def draw_tree(clf,sub_columns): print "绘制图" import pydot,StringIO dot_data = StringIO.StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=dot_data,feature_names=sub_columns,max_depth=5) dot_data.getvalue() pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph.write_png('titanic.png')
def graph(self): if self.code is '': return None stdin = SpooledTemporaryFile() stdout = SpooledTemporaryFile() stdin.write('@startuml\n') stdin.write(self.code) stdin.write('@enduml\n') args = [, '-jar', self.jar, '-p', '-tdot', ] p = Popen(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout) if p.wait() != 0: return None graph = return graph_from_dot_data(graph)
def make_tree_test(): from sklearn import tree import StringIO import pydot from IPython.display import display, Image x,y,dates,movies = load_data() #x = add_missed_value_indicator(x) test_x, train_x, test_y, train_y = create_test_train_set(x, y) clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(min_samples_split=3000) fit =,train_y) dot_data = StringIO.StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(fit, feature_names=train_x.columns, class_names=["1","2","3","4","5"], out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph[0].write_png("tree_toy.png") img = Image(graph[0].create_png()) display(img) return fit
def plot_pdf(self, path): self.build_polt() c = open("", 'w') c.write(self.dot_data.getvalue()) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(self.dot_data.getvalue()) graph.write_pdf(path)
def draw(self, name='goto'): g = nx.MultiDiGraph() lr_content = {} for k, v in self.progress_present.iteritems(): label = 'I %d\n' % k for rule in v: break label += rule[0] + ' --> ' for r in rule[1]: if r == u'dot': label += '^ ' else: label += r + ' ' label += '\n' lr_content[k] = label for k, v in self.state_present.iteritems(): for edge, to in v.iteritems(): g.add_edge(lr_content[k], lr_content[to], label=edge) g_str = to_pydot(g).to_string() g = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(g_str) g[0].write_jpg('graph/%s.jpg' % name) print '%s图生成成功!' % name
def main(): if (len(sys.argv) < 2): print("One Argument Required; Training Set") return X_train, Y_train = ParseTraining(sys.argv[1]) #X_test, Y_test = ParseTraining(sys.argv[2]) #X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2, random_state=99) #X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = X, X, Y, Y #clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier() clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=6) #clf = OneVsRestClassifier(SVC(kernel="linear", C=0.025)) #clf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=6, n_estimators=10, max_features=1) #clf = SVC(kernel="linear", C=0.025) #clf = AdaBoostClassifier() #clf = SVC(gamma=2, C=1) clf =, Y_train) #feature_names = ["partAvg", "recavg", "latency", "ReadRate"] feature_names = ["partConf", "recAvg", "latency", "ReadRate", "homeconf"] #feature_names = ["partAvg", "recAvg", "recVar", "ReadRate"] #feature_names = ["partAvg", "recAvg", "recVar"] #feature_names = ["recAvg", "recVar", "Read"] #feature_names = ["partAvg", "recVar"] ##class_names = ["Partition", "OCC", "2PL"] #class_names = ["OCC", "2PL"] class_names = ["Partition", "No Partition"] dot_data = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=dot_data, feature_names=feature_names, class_names=class_names, filled=True, rounded=True, special_characters=True) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph.write_png("partition.png")
def test_graph_with_shapefiles(self): shapefile_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, 'from-past-to-future') # image files are omitted from sdist if not os.path.isdir(shapefile_dir): warnings.warn('Skipping tests that involve images, ' 'they can be found in the `git` repository.') return dot_file = os.path.join(shapefile_dir, '') pngs = [ os.path.join(shapefile_dir, fname) for fname in os.listdir(shapefile_dir) if fname.endswith('.png')] f = open(dot_file, 'rt') graph_data = f.close() #g = dot_parser.parse_dot_data(graph_data) graphs = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(graph_data) (g,) = graphs g.set_shape_files( pngs ) jpe_data = g.create( format='jpe' ) hexdigest = sha256(jpe_data).hexdigest() hexdigest_original = self._render_with_graphviz( dot_file, encoding='ascii') self.assertEqual( hexdigest, hexdigest_original )
def draw_ff(chromosome): ''' Draws a feedforward neural network ''' output = 'digraph G {\n node [shape=circle, fontsize=9, height=0.2, width=0.2]' # subgraph for inputs and outputs output += '\n subgraph cluster_inputs { \n node [style=filled, shape=box] \n color=white' for ng in chromosome.node_genes: if ng.type== 'INPUT': output += '\n '+str( output += '\n }' output += '\n subgraph cluster_outputs { \n node [style=filled, color=lightblue] \n color=white' for ng in chromosome.node_genes: if ng.type== 'OUTPUT': output += '\n '+str( output += '\n }' # topology for cg in chromosome.conn_genes: output += '\n '+str(cg.innodeid)+' -> '+str(cg.outnodeid) if cg.enabled is False: output += ' [style=dotted, color=cornflowerblue]' output += '\n }' if has_pydot: g = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(output) g.write('feedforward.svg', prog='dot', format='svg') else: print('You do not have the PyDot package.')
def positionGraph(): """Uses graphviz to position nodes of the graph. """ try: import pydot except ImportError: return jsonify({}) graph = pydot.Dot() for node_id, node in request.json['nodes'].iteritems(): graph.add_node(pydot.Node(node_id)) for edge in request.json['edges'].itervalues(): graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(edge[0], edge[1])) new_graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(graph.create_dot()) # calulate the ratio from the size of the bounding box ratio = new_graph.get_bb() origin_left, origin_top, max_left, max_top = [float(p) for p in new_graph.get_bb().strip('"').split(',')] ratio_top = max_top - origin_top ratio_left = max_left - origin_left preference_dict = dict() for node in new_graph.get_nodes(): # skip technical nodes if node.get_name() in ('graph', 'node', 'edge'): continue left, top = [float(p) for p in node.get_pos()[1:-1].split(",")] preference_dict[node.get_name().strip('"')] = dict( top=1-(top/ratio_top), left=1-(left/ratio_left),) return jsonify(preference_dict)
def method2format( output, _format="png", mx = None, raw = False ) : """ Export method to a specific file format @param output : output filename @param _format : format type (png, jpg ...) (default : png) @param mx : specify the MethodAnalysis object @param raw : use directly a dot raw buffer """ try : import pydot except ImportError : error("module pydot not found") buff = "digraph code {\n" buff += "graph [bgcolor=white];\n" buff += "node [color=lightgray, style=filled shape=box fontname=\"Courier\" fontsize=\"8\"];\n" if raw == False : buff += method2dot( mx ) else : buff += raw buff += "}" d = pydot.graph_from_dot_data( buff ) if d : getattr(d, "write_" + _format)( output )
def drawDecisionTree(dt, filename, featureNames, classNames): dot_data = StringIO() print featureNames print classNames tree.export_graphviz(dt, out_file=dot_data, feature_names=featureNames, class_names=classNames, rounded=True, special_characters=True, filled=True) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph.write_png(filename)
def test_graph_with_shapefiles(self): shapefile_dir = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'from-past-to-future') dot_file = os.path.join(shapefile_dir, '') pngs = [ os.path.join(shapefile_dir, fname) for fname in os.listdir(shapefile_dir) if fname.endswith('.png') ] f = open(dot_file, 'rt') graph_data = f.close() g = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(graph_data) g.set_shape_files(pngs) jpe_data = g.create(format='jpe') hexdigest = sha256(jpe_data).hexdigest() hexdigest_original = self._render_with_graphviz(dot_file) self.assertEqual(hexdigest, hexdigest_original)
def test_attribute_with_implicit_value(self): d = 'digraph {\na -> b[label="hi", decorate];\n}' g = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(d) attrs = g.get_edges()[0].get_attributes() self.assertEqual('decorate' in attrs, True)
def method2format(output, _format="png", mx=None, raw=None): """ Export method to a specific file format @param output : output filename @param _format : format type (png, jpg ...) (default : png) @param mx : specify the MethodAnalysis object @param raw : use directly a dot raw buffer if None """ try: import pydot except ImportError: error("module pydot not found") buff = "digraph {\n" buff += "graph [rankdir=TB]\n" buff += "node [shape=plaintext]\n" if raw: data = raw else: data = method2dot(mx) # subgraphs cluster buff += "subgraph cluster_" + hashlib.md5(output).hexdigest() + " {\nlabel=\"%s\"\n" % data['name'] buff += data['nodes'] buff += "}\n" # subgraphs edges buff += data['edges'] buff += "}\n" d = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(buff) if d: getattr(d, "write_" + _format.lower())(output)
