예제 #1
def test_get_all_commits():
    gr = GitRepository('test-repos/git-1/')
    change_sets = gr.get_change_sets()

    assert 13 == len(change_sets)
    assert 'e7d13b0511f8a176284ce4f92ed8c6e8d09c77f2' == change_sets[0].id
    assert '866e997a9e44cb4ddd9e00efe49361420aff2559' == change_sets[12].id
예제 #2
def test_get_change_sets():
    gr = GitRepository('test-repos/test1/')
    assert gr is not None
    change_sets = gr.get_change_sets()
    to_zone = timezone(timedelta(hours=1))

    cs1 = ChangeSet('a88c84ddf42066611e76e6cb690144e5357d132c',
                    datetime(2018, 3, 22, 10, 41, 11, tzinfo=to_zone))
    cs2 = ChangeSet('6411e3096dd2070438a17b225f44475136e54e3a',
                    datetime(2018, 3, 22, 10, 41, 47, tzinfo=to_zone))
    cs3 = ChangeSet('09f6182cef737db02a085e1d018963c7a29bde5a',
                    datetime(2018, 3, 22, 10, 42, 3, tzinfo=to_zone))
    to_zone = timezone(timedelta(hours=2))
    cs4 = ChangeSet('1f99848edadfffa903b8ba1286a935f1b92b2845',
                    datetime(2018, 3, 27, 17, 10, 52, tzinfo=to_zone))

    assert cs1 in change_sets
    assert cs2 in change_sets
    assert cs3 in change_sets
    assert cs4 in change_sets
    assert 5 == len(change_sets)
예제 #3
class RepositoryMining:
    def __init__(self,
                 path_to_repo: str,
                 single: str = None,
                 since: datetime = None,
                 to: datetime = None,
                 from_commit: str = None,
                 to_commit: str = None,
                 from_tag: str = None,
                 to_tag: str = None,
                 reversed_order: bool = False,
                 only_in_main_branch: bool = False,
                 only_in_branches: List[str] = None,
                 only_modifications_with_file_types: List[str] = None,
                 only_no_merge: bool = False,
                 num_threads: int = 1):
        Init a repository mining.

        :param str path_to_repo: absolute path to the repository you have to analyze
        :param str single: hash of a single commit to analyze
        :param datetime since: starting date
        :param datetime to: ending date
        :param str from_commit: starting commit (only if `since` is None)
        :param str to_commit: ending commit (only if `to` is None)
        :param str from_tag: starting the analysis from specified tag (only if `since` and `from_commit` are None)
        :param str to_tag: ending the analysis from specified tag (only if `to` and `to_commit` are None)
        :param bool reversed_order: whether the commits should be analyzed in reversed order
        :param bool only_in_main_branch: whether only commits in main branch should be analyzed
        :param List[str] only_in_branches: only commits in these branches will be analyzed
        :param List[str] only_modifications_with_file_types: only modifications with that file types will be analyzed
        :param bool only_no_merge: if True, merges will not be analyzed
        self.git_repo = GitRepository(path_to_repo)
        self.single = single
        self.since = since
        self.to = to
        self.reversed_order = reversed_order
        self.only_in_main_branch = only_in_main_branch
        self.only_in_branches = only_in_branches
        self.only_modifications_with_file_types = only_modifications_with_file_types
        self.only_no_merge = only_no_merge
        self.num_threads = num_threads

        self._check_filters(from_commit, from_tag, since, single, to,
                            to_commit, to_tag)

    def _check_filters(self, from_commit, from_tag, since, single, to,
                       to_commit, to_tag):
        if single is not None:
            if since is not None or to is not None or from_commit is not None or \
                   to_commit is not None or from_tag is not None or to_tag is not None:
                raise Exception(
                    'You can not specify a single commit with other filters')

        if from_commit is not None:
            if since is not None:
                raise Exception(
                    'You can not specify both <since date> and <from commit>')
            self.since = self.git_repo.get_commit(from_commit).author_date

        if to_commit is not None:
            if to is not None:
                raise Exception(
                    'You can not specify both <to date> and <to commit>')
            self.to = self.git_repo.get_commit(to_commit).author_date

        if from_tag is not None:
            if since is not None or from_commit is not None:
                raise Exception(
                    'You can not specify <since date> or <from commit> when using <from tag>'
            self.since = self.git_repo.get_commit_from_tag(

        if to_tag is not None:
            if to is not None or to_commit is not None:
                raise Exception(
                    'You can not specify <to date> or <to commit> when using <to tag>'
            self.to = self.git_repo.get_commit_from_tag(to_tag).author_date

    def traverse_commits(self) -> Generator[Commit, None, None]:
        Analyze all the specified commits (all of them by default), returning
        a generator of commits.
        logger.info('Git repository in {}'.format(self.git_repo.path))
        all_cs = self._apply_filters_on_changesets(

        if not self.reversed_order:

        for cs in all_cs:
            commit = self.git_repo.get_commit(cs.id)
                'Commit #{} in {} from {} with {} modifications'.format(
                    commit.hash, commit.author_date, commit.author.name,

            if self._is_commit_filtered(commit):
                logger.info('Commit #{} filtered'.format(commit.hash))

            yield commit

    def _is_commit_filtered(self, commit: Commit):
        if self.only_in_main_branch is True and commit.in_main_branch is False:
            logger.debug('Commit filtered for main branch')
            return True
        if self.only_in_branches is not None:
            logger.debug('Commit filtered for only in branches')
            if not self._commit_branch_in_branches(commit):
                return True
        if self.only_modifications_with_file_types is not None:
            logger.debug('Commit filtered for modification types')
            if not self._has_modification_with_file_type(commit):
                return True
        if self.only_no_merge is True and commit.merge is True:
            logger.debug('Commit filtered for no merge')
            return True
        return False

    def _commit_branch_in_branches(self, commit: Commit):
        for branch in commit.branches:
            if branch in self.only_in_branches:
                return True
        return False

    def _has_modification_with_file_type(self, commit):
        for mod in commit.modifications:
            if mod.filename.endswith(
                return True
        return False

    def _apply_filters_on_changesets(
            self, all_cs: List[ChangeSet]) -> List[ChangeSet]:
        res = []

        if self._all_filters_are_none():
            return all_cs

        for cs in all_cs:
            if self.single is not None and cs.id == self.single:
                return [cs]
            if self.since is None or self.since <= cs.date:
                if self.to is None or cs.date <= self.to:
        return res

    def _all_filters_are_none(self):
        return self.single is None and self.since is None and self.to is None

    def _check_timezones(self):
        if self.since is not None:
            if self.since.tzinfo is None or self.since.tzinfo.utcoffset(
                    self.since) is None:
                self.since = self.since.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        if self.to is not None:
            if self.to.tzinfo is None or self.to.tzinfo.utcoffset(
                    self.to) is None:
                self.to = self.to.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)