(columns) if len(columns) == 1: fields[list(columns)[0]].unique = True # Get Sequence fields. Essentially this is a best guess as Oracle doesn't have an # autosequence type as such, this functionality typically being implemented via a trigger # that increments a user-specified sequence. For all numeric fields that are modified by # a trigger, I check if the sequence exists whose name is given by the sequence_mapper # function (supplied as a parameter to describeTable). sql = """ SELECT seq.sequence_name FROM sys.all_sequences seq WHERE seq.sequence_owner = :schema """ cur.execute(sql, schema=schema) sequences = frozenset(sequence for (sequence, ) in cur) if not sequence_mapper: sequence_mapper = self.sequence_mapper sql = """ SELECT tabcol.column_name FROM sys.all_tab_cols tabcol JOIN sys.all_trigger_cols trigcol ON tabcol.owner = trigcol.table_owner AND tabcol.table_name = trigcol.table_name AND tabcol.column_name = trigcol.column_name JOIN sys.all_triggers trig ON trigcol.trigger_owner = trig.owner AND trigcol.trigger_name = trig.trigger_name WHERE tabcol.owner = :schema AND tabcol.table_name = :table_name AND tabcol.data_type = 'NUMBER' AND trigcol.column_usage = 'NEW OUT' AND trig.status = 'ENABLED' """ cur.execute(sql, schema=schema, table_name=table) for (column, ) in cur: sequence = sequence_mapper(table, column) if sequence in sequences: fields[column].sequence = sequence return fields, unique