def layout_graph(graph, fname): print('writing un-layouted graph to ""' % fname) graph.set_overlap("scale") dot = graph.create_dot() f = open("" % fname, "w") f.write(dot) f.close() neato_dot = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/bin/neato", "-Tdot", "" % fname]) neato_png = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/bin/neato", "-Tpng", "" % fname]) neato_pdf = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/bin/neato", "-Tpdf", "" % fname]) print('writing layouted graph to ""' % fname) f = open("" % fname, "w") f.write(neato_dot) f.close() print('writing layouted graph to ""' % fname) f = open("" % fname, "w") f.write(neato_png) f.close() print('writing layouted graph to ""' % fname) f = open("" % fname, "w") f.write(neato_pdf) f.close() print("re-reading layouted dot from internal variable") graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(neato_dot) return graph
def positionGraph(g): import pydot graph = pydot.Dot() for node in g['nodes']: graph.add_node(pydot.Node(node)) for edge, (source, destination, data) in g['edges'].items(): graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(source, destination)) new_graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(graph.create_dot()) # calulate the ratio from the size of the bounding box ratio = new_graph.get_bb() origin_left, origin_top, max_left, max_top = [float(p) for p in new_graph.get_bb()[1:-1].split(',')] ratio_top = max_top - origin_top ratio_left = max_left - origin_left preference_dict = dict() for node in new_graph.get_nodes(): # skip technical nodes if node.get_name() in ('graph', 'node', 'edge'): continue left, top = [float(p) for p in node.get_pos()[1:-1].split(",")] preference_dict[get_name(node)] = dict( top=1-(top/ratio_top), left=1-(left/ratio_left),) return preference_dict
def classfyWithScipy(dataSet,labels,dataToClassfy): clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion="entropy").fit(dataSet,labels) dot_data = StringIO.StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph.write_pdf("entropy.pdf") return clf.predict(dataToClassfy)
def mainTree(): header=re.sub(' |\t','','id|gender|age|height|edu|salary|nation|car|house|body|face|hair|\ smoke|drink|child|parent|bmi|where0|where1|\ marriage0|marriage1|look0|look1|where2').split('|') MaleData=pd.read_csv('/home/idanan/jiayuan/code/resources/transed_M.txt',names=header,sep='|') FemaleData=pd.read_csv('/home/idanan/jiayuan/code/resources/cluster_female.txt',names=header+['class'],sep='|') matches=matchDict('/home/idanan/jiayuan/code/resources/lovers_ids.txt') FemaleData['id']=FemaleData['id'].map(partial(match,matches=matches)) FemaleClass=FemaleData[['id','class']] newMaleData=concatData(MaleData,FemaleClass) MaleArrays=scaleData(newMaleData,['id','gender']) pca=factors(MaleArrays[:,:-1],17) print 'PCA explained variance:', sum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) pcaMaleArray=pca.transform(MaleArrays[:,:-1]) MaleArrays=np.c_[pcaMaleArray,MaleArrays] trainData,testData=departData(MaleArrays,0.9) trainModel=decisionModel(trainData) dot_data = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(trainModel, out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph.write_pdf("/home/idanan/jiayuan/code/resources/marriage.pdf") rate=test(trainModel,testData) print 'Decision Model true rate',rate
def read_hypergraph(string): """ Read a hypergraph from a string in dot format. Nodes and edges specified in the input will be added to the current hypergraph. @type string: string @param string: Input string in dot format specifying a graph. @rtype: hypergraph @return: Hypergraph """ hgr = hypergraph() dotG = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(string) # Read the hypernode nodes... # Note 1: We need to assume that all of the nodes are listed since we need to know if they # are a hyperedge or a normal node # Note 2: We should read in all of the nodes before putting in the links for each_node in dotG.get_nodes(): if 'hypernode' == each_node.get('hyper_node_type'): hgr.add_node(each_node.get_name()) elif 'hyperedge' == each_node.get('hyper_node_type'): hgr.add_hyperedge(each_node.get_name()) # Now read in the links to connect the hyperedges for each_link in dotG.get_edges(): if hgr.has_node(each_link.get_source()): link_hypernode = each_link.get_source() link_hyperedge = each_link.get_destination() elif hgr.has_node(each_link.get_destination()): link_hypernode = each_link.get_destination() link_hyperedge = each_link.get_source(), link_hyperedge) return hgr
def read_dot(path): """Return a NetworkX MultiGraph or MultiDiGraph from a dot file on path. Parameters ---------- path : filename or file handle Returns ------- G : NetworkX multigraph A MultiGraph or MultiDiGraph. Notes ----- Use G=nx.Graph(nx.read_dot(path)) to return a Graph instead of a MultiGraph. """ try: import pydot except ImportError: raise ImportError("read_dot() requires pydot", "") P=pydot.graph_from_dot_data(data) return from_pydot(P)
def dumpcircuit(ind, printfun): circuit = ind.phenotype print circuit.getcircuit() arnet = ind.genotype print arnet.code.bin g = graph_from_dot_data(printfun(circuit,arnet = arnet)) g.write_png('temp.png')
def draw_tree(clf): import pydot import StringIO output = StringIO.StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=output) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(output.getvalue()) graph.write_pdf('tree.pdf')
def loadtasksdot(fp): import pydot graphs = pydot.graph_from_dot_data( (g2,) = graphs tasks = [] tasksd = {} # if present use the attribute cost for n in g2.get_nodes(): ad = n.get_attributes() #print n.get_name(),[a for a in ad] t = MTask(n.get_name(),float(ad.get("cost",1)),int(ad.get("items",1)),int(ad.get("maxnp",defaultcore)),int(ad.get("deadline",MTask.deadlinemaxtime)),float(ad.get("reductioncost",0)),int(ad.get("evennp",0)) != 0) tasks.append(t) tasksd[] = t # if present use the attribute cost for e in g2.get_edges(): #get_source #get_destination #get_attributes st = tasksd.get(e.get_source(),None) if st is None: st = MTask(e.get_source(),1,1,defaultcore) tasks.append(st) tasksd[] = st dt = tasksd.get(e.get_destination(),None) if dt is None: dt = MTask(e.get_destination(),1,1,defaultcore) tasks.append(dt) tasksd[] = dt dt.parents.append(MTaskEdge(st,dt,float(e.get_attributes().get("delay",0)),float(e.get_attributes().get("reduction",0)))) #print e.get_source(),e.get_destination(),[a for a in e.get_attributes().iteritems()] return tasks
def test_multiple_graphs(self): graph_data = 'graph A { a->b };\ngraph B {c->d}' graphs = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(graph_data) n = len(graphs) assert n == 2, n names = [g.get_name() for g in graphs] assert names == ['A', 'B'], names
def classifyTree(Xtr, ytr, Xte, yte, splitCriterion="gini", maxDepth=0, visualizeTree=False): """ Classifies data using CART """ try: accuracyRate, probabilities, timing = 0.0, [], 0.0 # Perform classification cartClassifier = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion=splitCriterion, max_depth=maxDepth) startTime = time.time() prettyPrint("Training a CART tree for classification using \"%s\" and maximum depth of %s" % (splitCriterion, maxDepth), "debug"), numpy.array(ytr)) prettyPrint("Submitting the test samples", "debug") predicted = cartClassifier.predict(Xte) endTime = time.time() # Compare the predicted and ground truth and append result to list accuracyRate = round(metrics.accuracy_score(predicted, yte), 2) # Also append the probability estimates probs = cartClassifier.predict_proba(Xte) probabilities.append(probs) timing = endTime-startTime # Keep track of performance if visualizeTree: # Visualize the tree dot_data = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(cartClassifier, out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) prettyPrint("Saving learned CART to \"tritonTree_%s.pdf\"" % getTimestamp(), "debug") graph.write_pdf("tree_%s.pdf" % getTimestamp()) except Exception as e: prettyPrint("Error encountered in \"classifyTree\": %s" % e, "error") return accuracyRate, timing, probabilities, predicted
def plot_decision_tree(clf): import StringIO, pydot dot_data = StringIO.StringIO() sklearn.tree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph.write_png('tmp.png') os.system('sxiv tmp.png')
def visualize_tree(dtree): dot_data = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(dtree, out_file=dot_data, filled=True, rounded=True, special_characters=True) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) display(Image(graph.create_png()))
def displayGraph(self): dot = self.graph.write(fmt="dot") import pydot dotgraph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot) # Tmpfile import tempfile fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") # dotgraph.write('') dotgraph.write_png( image = wx.Image(, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) fh.close() # Init the panel panel = GraphPanel(self.parent, image) panel.identifierTag = "Huffmann Tree" # Show the panel self.parent.AddPage(panel, "Huffmann Tree")
def generate_plot(clf): print "\nGenerating plot..." dot_data = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph.write_pdf("weather_forecast.pdf") print "Plot generated!"
