예제 #1
파일: pfd.py 프로젝트: rjgritter/pyEfis
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(Screen, self).__init__(parent)
        self.parent = parent
        p = self.parent.palette()

        self.screenColor = (0,0,0)
        if self.screenColor:
            p.setColor(self.backgroundRole(), QColor(*self.screenColor))

        self.ai = VirtualVfr(self)
        self.ai.fontSize = 20
        self.ai.pitchDegreesShown = 90

        self.alt_tape = altimeter.Altimeter_Tape(self)
        self.alt_Trend = vsi.Alt_Trend_Tape(self)
        self.as_tape = airspeed.Airspeed_Tape(self)
        #self.as_Trend = vsi.AS_Trend_Tape(self)
        self.asd_Box = airspeed.Airspeed_Mode(self)
        self.hsi = hsi.HSI(self, font_size=12, fgcolor="#0030FF")
        self.heading_disp = hsi.HeadingDisplay(self, font_size=12, fgcolor="#0030FF")
        self.alt_setting = gauges.NumericDisplay(self)
        self.alt_setting.dbkey = "BARO"
        self.alt_setting.decimalPlaces = 2
        self.tc = tc.TurnCoordinator(self, dial=False)

        self.map_g = gauges.ArcGauge(self)
        self.map_g.name = "MAP"
        self.map_g.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.map_g.dbkey = "MAP1"

        self.rpm = gauges.ArcGauge(self)
        self.rpm.name = "RPM"
        self.rpm.decimalPlaces = 0
        self.rpm.dbkey = "TACH1"

        self.op = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.op.name = "Oil Press"
        self.op.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.op.dbkey = "OILP1"

        self.ot = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.ot.name = "Oil Temp"
        # Use a lambda to convert the values internally
        self.ot.conversionFunction1 = lambda x: x * (9.0/5.0) + 32.0
        self.ot.conversionFunction2 = lambda x: x
        # This causes the units sent from the server to be overridden
        self.ot.unitsOverride1 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}F'
        self.ot.unitsOverride2 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}C'
        self.ot.dbkey = "OILT1"

        self.fuel = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.fuel.name = "Fuel Qty"
        self.fuel.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.fuel.dbkey = "FUELQT"

        self.ff = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.ff.name = "Fuel Flow"
        self.ff.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.ff.dbkey = "FUELF1"

        self.cht = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.cht.name = "Max CHT"
        # Use a lambda to convert the values internally
        self.cht.conversionFunction1 = lambda x: x * (9.0/5.0) + 32.0
        self.cht.conversionFunction2 = lambda x: x
        # This causes the units sent from the server to be overridden
        self.cht.unitsOverride1 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}F'
        self.cht.unitsOverride2 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}C'
        self.cht.unitGroup = "Temperature"
        self.cht.dbkey = "CHTMAX1"

        self.egt = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.egt.name = "Avg EGT"
        # Use a lambda to convert the values internally
        self.egt.conversionFunction1 = lambda x: x * (9.0/5.0) + 32.0
        self.egt.conversionFunction2 = lambda x: x
        # This causes the units sent from the server to be overridden
        self.egt.unitsOverride1 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}F'
        self.egt.unitsOverride2 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}C'
        self.egt.unitGroup = "Temperature"
        self.egt.decimalPlaces = 0
        self.egt.dbkey = "EGTAVG1"
예제 #2
파일: ems_sm.py 프로젝트: mikessut/pyEfis
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(Screen, self).__init__(parent)
        self.parent = parent
        p = self.parent.palette()
        self.cylCount = 4

        self.screenColor = (0, 0, 0)
        if self.screenColor:
            p.setColor(self.backgroundRole(), QColor(*self.screenColor))

        self.rpm = gauges.ArcGauge(self)
        self.rpm.name = "RPM"
        self.rpm.decimalPlaces = 0
        self.rpm.dbkey = "TACH1"

