def main(args): in_channels = 3 in_height = 224 in_width = 224 print("Importing ONNX model") net = eddl.import_net_from_onnx_file(args.model_fn, [in_channels, in_height, in_width]) # Add a softmax layer to get probabilities directly from the model input_ = net.lin[0] # getLayer(net,"input_layer_name") output = net.lout[0] # getLayer(net,"output_layer_name") new_output = eddl.Softmax(output) net = eddl.Model([input_], [new_output]) net, eddl.adam(0.001), # not used for prediction ["softmax_cross_entropy"], # not used for prediction ["categorical_accuracy"], # not used for prediction eddl.CS_GPU() if args.gpu else eddl.CS_CPU(), False # Disable model initialization, we want to use the ONNX weights ) eddl.summary(net) image = Tensor.load(args.img_fn) image_preprocessed = preprocess_input_resnet34(image, [in_height, in_width]) outputs = eddl.predict(net, [image_preprocessed]) print("Reading class names...") with open(args.classes_fn, "rt") as f: class_names = [_.strip() for _ in f] print("Top 5 predictions:") print(eddl.get_topk_predictions(outputs[0], class_names, 5))
def main(args): eddl.download_mnist() in_ = eddl.Input([784]) layer = in_ layer = eddl.Activation(eddl.Dense(layer, 256), "relu") layer = eddl.Activation(eddl.Dense(layer, 128), "relu") layer = eddl.Activation(eddl.Dense(layer, 64), "relu") layer = eddl.Activation(eddl.Dense(layer, 128), "relu") layer = eddl.Activation(eddl.Dense(layer, 256), "relu") out = eddl.Dense(layer, 784) net = eddl.Model([in_], [out]) net, eddl.sgd(0.001, 0.9), ["mean_squared_error"], ["mean_squared_error"], eddl.CS_GPU(mem=args.mem) if args.gpu else eddl.CS_CPU(mem=args.mem)) eddl.summary(net) eddl.plot(net, "model.pdf") x_train = Tensor.load("mnist_trX.bin") if args.small: x_train =[":6000"]) x_train.div_(255.0), [x_train], [x_train], args.batch_size, args.epochs) tout = eddl.predict(net, [x_train]) tout[0].info() print("All done")
def main(args): slide_fn = args.slide_fn level = args.level ## Load model net = models.tissue_detector_DNN(), eddl.rmsprop(0.00001), ["soft_cross_entropy"], ["categorical_accuracy"], eddl.CS_GPU() if args.gpu else eddl.CS_CPU()) eddl.load(net, args.weights_fn, "bin") eddl.summary(net) ## Load Slide slide_T, s = read_slide(slide_fn, level) ## Compute tissue mask #len_T = slide_T.getShape()[0] #bs = args.batch_size #nb = int(np.ceil((len_T / bs))) #print ("n. batches: %d" % nb) #output_l = [] #for b in range(nb): # start = bs*b # stop = bs*(b+1) if bs*(b+1) < len_T else len_T # b_T =["%d:%d" % (start, stop)]) output_l = eddl.predict(net, [slide_T]) print(output_l) ## Binarize the output mask = get_mask(output_l, s, args.threshold)"mask", mask)
def get_tissue_mask(self, np_img, channel_first=True, BGR=False, get_prob=False): """ @np_img: numpy array of a PIL image (x,y,4) if alpha channel is present or (x, y, 3) if alpha channel not present @channel_first: boolean to specify if the image is channel first (3,x,y) or channel last (x,y,3) (3 is replaced by 4 if alpha is present) returns a (x,y) numpy array with binary values (0:bg, 1:tissue) """ if channel_first: np_img = np_img.transpose((1, 2, 0)) # Convert to channel last if BGR: np_img = np_img[ ..., :: -1] # Convert from BGR to RGB assuming a channel_last image s = np_img.shape n_px = s[0] * s[1] np_img = np_img[:, :, :3].reshape(n_px, 3) if not self.model: print("Cannot make predictions without a model. Please, load one!") return None ## From numpy array to eddl tensor to predict t_eval = Tensor.fromarray(np_img) output_l = eddl.predict(self.model, [t_eval]) # Prediction.. get probabilities if get_prob: output_np_l = [ i.getdata()[:, 1] for i in output_l ] ## Create a list f numpy array from output tensors else: output_np_l = self.__get_binary_mask( output_l, ## Get the actual mask (binarization) mask_values = np.vstack(output_np_l) mask = mask_values.reshape((s[0], s[1])) return mask