def graph_to_page(): file_vals = next(request.files.values()) file_contents ='utf-8') file_contents = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(file_contents).to_string() compressed = zlib.compress(file_contents.encode('utf-8'), 9) encoded = urlsafe_b64encode(compressed) return request.host_url + "view?s=" + encoded.decode('utf-8')
inplace=True) X_train = restaurant_train1 y_train = restaurant_train['revenue'] rf_estimator = ensemble.RandomForestRegressor(random_state=10) rf_grid = {'n_estimators': [3, 4, 5], 'max_features': [7, 8]} def rmse(y_true, y_pred): return math.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)) rf_grid_estimator = model_selection.GridSearchCV(rf_estimator, rf_grid, scoring='mean_squared_error', cv=10, n_jobs=5), y_train) rf_grid_estimator.grid_scores_ rf_grid_estimator.best_estimator_ n_tree = 0 for est in rf_grid_estimator.best_estimator_.estimators_: dot_data = io.StringIO() tmp = est.tree_ tree.export_graphviz(tmp, out_file=dot_data, feature_names=X_train.columns) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue())[0] graph.write_pdf("regtree" + str(n_tree) + ".pdf") n_tree = n_tree + 1
def assert_valid_graph(dot: str): return pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot)
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz from sklearn.externals.six import StringIO from IPython.display import Image from pydot import graph_from_dot_data import pandas as pd import numpy as np iris = load_iris() X = pd.DataFrame(, columns=iris.feature_names) y = pd.Categorical.from_codes(, iris.target_names) X.head() y = pd.get_dummies(y) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=1) dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(), y_train) dot_data = StringIO() export_graphviz(dt, out_file=dot_data, feature_names=iris.feature_names) (graph, ) = graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) Image(graph.create_png()) y_pred = dt.predict(X_test) species = np.array(y_test).argmax(axis=1) predictions = np.array(y_pred).argmax(axis=1) confusion_matrix(species, predictions)
def to_pdf(self, filename, dic_var=None): pydot.graph_from_dot_data(self.to_dot(dic_var))[0].write_pdf(filename)
a += 'h{i} -> o[penwidth={weight:.2f},weight="{weight:.2f}"];\n'.format(i=i, weight=np.sqrt(abs(weight))) return a + '\n}' #import sklearn.neural_network #mlp_classifier = sklearn.neural_network.MLPClassifier(algorithm='l-bfgs', alpha=1e-5, hidden_layer_sizes=(4,), random_state=1) mlp_classifier = NeuralNetwork(3, 3), y_train) mlp_prediction = mlp_classifier.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] plotData(X_train, y_train) plotContour(mlp_classifier.predict_proba) savePlot('mlp_classifier.png') plotTestStatistic(y_test, mlp_prediction) savePlot('mlp_statistic.png') plotROC(y_test, ('Neyman Pearson Lemma', np_prediction), ('Multi Layer Perceptron', mlp_prediction)) savePlot('mlp_roc.png') dot_data = NeuralNetwork.export_graphviz(mlp_classifier) print dot_data graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data) graph.write_png('mlp_visualization.png')"convert -resize 2000x1200 mlp_visualization.png mlp_visualization.png", shell=True) from scipy.special import expit sns.set(font_scale=8.0) X = np.linspace(-6, 6, 100) plt.plot(X, expit(X), label=None, lw=16) savePlot('sigmoid.png')
def from_dot_string(string: str) -> str: # Assuming there's only one graph/digraph in the string return from_dot_graph(graph_from_dot_data(string)[0])
def __init__(self, treatment_name, outcome_name, graph=None, common_cause_names=None, instrument_names=None, observed_node_names=None): self.treatment_name = parse_state(treatment_name) self.outcome_name = parse_state(outcome_name) instrument_names = parse_state(instrument_names) common_cause_names = parse_state(common_cause_names) self.fullname = "_".join(self.treatment_name + self.outcome_name + common_cause_names + instrument_names) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if graph is None: self._graph = nx.DiGraph() self._graph = self.build_graph(common_cause_names, instrument_names) elif re.match(r".*\.dot", graph): # load dot file try: import pygraphviz as pgv self._graph = nx.DiGraph(nx.drawing.nx_agraph.read_dot(graph)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Pygraphviz cannot be loaded. " + str(e) + "\nTrying pydot...") try: import pydot self._graph = nx.DiGraph( nx.drawing.nx_pydot.read_dot(graph)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error: Pydot cannot be loaded. " + str(e)) raise e elif re.match(r".*\.gml", graph): self._graph = nx.DiGraph(nx.read_gml(graph)) elif re.match(r".*graph\s*\{.*\}\s*", graph): try: import pygraphviz as pgv self._graph = pgv.AGraph(graph, strict=True, directed=True) self._graph = nx.drawing.nx_agraph.from_agraph(self._graph) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error: Pygraphviz cannot be loaded. " + str(e) + "\nTrying pydot ...") try: import pydot P_list = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(graph) self._graph = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.from_pydot(P_list[0]) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error: Pydot cannot be loaded. " + str(e)) raise e elif re.match(".*graph\s*\[.*\]\s*", graph): self._graph = nx.DiGraph(nx.parse_gml(graph)) else: self.logger.error( "Error: Please provide graph (as string or text file) in dot or gml format." ) self.logger.error("Error: Incorrect graph format") raise ValueError self._graph = self.add_node_attributes(observed_node_names) self._graph = self.add_unobserved_common_cause(observed_node_names)
def sdd_to_dot(self): s = sdd_to_dot(self._results['sdd'], self._results['literals'], node_annotations=None, edge_annotations=None) return pydot.graph_from_dot_data(s)[0]
def plot_graph(dot_graph, file): graphs = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_graph)[0] if file[-4:].lower() == '.png': graphs.write_png(file) else: graphs.write_pdf(file)
def draw_graph(self, classifier, filename="out.svg"): dot_data = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(classifier, out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph.write_svg(filename+".svg")
def main(): with sys.stdin as dot: g = pydot.graph_from_dot_data( print(tikzFromPos(g[0]).compile())
def __init__(self, treatment_name, outcome_name, graph=None, common_cause_names=None, instrument_names=None, effect_modifier_names=None, observed_node_names=None, missing_nodes_as_confounders=False): self.treatment_name = parse_state(treatment_name) self.outcome_name = parse_state(outcome_name) instrument_names = parse_state(instrument_names) common_cause_names = parse_state(common_cause_names) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if graph is None: self._graph = nx.DiGraph() self._graph = self.build_graph(common_cause_names, instrument_names, effect_modifier_names) elif re.match(r".*\.dot", graph): # load dot file try: import pygraphviz as pgv self._graph = nx.DiGraph(nx.drawing.nx_agraph.read_dot(graph)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Pygraphviz cannot be loaded. " + str(e) + "\nTrying pydot...") try: import pydot self._graph = nx.DiGraph( nx.drawing.nx_pydot.read_dot(graph)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error: Pydot cannot be loaded. " + str(e)) raise e elif re.match(r".*\.gml", graph): self._graph = nx.DiGraph(nx.read_gml(graph)) elif re.match(r".*graph\s*\{.*\}\s*", graph): try: import pygraphviz as pgv self._graph = pgv.AGraph(graph, strict=True, directed=True) self._graph = nx.drawing.nx_agraph.from_agraph(self._graph) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error: Pygraphviz cannot be loaded. " + str(e) + "\nTrying pydot ...") try: import pydot P_list = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(graph) self._graph = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.from_pydot(P_list[0]) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error: Pydot cannot be loaded. " + str(e)) raise e elif re.match(".*graph\s*\[.*\]\s*", graph): self._graph = nx.DiGraph(nx.parse_gml(graph)) else: self.logger.error( "Error: Please provide graph (as string or text file) in dot or gml format." ) self.logger.error("Error: Incorrect graph format") raise ValueError if missing_nodes_as_confounders: self._graph = self.add_missing_nodes_as_common_causes( observed_node_names) # Adding node attributes self._graph = self.add_node_attributes(observed_node_names) #TODO do not add it here. CausalIdentifier should call causal_graph to add an unobserved common cause if needed. This also ensures that we do not need get_common_causes in this class. self._graph = self.add_unobserved_common_cause(observed_node_names)