        self.map_g = gauges.ArcGauge(self)
        self.map_g.name = "MAP"
        self.map_g.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.map_g.dbkey = "MAP1"

        self.op = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.op.name = "Oil Press"
        self.op.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.op.dbkey = "OILP1"

        self.ot = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.ot.name = "Oil Temp"
        # Use a lambda to convert the values internally
        self.ot.conversionFunction1 = lambda x: x * (9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0
        self.ot.conversionFunction2 = lambda x: x
        # This causes the units sent from the server to be overridden
        self.ot.unitsOverride1 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}F'
        self.ot.unitsOverride2 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}C'

        self.ot.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.ot.dbkey = "OILT1"

        self.fuel = misc.StaticText("Fuel", parent=self)

        self.fuell = gauges.VerticalBar(self)
        self.fuell.name = "Left"
        self.fuell.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.fuell.showUnits = False
        self.fuell.dbkey = "FUELQ1"

        self.fuelr = gauges.VerticalBar(self)
        self.fuelr.name = "Right"
        self.fuelr.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.fuelr.showUnits = False
        self.fuelr.dbkey = "FUELQ2"

        self.ff = gauges.VerticalBar(self)
        self.ff.name = "Flow"
        self.ff.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.ff.showUnits = False
        self.ff.dbkey = "FUELF1"

        self.fuelp = gauges.VerticalBar(self)
        self.fuelp.name = "Press"
        self.fuelp.decimalPlaces = 0
        self.fuelp.showUnits = False
        self.fuelp.dbkey = "FUELP1"

        self.fuelt = gauges.NumericDisplay(self)
        self.fuelt.name = "Total"
        self.fuelt.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.fuelt.dbkey = "FUELQT"
        self.fuelt.showUnits = False
        self.fuelt.showName = False

        self.volts = gauges.VerticalBar(self)
        self.volts.name = "Volt"
        self.volts.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.volts.showUnits = False
        self.volts.dbkey = "VOLT"

        self.current = gauges.VerticalBar(self)
        self.current.name = "Amp"
        self.current.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.current.showUnits = False
        self.current.dbkey = "CURRNT"

        self.cht = misc.StaticText("CHT", parent=self)
        self.chts = []
        for x in range(self.cylCount):
            cht = gauges.VerticalBar(self)

            cht.name = str(x + 1)
            cht.decimalPlaces = 0
            cht.conversionFunction1 = lambda x: x * (9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0
            cht.conversionFunction2 = lambda x: x
            #cht.unitsOverride1 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}F'
            #cht.unitsOverride2 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}C'
            cht.unitGroup = "Temperature"
            cht.showUnits = False
            cht.dbkey = "CHT1{}".format(x + 1)
            item = fix.db.get_item(cht.dbkey)

        self.chtmaxlabel = misc.StaticText("MAX", parent=self)

        self.chtmax = gauges.NumericDisplay(self)
        self.chtmax.name = "CHT Max"
        self.chtmax.decimalPlaces = 0
        self.chtmax.conversionFunction1 = lambda x: x * (9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0
        self.chtmax.conversionFunction2 = lambda x: x
        self.chtmax.unitsOverride1 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}F'
        self.chtmax.unitsOverride2 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}C'
        self.chtmax.unitGroup = "Temperature"
        self.chtmax.dbkey = "CHTMAX1"

        self.egt = misc.StaticText("EGT", parent=self)
        self.egtgroup = gauges.EGTGroup(self, self.cylCount,
                                        ["EGT11", "EGT12", "EGT13", "EGT14"])

        self.hobbslabel = misc.StaticText("Engine Time", parent=self)

        self.hobbs = gauges.NumericDisplay(self)
        self.hobbs.name = "Hobbs"
        self.hobbs.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.hobbs.dbkey = "HOBBS1"
        self.hobbs.alignment = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
        self.hobbs.showUnits = True
        self.hobbs.smallFontPercent = 0.6