def main(args): """ Test a model of a patient in the detection of seizures. """ # Arguments index_test = [args.index] patient_id = model_id = args.model batch_size = args.batch_size gpus = args.gpus exp_dir = args.dir # Create Data Generator object for the test set print('Creating Test Data Generator...', file=sys.stderr) dg_test = RawRecurrentDataGenerator(index_filenames=index_test, window_length = 1, shift = 0.5, timesteps = 19, sampling_rate = 256, # in Hz batch_size=batch_size, in_training_mode=False, patient_id=patient_id) # model_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'models') # Find best model in the models directory best_model = dict() # {epoch: model_filename} for file in os.listdir(model_dir): if 'best' in file: w = file.split('_') for i in range(len(w)): if w[i] == 'epoch': epoch = int(w[i + 1]) break # best_model[epoch] = file # # Get the highest epoch model filename - which is the best model - best_model_name = best_model[max(best_model.keys())] print(f'Evaluating best model with the test set -> {best_model_name}', file=sys.stderr) model_filename = os.path.join(model_dir, best_model_name) # Load the model in the eddl print('Loading the model...', file=sys.stderr) net = create_model(model_id=model_id, input_shape=None, # Not needed if we are loading num_classes=2, filename=model_filename, gpus=gpus) # # Get predictions for the test set with the best model print('Testing the model with the test signals...', file=sys.stderr) Y_true_single_channel = list() Y_pred_single_channel = list() Y_true = list() Y_pred = list() for j in tqdm(range(len(dg_test))): x, y = dg_test[j] channels_y_pred = list() for channel in range(x.shape[3]): x_channel = x[:, :, :, channel] channel_tensor_batch = Tensor.fromarray(x_channel) # Forward and backward of the channel through the net (y_pred, ) = eddl.predict(net, [channel_tensor_batch]) y_pred = y_pred.getdata() channels_y_pred.append(y_pred) Y_pred_single_channel += y_pred.argmax(axis=1).tolist() Y_true_single_channel += y.tolist() channels_y_pred = numpy.array(channels_y_pred) # (23, batch_size, 2) channels_y_pred = numpy.sum(channels_y_pred, axis=0) # print(channels_y_pred.shape) -> (batch_size, 2) Y_true += y.tolist() Y_pred += channels_y_pred.argmax(axis=1).tolist() # y_true = numpy.array(Y_true) * 1.0 y_pred = numpy.array(Y_pred) * 1.0 y_true_single_channel = numpy.array(Y_true_single_channel) * 1.0 y_pred_single_channel = numpy.array(Y_pred_single_channel) * 1.0 # Calculate and print basic metrics test_accuracy_single_channel = sum(y_true_single_channel == y_pred_single_channel) / len(y_true_single_channel) cnf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true_single_channel, y_pred_single_channel) report = classification_report(y_true_single_channel, y_pred_single_channel) fscore_single_channel = f1_score(y_true_single_channel, y_pred_single_channel, labels=[0, 1], average='macro') print('***************************************************************\n', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Test results\n', file=sys.stderr) print(' -- Single channel results (no combination of channels) --\n', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Test accuracy : {test_accuracy_single_channel}', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Test macro f1-score : {fscore_single_channel}', file=sys.stderr) print('Confussion matrix:', file=sys.stderr) print(f'{cnf_matrix}\n', file=sys.stderr) print('Classification report:', file=sys.stderr) print(report, file=sys.stderr) print('\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n', file=sys.stderr) test_accuracy = sum(y_true == y_pred) / len(y_true) cnf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) report = classification_report(y_true, y_pred) fscore = f1_score(y_true, y_pred, labels=[0, 1], average='macro') print(' -- All channels involved (combined for each timestamp) --\n', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Test accuracy : {test_accuracy}', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Test macro f1-score : {fscore}', file=sys.stderr) print('Confussion matrix:', file=sys.stderr) print(f'{cnf_matrix}\n', file=sys.stderr) print('Classification report:', file=sys.stderr) print(report, file=sys.stderr) print('\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n', file=sys.stderr) # Calculate and print other metrics: acc_window, latency, fp_h, recall = calculate_detection_metrics( y_true, y_pred, sample_shift=args.sample_shift, sliding_window_length=args.window_length, alpha_pos=args.alpha_pos, alpha_neg=args.alpha_neg, detection_threshold=args.detection_threshold ) print('Global metrics after inference\n\n', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Accuracy of the sliding window: {acc_window * 100.0:.4f}', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Percentage of detected seizures: {recall * 100.0:.4f}', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Average latency: {latency} seconds', file=sys.stderr) print(f'False Alarms per Hour: {fp_h}', file=sys.stderr) print('***************************************************************\n\n', file=sys.stderr)
def main(args): """ Train a model on epilepsy detection with recurrent neural networks. """ index_training = [args.index] index_validation = [args.index_val] patient_id = model_id = args.model epochs = args.epochs batch_size = args.batch_size resume_dir = args.resume starting_epoch = args.starting_epoch gpus = args.gpus model_checkpoint = None # Create dirs for the experiment if resume_dir is None: os.makedirs('experiments', exist_ok=True) exp_name = f'detection_recurrent_{patient_id}_LSTM' exp_dir = f'experiments/{exp_name}' os.makedirs(exp_dir, exist_ok=False) os.makedirs(exp_dir + '/models') else: exp_dir = resume_dir model_dir = exp_dir + '/models' for f in os.listdir(model_dir): if 'last' in f: model_checkpoint = os.path.join(model_dir, f) # if model_checkpoint is None: raise Exception(f'Last model not found in {model_dir}') # log_file = open(f'{exp_dir}/training_log.txt', 'w') log_file.write('epoch, train_loss, train_acc, val_acc_single_channel,' + ' val_f1score_single_channel, val_acc, val_f1score\n') log_file.flush() # Data Generator Object for training print('\n\nCreating Training Data Generator...', file=sys.stderr) dg = RawRecurrentDataGenerator( index_filenames=index_training, window_length=args.window_length, # in seconds shift=args.shift, # in seconds timesteps=args.timesteps, # in seconds sampling_rate=256, # in Hz batch_size=batch_size, in_training_mode=True, balance_batches=True, patient_id=patient_id) # print('\n\nCreating Validation Data Generator...', file=sys.stderr) dg_val = RawRecurrentDataGenerator( index_filenames=index_validation, window_length=args.window_length, shift=args.shift, timesteps=args.timesteps, sampling_rate=256, # in Hz batch_size=batch_size, in_training_mode=False, patient_id=patient_id) net = create_model(model_id, dg.input_shape, num_classes=2, filename=model_checkpoint, gpus=gpus) # best_val_acc = 0.0 for epoch in range(starting_epoch, epochs): print(f'\nTraining epoch {epoch+1} of {epochs}...', file=sys.stderr) dg.shuffle_data() # TRAINING STAGE eddl.reset_loss(net) # Set a progress bar for the training loop pbar = tqdm(range(len(dg))) for i in pbar: # Load batch of data x, y = dg[i] _y_ = numpy.zeros([len(y), 2]) for i in range(2): _y_[y == i, i] = 1 _y_ = _y_.reshape((len(y), 1, 2)) y = Tensor.fromarray(_y_) for channel in range(x.shape[3]): x_channel = x[:, :, :, channel] channel_tensor_batch = Tensor.fromarray(x_channel) # Forward and backward of the channel through the net eddl.train_batch(net, [channel_tensor_batch], [y]) losses = eddl.get_losses(net) #metrics = eddl.get_metrics(net) pbar.set_description( f'Training[loss={losses[0]:.5f}, acc=Not Available]') print() # VALIDATION print(f'\nValidation epoch {epoch+1}', file=sys.stderr) Y_true_single_channel = list() Y_pred_single_channel = list() Y_true = list() Y_pred = list() for j in tqdm(range(len(dg_val))): x, y = dg_val[j] channels_y_pred = list() for channel in range(x.shape[3]): x_channel = x[:, :, :, channel] channel_tensor_batch = Tensor.fromarray(x_channel) # Forward and backward of the channel through the net (y_pred, ) = eddl.predict(net, [channel_tensor_batch]) y_pred = y_pred.getdata() channels_y_pred.append(y_pred) Y_pred_single_channel += y_pred.argmax(axis=1).tolist() Y_true_single_channel += y.tolist() channels_y_pred = numpy.array(channels_y_pred) # (23, batch_size, 2) channels_y_pred = numpy.sum(channels_y_pred, axis=0) channels_y_pred = channels_y_pred / 23.0 # print(channels_y_pred.shape) -> (batch_size, 2) Y_true += y.tolist() Y_pred += channels_y_pred.argmax(axis=1).tolist() # y_true = numpy.array(Y_true) * 1.0 y_pred = numpy.array(Y_pred) * 1.0 y_true_single_channel = numpy.array(Y_true_single_channel) * 1.0 y_pred_single_channel = numpy.array(Y_pred_single_channel) * 1.0 val_accuracy_single_channel = sum( y_true_single_channel == y_pred_single_channel) / len( y_true_single_channel) cnf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true_single_channel, y_pred_single_channel) report = classification_report(y_true_single_channel, y_pred_single_channel) fscore_single_channel = f1_score(y_true_single_channel, y_pred_single_channel, labels=[0, 1], average='macro') print( '***************************************************************\n', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Epoch {epoch + 1}: Validation results\n', file=sys.stderr) print(' -- Single channel results (no combination of channels) --\n', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Validation acc : {val_accuracy_single_channel}', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Validation macro f1-score : {fscore_single_channel}', file=sys.stderr) print('Confussion matrix:', file=sys.stderr) print(f'{cnf_matrix}\n', file=sys.stderr) print('Classification report:', file=sys.stderr) print(report, file=sys.stderr) print( '\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n', file=sys.stderr) val_accuracy = sum(y_true == y_pred) / len(y_true) cnf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) report = classification_report(y_true, y_pred) fscore = f1_score(y_true, y_pred, labels=[0, 1], average='macro') print(' -- All channels involved (combined for each timestamp) --\n', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Validation acc : {val_accuracy}', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Validation macro f1-score : {fscore}', file=sys.stderr) print('Confussion matrix:', file=sys.stderr) print(f'{cnf_matrix}\n', file=sys.stderr) print('Classification report:', file=sys.stderr) print(report, file=sys.stderr) print( '***************************************************************\n\n', file=sys.stderr) log_file.write('%d,%d,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g\n' % (epoch, -1, losses[0], val_accuracy_single_channel, fscore_single_channel, val_accuracy, fscore)) log_file.flush() # Save best model if (val_accuracy > best_val_acc): best_val_acc = val_accuracy eddl.save_net_to_onnx_file( net, f'{exp_dir}/models/best_model_epoch_{epoch:04d}_val_acc_{val_accuracy:.4f}.onnx' ) eddl.save_net_to_onnx_file(net, f'{exp_dir}/models/last.onnx') # log_file.close()