def __init__(self, game, agent, Config, numSearch): """Initialize the pygame""" pygame.init() pygame.font.init() self.default_font = pygame.font.get_default_font() self.text_size = 10 self.font_color = (40, 40, 40) self.font_renderer = pygame.font.Font(self.default_font, self.text_size) """Variables""" = copy.deepcopy(game) self.Config = Config self.start_pos = np.copy(game.board) self.agent = agent self.side_length = 100 self.line_th = 5 self.height =[1] self.width =[2] self.image = pygame.image.load("nevraltnett.png") self.imagerect = (0, 0) = (0, 0, 0) self.white = (255, 255, 255) self.piece_size = self.side_length // 3 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode([ self.side_length * self.width + self.line_th + self.imagerect[0], max(self.side_length * (self.height + 1) + self.line_th, self.imagerect[1]) ]) # + self.imagerect[0],self.imagerect[1] self.weights = [0] * len( )) # Set weight to empty array to represent all moves self.count = int(input()) # Switches sides of human and machine self.primary_line = [] self.won = 0 self.tied = 0 self.lost = 0 """find what game is given""" self.tictactoe = False self.fourinarow = False if == "TicTacToe": self.tictactoe = True self.background_color = (0, 109, 50) elif == "FourInARow": self.fourinarow = True self.background_color = (0, 100, 150) """check if graphviz is installed and in path""" try: self.test_graph = "digraph g{rankdir=LR;testing -> testing -> tested}" self.test_graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(self.test_graph)[0] self.test_graph.write_png('graph.png') except FileNotFoundError: print( "Error:Graphviz is not installed or not on path, skipping visualization" ) self.draw_graph = False except: print("Error: Unknown error with graph visualization, skipping") self.draw_graph = False else: self.draw_graph = True self.update_screen() """continuosly check for updates""" while True: self.mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if sleep(4) """Show death screen""" self.screen.fill( font_size = max( (self.side_length * self.width + self.line_th) // 35, 20) myfont = pygame.font.SysFont(self.default_font, 2 * font_size) """Who won""" if[0] == 0: winner = myfont.render('Tied', False, (255, 255, 255)) self.tied += 1 elif ([0] == 1 and self.count % 2 == 0) or ([1] == 1 and self.count % 2 == 1): winner = myfont.render('AI won!', False, (255, 255, 255)) self.lost += 1 else: winner = myfont.render('Human won', False, (255, 255, 255)) self.won += 1 self.screen.blit( winner, ((self.side_length * self.width + self.line_th + self.imagerect[0]) // 2 - winner.get_width() / 2, self.side_length // 3 - winner.get_height() // 2)) myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', font_size) switch_side = myfont.render('(Switching sides)', False, (0, 255, 0)) self.screen.blit( switch_side, ((self.side_length * self.width + self.line_th + self.imagerect[0]) // 2 - switch_side.get_width() / 2, self.side_length // 3 - switch_side.get_height() // 2 + winner.get_height())) """Shows the score""" myfont = pygame.font.SysFont(self.default_font, 2 * font_size) wtl = myfont.render('Win/Tie/Loss', False, self.white) self.screen.blit( wtl, ((self.side_length * self.width + self.line_th + self.imagerect[0]) // 2 - wtl.get_width() / 2, (self.side_length * self.height) // 2 - wtl.get_height() // 2)) score = myfont.render( str(self.won) + "-" + str(self.tied) + "-" + str(self.lost), False, self.white) self.screen.blit( score, ((self.side_length * self.width + self.line_th + self.imagerect[0]) // 2 - score.get_width() / 2, (self.side_length * self.height) // 2 + wtl.get_height())) pygame.display.flip() print("GAME IS OVER") self.count += 1 # Switches sides sleep(1) # Catch glitchy graohics # sleep(4) #Hold the death screen open """clean the board and graphics""" self.weights = [0] * len(self.weights) = np.copy( self.start_pos) # don't want to change it = [] self.imagerect = (0, 0) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode([ self.side_length * self.width + self.line_th + self.imagerect[0], max(self.side_length * (self.height + 1) + self.line_th, self.imagerect[1]) ]) self.update_screen() elif ( + self.count) % 2 and not """look for human input""" for event in pygame.event.get(): pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() numbers = [ pygame.K_1, pygame.K_2, pygame.K_3, pygame.K_4, pygame.K_5, pygame.K_6, pygame.K_7 ] if event.type == pygame.QUIT or pressed[ 27]: # Escape quits the game sys.exit() # elif pygame.key.get_pressed()[27]: elif pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] and self.mouse_pos[ 0] < self.side_length * self.width + self.line_th and self.mouse_pos[ 1] < self.side_length * self.height + self.line_th: # Check if mouse is pressed in board self.execute_move() self.update_screen() elif pygame.key.get_pressed()[8]: # Backspace to undo move self.update_screen() elif not """If machines turn, machine do move""" # if # tree = MCTS.MCTS(,, self.agent, self.Config) tree = MCTSTraining.MCTS() tree.set_game( tree.set_evaluation(self.agent) tree.dirichlet_noise = False tree.NN_output_to_moves_func = Config.NN_output_to_moves tree.number_to_move_func = Config.number_to_move tree.move_to_number_func = Config.move_to_number tree.policy_output_dim = Config.policy_output_dim tree.reset_search() # else: # tree = MCTS.MCTS(,, agent1, self.Config) # if len( > 1: # Does not compute last possible move very deeply # for searches in range(numSearch): # if searches>750: # print() tree.search_series(numSearch) print( tree.get_prior_probabilities( print(tree.get_posterior_probabilities(, tree.get_value( print(tree.tree_children) # if (searches % 100 == 0 and searches != 0): # """update weight on screen every 200 search""" # self.NNvisual(tree, num_nodes=20) # self.NNvisual(tree, num_nodes=20) # else: # tree.search_series(numSearch) # predict = tree.get_most_searched_move(tree.root) # print("Stillingen vurderes som: ",self.agent.predict(np.array([]))[1]) # tree.get_most_searched_move( self.update_screen() self.show_gamelines(self.primary_line) self.see_valuation()
from sklearn import datasets X, y = datasets.make_classification(1000, 20, n_informative=3) from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(), y) #Ok, so now that we have a basic classifier fit, we can view it quite simply: from StringIO import StringIO from sklearn import tree import pydot str_buffer = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(dt, out_file=str_buffer) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(str_buffer.getvalue()) graph.write("myfile.jpg") #This is a very complex tree. It will most likely overfit the data. First, #let's reduce the max depth value: dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=5), y); dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=5).fit(X, y) def plot_dt(model, filename): str_buffer = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(model, out_file=str_buffer) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(str_buffer.getvalue()) graph.write_jpg(filename)