        self.oatlabel = misc.StaticText("OAT", parent=self)
        self.oatlabel.alignment = Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter

        self.oat = gauges.NumericDisplay(self)
        self.oat.name = "OAT"
        self.oat.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.oat.dbkey = "OAT"
        self.oat.alignment = Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter
        self.oat.conversionFunction1 = lambda x: x * (9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0
        self.oat.conversionFunction2 = lambda x: x
        self.oat.unitsOverride1 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}F'
        self.oat.unitsOverride2 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}C'
        self.oat.showUnits = True
        self.oat.smallFontPercent = 0.6

        self.timez = misc.ValueDisplay(self)
        self.timez.dbkey = "TIMEZ"
예제 #3
파일: pfd_sm.py 프로젝트: rjgritter/pyEfis
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(Screen, self).__init__(parent)
        self.parent = parent
        p = self.parent.palette()

        self.screenColor = (0, 0, 0)
        if self.screenColor:
            p.setColor(self.backgroundRole(), QColor(*self.screenColor))

        self.ai = ai.AI(self)
        self.ai.fontSize = 19
        self.ai.bankMarkSize = 10
        self.ai.pitchDegreesShown = 60
        self.ai.bankAngleRadius = 150

        self.alt_tape = altimeter.Altimeter_Tape(self)
        #self.alt_Trend = vsi.Alt_Trend_Tape(self)
        self.as_tape = airspeed.Airspeed_Tape(self)
        #self.as_Trend = vsi.AS_Trend_Tape(self)
        #self.asd_Box = airspeed.Airspeed_Mode(self)
        self.head_tape = hsi.DG_Tape(self)
        #self.alt_setting = altimeter.Altimeter_Setting(self)

        self.map_g = gauges.ArcGauge(self)
        self.map_g.name = "MAP"
        self.map_g.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.map_g.dbkey = "MAP1"

        self.rpm = gauges.ArcGauge(self)
        self.rpm.name = "RPM"
        self.rpm.decimalPlaces = 0
        self.rpm.dbkey = "TACH1"

        self.op = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.op.name = "Oil Press"
        self.op.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.op.dbkey = "OILP1"

        self.ot = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.ot.name = "Oil Temp"
        # Use a lambda to convert the values internally
        self.ot.conversionFunction1 = lambda x: x * (9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0
        self.ot.conversionFunction2 = lambda x: x
        # This causes the units sent from the server to be overridden
        self.ot.unitsOverride1 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}F'
        self.ot.unitsOverride2 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}C'
        self.ot.dbkey = "OILT1"

        self.fuel = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.fuel.name = "Fuel Qty"
        self.fuel.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.fuel.dbkey = "FUELQT"

        self.ff = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.ff.name = "Fuel Flow"
        self.ff.decimalPlaces = 1
        self.ff.dbkey = "FUELF1"

        self.cht = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.cht.name = "Max CHT"
        # Use a lambda to convert the values internally
        self.cht.conversionFunction1 = lambda x: x * (9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0
        self.cht.conversionFunction2 = lambda x: x
        # This causes the units sent from the server to be overridden
        self.cht.unitsOverride1 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}F'
        self.cht.unitsOverride2 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}C'
        self.cht.unitGroup = "Temperature"
        self.cht.dbkey = "CHTMAX1"

        self.egt = gauges.HorizontalBar(self)
        self.egt.name = "Avg EGT"
        # Use a lambda to convert the values internally
        self.egt.conversionFunction1 = lambda x: x * (9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0
        self.egt.conversionFunction2 = lambda x: x
        # This causes the units sent from the server to be overridden
        self.egt.unitsOverride1 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}F'
        self.egt.unitsOverride2 = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}C'
        self.egt.unitGroup = "Temperature"
        self.egt.decimalPlaces = 0
        self.egt.dbkey = "EGTAVG1"