def synthesize(formula, env_vars=None, sys_vars=None): """Return Moore transducer if C{formula} is realizable. Variable C{dict}s have variable names as keys and their type as value. The types should be 'boolean'. These parameters are only used if formula is of type C{str}. Else, the variable dictionaries associated with the L{LTL} or L{GRSpec} object are used. @param formula: linear temporal logic formula @type formula: C{str}, L{LTL}, or L{GRSpec} @param env_vars: uncontrolled variables (inputs); used only if C{formula} is of type C{str} @type env_vars: C{dict} or None @param sys_vars: controlled variables (outputs); used only if C{formula} is of type C{str} @type sys_vars: C{dict} or None @return: symbolic Moore transducer (guards are conjunctions, not sets) @rtype: L{MooreMachine} """ if isinstance(formula, GRSpec): env_vars = formula.env_vars sys_vars = formula.sys_vars elif isinstance(formula, LTL): env_vars = formula.input_variables sys_vars = formula.output_variables all_vars = dict(env_vars) all_vars.update(sys_vars) if not all(v == 'boolean' for v in all_vars.values()): raise TypeError( 'all variables should be Boolean:\n{v}'.format(v=all_vars)) if isinstance(formula, GRSpec): f = translate(formula, 'wring') else: T = parse(str(formula)) f = translate_ast(T, 'wring').flatten(env_vars=env_vars, sys_vars=sys_vars) # dump partition file s = '.inputs {inp}\n.outputs {out}'.format(inp=' '.join(env_vars), out=' '.join(sys_vars)) with open(IO_PARTITION_FILE, 'w') as fid: fid.write(s) # call lily try: p = subprocess.Popen([LILY, '-f', f, '-syn', IO_PARTITION_FILE], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) out = except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise Exception(' not found in path.\n' 'See the Lily docs for setting PERL5LIB and PATH.') else: raise dotf = open(DOTFILE, 'r') fail_msg = 'Formula is not realizable' if == fail_msg: return None data = (pd, ) = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(data) g = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.from_pydot(pd) dotf.close() moore = lily_strategy2moore(g, env_vars, sys_vars) return moore
def write_tree_image(clf): for i in xrange(clf.n_estimators): dot_data = StringIO.StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(clf.estimators_[0], out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) image = graph.write_png("tree" + str(i) + ".png")
def pydot_layout(G, prog="neato", root=None): """Create node positions using :mod:`pydot` and Graphviz. Parameters ---------- G : Graph NetworkX graph to be laid out. prog : string (default: 'neato') Name of the GraphViz command to use for layout. Options depend on GraphViz version but may include: 'dot', 'twopi', 'fdp', 'sfdp', 'circo' root : Node from G or None (default: None) The node of G from which to start some layout algorithms. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of positions keyed by node. Examples -------- >>> G = nx.complete_graph(4) >>> pos = nx.nx_pydot.pydot_layout(G) >>> pos = nx.nx_pydot.pydot_layout(G, prog="dot") Notes ----- If you use complex node objects, they may have the same string representation and GraphViz could treat them as the same node. The layout may assign both nodes a single location. See Issue #1568 If this occurs in your case, consider relabeling the nodes just for the layout computation using something similar to:: H = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G, label_attribute='node_label') H_layout = nx.nx_pydot.pydot_layout(G, prog='dot') G_layout = {H.nodes[n]['node_label']: p for n, p in H_layout.items()} """ import pydot P = to_pydot(G) if root is not None: P.set("root", str(root)) # List of low-level bytes comprising a string in the dot language converted # from the passed graph with the passed external GraphViz command. D_bytes = P.create_dot(prog=prog) # Unique string decoded from these bytes with the preferred locale encoding D = str(D_bytes, encoding=getpreferredencoding()) if D == "": # no data returned print(f"Graphviz layout with {prog} failed") print() print("To debug what happened try:") print("P = nx.nx_pydot.to_pydot(G)") print('P.write_dot("")') print(f"And then run {prog} on") return # List of one or more "pydot.Dot" instances deserialized from this string. Q_list = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(D) assert len(Q_list) == 1 # The first and only such instance, as guaranteed by the above assertion. Q = Q_list[0] node_pos = {} for n in G.nodes(): pydot_node = pydot.Node(str(n)).get_name() node = Q.get_node(pydot_node) if isinstance(node, list): node = node[0] pos = node.get_pos()[1:-1] # strip leading and trailing double quotes if pos is not None: xx, yy = pos.split(",") node_pos[n] = (float(xx), float(yy)) return node_pos #Not mandatory though!! #Let's start the journey with non categorical and non missing data columns X_titanic_train = titanic_train[['Pclass', 'SibSp', 'Parch']] #X-Axis y_titanic_train = titanic_train['Survived'] #Y-Axis #Build the decision tree model dt = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(), y_titanic_train) #visualize the decission tree objStringIO = io.StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(dt, out_file=objStringIO, feature_names=X_titanic_train.columns) #Use out_file = objStringIO to getvalues() file1 = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(objStringIO.getvalue()) #[0] #os.chdir("D:\\Data Science\\Data\\") file1.write_pdf("DecissionTree1_Small.pdf") #Predict the outcome using decision tree #Read the Test Data titanic_test = pd.read_csv("D:\\Data Science\\Data\\titanic_test.csv") X_test = titanic_test[['Pclass', 'SibSp', 'Parch']] #Use .predict method on Test data using the model which we built titanic_test['Survived'] = dt.predict(X_test) os.getcwd() #To get current working directory titanic_test.to_csv("submission_Titanic.csv", columns=['PassengerId', 'Survived'], index=False)
def generate_flux_diagram(reaction_model, times, concentrations, reaction_rates, output_directory, central_species_list=None, superimpose=False, species_directory=None, settings=None): """ For a given `reaction_model` and simulation results stored as arrays of `times`, species `concentrations`, and `reaction_rates`, generate a series of flux diagrams as frames of an animation, then stitch them together into a movie. The individual frames and the final movie are saved on disk at `output_directory.` """ global max_node_count, max_edge_count, concentration_tol, species_rate_tol, max_node_pen_width, max_edge_pen_width, radius, central_reaction_count # Allow user defined settings for flux diagram generation if given if settings: max_node_count = settings.get('max_node_count', max_node_count) max_edge_count = settings.get('max_edge_count', max_edge_count) concentration_tol = settings.get('concentration_tol', concentration_tol) species_rate_tol = settings.get('species_rate_tol', species_rate_tol) max_node_pen_width = settings.get('max_node_pen_width', max_node_pen_width) max_edge_pen_width = settings.get('max_edge_pen_width', max_edge_pen_width) radius = settings.get('radius', radius) central_reaction_count = settings.get('central_reaction_count', central_reaction_count) # Get the species and reactions corresponding to the provided concentrations and reaction rates species_list = reaction_model.core.species[:] num_species = len(species_list) reaction_list = reaction_model.core.reactions[:] # Search for indices of central species central_species_indices = [] if central_species_list is not None: for centralSpecies in central_species_list: for i, species in enumerate(species_list): if species.index == centralSpecies: central_species_indices.append(i) break else: raise Exception( "Central species '{}' could not be found in species list.". format(centralSpecies)) # Compute the rates between each pair of species (big matrix warning!) species_rates = np.zeros((len(times), num_species, num_species), np.float64) for index, reaction in enumerate(reaction_list): rate = reaction_rates[:, index] if not reaction.pairs: reaction.generate_pairs() for reactant, product in reaction.pairs: reactant_index = species_list.index(reactant) product_index = species_list.index(product) species_rates[:, reactant_index, product_index] += rate species_rates[:, product_index, reactant_index] -= rate # Determine the maximum concentration for each species and the maximum overall concentration max_concentrations = np.max(np.abs(concentrations), axis=0) max_concentration = np.max(max_concentrations) # Determine the maximum reaction rates max_reaction_rates = np.max(np.abs(reaction_rates), axis=0) # Determine the maximum rate for each species-species pair and the maximum overall species-species rate max_species_rates = np.max(np.abs(species_rates), axis=0) max_species_rate = np.max(max_species_rates) species_index = max_species_rates.reshape( (num_species * num_species)).argsort() # Determine the nodes and edges to keep nodes = [] edges = [] if not superimpose and central_species_list is not None: for central_species_index in central_species_indices: nodes.append(central_species_index) add_adjacent_nodes(central_species_index, nodes, edges, species_list, reaction_list, max_reaction_rates, max_species_rates, reactionCount=central_reaction_count, rad=radius) else: for i in range(num_species * num_species): product_index, reactant_index = divmod(species_index[-i - 1], num_species) if reactant_index > product_index: # Both reactant -> product and product -> reactant are in this list, # so only keep one of them continue if max_species_rates[reactant_index, product_index] == 0: break if reactant_index not in nodes and len(nodes) < max_node_count: nodes.append(reactant_index) if product_index not in nodes and len(nodes) < max_node_count: nodes.append(product_index) if [reactant_index, product_index] not in edges and [ product_index, reactant_index ] not in edges: edges.append([reactant_index, product_index]) if len(nodes) > max_node_count: break if len(edges) >= max_edge_count: break if superimpose and central_species_list is not None: nodes_copy = nodes[:] for central_species_index in central_species_indices: if central_species_index not in nodes: # Only add central species if it doesn't already exist nodes.append(central_species_index) # Recursively add nodes until they connect with main graph add_adjacent_nodes( central_species_index, nodes, edges, species_list, reaction_list, max_reaction_rates, max_species_rates, reactionCount=central_reaction_count, rad= -1, # "-1" signifies that we add nodes until they connect to the main graph mainNodes=nodes_copy) # Create the master graph # First we're going to generate the coordinates for all of the nodes; for # this we use the thickest pen widths for all nodes and edges graph = pydot.Dot('flux_diagram', graph_type='digraph', overlap="false") graph.set_rankdir('LR') graph.set_fontname('sans') graph.set_fontsize('10') # Add a node for each species for index in nodes: species = species_list[index] node = pydot.Node(name=str(species)) node.set_penwidth(max_node_pen_width) graph.add_node(node) # Try to use an image instead of the label species_index = str(species) + '.png' image_path = '' if not species_directory or not os.path.exists(species_directory): continue for root, dirs, files in os.walk(species_directory): for f in files: if f.endswith(species_index): image_path = os.path.join(root, f) break if os.path.exists(image_path): node.set_image(image_path) node.set_label(" ") # Add an edge for each species-species rate for reactant_index, product_index in edges: if reactant_index in nodes and product_index in nodes: reactant = species_list[reactant_index] product = species_list[product_index] edge = pydot.Edge(str(reactant), str(product)) edge.set_penwidth(max_edge_pen_width) graph.add_edge(edge) # Generate the coordinates for all of the nodes using the specified program graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data( graph.create_dot(prog=program).decode('utf-8'))[0] # Now iterate over the time points, setting the pen widths appropriately # This should preserve the coordinates of the nodes from frame to frame frame_number = 1 for t in range(len(times)): # Update the nodes slope = -max_node_pen_width / math.log10(concentration_tol) for index in nodes: species = species_list[index] if'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$', str(species)) is not None: species_string = str(species) else: # species name contains special characters species_string = '"{0}"'.format(str(species)) node = graph.get_node(species_string)[0] concentration = concentrations[t, index] / max_concentration if concentration < concentration_tol: penwidth = 0.0 else: penwidth = round( slope * math.log10(concentration) + max_node_pen_width, 3) node.set_penwidth(penwidth) # Update the edges slope = -max_edge_pen_width / math.log10(species_rate_tol) for index in range(len(edges)): reactant_index, product_index = edges[index] if reactant_index in nodes and product_index in nodes: reactant = species_list[reactant_index] product = species_list[product_index] if'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$', str(reactant)) is not None: reactant_string = str(reactant) else: reactant_string = '"{0}"'.format(str(reactant)) if'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$', str(product)) is not None: product_string = str(product) else: product_string = '"{0}"'.format(str(product)) edge = graph.get_edge(reactant_string, product_string)[0] # Determine direction of arrow based on sign of rate species_rate = species_rates[t, reactant_index, product_index] / max_species_rate if species_rate < 0: edge.set_dir("back") species_rate = -species_rate else: edge.set_dir("forward") # Set the edge pen width if species_rate < species_rate_tol: penwidth = 0.0 edge.set_dir("none") else: penwidth = round( slope * math.log10(species_rate) + max_edge_pen_width, 3) edge.set_penwidth(penwidth) # Save the graph at this time to a dot file and a PNG image if times[t] == 0: label = 't = 0 s' else: label = 't = 10^{0:.1f} s'.format(math.log10(times[t])) graph.set_label(label) if t == 0: repeat = video_fps * initial_padding elif t == len(times) - 1: repeat = video_fps * final_padding else: repeat = 1 for r in range(repeat): graph.write_dot( os.path.join(output_directory, 'flux_diagram_{0:04d}.dot'.format(frame_number))) graph.write_png( os.path.join(output_directory, 'flux_diagram_{0:04d}.png'.format(frame_number))) frame_number += 1 # Use ffmpeg to stitch the PNG images together into a movie import subprocess command = [ 'ffmpeg', '-framerate', '{0:d}'.format(video_fps), # Duration of each image '-i', 'flux_diagram_%04d.png', # Input file format '-c:v', 'mpeg4', # Encoder '-r', '30', # Video framerate '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', # Pixel format 'flux_diagram.avi' ] # Output filename subprocess.check_call(command, cwd=output_directory)
print(len(leave_id)) #limit to 20 features indices = indices[:20] for i in indices: print(feature_names[i], ":", importances[i]) # Visualising import pydot from io import StringIO from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz dotfile = StringIO() export_graphviz(model, out_file=dotfile, feature_names=X.columns) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dotfile.getvalue()) graph[0].write_png("Pancake_Decision_Tree_1.png") #variable is used for the first split and competing splits for this first split feature_names[model.tree_.feature] from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, accuracy_score # hyperparameters and model performance # max_leaf_nodes test_score = [] train_score = [] # check model performance for max depth from 2-200 for max_leaf_nodes in range(2, 200):
def write_clf_pdf(clf, output_name): dot_data = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph[0].write_pdf(output_name)
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, export_graphviz from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split if __name__ == '__main__': df = pd.read_csv('auto-mpg.csv', delimiter=',') data = df.values encoder = LabelEncoder() # car_name encode data[:, -1] = encoder.fit_transform(data[:, -1]) # sort by mpg column data = data[data[:, 0].argsort()] X, y = data[:, 1:], data[:, 0] for class_num, i in enumerate(range(0, y.shape[0], 150)): y[i:i + 150] = class_num y = y.astype( X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y) clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3), y_train) y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) print('Test accuracy: %.3f' % np.mean(y_pred == y_test)) # graph visualization clf_dot = export_graphviz(clf) (graph, ) = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(clf_dot) graph.write_png('graph2.png')
def Protocol_Inference(file_path): print("[#] IN&S PROTOCOL INFERENCE PROGRAM") print("[>] 파일 " + str(file_path) + "에 대한 분석을 수행합니다") messages = PCAPImporter.readFile( file_path).values() # 파일을 PCAPImporter를 통해 읽음 print( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("[1] 프로토콜을 통한 메시지의 종류") for message in messages: print(message) symbol = Symbol(messages=messages) Format.splitDelimiter(symbol, ASCII("#")) symbols = Format.clusterByKeyField(symbol, symbol.fields[0]) print( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) # print("[+] Number of symbols after clustering: {0}".format(len(symbols))) print("[2] 프로토콜 내 Symbol의 종류:") for keyFieldName, s in symbols.items(): try: print(" - " + bytes.fromhex(keyFieldName.decode("utf-8")).decode('utf-8')) message_symbols.append( bytes.fromhex(keyFieldName.decode("utf-8")).decode('utf-8')) except: print(" * {0}".format(keyFieldName)) print("---------------------------------------------------------------") symbol_cnt = 1 for symbol in symbols.values(): rels = RelationFinder.findOnSymbol(symbol) for rel in rels: # Apply first found relationship rel = rels[0] rel["x_fields"][0].domain = Size(rel["y_fields"], factor=1 / 8.0) print("[" + str(symbol_cnt) + "] Packet(Message) Struct") # recieve row message struct message = symbol._str_debug() message = message.replace('Raw', 'Message') message = message.replace('Field', 'Attribute') message = message.replace('((', 'Range(Min/Max)=') message = message.replace('))', '') # [1] message_symbol message_symbol = message[message.find('Symbol_'):message.find('|')] message_symbol = message_symbol.replace('Symbol_', '') # convert string -> byte try: byte_message_symbol = str.encode(message_symbol.replace('\n', '')) byte_message_symbol = bytes.fromhex( byte_message_symbol.decode("utf-8")).decode('utf-8') except: byte_message_symbol = message_symbol # [2] message_offset print('[ Message keyword in IN&S inference tool ] ' + byte_message_symbol + message[message.find('|'):]) symbol_cnt += 1 print( "---------------------------------------------------------------") session = Session(messages) abstractSession = session.abstract(list(symbols.values())) automata = Automata.generateChainedStatesAutomata(abstractSession, list(symbols.values())) file_name = os.path.basename(file_path).replace(".pcap", "") graph_path = os.path.join("FSM", file_name + ".png") # 파일이 저장될 경로 print("[>] 프로토콜의 동작원리 (FSM:Finite-State Machine) 이미지 저장 및 출력 완료") print("[-] 이미지 저장경로 : " + str(graph_path)) dotcode = automata.generateDotCode() # netzob를 통한 결과를 dotcode 형식으로 받아옴 graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dotcode)[ 0] # dotcode 형식을 pydot 라이브러리를 통해 float 형식으로 바꿈 graph.write_png(graph_path) # float 형식의 결과 이미지를 png 구조로 저장 image = # png 파일을 plt 라이브러리를 통해 읽어드림 # 이미지를 화면에 출력함
def visualize_decision_tree(dm_model, feature_names, save_name): dotfile = StringIO() export_graphviz(dm_model, out_file=dotfile, feature_names=feature_names) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dotfile.getvalue()) graph[0].write_png(save_name) # saved in the following file
def dag_drawer(dag, scale=0.7, filename=None, style="color"): """Plot the directed acyclic graph (dag) to represent operation dependencies in a quantum circuit. Note this function leverages `pydot <>`_ to generate the graph, which means that having `Graphviz <>`_ installed on your system is required for this to work. The current release of Graphviz can be downloaded here: <>. Download the version of the software that matches your environment and follow the instructions to install Graph Visualization Software (Graphviz) on your operating system. Args: dag (DAGCircuit): The dag to draw. scale (float): scaling factor filename (str): file path to save image to (format inferred from name) style (str): 'plain': B&W graph 'color' (default): color input/output/op nodes Returns: PIL.Image: if in Jupyter notebook and not saving to file, otherwise None. Raises: VisualizationError: when style is not recognized. MissingOptionalLibraryError: when pydot or pillow are not installed. Example: .. jupyter-execute:: %matplotlib inline from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit from qiskit.converters import circuit_to_dag from qiskit.visualization import dag_drawer q = QuantumRegister(3, 'q') c = ClassicalRegister(3, 'c') circ = QuantumCircuit(q, c) circ.h(q[0])[0], q[1]) circ.measure(q[0], c[0]) circ.rz(0.5, q[1]).c_if(c, 2) dag = circuit_to_dag(circ) dag_drawer(dag) """ try: import pydot except ImportError as ex: raise MissingOptionalLibraryError( libname="PyDot", name="dag_drawer", pip_install="pip install pydot", ) from ex # NOTE: use type str checking to avoid potential cyclical import # the two tradeoffs ere that it will not handle subclasses and it is # slower (which doesn't matter for a visualization function) type_str = str(type(dag)) if "DAGDependency" in type_str: graph_attrs = {"dpi": str(100 * scale)} def node_attr_func(node): if style == "plain": return {} if style == "color": n = {} n["label"] = str(node.node_id) + ": " + str( if == "measure": n["color"] = "blue" n["style"] = "filled" n["fillcolor"] = "lightblue" if == "barrier": n["color"] = "black" n["style"] = "filled" n["fillcolor"] = "green" if node.op._directive: n["color"] = "black" n["style"] = "filled" n["fillcolor"] = "red" if node.op.condition: n["label"] = str(node.node_id) + ": " + str( + " (conditional)" n["color"] = "black" n["style"] = "filled" n["fillcolor"] = "lightgreen" return n else: raise VisualizationError( "Unrecognized style %s for the dag_drawer." % style) edge_attr_func = None else: bit_labels = { bit: f"{}[{idx}]" for reg in list(dag.qregs.values()) + list(dag.cregs.values()) for (idx, bit) in enumerate(reg) } graph_attrs = {"dpi": str(100 * scale)} def node_attr_func(node): if style == "plain": return {} if style == "color": n = {} if isinstance(node, DAGOpNode): n["label"] = n["color"] = "blue" n["style"] = "filled" n["fillcolor"] = "lightblue" if isinstance(node, DAGInNode): n["label"] = bit_labels[node.wire] n["color"] = "black" n["style"] = "filled" n["fillcolor"] = "green" if isinstance(node, DAGOutNode): n["label"] = bit_labels[node.wire] n["color"] = "black" n["style"] = "filled" n["fillcolor"] = "red" return n else: raise VisualizationError("Invalid style %s" % style) def edge_attr_func(edge): e = {} e["label"] = bit_labels[edge] return e dot_str = dag._multi_graph.to_dot(node_attr_func, edge_attr_func, graph_attrs) dot = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_str)[0] if filename: extension = filename.split(".")[-1] dot.write(filename, format=extension) return None elif ("ipykernel" in sys.modules) and ("spyder" not in sys.modules): if not HAS_PIL: raise MissingOptionalLibraryError( libname="pillow", name="dag_drawer", pip_install="pip install pillow", ) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: tmp_path = os.path.join(tmpdirname, "dag.png") dot.write_png(tmp_path) with as test_image: image = test_image.copy() os.remove(tmp_path) return image else: if not HAS_PIL: raise MissingOptionalLibraryError( libname="pillow", name="dag_drawer", pip_install="pip install pillow", ) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: tmp_path = os.path.join(tmpdirname, "dag.png") dot.write_png(tmp_path) image = os.remove(tmp_path) return None
def to_graph(self, png=False, svg=False): import pydot graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph', rankdir='LR', splines='ortho', decorate=True) nodes = {} for c in list(self.containers.values()) + list(self.inputs.values()): node = pydot.Node(, shape='rect') nodes[] = node graph.add_node(node) edges = [] for c in self.containers.values(): target = v = nodes[target] for key, val in c.inputs.items(): if isinstance(val, Symbol): source = label = val.key elif isinstance(val, Input): source = label = '' else: raise Exception() u = nodes[source] graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(u, v, label=label)) edges.append((source, target, label)) if png: png_str = graph.create_png(prog='dot') return png_str else: D_bytes = graph.create_dot(prog='dot') D = str(D_bytes, encoding='utf-8') if D == "": # no data returned print("Graphviz layout with %s failed" % (prog)) print() print("To debug what happened try:") print("P = nx.nx_pydot.to_pydot(G)") print("P.write_dot(\"\")") print("And then run %s on" % (prog)) # List of "pydot.Dot" instances deserialized from this string. Q_list = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(D) assert len(Q_list) == 1 Q = Q_list[0] # return Q def get_node(Q, n): node = Q.get_node(n) if isinstance(node, list) and len(node) == 0: node = Q.get_node('"{}"'.format(n)) assert node return node[0] def get_label_xy(x, y, ex, ey): min_dist = np.inf min_ex, min_ey = [0, 0], [0, 0] for _ex, _ey in zip(zip(ex, ex[1:]), zip(ey, ey[1:])): dist = (np.mean(_ex) - x)**2 + (np.mean(_ey) - y)**2 if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist min_ex[:] = _ex[:] min_ey[:] = _ey[:] if min_ex[0] == min_ex[1]: _x = min_ex[0] _x = np.sign(x - _x) * 10 + _x _y = y else: _x = x _y = min_ey[0] _y = np.sign(y - _y) * 10 + _y return _x, _y - 3 elements = [] bb = Q.get_bb() viewbox = bb[1:-1].replace(',', ' ') for n in nodes.keys(): node = get_node(Q, n) # strip leading and trailing double quotes pos = node.get_pos()[1:-1] if pos is not None: obj = self.get_obj(n) w = float(node.get_width()) h = float(node.get_height()) x, y = map(float, pos.split(",")) attrs = { 'width': w, 'height': h, 'rx': 5, 'ry': 5, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'stroke-width': 1.5, 'fill': 'none', 'stroke': '#48caf9' } elements.append({ 'label': [n, x, y], 'shape': 'rect', 'attrs': attrs, 'latex': obj.latex_src, 'graph': obj.graph_src }) min_x, min_y, scale_w, scale_h = np.inf, np.inf, 0, 0 for el in elements: if min_x > el['attrs']['x']: min_x = el['attrs']['x'] scale_w = 2 * min_x / el['attrs']['width'] if min_y > el['attrs']['y']: min_y = el['attrs']['y'] scale_h = 2 * min_y / el['attrs']['height'] for el in elements: w = scale_w * el['attrs']['width'] h = scale_h * el['attrs']['height'] el['attrs']['x'] = el['attrs']['x'] - w / 2 el['attrs']['y'] = el['attrs']['y'] - h / 2 el['attrs']['width'] = w el['attrs']['height'] = h for e in Q.get_edge_list(): pos = (e.get_pos()[1:-1]).split(' ') ax, ay = [float(v) for v in pos[0].split(',')[1:]] pos = [v.split(',') for v in pos[1:]] xx = [float(v[0]) for v in pos] + [ax] yy = [float(v[1]) for v in pos] + [ay] x, y, _x, _y = [], [], 0, 0 for __x, __y in zip(xx, yy): if not (__x == _x and __y == _y): x.append(__x) y.append(__y) _x = __x _y = __y path = ["{} {}".format(_x, _y) for _x, _y in zip(x, y)] p = 'M' + " L".join(path) attrs = { 'd': p, 'stroke-width': 1.5, 'fill': 'none', 'stroke': 'black' } lp = e.get_lp() if lp: lx, ly = [float(v) for v in lp[1:-1].split(',')] lx, ly = get_label_xy(lx, ly, x, y) label = [e.get_label() or '', lx, ly] elements.append({ 'label': label, 'shape': 'path', 'attrs': attrs }) output = {'elements': elements, 'viewbox': viewbox} return output
import pandas as pd import pydot from IPython.display import SVG data_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', 'charity.txt') df = pd.read_table(data_dir, sep="\t") from pycausal.pycausal import pycausal as pc pc = pc() pc.start_vm() from pycausal import search as s tetrad = s.tetradrunner()'fges', dfs=df, scoreId='sem-bic', dataType='continuous', penaltyDiscount=2, maxDegree=-1, faithfulnessAssumed=True, verbose=True) tetrad.getNodes() tetrad.getEdges() dot_str = pc.tetradGraphToDot(tetrad.getTetradGraph()) graphs = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_str) graphs[0].write_svg('fges-continuous.svg') pc.stop_vm()
def read(string): """ Read a graph from a string in Dot language and return it. Nodes and edges specified in the input will be added to the current graph. @type string: string @param string: Input string in Dot format specifying a graph. @rtype: graph @return: Graph """ dotG = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(string) if (dotG.get_type() == "graph"): G = graph() elif (dotG.get_type() == "digraph"): G = digraph() elif (dotG.get_type() == "hypergraph"): return read_hypergraph(string) else: raise InvalidGraphType # Read nodes... # Note: If the nodes aren't explicitly listed, they need to be for each_node in dotG.get_nodes(): G.add_node(each_node.get_name()) for each_attr_key, each_attr_val in each_node.get_attributes().items(): G.add_node_attribute(each_node.get_name(), (each_attr_key, each_attr_val)) # Read edges... for each_edge in dotG.get_edges(): # Check if the nodes have been added if not G.has_node(each_edge.get_source()): G.add_node(each_edge.get_source()) if not G.has_node(each_edge.get_destination()): G.add_node(each_edge.get_destination()) # See if there's a weight if 'weight' in each_edge.get_attributes().keys(): _wt = each_edge.get_attributes()['weight'] else: _wt = 1 # See if there is a label if 'label' in each_edge.get_attributes().keys(): _label = each_edge.get_attributes()['label'] else: _label = '' G.add_edge((each_edge.get_source(), each_edge.get_destination()), wt=_wt, label=_label) for each_attr_key, each_attr_val in each_edge.get_attributes().items(): if not each_attr_key in ['weight', 'label']: G.add_edge_attribute((each_edge.get_source(), each_edge.get_destination()), \ (each_attr_key, each_attr_val)) return G
# Basic decision tree print("\n\nPart (a-b): simplified decision tree") #dt = DecisionTree(max_depth=3, feature_labels=features), y) #print("Predictions", dt.predict(Z)[:100]) print("\n\nPart (c): sklearn's decision tree") clf = sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0, **params), y) evaluate(clf) out = io.StringIO() sklearn.tree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=out, feature_names=features, class_names=class_names) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(out.getvalue()) pydot.graph_from_dot_data(out.getvalue())[0].write_pdf("%s-tree.pdf" % dataset) # TODO implement and evaluate parts c-h bt = BaggedTrees(), y) #evaluate(bt) zp = bt.predict(Z) np.savetxt('zp_spam', zp, fmt='%d') #bt = RandomForest(m=6),y) #evaluate(bt) #bt = BoostedRandomForest()
def __init__(self, treatment_name, outcome_name, graph=None, common_cause_names=None, instrument_names=None, effect_modifier_names=None, mediator_names=None, observed_node_names=None, missing_nodes_as_confounders=False): self.treatment_name = parse_state(treatment_name) self.outcome_name = parse_state(outcome_name) instrument_names = parse_state(instrument_names) common_cause_names = parse_state(common_cause_names) effect_modifier_names = parse_state(effect_modifier_names) mediator_names = parse_state(mediator_names) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #re.sub only takes string parameter so the first if is to avoid error #if the input is a text file, convert the contained data into string if isinstance(graph, str) and re.match(r".*\.txt", str(graph)): text_file = open(graph, "r") graph = text_file.close() if isinstance(graph, str) and re.match( r"^dag", graph): #Convert daggity output to dot format graph = daggity_to_dot(graph) if isinstance(graph, str): graph = graph.replace("\n", " ") if graph is None: self._graph = nx.DiGraph() self._graph = self.build_graph(common_cause_names, instrument_names, effect_modifier_names, mediator_names) elif re.match(r".*\.dot", graph): # load dot file try: import pygraphviz as pgv self._graph = nx.DiGraph(nx.drawing.nx_agraph.read_dot(graph)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Pygraphviz cannot be loaded. " + str(e) + "\nTrying pydot...") try: import pydot self._graph = nx.DiGraph( nx.drawing.nx_pydot.read_dot(graph)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error: Pydot cannot be loaded. " + str(e)) raise e elif re.match(r".*\.gml", graph): self._graph = nx.DiGraph(nx.read_gml(graph)) elif re.match(r".*graph\s*\{.*\}\s*", graph): try: import pygraphviz as pgv self._graph = pgv.AGraph(graph, strict=True, directed=True) self._graph = nx.drawing.nx_agraph.from_agraph(self._graph) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error: Pygraphviz cannot be loaded. " + str(e) + "\nTrying pydot ...") try: import pydot P_list = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(graph) self._graph = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.from_pydot(P_list[0]) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error: Pydot cannot be loaded. " + str(e)) raise e elif re.match(".*graph\s*\[.*\]\s*", graph): self._graph = nx.DiGraph(nx.parse_gml(graph)) else: self.logger.error( "Error: Please provide graph (as string or text file) in dot or gml format." ) self.logger.error("Error: Incorrect graph format") raise ValueError if missing_nodes_as_confounders: self._graph = self.add_missing_nodes_as_common_causes( observed_node_names) # Adding node attributes self._graph = self.add_node_attributes(observed_node_names)